Still dubious after all these years….


“It is in changing that things find repose”

~~ Heraclitus ~~

Moon over Vallejo

A Case in Point for Heraclitus

Good morrow, by all reports…. We’ll try to keep it that way…. In fact, we’ll do that now….

Shall we Pearl?

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”

~~ Confucius ~~


Dont keep calm

    You might think the logo for today’s video section is an error; it is not. I am doubtful (what else is new?) I will find a rant in me today, as I got much of my built up angst out with yesterday’s outburst…. To sublimate, today’s video will be our rant for today, with an indictment from our friend John Oliver against the most hated organization in our government, bar none, save perhaps the assholes we personally elected….


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver






We the People...

    Yesterday, I ranted quite a bit against the machine, so to speak; as the following proves, this is not the first time I’ve explored the particular aspect of current events under discussion there. Back in 2012, prior to the presidential election, I wrote a politirant in a very similar vein, which, in some respects, goes even further toward explaining the issue clearly…. Here then, to continue the discussion began yesterday, from a bit less than three years ago….. (SIGH…. not much progress has been made, has it?….)….

From 7/31/2012:

“I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That “all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people…”  To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.” — Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1791

I had intended to write here a sober, reasoned discussion of the above from my second favorite Founding Father (okay, George Mason is my fave….), but decided first to search a bit more to see if I could find something to accompany this, to lighten it up a bit…. this is what I found…..

“History records no more gallant struggle than that of humanity against the truth.” — Smart Bee

Now, while I might suggest that the word “epic” is more apt, ‘gallant” still gives it an adequate emotional index rating. With either word, it rather goes beyond the statement by T. J., into the deeper issue of basic truth. Personally, I don’t understand the issue that most of humanity seems to have regarding the truth…. I’m not afraid of it, even though it is painful more often than not. Unfortunately, much of the rest of mankind seems to not have that sort of reaction to the pain it often brings, and will go to incredible lengths to avoid having to experience that pain, even if it means putting up with another, lesser pain in the process….

You can see, of course, the immediate similarity between those folks who avoid pain, and those folks who vote conservative, or are supporting the accomplished liar, Mitt the Twitt….. Sometimes, many times, in fact, the stuff that is coming out of the mouths of Romney and his supporters is a dead giveaway, one that shows their stark, malignant fear, fear that is rooted in their racism and bigotry. Their worst nightmare came true in 2008, and a BLACK MAN (gasp!) was elected President….

Without ever considering, or even looking at, his record while in office, these ignorant throwbacks will go to ANY lengths to elect ANYONE else, even if that person is actively trying to harm them, as is the case with Romney…. They don’t care, he’s white, so they’ll be more comfortable with him in office…. or so they think…. Should it happen, it will be a rude awakening when he starts his campaign to get the rest of any money they have left, and cheerfully squashes any hope of a better life that they might have retained…..

In reality, this discussion does relate back to Tom’s statement re: the rights of the people vs. the rights of the government. We, the people, have not tried hard enough to maintain the rights we were given, and those rights continue to be eroded. More and more, government is seizing control of various aspects of our lives that formerly were our own issues to deal with. The rights in the Bill of Rights are now amended, and every amendment is another nail in the coffin of freedom….

So, here is the truth, and painful or not, it would be wise to pay attention…. like Jerry Garcia said, “Choosing between two evils is still choosing evil.”  There are no heroes on the ballot. No matter which party is in office, they will continue their assault on the freedoms that Tom says are ours, not theirs. Go with what your reason tells you to do, and don’t be distracted by the lies. Put aside the fear, and the bigotry, and the cowardice. Only one of the two choices is making any effort toward transparency, and you don’t need me to point out which one. Nor would I be so rude as to suggest which you might choose; I just lay out the truth, and you pick….

The truth is Obama lies at times, for expediency, just like any politician. But, he also is genuinely invested in making reforms that will actually help the middle class, and as far as I can tell, has not overly abused his powers (there are anomalous blips on that radar screen, but another time for that….).

Romney lies all the time; time after time after time, it has been documented that he lies just about every time he opens his mouth in the public arena. In addition, he is unapologetically indifferent to any claims of his doing so; he lies again by denying his lies, even when they are laid out in front of him. He has made it abundantly clear that has no interest in making things better for anyone but his own core group of friends, the rich and powerful who occupy Wall Street offices, seats in Congress, and the religious right. The fact is, he is so out there, his own party is starting to get nervous….

These statements are truth. They can all be proven, if necessary, using documentation that is available to anyone in public archives. What you decide to do with that truth is up to you, as it always is…. What will you do with it?…..



    While looking for the rant you see above, I found the following poem, by one of my absolute favorite poets, which works very well in tandem with the material today…. Enjoy, ffolkes….

A Bronze Head

HERE at right of the entrance this bronze head,
Human, superhuman, a bird’s round eye,
Everything else withered and mummy-dead.
What great tomb-haunter sweeps the distant sky
(Something may linger there though all else die;)
And finds there nothing to make its terror less
i{Hysterica passio} of its own emptiness?

No dark tomb-haunter once; her form all full
As though with magnanimity of light,
Yet a most gentle woman; who can tell
Which of her forms has shown her substance right?
Or maybe substance can be composite,
profound McTaggart thought so, and in a breath
A mouthful held the extreme of life and death.

But even at the starting-post, all sleek and new,
I saw the wildness in her and I thought
A vision of terror that it must live through
Had shattered her soul. Propinquity had brought
Imagination to that pitch where it casts out
All that is not itself: I had grown wild
And wandered murmuring everywhere, ‘My child, my
child! ‘

Or else I thought her supernatural;
As though a sterner eye looked through her eye
On this foul world in its decline and fall;
On gangling stocks grown great, great stocks run dry,
Ancestral pearls all pitched into a sty,
Heroic reverie mocked by clown and knave,
And wondered what was left for massacre to save.

~~ William Butler Yeats ~~



    Today’s final pearl is a classic. Full of good advice on living Life at Large, and living it with honor and serenity…. It also came together in two short sessions with SB, so, hallelujah!…. Enjoy, ffolkes, this pearl is one for the ages…

“Nobody trips over mountains.  It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.  Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.” — Zen koan

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.” — Mark Twain (1835-1910)

“The psychic task which a person can and must set for himself is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity.” — Erich Fromm

“Suppose that we are wise enough to learn and know and yet not wise enough to control our learning and knowledge, so that we use it to destroy ourselves? Even if that is so, knowledge remains better than ignorance. It is better to know even if the knowledge endures only for the moment that comes before destruction than to gain eternal life at the price of a dull and swinish lack of comprehension of a universe that swirls unseen before us in all its wonder. That was the choice of Achilles, and it is mine, too.” — Isaac Asimov, The New Hugo Winners

“Believing ourselves to be possessors of absolute truth degrades us:  we regard every person whose way of thinking is different from ours as a monster and a threat and by so doing turn our own selves into monsters and threats to our fellows.” — Octavio Paz

“Always take the short cut; and that is the rational one. Therefore say and do everything according to soundest reason.” — Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180 AD) — Meditations, iv, 51

“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” — H. G. Wells


It’s probably a good thing today’s effort went as smoothly as it did; even now, being done, I feel on edge, as if the world is ready to shatter at the slightest bit of turmoil…. Ah well, probably just my subconscious, telling me to stay alert; the trumpets heralding Armageddon could conceivably blow any moment…. But, if we manage to make it through another day without committing species suicide, well, then, you’ll see me here tomorrow, delivering another load of nonsense, vitriol, and an occasional bit of rhyme…. See y’all then, ffolkes, if my luck holds….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
   and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….

3 thoughts on “Still dubious after all these years….

  1. A Bronze Head.

    She wrote: “I have always hated war and am by nature and philosophy a pacifist, but it is the English who are forcing war on us, and the first principle of war is to kill the enemy.”

    He wrote…
    ” I have spread my dreams under your feet;
    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”

    Still dubious after all these years….
    Yes, still crazy…..;)

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