From inside the pentagram….


“Never do a thing concerning the rectitude of which you are in doubt.”

~~ Pliny the Younger — Letters, Book i, Letter xviii, 5 ~~

not so crooked

Shadow of a not-so-crooked old man….

Hajime…. As I sit to begin this morning, I am struck by just how important to my sanity this process has become. Of course, sanity is a question-begging term for most folks, Most ffolkes, too. For me, it’s not a question, at all, at all. I am crazy as a bed-bug, as the saying goes, but, rather than suffer from it, I tend to revel in it. But, then, I am strange, and have accepted it as reality. In fact, being ‘tetched’, as it were, has afforded me untold opportunities in Life, of which otherwise I might never have seen or heard, to my everlasting regret. Since I don’t believe in regrets, I chose insanity.

You see, insanity is not the boojum most folks would have us believe. It is merely another of the many states of mind we humans can adopt, a state which, in truth, is merely another method humans have developed to deal with a big, scary universe they don’t always understand. It isn’t, as we are told, a bad method, it’s merely strange, compared to what most people have experienced. Strange and different don’t always have to mean ‘bad’; if it works to help the person deal with life more effectively than their previous method, well, so be it, in my book. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

But, the rest of the world doesn’t much like strange and different; those two adjectives have, unfortunately, been given a bad rap, in my estimation, and needn’t be viewed askance any more than any other such superlatives. In fact, they offer many advantages the merely sane are unable to even perceive, and, in their own way, are honorable methods for dealing with Life at Large. Well, I find them so, anyway….

I think I’m lost. I haven’t a clue how we got to this point, other than by indulging my own talent for blather. Since we’ve gotten to this point without having any real direction, perhaps it would be best to get on with the show, before we reach the point of no return. We need the return, for the deposit. Therefore, I am calling a halt to any further nonsense, sense, or blather, and will now flip this little switch right over here, which should take us directly to the oyster beds, express-style…. Hang on….

Shall we Pearl?….

“Mongo only pawn… in game of life.”

~~ Alex Karras in “Blazing Saddles” ~~


bonnie (2)

Bonnie Raitt

The musical selection for today is an example of pure self-indulgence. I feel like listening to something both soothing, and hot. I can’t think of a better artist to cover both. Here is a live concert from the Oakland Coliseum in 1989. It just doesn’t get any better than this, ffolkes, not in my world…. Enjoy, if you will….


Bonnie Raitt Live





Dont keep calm

    Yesterday, for a time, before my back & shoulders began to react to the oncoming rain we’re expecting today, I spent time commenting on a friend’s blog. He posts mostly about politics and issues in the Middle East, and can be found here: 

My comments became rather a lengthy series of mini-rants, and, apparently, have cleared out any angst that had built up. So, in today’s section reserved for such ranting, you get an old-school pearl, designed to create more angst, or, as we like to call it sometimes, stimulating our rage against the Machine…. It isn’t the most pointed pearl ever, but, it gets rather esoteric and strange in spots…. As well, it’s got some rather tasty shots…. Enjoy!….

“The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” — Aristotle

“In all levels of life, the sheep are safe only when the wolves are not hungry.” — F. J. Lovret

“If you have ever seen a four-year-old trying to lord it over a two-year-old, then you know what the basic problem of human nature is — and why government keeps growing larger and ever more intrusive.” — Thomas Sowell

“When I was seven years old, I was once reprimanded by my mother for an act of collective brutality in which I had been involved at school. A group of seven-year-olds had been teasing and tormenting a six-year-old.  It is always so, my mother said. You do things together which not one of you would think of doing alone…. Wherever one looks in the world of human organization, collective responsibility brings a lowering of moral standards. The military establishment is an extreme case, an organization which seems to have been expressly designed to make it possible for people to do things together which nobody in his right mind would do alone.” — Freeman Dyson, Weapons and Hope

“A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” — Paul Simon

“King Arthur and his armored goons of the Round Table functioned as the Politburo of a slave state: Camelot. Of all who have written on the Matter of Arthur, from Malory to White, only Mark Twain understood this. But Mark Twain was a great writer.” — Edward Abbey

“How many Presidential family members does it take to screw in a light bulb in the White House? Two, Hillary for her office, Bill for the rest of the White House.” — Snarky Bee

“I am quite sure that (bar one) I have no race prejudices, and I think I have no color prejudices or caste prejudices nor creed prejudices. Indeed I know it. I can stand any society. all that I care to know is that a man is a human being – that is enough for me; he can’t be any worse.” — Mark Twain — Harper’s Magazine, September, 1899

“If voting could change the system it would be illegal.  If not voting could change the system it would be illegal.” — Schroedinger’s Cat

“Our subjectivity
Is a mirrored,
Spiked casket.”

~~ Deng Ming-Dao ~~



After the odyssey….

Portraits of iconic symbols, crashing, singing, forgotten;
evolving into mature innovation, as yet pale, and rotten.
Still water justly breeds, impenetrable primal verses resound;
unholy moments tarry, emotion swirls in passion unbound

Spiritual ovulation precedes each pregnant pause;
gravid, time moves on, following destiny’s cause.
Cast adrift on waves of confusion, to a final, damp landing;
salvation beckons sweetly, fed well on understanding.

Dreams directly fall, in night’s grey bower, unbidden;
lingering flavors in simple taste, lovingly, cleverly hidden.
Childish laughter sounds, joyful, bright, and clear;
no need ever to hide, no more monsters to fear.

Temper most foul arrives under unregistered mail;
forgotten taunts live on, lashed by an ancient flail.
Plain dealing delivers such lasting specks of honest hate;
savage in retrospect, never hasty, always running late.

Forever, cries an ambient lover of the pending night;
his pale, weak issue forms its own failing light.
Still, fortune favors such as those who apprehend;
Sweet love of Gaia, let it never end.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

Life according to Jimi


“But first, are you experienced?”

~~ Jimi Hendrix ~~


“[Freedom is] the power to live as you will.
Who then lives as he wills?”

~~ Marcus Tullius Cicero ~~


“Make haste slowly.”

~~ Ben Franklin ~~


“Where no hope is left, is left no fear.”

~~ Milton ~~


“If you want to be loved, be lovable.”

~~ Ovid ~~


“I have noticed that nothing I have never said ever did me any harm.”

~~ Calvin Coolidge ~~


“The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world
is to be in reality what we would appear to be;
all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves
by the practice and experience of them.”

~~ Socrates ~~


“Use a mirror in difficult times:
You will see both cause and resolution.”

~~ Deng Ming-Dao ~~


“If I don’t meet you no more in this world
Then I’ll see you in the next one.
Don’t be late”

~~ Jimi Hendrix ~~



Having fulfilled the minimum requirements for a Pearl of Virtual Wisdom, we shall take our leave. We shall, in the interim before our return, attempt strongly to rid ourselves of this damnable royal “we” into which we keep stumbling. We are hopeful of success. We are also outta there, until the morrow. Count on it….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
   and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….


If the figures are correct, we’re not lost; we’re dead….


In the normal course of human events, none of us are free of guilt…. At least, that’s what the preachers tell us, right? I’m here to tell you, ffolkes, that this particular message, that they’ve been trying so hard to convince us of all these years, is a load of bilge water, and you’d be better off not paying any attention to it…. I mean, what is the point? It isn’t true, and trying to live one’s life as if it were can only lead to a lifetime of misery, in which the Universe at large will spend most of its time laughing at you….

I think this is what that famous guy, whose name escapes me completely, meant when he said that “the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation, and go to their grave with that song.” (Okay, so it was Henry David Thoreau…. Google, of course, knew who I meant….) Like most of us, the need to subvert one’s own opinions and/or true beliefs in order to keep from being ostracized will, after a time, become difficult to maintain, causing resentment and anger; this is a process which, after a certain amount of time, will create in anyone a sense of fatalism that can lead to….

What? Lead to what?….. SIGH…. I’m lost, ffolkes. I admit it…. I can’t find my point anywhere, nor any of the reasoning that led me to start off the way I did…. Gone, kaput, disappeared without a trace…. I don’t think it will matter, in either the short, or the long run, but, it’s still a bit disconcerting to lose an entire train of thought like that….. Of course, I never really bought into any of it anyway; it was all just another exercise in futility my mind came up with when I sat down to write…. The fact that it had no real connection to anything real is probably a factor of not having consumed any coffee to that point….

I’m positive, though, that I’ve never had that happen just that way before…. which means this is a UNIQUE intro section, something for which I search diligently every day, without ever having much success…. Then, I go and have a brain fart, and voilá, instant uniqueness, with no effort at all…. Is that not elegant proof of the existence of Murphy? I would say yes, even if not constrained to tell the truth…. I tell you, there is no justice, no justice at all….

Of course, expecting justice from the universe at large is probably one of the dumbest things we can do, without a doubt…. As far as I can tell, and according to ALL the evidence, the universe doesn’t give a shit, one way or another, about much of anything…. Pretty much, the way things happen will be the way they are, and nothing anyone does, says, or feels about it will make any difference at all in what happens…. In one sense, this gives us a great deal of consistency we can depend on…. but, on the other hand, it also allows for enough flexibility that NOTHING is predictable, at all, at all….

Most people spend the greatest part of their lives coming to terms with this particular one of reality’s rules of conduct, which isn’t so much of a rule, as it is a suggestion…. They try and try to make their life fit into some predetermined script, and wonder why it never works very well, or why it always seems so much easier when they DON’T try so hard to be consistent….

But, that’s humanity for you, always haring off in one direction, when their best bet is to calm down, walk slowly and carefully to the nearest river, and throw themselves in it, as they really don’t have much of a chance at succeeding at life without having the use of at least a small bit of common sense, a commodity we all know to be not particularly common….

Now that I’ve lost my way completely, and have blathered for a completely absurd number of paragraphs, I think it would be for the best if I just fade off into the sunrise, taking this intro with me…. otherwise, we may NEVER get out of this section….

Shall we Pearl?…..

“Anything sufficiently bizarre is indistinguishable from the truth.” — Steve Gardner

There are a number of Gentle Readers out there who can testify to the fact that, around here, we don’t settle for the least…. in fact, we don’t settle at all…. What that means, in terms of this particular blog, or this section, well, your guess is as good as mine today…. If you hadn’t noticed yet, my brain is not functioning…. I don’t mean it is working slowly, or painfully, or with difficulty…. the damn thing is refusing to work at all, and to be honest, it’s almost refreshing in its simplicity of decision…. No fuss, no muss, just plain old-fashioned hedonism, with a strong overlay of ego….. and that’s all. So far, I haven’t noticed a single coherent thought pass through my conscious mind…. I also can’t say I would have noticed it if it had….

I’ve had this happen before, but, it usually waits until the Daily Pearl has been completed; it’s never dumped on me right in the middle like this…. so I’m at a bit of a loss as to how to deal…. I suppose the best idea is to just go for an old-school pearl, with no particular parameters (which I couldn’t think of anyway…. no brain function to speak of, remember?….)…. It’s probably our only hope for any kind of salvation…. Me, I’m gonna go for a dive, so….

“I want to be so HAPPY, the VEINS in my neck STAND OUT!!” — Zippy the Pinhead

“Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.” — Lazarus Long

“Living your life according to the Bible is like trying to fix your stereo by using toaster instructions.” — Chris Pirillo (

“L’homme est bien insense. Il ne saurait forger un ciron, et forge des Dieux a douzaines.” (Man is quite insane. He wouldn’t know how to create a maggot, and he creates gods by the dozen.) — Montaigne

“Eurybiades lifting up his staff as if he were going to strike, Themistocles said, “Strike, if you will; but hear.” — Plutarch (46-120 AD) — Life of Themistocles

“Do not allow children to mix drinks. It is unseemly and they use too much vermouth.” — Fran Lebowitz

“To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.” — Gustave Flaubert

Okay, so, a bit of caution is warranted here…. The above pearl is of a type that, without proper venting, can conceivably cause your brain to overheat, with less than desirable results….. While reading, please remember to breathe in through the nose, and out through the ears….. er, mouth…. Sorry, no wonder there’s confusion…. there’s a typo in the instructions!…. Damn!…. Billy, break out the printer ink, we got a problem…. You ffolkes, just carry on to the next section, okay? I’ll catch up when I get this squared away….

This…. is an astounding piece of poetry; it’s also an astonishing piece of Truth, which, in order to experience, one must first show enough courage, and fortitude, to wade through the entire work to the very end, where they will find it laid out for them in the last line…. You HAVE to read all of this, no matter how much the strong imagery disturbs, or how long it takes (not as long as it seems…) …. otherwise, the full meaning, and dramatic effect, of the last line, and the power of the truth being told, will be missed…. Once you get there, though, you’ll see why I insisted on it…. Enjoy, please….


I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish’d, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;
Morn came and went–and came, and brought no day,
And men forgot their passions in the dread
Of this their desolation; and all hearts
Were chill’d into a selfish prayer for light:
And they did live by watchfires–and the thrones,
The palaces of crowned kings–the huts,
The habitations of all things which dwell,
Were burnt for beacons; cities were consum’d,
And men were gather’d round their blazing homes
To look once more into each other’s face;
Happy were those who dwelt within the eye
Of the volcanos, and their mountain-torch:
A fearful hope was all the world contain’d;
Forests were set on fire–but hour by hour
They fell and faded–and the crackling trunks
Extinguish’d with a crash–and all was black.
The brows of men by the despairing light
Wore an unearthly aspect, as by fits
The flashes fell upon them; some lay down
And hid their eyes and wept; and some did rest
Their chins upon their clenched hands, and smil’d;
And others hurried to and fro, and fed
Their funeral piles with fuel, and look’d up
With mad disquietude on the dull sky,
The pall of a past world; and then again
With curses cast them down upon the dust,
And gnash’d their teeth and howl’d: the wild birds shriek’d
And, terrified, did flutter on the ground,
And flap their useless wings; the wildest brutes
Came tame and tremulous; and vipers crawl’d
And twin’d themselves among the multitude,
Hissing, but stingless–they were slain for food.
And War, which for a moment was no more,
Did glut himself again: a meal was bought
With blood, and each sate sullenly apart
Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left;
All earth was but one thought–and that was death
Immediate and inglorious; and the pang
Of famine fed upon all entrails–men
Died, and their bones were tombless as their flesh;
The meagre by the meagre were devour’d,
Even dogs assail’d their masters, all save one,
And he was faithful to a corse, and kept
The birds and beasts and famish’d men at bay,
Till hunger clung them, or the dropping dead
Lur’d their lank jaws; himself sought out no food,
But with a piteous and perpetual moan,
And a quick desolate cry, licking the hand
Which answer’d not with a caress–he died.
The crowd was famish’d by degrees; but two
Of an enormous city did survive,
And they were enemies: they met beside
The dying embers of an altar-place
Where had been heap’d a mass of holy things
For an unholy usage; they rak’d up,
And shivering scrap’d with their cold skeleton hands
The feeble ashes, and their feeble breath
Blew for a little life, and made a flame
Which was a mockery; then they lifted up
Their eyes as it grew lighter, and beheld
Each other’s aspects–saw, and shriek’d, and died–
Even of their mutual hideousness they died,
Unknowing who he was upon whose brow
Famine had written Fiend. The world was void,
The populous and the powerful was a lump,
Seasonless, herbless, treeless, manless, lifeless–
A lump of death–a chaos of hard clay.
The rivers, lakes and ocean all stood still,
And nothing stirr’d within their silent depths;
Ships sailorless lay rotting on the sea,
And their masts fell down piecemeal: as they dropp’d
They slept on the abyss without a surge–
The waves were dead; the tides were in their grave,
The moon, their mistress, had expir’d before;
The winds were wither’d in the stagnant air,
And the clouds perish’d; Darkness had no need
Of aid from them–She was the Universe.

~~ George Gordon, Lord Byron ~~


The following can be considered a rant….. In sooth, however, it is more than that…. and less at the same time…. Yes, it indicts the BRC, taking shot after shot at what I now term the Asininnies, targeting their cupidity with a fair degree of accuracy, and aplomb, if I do say so myself…. It isn’t as vituperative as some, and probably less boring than others, as the central theme connects, at least tentatively, to the realm of comedy….. not necessarily my own, which, as is known, tends to be suspect, subject, as it is, to the vagaries of my bozoid nature, and undisciplined habits….

For an older piece, though, it’s pretty sharp, I think…. But, that could be my Early Onset Alzheimer’s rearing its ugly head…. ( Otherwise known as EOA, that debilitating, dreaded disease of the mind affecting far too many of us….)

Nonetheless for all that, this has a good message, twined in amongst the original text, and, in what comes after…. Well, I’m hoping, anyway…. it’s all right out there, & shouldn’t be hard to spot….. Abondanza!….

From 12/19/12:

“He was sweet and sincere and giving and good… AND A CHERISHED NEIGHBOR UNDESERVING OF SUCH A FATE!!  Nevertheless, better him than me.  Amen.” — Eulogy given by Banana PC Jr to Opus in “Bloom County”

As an indictment of modern society, this little remark from Berke Breathed manages to hit just about all of the high points, and is wickedly, viciously sarcastic, to boot. Just plain charming, is what it is….. I forget exactly how Opus died, but I remember it was particularly mundane, as well as inane, and also made the sarcasm grade higher. I really don’t understand why Berke Breathed stopped writing his/her comic strips; he/she may have been the best cartoonist ever….

I thank the stars that, for a while, we were able to enjoy his or her wit (I never did know if the person who drew Bloom County was male of female…. it never seemed to matter….). Between this strip, and Odds Bodkins, which came before Bloom County, my sense of proportion was sculpted into a truer figure, resembling reality much more closely than it did prior to being exposed to the deadly sharp, brilliantly targeted humor in those comics.

The indictment is brilliantly delivered here, in one simple phrase… “Nevertheless, better him than me.” I don’t know about y’all, but that seems to me like it would be a pretty good slogan for the general attitude society presents in the modern world. It shows of that perfect sense of selfishness and entitlement that is held by so many of today’s folks, given to them mostly by their elitist religions, when not by their insane nationalism, or provincialism of almost every kind.

Of course, this egregious attitude, so common to those in the Western religions, is strengthened and exemplified by the beloved ruling class, as they continue to lie to the public on a daily basis, all while they go about their business of looting the public treasury, and carrying out the wishes of their true masters, the bankers and corporate executives.

The beloved ruling class, and the preachers who support them, are so effective at their work that they have trained most of the public to accept their lies without question. People are so controlled that they believe the pittance they earn is a blessing, actually believing they have the right, and the power to do anything at all to try to improve their own lot, without fear of consequence.  What other conclusion is possible, given the picture that is presented to us by our leaders? They (the BRC, beloved ruling class….) say whatever they wish, no matter how untrue. They steal, and call it business. They cheat, and call it expedience. They kill, and call it spreading democracy. For such treatment, the public rewards them, by electing them to office again, and again…..

“Do not be afraid of enemies; the worst they can do is to kill you. Do not be afraid of friends; the worst they can do is betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent;  they do not kill or betray. Yet only because of their silent agreement, betrayal and murder exist on earth.” — Bruno Yasienski, contemporary Soviet novelist

Indifference is a condition of mind the true world masters have refined to an art, one they employ constantly, to ignore the evil they cause. In this, they are not alone…. Humanity at large has become indifferent to the struggles of other people, and have that indifference rewarded regularly, by advantages to their self-interests. Indifference becomes a protection for the weak and vulnerable, who cannot afford to give up any of their own resources to aid another, a situation perfectly set-up by our beloved rulers, and maintained by them as suitable for their purposes.

It must be very satisfying for the shadowy masters of our society, to see how easily people in society have taken to their training, applying it so well to their own pitiful existence, as this kind of attitude, when adopted as a societal norm, becomes self-protecting, and self-reproducing…. the more people are cruel to each other, the more it will continue to be so…..

“If you have ever seen a four-year-old trying to lord it over a two-year-old, then you know what the basic problem of human nature is — and why government keeps growing larger and ever more intrusive.” — Thomas Sowell

Comedy, as produced by some cartoonists, is a very accurate portrayal of the true nature of society, and can serve as a means of causing change. Unfortunately, our beloved ruling class already knows this, and takes steps to curtail the effect as much as possible. In my opinion, comedians like George Carlin, cartoonists like Berke Breathed, Garry Trudeau, and Walt Kelly (Pogo), should be held up as the heroes and honored philosophers of Society, because they are always fighting to expand the human consciousness, rather than limit it, as is the case for the entire ruling class, and the priestly hierarchies.

They, the masters, do not want a public that can think critically, for then their chicanery is exposed. Oh, they are well enough protected that they are in no real danger; they just don’t like to be in the light, where they can be targeted…. It is the same for all evil; it does better in the dark, where its purposes and methods can be hidden from sight…. which is why I love the comics, both live, stand-up comics, and those who scribble on paper, for they are in the thick of the revolution of the mind, the war that is still raging here on Earth…. The war to see whether reason, or venality, will determine the future of the human race…. I, for one, salute them all….

— Bother! said Pooh, as he bribed Ron Brown.

(See?…. Even Pooh has been corrupted…..)


When I copied this in for inclusion today, I intended to add on to it, but, a bit of editing, some buffing & polishing, as it were, and, it will do just fine…. It’s kind of fun, to go back over older stuff, noting how my skills have advanced in some areas, or not…. It’s also comforting, in a way, to find I’m generally in complete agreement with my former self, in re: whatever subject is under discussion….

Well, it’s comforting in one sense, while, at the same time, disturbing in others, since it also means the same issues are still causing the same problems today…. showing we haven’t made much progress in solving them…. Ah well, we all have our little idiosyncrasies, don’t we?…. At least, mine doesn’t require any lubricant….

It DOES, however, require that one reject indifference…. If I’ve learned anything in my life, it is the importance of CARING, of engaging in life, of having compassion, accepting and appreciating the pain, and the joy, and learning how to love…. all of which boils down to a simple idea, as it says in the Tao Teh Ching… To find the balance of Nature, it is necessary to put aside apathy…. in more than merely a physical sense….

“Time as he grows old teaches many lessons.” — Aeschylus (525-456 BC) — Prometheus, 981

Gosh, mister Wizard, we’ve finished so early! What will we do now?

Well, I can suggest a number of things that would be far more productive, and probably more interesting, than continuing to pay further attention to my babbling….. but, y’all can most likely figure out for yourselves what you want to do next…. Hell, I can’t tell you, I don’t even know where you keep your toaster oven!

Not that I really WANT to know, but, it always helps when giving suggestions in other people’s houses…. I think it is becoming patently obvious, in light of having gone back over the rest of this concluding section, my brain is still missing in action, and there is little point in continuing this charade…. So….. See ya….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid the dubious


The sheriff ain’t gonna like this, Billy-Bob….


“He who has the courage to laugh is almost as much a master of the world as he who is ready to die.” — Giacomo Leopardi

I would add to this idea, “It should be noted, Reality often requires these qualities to be present in the same person….” Not that I’m a cynic, or anything like that…. I consider myself a realist, as anyone who deals with the slippery slope of Reality on a daily basis MUST be, in order to survive longer than a day or two… We, who dare the universe to defy our scrutiny at every turn of the planet, can testify to the veracity of this notion, as we deal with both laughter and death regularly in the course of our duties…. Of course, that is true ONLY of those of us who are clumsy about it, but, then, who is there, in this day and age, who can wrestle with Reality with grace, or any significant degree of aplomb?

Now that the proper tone of nonsense and nearly-coherent whimsy has been firmly established, I think it would be acceptable to turn away from the fantasy portion of this morning’s intro, and return to the more amenable, less controversial pathways that wind their way toward section one. As you are, by now, well aware of my propensity for pomposity (hmm, “propensity for pomposity”…. not bad at all…. almost cute….), I don’t think it will be necessary for me to set out the emergency flares to show the way to the escape hatch…. I’m actually pretty sure we won’t even need to issue the usual flak jackets that go with this portion of the trip…. Our new route seems to be working out well, in terms of not drawing any hostile fire….

Of course, that may be due to flying over the native villages late at night, so late, they’ve already put the ack-acks, the antiaircraft guns, to bed. It’s a bit harder to take pictures of the scenery, since there isn’t any, (well, there is, but, hey, it’s DARK out there….), but, it saves wear and tear on the plane, and we haven’t lost a passenger for weeks…. which, of course, makes the insurance folks VERY happy!…. Bloody bean counters…. charge me up the butt already, for what? Insurance? What a scam THAT whole thing is…. don’t get me started on that…. I’ve hated the whole idea of insurance since I was young, and figured out what a rip-off it is… Legalized gambling, and the only way to win, is to lose…. Boy, if THAT isn’t a euphemism for modern society, I don’t know what is!…..

But, I refuse to rant here in the intro again…. It puts my whole sense of rhythm off, making it hard to find a good, solid syncopated riff, or even a good line, afterwards…. Of course, I may not feel like ranting later, either, but, hey, at least I didn’t burden y’all with it right out of the gate….. Credit me with a little tact, if you please…. In fact, I am not only tactful today, I’m efficient…. Watch this….

Shall we Pearl?….

“First I must sprinkle you with fairy dust…”

“I leapt headlong into the sea, and thereby have become better acquainted with the soundings, the quicksands, and the rocks, than if I had stayed upon the green shore, and piped a silly song, and took tea and comfortable advice.” — John Keats

At last! At last, a mainstream columnist approaches a subject of import with unflinching honesty, with no equivocation, and no excuses made to justify the behavior he is discussing, to wit: the ongoing abuse of women all over the world by cowardly men, afraid of their own sexuality, and thus,  displaying angry misogyny toward the other sex, whom he fears because he does not understand…. To my knowledge, this is one of the first times I’ve seen one of the mainstream’s most popular columnists address this issue, one that has bothered me for many years, due to my own inability to make any progress in changing it, even in those men whom I know and love….

Men in our culture, and in every culture since we lived in caves, are taught to mistrust women, and to assume their own superiority, without having any reason, or confirmed evidence, that would support either attitude…. It’s just the way it is, to them, with almost all of society blindly supporting the fallacies of attitude that keep women in a position of subjugation. It isn’t a pretty picture, and never has been; it is also one society has refused to address, at the insistence of its misogynistic masters, who are so afraid of women, they keep them subjugated so they can control their own fears….

This pearl is one I have been saving, but, there isn’t any good reason to NOT bring it out…. only my own male reluctance to pick up the ball, and run with it, when it goes against everything that I was raised to believe…. Our culture brainwashes all young men and women to play their roles in society; it has taken me most of my life to rid myself of many of the prejudicial attitudes I carried around with me for most of it…. and I still find myself falling into the same old mental traps, and thinking of women as lesser, somehow, even though it is patently a false notion, one the has no real basis in Reality, only in men’s minds….
jimmy sez    When I resort to Art to express myself, you know I’m too angry to write…. This subject is one I have a hard time with, as I tend to become so angry, at those men who exploit and abuse women and children, (it’s the same sickness… abusing those who are weaker is the mark of the true coward….), I lose my ability to speak…. I want to go out, into the world, and find me some pimps, to use for my sport, by hunting them down, and making them feel small and afraid, just like they do when they beat one of their slaves…. It makes me want to buy a gun, to go walking around the mean streets, picking off the predators that hang there, freeing their slaves, if they are able to free themselves when released from their slavery….

I’m so upset now, I’ve lost all ability to think clearly, or to present my arguments in an organized fashion…. So, here is a link, to a blog written by a most powerful woman, who has shown the incredible strength of mind and will to pull herself out of the sex trade, into which she was kidnapped, and forced into prostitution, at a young age…. She is a very powerful writer, with a lot of pain to express…. If you are at all squeamish, then you MUST read this…. It will make you cry (as I did….), it will make you ashamed, and it will make you angry, for her, as well as AT all of the insane men around the world who engage in this plague of evil…. The latest entry, posted yesterday, on the site of which I speak, can be found here:

Please stop by her site, and read what she has written; it will shame you, it will anger you, and it will leave you with the feeling there is yet a long road to any real progress, and that it is high time we ALL joined in to fight this battle….

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — Edmund Burke, Irish orator, philosopher, & politician (1729 – 1797)

There are times when nothing but a classic will do…. this is one of them….


When I Have Fears



When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has glean’d my teeming brain,
Before high-piled books, in charactery,
Hold like rich garners the full ripen’d grain;
When I behold, upon the night’s starr’d face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love;–then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

~~ John Keats ~~


The above material, in section one, is important, to me, so I’m a bit disappointed in myself for NOT having the proper rant inside me today to address the issue at hand, one about which I feel very strongly…. I’ll have to be content with knowing that no matter how powerful, or convincing my own words may be, the words the Gentle Reader will find on Ms. Mott’s web site are MUCH more so, and will do a better job at explaining the issue so that people can understand it…. because she is writing from INSIDE the issue, not from the viewpoint of one standing aside, viewing it with objectivity, a position which, in this case, is completely useless for the purposes it needs to address…..

That being said, I’m going to create an old-school pearl for this last section, one without any particular parameters I can put to voice, but, rather, some vague, amorphous feelings, that I’ll use to influence whatever choices Smart Bee gives me in the way of aphorisms, quotes, and/or bits of virtual wisdom…. Shall we dive in?…. It’s probably for the best if we do…. Mind the steps, now…. Got your mask and flippers? Let’s go!….

“If people were required to know the law rather than to obey it, the government would be overthrown the next day.” — Smart Bee

“You cannot put the same shoe on every foot.” — Publius Syrus (42 BC) — Maxim 596

“Under every stone lurks a politician.” — Aristophanes

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” — Aristotle

“One of the great meaningless phrases of our times is: “I take full responsibility.” This does not mean that you are prepared to pay the consequences for what you have done. On the contrary, this statement is usually offered instead of taking the consequences.” — Thomas Sowell

”        …’fire’ does not matter, ‘earth’ and ‘air’ and ‘water’ do not matter.  ‘I’ do not matter.  No word matters.  But man forgets reality and remembers words.  The more words he remembers, the cleverer do his fellows esteem him.  He looks upon the great transformations of the world, but he does not see them as they were seen when man looked upon reality for the first time.  Their names come to his lips and he smiles as he tastes them, thinking he knows them in the naming.” — Siddartha, _Lord_of_Light_ by Roger Zelazny

“Virtue is but heroic bravery, to do the thing thought to be true, in spite of all enemies of flesh or spirit, in despite of all temptations or menaces.” — Albert Pike (1809-1891)

A bit esoteric, but, it works….. Can I go back to bed now?

In truth, going back to bed might just be the best thing for me today, all around…. It is now 0532 in the morning, and this Pearl is 99.9% complete…. The cat, bless her little black heart, decided, at 0330 today, it was time for us to be up and doing, expressing this opinion by attacking the underside of the bed with her claws, to wake me up, and get me going…. She does this regularly, much as she KNOWS I HATE to be gotten up that way, as evidenced by the obligatory 5 minute chase around the house trying to squirt her with the water bottle for waking me…. SIGH…. They just don’t give a shit, you know?…. Maybe I’ll drug her cat food this morning, and get some actual uninterrupted sleep for a few hours….

Nah, I’ll let her be, and just shut her out of the bedroom for a while…. Of course, then I’ll have to spend an hour or so putting the living room back to order, after she tears it up in her frustration at not being able to get the door open…. Maybe, a few years from now, after she has aged and mellowed a bit, she won’t be such a psycho kitty, but, I’m not holding my breath…. she’s pretty crazy, even for a black cat…. At least she gives us something to contend with each day, although I’m not sure that “constantly challenging” is the most attractive description of a pet one can come up with, but, it fits…. Ah well, I’ve always preferred biological alarm clocks to any of the numerous technological varieties, anyway…. They don’t break when thrown at the wall….  I’ll see y’all tomorrow; at what hour that may turn out to be will be up to the cat….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.



gigoid the dubious


Cross pollination of adverbs remains publicly undervalued….


I won’t rant, I won’t rant, I won’t rant….. I find myself in need of some restraint, in order to keep from subjecting both of my readers (  😆  ) to a full-out, angry, vituperative tirade against the complete idiots currently inhabiting the Congressional buildings in Washington D.C…. Fortunately, for me, and for y’all, I’ve found a perfect quote to begin such a missive, so we’ll wait until section one, or three, to jump into the rant I know is there, anxiously waiting it’s chance to strike out at what may be the most widespread act of treason in our nation’s history….

Until I can begin, though, let’s talk about something else….. How ’bout the weather? No, no, that will merely get me started on global warming, an eminently rantable concept, given the state of the atmosphere, and the intransigent unwillingness of most everyone to PULL THEIR HEAD OUT OF THEIR ASSES….. Gee, I must be just a tad upset about that one; better not go there….

Hmm…. how about gun control? Well, there WAS a recent mass shooting…. Of course, this one was perpetrated by an obvious nut case, who, in spite of a long period of providing authorities with clues and hints of his inner conflict, managed to stockpile a shit-load of guns and ammo, then was adept enough to get around all the security measures at a major armed services facility to start shooting at his imaginary enemies, using real people as stand-ins for his hallucinations…..

I can see the events of 9/11 made a huge impression on the security at armed services facilities, didn’t it? It obviously caused them to review and tighten up their security measures…. NOT!….. I suppose they figured they were safe, because nobody would EVER think of shooting at a bunch of people making weapons for the war-making machine….. Nah, I think we’ll pass on this one, too…. there’s too much implied insanity, on both sides of the issue, to get into this one right now…

Well, let’s see, what else is going on in the world that we could talk about, without getting into how screwed up the world has become, one way or another…. It’s getting to be a hard task these days, to find ONE area of our lives that hasn’t been screwed over one way or another by what our beloved ruling class has been up to….. It seems like every time I turn around, some dipshit politico is bringing up some new asinine idea, or some old asinine idea, that serves to cause divisions between people, and create more problems than are ever solved…. They can’t seem to keep their greedy little hands out of everyone else’s business, whatever it may be, and their insane twisting of reality to suit their own purposes is getting really old….

It does make it relatively easy to come up with something to rant about, that much is certain; but, that isn’t necessarily to be considered a boon, is it? The more there is to rant about, the more screwed up things are…. It would be nice to get up one day to find the news empty of ANY new idiocy from those who seem unable to keep from screwing others, but, since I don’t believe I have EVER seen a day like that, I’m not particularly hopeful of that one ever coming true….

Oddly enough, I did manage to meander around sufficiently to reach legal intro level, which, after all, was the intent…. Does that mean we’ve succeeded today? No, I’m afraid not… but, it does mean we can go on to something a bit more compelling, and, theoretically, more interesting….

Shall we Pearl?…..

“On SECOND thought, maybe I’ll heat up some BAKED BEANS and watch REGIS PHILBIN..  It’s GREAT to be ALIVE!!” — Zippy the Pinhead

‘Tis written: ‘In the beginning was the word.’
Already I stick, and who shall help afford?
The ‘word’ at such high rate I may not tender;
The passage I must elsewhere render,
If rightly by the Spirit I am taught,
‘Tis written: ‘In the beginning was the Thought.’

By the first line a moment tarry,
Let not thine eager pen itself o’er-hurry!
Does ‘thought’ work all and fashion outright?
It should stand: ‘In the beginning was the Might.’
Yet even as my pen the sentence traces,
A warning hint the half-writ word effaces.

The Spirit helps me – from all doubting freed,
Thus write I: ‘In the beginning was the Deed.’

— Dr. Faustus, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “Faust”

I made a statement above, using a very significant word of accusation, that I should explain, and I will…. but, first, consider Dr. Faustus’ words a moment….. The last line is the key, in my mind, the basic truth that the poetic train of thought leads us to, after a very pleasant rational exercise, couched in very elegant verse. But, the power of what is implied is what concerns me today…..

“In the beginning was the Deed.”….. A group of politicians who, by grace of some election chicanery, such as  manipulation of election districts, voting regulation changes to block certain voters, massive infusion of money into spreading lies to ignorant voters, and any other underhanded method they could legally or marginally-legally get away with, were able to elect a slight majority of Tea Party supported Republicans to a number of House seats, during the last national elections in 2012….

This group is characterized by certain common traits, such as disbelief in global warming, deliberate opposition to birth control fueled by disbelief in world overpopulation, along with a mistrust of  science in general, faith-based beliefs regarding gays, women, people of color, immigration, or anyone not a white Christian male, and most critically, a stubborn belief that they have the right to force their own out-dated beliefs on a society in which they are no longer a majority.

Since I must find a word to indicate the group when I am talking about them, a word that describes the group of them specifically, it’s hard not to just use the word, “assholes”, because that is exactly how they act most of the time…. However, today, I’d like to use the word that I believe is indicated in this situation, given their actions of the last few weeks regarding the budget, and Obamacare, and in truth, any reforms that would be of benefit to anyone other than, as mentioned, white Christian males…. Oh, yes, remember to add this word to the other descriptive adjectives I used, to wit: “millionaires”… because ALL of them are…. which just makes them that much further removed from, and out of touch with, the reality that most Americans live in…..

The new word I’ll use today to describe this group of Congressional Tea Party supported Republicans is, simply, traitors…. Yep, traitors, because that is exactly what they are….. These people, because of their sense of entitlement, completely unearned or deserved, and their deliberate isolation from reality, has led them to believe that they have the right to force their beliefs on the rest of this country, IN SPITE of their complete knowledge of the simple FACT that the majority of Americans do not believe the same way as they do anymore, and never will again…. They don’t CARE that others may suffer, or that they are completely out of touch with what is going on in the actual mainstream of society; they believe they ARE the mainstream, and by god, that’s the way it should be, to them…

But, they’ve lost touch with the real world, because the great mass of Americans no longer believe what they believe, and outside this country, there are not many at all who would agree at all with their position…. Most of what they purport to believe is just old news to much of the rest of the world, and makes them look all that much less sane, to hold on to what is so obviously not true in the face of so much evidence to the contrary….. If it wasn’t so dangerous, it would be rather pathetically sad…. But, it IS dangerous, to the rest of us, because, unfortunately, a lot of them are still in positions where they can cause damage beyond their actual influence… such as now, with this whole budget crisis idiocy….

“I wish Conservatives would be less liberal with their whining.” — Smart Bee

It sure would be nicer for the rest of us if they were, wouldn’t it? I get so tired of hearing stuff from these idiots, but, for that I blame the media, who are just as stupid in the way they pick and choose what to write about…. All the worst stuff, the least important, but most easily sold, is what ends up in the light, while all the stuff that NEEDS to be illuminated is passed over, or ignored, or made to be less important than it is…. Ah me, let’s not go too far into that subject, we’re still ranting against the traitorous congressional assholes….

They are traitors because they defaulted on their oaths of office, an oath which enjoins them, in intent, if not actual word, to uphold the law, and TO SERVE THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE…. They have failed miserably in that respect, and there is NO ONE who can tell me that they haven’t…. None of these assholes even considered that what they are doing will harm more people than it could possibly help…. If they did, they didn’t care, and did it anyway, out of their sense of entitlement, which just makes it more traitorous, and well as more immoral and more unethical (both are correct…. these people have none of EITHER one….).

“The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect is already in the cause.” — Henri Louis Bergson (1859-1941)

Knowing this only makes it hurt worse, for me, because it means that nobody in history has ever been able to cast off the shackles that the BRC and the shadowy masters of society have managed to place upon all of us….. They’ve had their way in the world for thousands of years, and the flaws in their control over the mass of humanity are few, not anywhere nearly large enough, or well-known enough, to cause the rest of humanity to protest, and throw them out…. Believe me, there is nothing the master class doesn’t know about how to control people in masses; just look at what they’ve accomplished in this country, in only two hundred years …..

“America will tolerate the taking of a human life without giving it a second thought. But don’t misuse a household pet.” — Dick Gregory, The Shadow that Scares Me, 1968

I’ve wandered around enough for one morning, and haven’t really taken more than a few shots at my intended targets…. But, they will manage to make themselves look foolish enough in the coming days, as this whole idiotic scenario plays itself out, so, I think I can let it go now, and not feel the worse for it…. I feel a bit better, having vented at least some of what built up over the last few days of watching it all unfold; it can be hard on us curmudgeons, having to hold stuff in like that…. Oh well, such is life…. thanks for listening….

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;
He who would search for pearls must dive below.

— John Dryden (1631-1700) — All for Love, Prologue

Ranting often leave me somewhat down, so, to bring myself up a bit, I’m going to use one of my own poems, one that, oddly enough, rings with some rather positive notes….

Tuesday’s Child, from an Oblique Angle
When I really stop to think, it isn’t too much to expect
a warm bed, a bite of food, a loving smile to reflect.
We all need such comfort and supportive attention,
so basic to our soul, there is no real need to mention.Life often offers opportunities disguised very well,
illusions are rampant, what’s real can be hard to tell.
To honor old ties may seem like the only thing one can do,
but evidence is real, despite one’s wish it were untrue.

Those who love us truly, without thought of any gain,
hate for us to experience life’s portions of pain.
They also know we each must follow our own chosen way,
for the lessons we learn, we all have our own price to pay.

Still, wishing and hoping can’t do any true harm
and wishing good things to friends feels welcome, and warm.
The pageant of society will pass on to the next day
what new sights and sounds it brings me, thankfully, I can’t say.

~~ gigoid ~~


I’ve ranted, twice, technically, if you count the intro, which COULD be considered a rant, as it’s long, makes little sense, and insults politicians at strategic moments…. So, any who, y’all can’t make me do it again, not legally, and not in reality, because I just won’t do it, so there…. I will, however, construct an old-school pearl, which, once again, you cannot prevent or delay…. Well, not without explosives… It’ll be okay, though, I’ll instruct SB to be really nice to everybody, and throw in some kind of incentive…. maybe, if we’re lucky, we won’t have to use the fire hoses….

“The promotion of “self-esteem” in our schools has been so successful that people feel free to spout off about all sorts of things — and see no reason why their opinions should not be taken as seriously as the views of people who actually know what they are talking about.” — Thomas Sowell

“Now, that the sovereign power and deity, whatsoever it is, should have regard of mankind, is a toy and vanity worthy to be laughed at.” — Pliny The Elder

“Till then we shall be content to admit openly, what you (religionists) whisper under your breath or hide in technical jargon, that the ancient secret is a secret still; that man knows nothing of the Infinite and Absolute; and that, knowing nothing, he had better not be dogmatic about his ignorance. And, meanwhile, we will endeavour to be as charitable as possible, and whilst you trumpet forth officially your contempt for our skepticism, we will at least try to believe that you are imposed upon by your own bluster.” — Leslie Stephen (1832-1904), “An agnostic’s Apology”, — Fortnightly Review, 1876

“He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.” — Lao Tzu

A toy which people cry for,
And on their knees apply for,
Dispute, contend and lie for,
And if allowed
Would be right proud
Eternally to die for.
— Ambrose Bierce, “The Devil’s Dictionary”

“BEWARE!  People acting under the influence of human nature.” — Smart Bee

“I love those who yearn for the impossible.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust

I love being able to end a piece with the same author, and work, as I started with; even if this turns out to be a pile of crap, it still makes the grade for being artistically balanced, if not intellectually so…. Let’s see what happened here…..

Whew! Longer, and tougher than I’d thought…. Not too bad, though, all in all, and certainly good enough for this venue…. Hell, a little bit of fluff, wax, and polish, I could probably post the rant in section one on another site, as an essay on current events, but, I’m lazy, and by the time I work up the wherewithal, energy-wise, to do that, it won’t be so current anymore…. C’est la vie! At least this one’s done, and I can go give my back, my fingers, and your credibility, a well-earned rest….. See ya….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.


It is often considered de rigeur to order dessert first….

That answers THAT question…. When I awoke today, I wasn’t sure how I’d feel, as I’d gone to bed with a lot of pain. But, for some odd reason, I slept well, even going so long at one point that my medication ran low, & I had to take a pill, late, before I got too far awake at 3:00 AM. Even then, I fell back to sleep, and got up feeling pretty normal, all in all…. But, of course, that brings Murphy to mind, and I was a bit worried he might stick his nose in and fuss with me, but so far he must be busy elsewhere…. I’m sure he finds ways to keep busy with other folks when I’m not available…. I just know of his predilection for my life’s events, and try not to draw his attention when he’s not around…..

At any rate, when I sat down to begin, I did so with a relatively clear head, and fell right into a rant in section three, where I had placed a particularly stimulating pearl to await some discussion. It is flowing well, and gives me hope for the rest of this piece; and THAT is encouraging….. Sadly, I’m so acutely aware of the attentions of Murphy, I suspect his hand in this good feeling I have, as if he is setting me up to fall again….. SIGH…..

(BTW, when I write that word, in that way, one should imagine the sigh that is common to the people of the west counties in Ireland, as described by Father Whatsisname who writes the delightful mystery novels about the “Little Archbishop” and the series of books about the wife of Dermott Michael Coyne, whose name also escapes me, a Celtic wise woman, fey as the day is long, and the visions she sees that send them on missions of mercy to solve problems…. Greatly entertaining books, for a priestly author….. Ah yes, his name is Andrew Greely, I believe…. the priest, that is…. Any who, the sigh is a huge production, long, drawn out, and implying the presence of doom, long-suffering, and the futility of fighting against Fate….. now, THAT’s a SIGH……)

I suppose I should just be grateful that I am not blocked up today, and let it go at that; simple is best when it comes to avoiding the attraction of Murphy’s attention….. Since I’ve already started on section three, we’ll get on with today’s effort, finish there, and go for a dive in Smart Bee’s ocean of quotes. I think that, all things considered, that would be best for all of us…. Shall we Pearl?…..

Here is the deal…. I’ve become confused already, I think because I began the day in section three, then did the intro…. finished section three, and now am back in section one…. and I’m lost. Smart Bee, however, has been quite accommodating, and has allowed me to put together what I like to call an unconscious pearl…. I picked out these quotes quite randomly, as far as my conscious mind is concerned; it had no part in choosing them, other than controlling the act of pressing the right mouse buttons at the right times….. Each of these was picked by my sub-, or unconscious mind, thus, I have no idea what the resulting concept will take as a shape for consideration…. It’s kind of fun, actually, and quite illuminating in its own way…. Since I have no idea what you will now experience, just try to enjoy it; it’s bound to be an interesting ride…..

The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. “Where shall I begin, please your Majesty ?” he asked. “Begin at the beginning,”, the King said, very gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” — Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

“Despite its suffix, skepticism is not an “ism” in the sense of a belief or dogma.  It is simply an approach to the problem of telling what is counterfeit and what is genuine.  And a recognition of how costly it may be to fail to do so.  To be a skeptic is to cultivate “street smarts” in the battle for control of one’s own mind, one’s own money, one’s own allegiances.  To be a skeptic, in short, is to refuse to be a victim.” — Robert S. DeBear, “An Agenda for Reason, Realism, and Responsibility,” — New York Skeptic — (newsletter of the New York Area Skeptics, Inc.), Spring 1988

“One should always prefer the probable impossible to the improbable possible.” — Aristotles Dictum.

“Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.” — Albert Einstein

Thus, God said: “Let there be cats!”, and He was promptly ignored. — Smart Bee

IMAGINATION, n.  A warehouse of facts, with poet and liar in joint ownership. — Ambrose Bierce, “The Devil’s Dictionary”

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Whew! That took a nasty dive-turn there at the end, didn’t it? I didn’t see that coming, myself….. but, it is the perfect finish to what now appears to be somewhat inspired…. Even the one about cats has its place in the sequence, don’t you think? Just in case this one caused any discomfort among the Gentle Readership, I think it is a good thing the poetry section is next…. When I get to Google, I’ll look for something soothing…. perhaps some Keats, or Marlowe…. I am a patsy when it comes to the Romantics….

Apollo And The Graces


WHICH of the fairest three
To-day will ride with me?
My steeds are all pawing at the threshold of the morn:
Which of the fairest three
To-day will ride with me
Across the gold Autumn’s whole Kingdom of corn?

THE GRACES all answer

I will, I – I – I
young Apollo let me fly
Along with thee,
I will- I, I, I,
The many wonders see
I – I – I – I
And thy lyre shall never have a slackened string:
I, I, I, I,
Thro’ the golden day will sing.

John Keats

‘Tis a fine day for singing, is it not?……

“He was sweet and sincere and giving and good… AND A CHERISHED NEIGHBOR UNDESERVING OF SUCH A FATE!!  Nevertheless, better him than me.  Amen.” — Eulogy given by Banana PC Jr to Opus in “Bloom County”

As an indictment of modern society, this little remark from Berke Breathed manages to hit just about all of the high points, and is wickedly, viciously sarcastic, to boot. Just plain charming, is what it is….. I forget exactly how Opus died, but I remember it was particularly mundane, as well as inane, and also made the sarcasm grade higher. I really don’t understand why Berke Breathed stopped writing his/her comic strips; he/she may have been the best cartoonist ever, but I thank the stars that for a while, we were able to enjoy his or her wit (I never did know if the person who drew Bloom County was male of female…. didn’t seem to matter….). Between this strip, and Odds Bodkins, which came before Bloom County, my sense of proportion was sculpted into a truer figure, resembling reality a lot closer than before having been exposed to the deadly sharp, brilliantly targeted humor in those comics.

The indictment is brilliantly delivered here, in one simple phrase… “Nevertheless, better him than me.” I don’t know about y’all, but that seems to me like it would be a pretty good slogan for the general attitude society presents in the modern world. It shows of that perfect sense of selfishness and entitlement that is held by so many of today’s folks, given to them mostly by their elitist religions. Of course, this egregious attitude, so common to those in the Western religions, is strengthened and exemplified by the beloved ruling class, as they continue to lie to the public on a daily basis, all while they go about their business of looting the public treasury, and carrying out the wishes of their true masters, the bankers and corporate executives.

The beloved ruling class, and the preachers, are so effective at their work that they have trained most of the public to accept their lies without question. People are so controlled that they believe that the pittance they earn is a blessing, and that they can do anything at all to try to improve their own lot, without fear of consequence.  I mean, what other conclusion could be arrived at, given the picture that is presented to us by our leaders? They (the BRC, beloved ruling class….) say whatever they wish, no matter how untrue. They steal, and call it business. They cheat, and call it expedience. They kill, and call it spreading democracy. And, for all this, the public rewards them, by electing to office again, and again…..

“Do not be afraid of enemies; the worst they can do is to kill you. Do not be afraid of friends; the worst they can do is betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent;  they do not kill or betray. Yet only because of their silent agreement, betrayal and murder exist on earth.” — Bruno Yasienski, contemporary Soviet novelist

Indifference is a condition of mind the true world masters have refined to an art, one they employ constantly, to ignore the evil they cause. In this, they are not alone…. Humanity at large has become indifferent to the struggles of other people, and have that indifference rewarded regularly, by advantages to their self-interests. Indifference becomes a protection for the weak and vulnerable, who cannot afford to give up any of their own resources to aid another, a situation perfectly set-up by our beloved rulers, and maintained by them as suitable for their purposes.

It must be very satisfying for them to see how people in society have taken in their training, and applied it so well to their own pitiful existence, as this kind of societal attitude is one that is self-protecting, and self-reproducing…. the more people are cruel to each other, the more it will continue to be so…..

“If you have ever seen a four-year-old trying to lord it over a two-year-old, then you know what the basic problem of human nature is — and why government keeps growing larger and ever more intrusive.” — Thomas Sowell

Comedy, as produced by some cartoonists, is a very accurate portrayal of the true nature of society, and can serve as a means of causing change. Unfortunately, our beloved ruling class already knows this, and takes steps to curtail the effect as much as possible. In my opinion, comedians like George Carlin, cartoonists like Berke Breathed, Garry Trudeau, and Walt Kelly (Pogo), should be held up as the heroes and honored philosophers of Society, because they are always fighting to expand the human consciousness, rather than limit it, as is the case for the entire ruling class, and the priestly hierarchies.

They, the masters, do not want a public that can think critically, for then their chicanery is exposed. Oh, they are well enough protected that they are in no real danger; they just don’t like to be in the light, where they can be targeted…. It is the same for all evil; it does better in the dark, where its purposes and methods can be hidden from sight…. which is why I love the comics, both live, stand-up comics, and those who scribble on paper, for they are in the thick of the revolution of the mind, the war that is still raging here on Earth…. The war to see whether reason, or venality, will determine the future of the human race…. I, for one, salute them all….

— Bother! said Pooh, as he bribed Ron Brown.

(See?…. Even Pooh has been corrupted…..)

To quote the Colonel, “I love it when a plan comes together….”; I only wish I had a big cigar to fire up, to go along with the big grin. (Reference: The A-Team, 1970’s or 1980’s TV show….) Somehow, I’ve managed to complete a Pearl without any disruption from Murphy, a completely unprecedented event, which turns this day’s date into one of major significance. I may even start to celebrate this day in coming years, as it is the first time it has ever occurred, and deserves some acknowledgment. Of course, doing so would probably tempt Murphy into retaliation, implying some disrespect, I suppose…. But, hey, one must take what the universe gives, and learn to like it, or spend one’s time in misery. Not being fond of misery, I opt for the former, rather than the latter….

Such being the case, I shall now go forth into the Big Blue Room, to see what kind of mischief I can find to get into; perhaps a trip to the Social Security Office, to cause a ruckus by a display of stress-related angst for their elucidation and enjoyment. Hell, in a bureaucrat’s day, especially in that office, they probably get pretty bored, and it might be good entertainment for them….. Nah, better not…. nobody these days seems to have much of a sense of humor, and they’d probably end up thinking I’m some kind of terrorist or something, rather than just another stressed out citizen trying to survive with some degree of sanity, and dignity….. I’m in too good of a mood to have to deal with some ignorant cops today…..

Hmm…. no wonder it flowed so well today…. I even figured out a way to put a small rant into the closing section. Actually, the above paragraph is a quite delightful (to me) little poke at Social Security and the federal bureaucracy; very tidy and succinct, with some good zingers cleverly disguised as observations. It’s almost too bad I’m done for the day…. but, since I don’t fell a poem struggling to get out, I am, and must go find a place to find a poem in Google, then, post this gem….. So…..  Y’all take care out there, and May the Metaphorse be with you…..

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.



Daisy Oats & Lazy Boats….

Good morning, and welcome to my little corner of the Big Blue Room, such as it is…..

“Much of what sophisticates loftily refer to as the “complexity” of the real world is in fact the inconsistency in their own minds.” — Thomas Sowell

There is still a lot of controversy among philosophers, who live for just that reason, i.e., to discuss at length whatever small differences of opinion they may find. The controversy to which I refer deals with the nature of Reality, and its degree of complexity. Mr. Sowell above chimes in with his two cents to argue in favor of simplicity, saying the universe, or ‘real world’ is less complex than some would have us believe, due to their own preconceived misconceptions, of which I am sure Mr. Sowell does not suffer. (NOT!) Other philosophers might tell us that Reality is very complex, far too complex for our puny minds to comprehend without their first giving us their interpretation of that complexity. And, as always, the true answer to such a question is somewhere in the middle of these two camps of alleged thought.

Truth, for some reason probably tied into the nature of that Reality we try to understand, almost always will fall right in the middle of two opposing theories that attempt to ascertain its exact parameters. It is absolutely pitiless in its unconcern with whatever set of rules we may try to develop that reflect what we believe to be its nature. Nor will it care if those rules are wrong; it will merely squash like a little bug whomever tries to use them. Most often, when people try to make rules about Reality, we get punched in the figurative nose, a surefire method for establishing a parameter.

What do I think? I think that it is best not to define Reality, but rather just to take it at face value. Sometimes it is horrendously complex, and I will feel overwhelmed with trying to sort out all the little pieces of whatever I’ve encountered. Other times, it is ridiculously simple, so simple we think it is too easy, and feel a sense of unease, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. So, in my mind, it is best to not try to hard to understand, but rather learn to accept without understanding. It tends to cause less bloodshed that way……

I’m going to disconnect your brain.

Brain disconnection sounds pretty scary, but in actuality it is a very valuable ability to possess. That sounds somewhat dubious, I’m sure, but is accurate nonetheless, and I’m gonna tell you why. You see, the mind is housed in the brain, and we may thus say it is connected to it directly. The mind, however, is not simply connected to the brain; by virtue of our senses, it is also connected to Reality, the outside world, the Big Blue Room. (For the uninitiated, the Big Blue Room is everything outside the computer room.) This connection is monitored by whatever part of the mind (which has many layers, and can multi-task endlessly) we choose, using a set of rules we develop over our formative years. These rules, fashioned by that part of the mind that reasons, determine how successful we are in dealing with whatever Reality throws at us. For different activities and situations, there are different sets of rules, all figured out in the subconscious, which sees all, hears all, and thinks about it a lot, using a variety of thought patterns and intuitive guesswork to ascertain which rules are useful, and which are not in responding to the current challenge from Reality.

By disconnecting the brain, then, we mean that the connection to the outside world is suspended, as is the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind then is free to act without restraint, processing Reality in order to render it either acceptable, or manipulable through application of pertinent rules. Zen philosophy has promulgated this ability to ‘disconnect’, even having a word to describe the state of mind one assumes when our mind enters the disconnect modality. The word is zazen, and means the state of mind one enters when One with Reality. Western civilization calls this experience an epiphany, a moment when one experiences true Reality, and understands all. The difference between the two cultures, East and West, is best shown in this comparative analysis; to the Western mind, this mind state occurs randomly, whereas Zen philosophy teaches that zazen can be induced by meditation and deep thought.

    Regardless of whether one believes it can be induced, or merely accepted when encountered, is immaterial; the knowledge is there, available to those who would find it of use. Being able to induce this state of deep understanding within ourselves can be seen then, as an extremely valuable skill to develop……

Some people drive as if turn signals were an option.

Hey, if I can’t use this forum to complain about those things in life that just burn my ass, what is it good for, right? Right…..driving around on the roads today is very different than it was when I first began driving back in 1966. In that era, we were just beginning to get an inkling of how city driving would change in the next few years, turning from mildly congested traffic to continual and frequent gridlock. Unfortunately, as the number of cars on the road has grown, the use of driving techniques we were all taught to make the roads safe for all have slowly disappeared from use. The use of turn signals, or more accurately the disuse of turn signals, is probably the most ubiquitous of these sadly missing habits. The practice of not paying any attention to other drivers on the road extends even into the police, who are by far the worst offenders in this category of bad habits. These days, I feel a big surprise when I see a police vehicle, or anyone else for that matter, give a correct signal of a lane change, or to turn a corner. Not signaling has become de rigeur; nobody bothers with it anymore, except me, and I do it mainly out of irritation. So few people signal anymore, it is almost annoying when they do, because I can’t trust that they didn’t mean it, or trust that they will actually do what they are signaling they will do. Driving in today’s world is becoming one long irritation after another, as the ‘Entitled Ones’ scurry around in their Escalades, Beemers, and Mercedes, completely ignoring everyone else on the road.  Hmph! Now I feel grumpy. I’m gonna go flip some driver the bird……

And just so I don’t carry that grumpiness any further into the day, we will call a halt, even though I could carry on in this vein for another thousand words easily…..So….y’all take care out there……

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.
