Bursting with intrepid folios….


“I feel like one
Who treads alone
Some banquet-hall deserted,
Whose lights are fled,
Whose garlands dead,
And all but he departed.”

~~ Thomas Moore — Oft in the Stilly Night ~~


Blue Glory….

Hajime…. Today, our Pearl of Virtual Wisdom comes to you complete, with poem, video, and old-school pearl, as well as an introductory section worthy of the sobriquet. The video is a live concert, by a modern rock band with an excellent group of old-school rockers, living large. As for the rest, we’ll see how it goes….

It may be noted, in a positive sense, there is no rant. This is a direct result of a serious lack of angst, for which I am grateful, if puzzled. It’s not as if the world, or reality, or society, or any of the other global/universal phenomena we observe have, all of a sudden, cleaned up their act. No, the human race continues to infest the face of the Earth, spreading discord and monkey rage without regard for anything beyond its own ego-driven desires. What seems to be lacking is my own reaction; it seems my “give-a-shit” has given all the shit it intends to give, and, I say, about damn time.

While good for my inner serenity, it doesn’t bode well for future of the ranting section. Oh, well. So be it. It will do for today’s Pearl, anyway; at this point, that’s all I care about, so, there. Yes, I’m retreating into childishness; it seems the best, or, at least, quickest way to get out of here, where we seem to be wandering, and get on with the rest of this mess. Y’know what? Instead, let’s just get ruthless, which looks, surprisingly, just like this….

Shall we pearl?….

“If something is unsustainable, it tends to stop.
Or, as the old adage advises,
‘If your horse dies, we suggest you dismount.'”

~~ Herbert Stein, Economist and humorist ~~



Naked Pearls

Beginning to end….


“You take your life in your own hands,
and what happens?
A terrible thing: no one to blame.”

~~ Erica Jong ~~


“Always do what you are afraid to do.”

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~


“Driven by the force of love
the fragments of the world seek each other
that the world may come into being.”

~~ Teilhard de Chardin ~~


“You will know unexpected happiness.
You will know the sorrow of seeing what is dearest to you
cut down before your eyes.
Accept that.
That is the nature of human existence,
and you have no time to buffer this fact
with fairy tales and illogical explanations.”

~~ Deng Ming-Dao ~~


“There is no cure for birth and death other than to enjoy the interval.”

~~ George Santayana ~~





Image from treehugger.com via Google Images





Veiled warning….

Affable, as ever was, he waited for
an affordable taste of post-logical approbation;
it seemed apropos at the time. You see,
formidable concepts, with unbreakable annotation
are not soluble.

A vortex coalesces on the parlor table,
as myrmidons murmur, “What the…?”,
in predictable stentorian tones.
Build it, and they will sum.

“Why not examine the fables and myths?”
Because they hide, that’s why.
Only pertinent illusions are allowed to manifest;
guns drawn, though generally with a reluctant sigh.

Effigies twist and turn in the brutal wind
blown clear from an unpromised land.
Portents give warning, unbidden,
lost in the tumble of organized Time.

~~ gigoid ~~



“I got lost in the time vortex. The TARDIS brought me home.”

~~ Doctor (Pertwee), PLANET OF THE SPIDERS ~~

As it always does…. With its built-in precision, it also dropped us right at the end of today’s mess. Funny how that works, eh? I have now used up all the tricks I know, so, we’ll take our leave, and try again tomorrow, ‘kay? ‘Kay! See ya, ffolkes; that’s a given….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


Γ€ bientΓ΄t, mon cherΓ­….

9 thoughts on “Bursting with intrepid folios….

  1. Pertwee? Loved his car……good to see it coming back to you slowly but slowly….lack of angst can be a good thing….I am having a “fuck off” day if you know what I mean……I try to stay up and working but I hear my bed calling….have a good day….chuq

    • Ah, yes… ‘fuck off’ is one of my favorites… so versatile… I think my angst is just hiding; I have a feeling it will return, when Murphy thinks it will do the most damage. Does knowing that make me a pessimist, or a realist?

      Fuck it; we’re old enough not to care….

      It feels good to not feel so bad, that’s for sure….

      See ya; I’ll be around….

      gigoid, the dubious

  2. SMILes.. my FriEnd.. gigoid..
    the ignorant.. and the closed minded
    will always live as long as human nature
    stays true to what it is.. some folks are
    born for sitting and caution
    and even
    extreme fear..
    otHers are born for
    roving.. and dare
    joy.. simply for
    the adventure of the journey..
    paths come.. paths go.. but human
    Nature in all its stagnate and potential
    moves or stays StiLL.. Cave or open
    Beach.. iN dARk or liGht.. i for
    one have no illusions
    to change hUman
    natuRe for NatuRe
    for me AT lEAst.. is
    God In aLL dARk and
    liGht and ‘tween and
    beYond of allthatis..
    however.. what i do kNOw..
    FeeL is.. been to HeLL and liVe iN
    Heaven now.. vacationed in
    purgatory in grey
    REAL.. too..
    and what is
    left of the dRAgon
    is now furry and warm..
    what is leFT of Hell beYond Despair
    is aLL Joy BeyONd Heaven too.. tHeRE is
    the reaLITy we livE and the ReaLiTy we Make..
    sadly.. some folks are stuck in below first gear..
    i’LL do Ferrari noW with no fears as Long
    as Fearless Love
    for i KNow
    and FeeL the
    oTher Place iS
    as iSREAL as this2..
    iF i cannot take my own
    wife out of a cave of fear..
    tHeRe is no cookie cutter solution
    mY FriEnd..
    Free is without
    FEar.. 100% strength
    in the moment of now.
    no guarantees of
    fair or free…
    but never
    the less
    thiS iSREAL
    for mE aT lEAst
    exists for now.. i’LL share
    it.. but nah.. i too.. was once
    the horse who could find no water aT ALL..
    and once one becomes Love it’s ALL MaGiC iSREaL2..
    noW @lEast..
    as PS goeS oN2..:)

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