Soften the edges with a little innuendo….


Do you feel it? That suffocating sense of burgeoning terror, the shivering fear that steals over us to freeze the blood, that makes us want to run, screaming gibberish at the top of our voice, fleeing as fast as we can, until our lungs want to burst? Is it filling your mind with visions of demons, ripping innocent victims to pieces with ravening claws, eating them while still alive?….. Well, cut it out, because that’s just silly…. It’s just a blog intro, and just because I MIGHT end up filling the next five paragraphs with nonsensical blather isn’t sufficient reason to go all wonky on us….

Of course, that is the way I feel every morning, but, that’s probably TMI, considering the time of day; nobody needs to know my motivation at 0400 in the morning, with only one or two sips of coffee on board so far, to hold back the insanity. No, there’s really no reason to go off like that; besides, it’s more fun, and more amusing for the rest of us, if you would just use the medication provided for you in your safety pack, right there in the pocket on the seat back in front of you…. The calming pills are the purple ones, with the lotus flower on them…. One should be enough to dull the edges of your fear, and two will complete the process of eliminating all your cares and woes, trading them for a much preferable set of euphoric hallucinations….. We aim to please here at ECR….

All silliness aside, how’s things? Wait, that won’t work, either….. There’s no vehicle for interactive chatting, not without resorting to Facebook, or some other social media that offers instant replies to such queries….. Probably not a good idea, anyway, on a site where the material is often incendiary and deliberately provocative; I’d spend my time answering chat comments, and never get the damn thing finished…. Yeah, better to not offer such amenities as interactive chats, or instant messaging on a blog site; leave that to the data crunchers at FB, Google, and/or Twitter…. then we’ll know for sure that the NSA is getting all they need to keep us safe from the big bad terrorists….

Don’t fret, I’m not going to start ranting again here in the intro, even if they deserve it…. We’ll leave that until later down the pike, when I’m fully awake, and SB is in a better mood…. You see, all this has been created, for the simple reason that my oh-so-necessary, but frequently dodgy, database is acting like it’s been listening to Murphy, refusing to give me anything fresh, or particularly valuable to use as an opening platform for comment… I spent about ten straight minutes going through its offerings, without finding a single usable quote with which to start today’s post, and that’s a lot of quotes…. I’m hoping it will get over it by the time I’m done here…. and, gosh almighty!, look here! Four full paragraphs, all chock full of nothing much, just waiting to be recognized as the crap it is, long, silly, and legally over the limit for an intro, again….

Not being the kind of man to look a gift horse in the mouth, without first applying some horsey mouthwash, at the very least, I’m going to take it and run…. far, and fast as I can, too…. It’s the least I can do after subjecting y’all to this kind of blather once more…. Forgive me, I know exactly what I do….

Shall we Pearl?…..

“Cleverness is not wisdom.” — Euripides

Thanks to the new function in WP, that refers one to older posts, I’ve been enjoying some of the stuff that came through my head a couple of years ago…. Here is an old-school pearl, complete with intro and concluding remarks, from a Pearl in August of 2012…..


Yesterday, I sat down in the afternoon to do some pearl diving, as my stash was getting low. Out of the first ten pearls offered up for my perusal, the following entries, all but one from Smart Bee itself, popped up one after another, just as if they were meant to be together. Upon rearranging the order slightly, I found them to be correct; together they make a fine little old-school pearl. So, without further ado, follow the bouncing thought bubble to the ending point, where you will find yourself in possession of a valuable piece of virtual wisdom…. or possibly, a great deal of confusion….. your choice, both are free of charge…..

Although everyone is entitled to be stupid, some abuse this privilege. — Smart Bee

Keep the pointy end forward and the dirty side down. — Smart Bee

I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, my lad.  It’s dead! — Smart Bee

Tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow creeps in this rutabaga…. — Smart Bee

Ignorance of one’s ignorance is the greatest ignorance.– Smart Bee

“YOW!!  I’m in a very clever and adorable INSANE ASYLUM!!” — Zippy the Pinhead

I think the final line from Zippy punctuates the idea very well, ending not only with wisdom, but with two exclamation points to drive it home!!…. Such courteous service, you won’t find just anywhere…. Most bloggers would just abandon you, leaving you to figure stuff out on your own. But, not here at gigoid’s house…. we’re all about customer service…. I hope you enjoyed the ride; you may now go on to the next section….

Since the rest of today’s Pearl came from old posts, I thought this one would fit right in with the rest….. I first posted this poem in July of 2012, with this introductory statement, just as you see it here…. I hope you enjoy it…. I did, even if it IS mine….


“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, ‘O me! O life!… of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless–of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life? Answer. That you are here – that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.’ That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?” — John Keating, Dead Poet’s Society

Early Observations

Until I knew there was more,
I wanted to know God.
They said he was a nice guy,
and would let me live forever.

All I had to do, they said,
was live my life for Him,
always living by scripture
cleaving only to his Way.

But, everyone I saw in church,
acted different at home.
Living wild, cussin’ and fussin’,
nobody lived like they said.

Still, I tried to be like Jesus,
he was sort of cool.
He never hurt nobody
and walked on the right path.

‘Course they killed him for that,
they couldn’t stand his example.
Turned him into a martyr,
 hid his real words among their own.

Then I found the Buddha,
and met Lao Tzu at the gate.
They saw things real different,
showed me how to see straight.

Right thought, and right action
replace blind obedience and faith.
Reality becomes manageable,
fear retreats, the universe expands.

Brother John said it pretty well,
“Imagine there’s no heaven,
it’s easy if you try.”
Sounds like he knew why.

Day to day, life is grand,
we walk in eternal beauty.
Open your eyes and hearts,
find yourself already immortal.

~~ gigoid ~~


I’ve been struck by the hammer of laziness, again, but, it’s okay, because I’ve got this huge archive of stuff I can use when that happens…. as demonstrated in section one…. Here, in section three of today’s Pearl, I’m going even further back, to mid-June of 2012, where I found this mini-rant, that is still quite valid today…. I hope you enjoy it, as it’s all true stuff…..


“…when all government… in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the centre of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.” — Thomas Jefferson, 1821

The framers of the Constitution knew what they were doing when they tried to build in safeguards in the system of government they chose after the revolution against England. They structured it with checks to the balance of power in each section, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, and reserving several rights to the people that had historically been reserved for the governments themselves, including the right to bear arms, one that every government in history has tried to restrict for its own use. The right to bear arms, the right to vote, the right to gather to protest, to speak freely, all these have, at one time or another through the last four or five millennia, been restricted, until men like Jefferson, Mason, and Washington took those rights for themselves, and offered the same opportunity to their descendants.

In fact, I regard it as proof of this assertion to find that the government, not only of this country, but all of them, is STILL trying to restrict the rights of the populace to bear arms. To my way of thinking, the most recent attempts by the government to curtail the public’s ability to obtain the means to protect themselves adequately merely serve to point out how accurate are statements such as the above, showing how little human nature has evolved, or advanced in the intervening years…. I’d be hard pressed to call the changes we’ve seen anything other than a retreat from achieving a more civilized society, as the populace continues to live in fear, most of which is manufactured by that very same government, to distract them from what is going on behind the scenes; for example, observe the data mining and illegal surveillance being carried on by Saint Obama and the current administration….

Sorry to apply the sarcastic epithet to the POTUS, but, his recent actions have revealed a lot of stuff that indicates that, yes, he IS a politician, and, as such, has been lying to the public on a regular basis since entering office, a habit much practiced by all those who enter those hallowed doors, as it turns out. Historically, it seems, ever since I’ve been alive, for the last 62 years, each and every man who has been in the White House, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, has lied to the public on a regular basis, without qualms, and without apology…. This isn’t news, or new news, at all…. just go back over the headlines and op-ed pages over that period, and the evidence of what I have asserted is plain to see….

That is why I won’t ever consider any alterations to the second Amendment, or the First, or to any of them…. I still regard them as law, and see any attempts to restrict them as being acts of treason against the principles by which they were conceived and enacted. I DON’T trust ANY politician, not one who spends millions to get elected, even if, or especially if, the money isn’t theirs…. The mere act of WANTING to be an elected official implies insanity to me, either of a sociopathic nature, or an evangelical one, either of which is dangerous to allow into any position of authority over others, as they will ALWAYS act to serve their own self-interests first…..

’nuff said….. gigoid has spoken, and has no more to say on this subject, except….. Leave my Bill of Rights alone, or pay the consequences…..

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde

Having thus avoided any truly creative output, other than the not-so-creative intro section, I find myself already finished, in just under an hour’s time…. completely unprecedented, unless you count the other times….. which we don’t….. Any who, let’s see if it will fly…..

Okay, it flies, if a bit erratically…. I suppose it will eventually wind its way to where it needs to go…. Why, look! It already has! Imagine that….. I’m going to go now, leaving you with no further assaults on your credibility…. You’ve been wonderful, putting up with my idiosyncratic tendencies, and deserve to be left alone now, to lick you wounds in peace…. See ya….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.



2 thoughts on “Soften the edges with a little innuendo….

  1. Reblogged this on gigoid and commented:

    I wasn’t here yesterday, and, I’m not here today. At this point, I can’t say when I’ll be back, as I’m re-connecting with parts of reality…. I hope. At any rate, here’s another re-blog, just so you know I do care. Well, a little…. I’ll be back, eventually…. Until then, enjoy this archived post, and have some fun….

  2. “We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, ‘O me! O life!… of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless–of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life? Answer. That you are here – that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.’ That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?” — John Keating, Dead Poet’s Society

    WeLL.. my FriEnd..
    sorry yoU’Re doWn
    and of course down
    can be a A path to uP..
    as someone liKe mE Has
    coMe to KNoW/FeeL as TruTh
    and LiGht NoW and a pAth of
    dARk too..
    i’Ve come for
    the money and
    the money is wise
    words oF Art iN SonG
    and DanCe mY FriEnd to
    add another MiCro Verse number
    30 or so that WiLL add in for 31 or
    so.. for the 690th Macro Verse of
    Longest Long Form Poem ever
    iN Essence oF coUrse.. ReaL noW..
    so thanks.. thanks.. and thanks
    A wHole BunCh as TrUly tHis
    would have never coMe
    liKe tHis without
    aLL yOur heLP
    ’cause yA sEE mY
    and wiTh thaT
    sAid oFFto collect
    the last Micro-Verse
    wHole of fearless Money
    Love.. for what you offer in
    your great work and practice
    oF Fearless Love heAr yoU heRe..
    thaT RinGS truTh and liGht.. liFe
    as WeLL or SiCk.. aLiVe or DEAd
    as reaLasT as youR soUl liVeS oN heRe
    NoW mY FriEnd as to add a Verse in todaY’s
    oNline UniVerse IS A REAL DEAL OF GOD NOW..
    AS this heaven stays..oH.. for perHaps thouSanDs oF
    yearS noW iN all ThE dARk and LiGht and Spectrum
    ‘tween wE for ONE aLL maKe oF thIs UniVerse NoW..:)

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