Afflicted by shadows….


“So then, these are the foundations, as they call them,
of all mixt bodies, and of all wonderful operations:
and whatsoever experiments they proved,
the causes hereof rested (as they supposed) and were to be found
in the Elements and their qualities.”

~~ Giambattista Della Porta – Natural Magick ~~


Ignoring it all, as only a magicat can….

Hajime…. Rather than search through what I’ve already found to be an empty well, I believe it’s time to reiterate one of the most important, if not critical elements of these Pearls, which we are compelled to label as Virtual Wisdom, in order to maintain the proper frame of reference. Maintaining that frame is the responsibility, of course, of the Gentle Reader, aided as well as possible, when possible, by yours truly, in what I write, and what I try to provide, in the way of validly useful information to give shape, color, and tenor to the frame. The title, then, assumes an important place in the process, since it’s the first thing seen by each reader. That’s why it never has anything to do with the actual Pearl itself; you see, if we tried to do that, you’d come into this with an image, and an idea, that came from your interpretation of whatever the title may say…. To avoid any predisposition, the title, as far as I can make it so, means nothing, and has no relation to what passes below.

This may seem a bit, well, odd, but, it’s what I have found will work the best to prevent the reader from heading off into areas which will prejudice their flow of thought. Instead, knowing it means nothing relevant, each Gentle Reader learns to leave their mind open, free to hare off in whatever direction my insanity takes us; insane, yes, but, on the road to enlightenment. Crazy people aren’t necessarily stupid, you know; crazy isn’t always a handicap for humans. If you’ve ever been there, you’d know…. Besides, if the reader doesn’t know what to expect, it makes for better entertainment, if only for me.

That being said, to as little purpose as I could manage, I can now relate the bad news. Well, maybe it isn’t bad; like most of the news we see nowadays, it’s just news. Attach too much importance to it, and it can take over your life, leaving you in a state of continuous depression, as wave after wave of downright crazy shit bombards your sensibilities, as the world wends its wobbly path toward its destiny, whatever that may be. Since most of humanity has no clue, about where they’re going, or even where they’ve been, you can see the potential for disaster, I’m sure.

Oh, right, the news. The news is, I’ve got a Pearl finished. It’s not bad, even without a rant to stimulate and balance our angst; I kind of gave up ranting here on ECR, to spend the angst and energy commenting on other blogs & Twitter. I’ve also taken to dropping little rant bombs on Facebook, which amuses me no end, as well as providing valuable cathartic elements for my therapeutic relief. All that aside, this Pearl, while fairly standard, has some decent stuff included, which I find to be comforting, for unknown reasons. But, since the whole point of this process is to find my own balance and sanity, even comfort found without attribution is welcome….

I guess four paragraphs of rambling, introspective blather is enough for any intro, so, without any further waffling, I now declare this Pearl open for business….

Shall we Pearl?

“The worst deluded are the self-deluded.”

~~ Christian Nevell Bovee ~~



Loreena McKennitt

Image from via Google Images

I’ve heard this artist’s name a number of times, without ever taking time to explore her work. Like much in my experience, I’ve heard some of it, enough to make what I now hear familiar… It doesn’t detract from the purity of her voice, or the connection her music creates within the listener; it appeals to ancient rhythms that live already in our consciousness, though not perhaps, consciously. I hope you enjoy learning about yourself while you listen, as I do….


Loreena McKennitt Live





Blithely Untitled

A poem came to me today, willy, nilly,
along with a sharp blow to the head.
Since it left me feeling just a bit silly,
anything that rhymes should lessen the dread.

Manifesting destiny into a small, insidious group
we push on toward sanity, concentrating hard.
Full engaging moments spent navigating the loop
shall ever make a difference to victims found in the yard.

Still corpses of creatures, straight out of nightmare
fill up the corners of our tortured minds.
While ever saddened, the iconic male, most debonair,
gazes softly, ironically, at all the mutual interest he finds.

Moronic public statutes compel outbreaks of sanity,
responding to momentary impulses toward inducing peace.
Still, the motions get completed, in fertile stages of inanity
while the bulk of our inmates can find no surcease.

Reluctant motivation to continue is unbound,
striving to ascertain how far there yet remains to go.
No precognitive guesswork will make any less of a sound
to soften the final strains, or teach us to truly know.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls



“How admirable, he who thinks not,
Life is fleeting,
When he sees the lightning!”

~~ Basho ~~


“The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.”

~~ Aristotle ~~


“It’s exhilarating to be alive in a time of awakening consciousness;
it can also be confusing, disorienting, and painful.”

~~ Adrienne Rich ~~


“I like reality. It tastes of bread.”

~~ Jean Anouilh ~~


“Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.”

~~ Sartre ~~


“Because it’s there.”

~~Sir Edmund Hillary ~~


“Education never ends…
It is a series of lessons with the greatest for the last.”

~~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ~~



Having developed the process for creating Daily Pearls of Virtual Wisdom over more than five years now, on WordPress alone, I have come to trust it implicitly, for just the reason demonstrated today. It’s done, and done well, in spite of my own mental fog, and a conscious will still only half-awake. Not bad for 0455 am on a winter’s morn, eh? I think so, and, that’s what counts here. Besides, it’s done, and now I can go find something more realistically productive to do. (Fat chance of that…. shhh, he’ll hear me…) Let’s get started on that, shall we? See y’all tomorrow, ffolkes; on that you may rely….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 2780

À bientôt, mon cherí….

4 thoughts on “Afflicted by shadows….

  1. Those Limeys love them some Spain….LOL

    “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” P.K. Dick

    “Thought creates reality” (?)

    Have yourself a day…I have got some last minute stuff to take care of….be back later….chuq

    • I had to look up the “Thought creates reality” quote; Google doesn’t ascribe it to any one person. But, the Buddha said, “What we think, we become.” which is essentially the same. He also said, “Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.”, which, while not exactly the same, implies how to approach the subject with a bit of rational control…

      Phil was, I think, one of the world’s most cogent thinkers about madness, since he fought schizophrenia all his life. His take on the true nature of reality is, IMHO, still the best, to wit: “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”


      I’ll be by later… see ya.


  2. “So then, these are the foundations, as they call them,
    of all mixt bodies, and of all wonderful operations:
    and whatsoever experiments they proved,
    the causes hereof rested (as they supposed) and were to be found
    in the Elements and their qualities.”

    ~~ Giambattista Della Porta – Natural Magick ~~

    oF MaGiC
    11 past 10
    as human
    gRows pASt
    Ocean oF juST 10 digits..
    oNe Force SinGulArity
    Bridge 11 to
    tALL iNFiniTy NOW..:)

    ThaT iS what ‘tHey’ cALL
    A leap of logic a grAnd
    1 at thaT Cross..
    for 8
    1 aLL 11 H..;)

    “The worst deluded are the self-deluded.”

    ~~ Christian Nevell Bovee ~~

    i liKe to
    oF iT
    and FeeL iT moRe..
    wiTh seNses too..:)

    “How admirable, he who thinks not,
    Life is fleeting,
    When he sees the lightning!”

    ~~ Basho ~~

    sMiLes i kNew was/
    am alive again
    i ran
    iN liGhteNing
    oh.. the deaTh
    wish dArkest
    LiFE then..
    butt i kept thE
    fearLess pARt
    Back iN my pockET..:)

    “The least initial deviation from the truth
    is multiplied later a thousandfold.”

    ~~ Aristotle ~~

    Truth is relative..
    Morals are relative..
    Time is relative
    by make
    and model
    Vehicles and Vessels..
    And yes.. of course… mileAge
    And maintenance cOUnts as requiRed..

    “It’s exhilarating to be alive in a time of awakening consciousness;
    it can also be confusing, disorienting, and painful.”

    ~~ Adrienne Rich ~~

    Yeah that
    thingy can
    literAlly be
    HeLL oN eARTh
    noW too.. no need
    to even explain that
    metapHorse to a general physician..
    as dArk
    and go to liGht..;)

    “I like reality. It tastes of bread.”

    ~~ Jean Anouilh ~~

    iF i FeeL iT
    seNSe iT..
    i’LL trY it lATer..
    as fresh bRead coMes..;)

    “Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.”

    ~~ Sartre ~~

    TrUe and it comes
    down to what
    yA do wiTh
    you.. too..
    some folks
    say let’s jusT
    shoot.. some folks paint..
    a new shoot now.. otHeRs juST give uP..:)

    “Because it’s there.”

    ~~Sir Edmund Hillary ~~

    i don’t pet
    doG oF reAson..;)

    Education never ends…
    It is a series of lessons with the greatest for the last.”

    ~~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ~~

    GreaTest Now..

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