Rim shots for peace….


“True merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.”

~~ Halifax ~~

blue morning glory

Morning Glory in Blue

Hajime…. Bozoid, or not, it’s got to be done. Since my degree of bozoid is rather highly developed, that will require an incredible amount of focus, and will, in order to fulfill our chosen duty. Given the last night’s draw, having fought for sleep until successful (well, to a degree… three sets of two hours isn’t too bad… that’s more down than up, so, hey, bonus….), and the concomitant extra smegs of energy, I have no real excuse for not getting it done, unless I retreat into whine and sour cheese. Therefore, what you see is what I’ve got, and it’s all you get.

Today, that isn’t an insignificant amount of material. In fact, there’s a rather extensive diatribe in the ranting section, with a seven-star pearl that grew to nine, and a complex poem from about 4 years ago. I also think you’ll enjoy today’s music; I know I did, and will again. So, in spite of any possible glitches, or, spanners in the works, we have a pretty good example of a Pearl of Virtual Wisdom for your reading pleasure. I know, that’s a bit presumptuous, but, hey, I think so, and, in the final analysis, that’s all that matters…. Deal with it, just as if it were a part of Reality As We Know It….

Now I’ve set the stage, so to speak, I think I’ll use my somewhat underused executive decision making powers, as held by law and custom, I’ll cut the intro down to a proper size, with the simple decree, “it’s enough, and, it’s done.” So be it. I hope you enjoy today’s mess; I enjoyed putting it together, mostly, so, that will probably show through. If not, well, you can ask for a refund. You won’t get one, but, you can ask. On that curmudgeonly note, I say we should be on our way, and, in this blog, what I say, necessarily, goes….

Shall we Pearl?….

“Dope will get you through times of no money
better that money will get you through times of no dope.”

~~ Freewheelin’ Franklin, “The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers” ~~


tom waits

Image from youtube.com via Google Images

Some days, you just need it to be as real as it can get. Today is such a day for me. When ‘real’ is called for, I call for Tom Waits….


Tom Waits
Live in Bremen -Full Album






Dont keep calm

I had a quote by Plato picked out, but, ranting is not in the picture for this morning; given the state of my mind, it wouldn’t be a good idea. Here for your reading enjoyment is a rather extensive discussion/diatribe, which pokes some rather cogent indictments against certain members of the BRC, or, as we like to call them, Asininnies…. Enjoy!….

From 2/1/2013:

“I wouldn’t recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they’ve always worked for me.” — Hunter S. Thompson (b. 1939), journalist

So, this is going to be fun…. I think. I have no idea what to put here today. I’m not ready to rant; besides which, there’s nothing particularly rantable on tap… Oh, there’s stuff to talk about, silly stuff, bad stuff, even some good stuff…. but, none of it tickles my rant bone…. So, I’m just going to use some links to subject matter, as well as links to today’s headlines, to make short, hopefully pithy comments, infused with with and wisdom, (well, insofar as I am capable of doing so…you can never tell just how that will work out….), thereby defusing the otherwise potentially explosive possibilities that arise when I don’t rant….

First, one of my gentle readers left me a link yesterday, that led to some rather interesting information, about a concept that, oddly enough, I’d never before encountered in all my reading…. though, come to think of it now, I did read the book in which the the first appearance of the idea appeared, according to the article, a tome by Philip K. Dick…. I must have passed over the concept as part of the book’s plot, because it is a deep one, and deserves some thought….

Pronoia…. the belief that there is a conspiracy on the part of the universe to make my life better…. It is the exact reverse state of mind of paranoia, the belief in a conspiracy by reality to do us harm; as such, the concept offers the best sort of contrast to that, contrast that outlines and reveals the true state of mind we need, in order to see ALL the picture that Reality presents to us… The state of mind that shows us how to be aware of the true nature of Reality, that of duality….

It’s also a very nice way to think about living, as one of the natural results of following this train of thought is to become more compassionate, and more tolerant of others…. more able to love, and be loved… If you need an example of someone who displays the characteristics of a pronoiac, think of Elwood P. Dowd, the character played by Jimmy Stewart in the movie, “Harvey”….. Elwood believed in acting just as if the world was a place that had no other purpose than to give him different opportunities to find happiness, and, as a result of his beliefs, he found it, everywhere he looked….

Read the article, ffolkes, it will give you something to think about other than the gloom and doom that is our usual fare, if nothing else….


In another example of how frigging CRAZY this world is, and just how little respect for the public the BRC has, I offer the following, which, though it appears to be encouraging, is actually quite scary, and I’ll tell you why…. after you read what he said….


While Barry claims to value net neutrality, his minions at the NSA and the US Cyber Security Forces are actively pursuing complete CONTROL of that internet, seeking to find ways to be able to access ANY computer ANYWHERE on the planet, as long as it is connected to the Net. When he was first elected, I sent an email to the White House, in answer to a call for opinions on some subject or another…. My hope, though small, was that someone would actually READ what I sent, and possibly, a response from an actual person would be elicited….

No such luck… I never have received anything from them via this contact other than obvious form letters, asking for donations, telling me I should join this movement, or support the president in some project or another…. Since sending that ONE email, I have been inundated with two, and sometimes three or four emails a day from the White House…. That’s every day, since 2009…. I get begging letters, letters to try to engage me enough to click on links to send me to places where they can present more attempts to brainwash me…. This administration has embrace the internet, social media, and email as marketing tools of the highest order, and obviously, have learned a lot from the spam industry about how to use email as a marketing tool…

Not only that, they are definitely mining me for whatever data they can find…. They know my name, and that I’ve never responded, because I keep getting emails from them telling me my name isn’t on their list as a supporter or a donor…. I would opt out of getting them, but, I believe in the old adage about keeping one’s enemies close enough to know what they’re up to, at least on the surface….

Immediately upon emailing the WH, I also got new, begging-type emails from a number of liberal causes, all of whom are big supporters of the pOTUS’s agenda…. Even Al Franken, a smart comedian turned Senator, started hitting me up for donations, along with the Human Rights Commission, MoveOn.org, Causes, Greenpeace, etc….. all are dunning me to get my spare dollars, and put my name, and computer address, into their database….

No, thanks…. I’ll keep accepting the emails, because it gives me a fair idea of what’s up in those arenas, but, I won’t ever respond again to them, even though I have no fear of the delete button, and can get rid of them without mercy, or regret…. which I do, every day…. But, damn, I wish I was a good enough hacker to be able to send back an email bomb, that would explode their database when my data got entered…. That would be too cool for words….

I see this statement by the president as a self-serving one, designed to make people believe he has the same concerns they have; but, at the same time, he is actively working to make the internet completely his to control…. and THAT’s dangerous, because, people are BELIEVING him….

Lastly today, here is an article which I am including, even though I won’t read it…. If this project gets passed, it will be a significant victory for the Asininnies in the fight to save the Arctic (Oh, yeah, I get emails about that, too…) from the oil companies’ limitless avarice. I have a feeling, though, even if passed, it will never get built, due to eco-terrorist sabotage…..Though not one of them, per se, I know there are a LOT of people out there who are VERY committed to stopping this pipeline, and won’t give up….

Seems to me, though I’ve never studied those particular warfare techniques, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to stop the pipeline from being built, considering the vulnerability of the areas through which it must pass…..Time will tell, but, I think the shadowy corporate masters may have bitten off a bite from a very bitter apple, which may end up being more than they can chew, this time….


Such articles tend to depress me, so I’m going to give this a rest now…. This will have to suffice as today’s rant, because, ffolkes, that’s all I’ve got in me today…. I’m pretty sure that most ffolkes would say it’s enough…. I’ll finish up with this short, five-star pearl, which seems appropriate to the above discussions….

“According to Descartes, Rush Limbaugh doesn’t exist.” — Smart Bee

“If good intentions are combined with stupidity, it is impossible to outthink them.” — Marion J. Levy, Jr.

“Prefer loss to the wealth of dishonest gain; the former vexes you for a time; the latter will bring you lasting remorse.” — Chilo

“Remember: it’s only American television.” — David Letterman

“Life, as we know it, does not exist.” — Smart Bee



A bit less than five years ago, after a hiatus covering nearly 40 years, I began writing poetry again. This one is one of those first attempts to stretch my mind a bit; it seems to have worked. Last night, for some unknown reason, while up in the middle of the night, the title floated up into my head. So, here it is, for, who am I to ignore messages from my own unconscious mind?

Fatal Supplication

But what becomes of our deepest dangerous dreams?
Does fantasy rescue any part of life’s imperiled favor?
Reality becomes but silvery pairs of mismatched teams,
Dining with affable elegance, such diffident waste to savor.

Who decides what sorrows to carry bravely to term?
Will fragrant moments of sanity make hasty manifestation?
Only Time’s patient mutability sends messages so firm,
Yet salient impersonal vexation lends credence to ripe imagination.

Can folly bring out sadness and rampant visions of beauty?
What kindness can be found in distant open relations?
With countless faces the dead disturb with dire impunity,
From separate caches of wisdom come simple stylish privations.

Shall shallow emotion serve to provide such explanations?
When does avaricious intensity assume primary focus?
Plain answers slide softly through with multiple mitigations,
While conceptually indignant concepts engage a fatally personal locus.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls



“Sure, understanding today’s complex world of the future is a little
like having bees live in your head. But there they are . . .”

~~ The Firesign Theater ~~


“We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.”

~~ Carl Sagan ~~


“Be loyal.”

~~ Things We Can Learn From Dogs ~~


“How could the drops of water know themselves to be a river?
Yet the river flows on.”

~~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~~


“Sacred cows make the best hamburger.”

~~ Mark Twain ~~


“Never be boastful; someone may come along who knew you as a child.”

~~ Chinese Proverb ~~


“It’s not only what we do,
but also what we do not do for which we are accountable.”

~~ Moliere ~~


“Pain exists to measure pleasure by.”

~~ Tibetan Proverb ~~


“The game isn’t over till it’s over.”

~~ Yogi Berra ~~



It’s always a good feeling to complete a chosen duty; given my background, and my father, it’s about the best feeling there is in my world. I’m not sure I want to try to figure out what THAT means, so, we’ll take this opportunity to take our leave, before I do, or say, anything untoward. It happens. Instead, I’ll bid thee adieu for another day, with our usual caveat, to wit: I’ll be back tomorrow, ffolkes. Just try to stop me….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 8118

À bientôt, mon cherí….

18 thoughts on “Rim shots for peace….

  1. EMoTioNs..
    to me at lEast
    that has such a birtHinG
    RinG that SinGs a SonG oF New..
    who kNew but a CloWn WiTh A pAin’t
    oF teaRinG clothes that WiLL noT hOld
    a SoUl.. WiTh SpiRit oF CoLor oN HiGh
    and Low oF mINd and BoDy BaLance
    sHoW.. and Oh mY God.. Pronoia
    the polar oppoSite
    oF Paranoia..
    And Oh mY
    GoD iN HeaVen
    and JeSus F iN
    ChriSt after.. before
    and all a’Round the
    Gnostic Gospels..
    it figures
    that special spell
    checker understands
    the dArk poWer of
    Paranoia iN SpELLinG
    Way of VooDoo of NoCeBo
    efFecT too.. yes.. the spELL
    Checker algorithm has an
    empty glass away from
    the realist Placebo
    effect and affect
    in positive
    action as Pronoia
    and consequence
    that can simply be termed
    as the power of attraction.. in
    this case the liGht attraction oF
    HopE.. FaiTh and BeLleF iN
    a Super AweSOmE way
    thAT comes PlaCebo
    trUe NoW vs..
    the opposing
    rhythm and negativity
    oF liFe iN dArker NoceBo
    Way iN noW.. oh the path
    that can be greater in
    misery.. pain
    and suffering
    and even self-fulfilling
    prophecies too.. but when
    i went in the black hole soul
    back in 2008.. i played scrabble..
    or at least attempted to play and
    every God dam combination started
    coming up with words similar to destruction
    and even friGGinG Death.. literally as such..
    and then the Dead End Road seemed like
    a Harbinger of what was to come.. and then
    a chair of negativity in front of a TV i could
    no longer watch or hear as Dancing With
    the Stars became fireworks.. as liGhteNinG
    and Thunder in my eYes.. the Down
    ward spiral was accelerating to
    Mach 1 heLL iN eYes oF i..
    and of course all the
    cells of my body
    learned a
    new routine
    of negative FeeLinGs
    as associated and the spiral
    downward to and endless pit
    of lower continued oN almost
    OH my God.. jUst like Dante’s
    Hell.. surprised now that i didn’t
    see Muhammad in there like the
    author said he would be but
    what i found is one is
    oH God all alone
    in HeLL Facing the
    inner demons that
    are real.. as the broom
    stick that i ride straight
    on the highway to hell..
    anyway.. the highway to
    heaven is truly paved with
    Good Intentions that constantly
    reflect positive actions one and
    sAMe.. and sure.. tHeRe iS all a
    science and art to liFe.. and WhiLe
    i stayed on the highway to HeLL for
    that 66 months… back then.. i have
    polished my ruby slippers wHeRe
    Home IS A alMost enTireLY HeaVen
    NoW.. Oh God.. heRe i go aGaiN and
    before i oops write another 19K word
    post like the latest one noW.. i’M gonna
    Go to bed and go deep deep deep into
    the Forest tomorrow.. wITh OnLY NatUre
    dreAMs come real for literal escape from
    in the TwiLiGht ZonE
    FLoW oF i..
    a Force
    that mUst
    GroW oN aWay
    from WordS noW..;)

  2. Pingback: Rim shots for peace….By #Gigoid | ' Ace Friends News '

  3. Reblogged this on gigoid and commented:


    I’m feeling some guilt over having not posted or written at all for almost two weeks…. The cold I caught has been the primary culprit, but, let’s not forget the laziness, a partial reason for catching cold in the first place. In any case, here is a Pearl from the not-too-distant past to sublimate. I’ll be back eventually, perhaps when I’ve found my mind, which I lost some years ago…. In the meantime, be well, & happy as you may be…. I remain strange….

    See ya, ffolkes

    gigoid, the dubious


  4. What the Hell and Heaven..
    YeS.. i’LL JusT Do iT AGaiN
    Look up
    Top After
    i Finish
    As Just
    Another Example
    Of Change Now and Then
    Oh by the way Happy Thanks Giving
    gigoid And i Surely Hope All the Fires Have
    Stayed Away From You And Your Loved ones
    iN California Far Away.. From You All NoW
    True.. Biggest Hurricanes
    Do not Discriminate
    Where i LiVENoW or
    Progressives Where
    You Live As Climate
    Change Plays
    No Favorites
    More Evidence
    iF We Don’t Stand
    ToGeTHeR smART We
    All Lose.. No Side Bets On Winning This
    Or That OR Oil Deals With Killing Nations
    Including Ours Too of Course as Karma
    And Mother Nature Have Very very Sharp Teeth WHere
    Human Flesh All Tastes SaME No Matter Golden Towers..
    Or Trailer
    Stuff And all of this and that
    And Them And US And ‘Those’ Folks
    Up Top That And Who Continue to SinK So LoW..:)

    “True merit, like a river, the deeper it is,
    the less noise it makes.”

    ~~ Halifax ~~

    Eye oF A
    Human Soul Winds..:)

    Dope will get you through times of no money
    better that money will get you through times of no dope.”

    ~~ Freewheelin’ Franklin, “The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers” ~~

    Neither Rise me uP
    Dance Free And
    Song PLuST
    ReTirEmenT.. heHe
    iS aLL i NeeD WitH LoVE..:)

    “I wouldn’t recommend sex, drugs
    or insanity for everyone,
    but they’ve always worked for me.”

    — Hunter S. Thompson (b. 1939), journalist

    Dance And Song Last Longer
    Least For Me..
    And Oh Lord the
    Rock And Roll Still
    to Come Then And NoW..:)

    ‘Pronoia’ For Every Little And
    Big Thing Is Gonna Work Out
    DarK Thru LiGHT aS Just Another
    And Singing
    too.. All We Need iS LoVE..;)

    “According to Descartes, Rush Limbaugh doesn’t exist.”

    — Smart Bee

    True Hot Balloons Have False Thoughts..;)

    “If good intentions are combined with stupidity, it is impossible to outthink them.”

    — Marion J. Levy, Jr.

    smART Without Do Do Do..;)

    “Prefer loss to the wealth of dishonest gain; the former
    vexes you for a time; the latter will bring you lasting remorse.”

    — Chilo

    VieW ALWaYS uP NoW FoR A GRaiN oF SanD..;)

    “Remember: it’s only American television.” — David Letterman

    With ‘World Wide Pants’..;)

    “Life, as we know it, does not exist.”

    — Smart Bee

    TRuE Feels and Senses Come First..:)

    “Sure, understanding today’s complex world of the future is a little
    like having bees live in your head. But there they are . . .”

    ~~ The Firesign Theater ~~

    Uni-TAsk or MuLti-FAiL..;)

    “We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.”

    ~~ Carl Sagan ~~

    OnLY NoW
    iS ForevernoW
    WithouT FeaR
    RiVeR oF LoVE..:)

    “Be loyal.”

    ~~ Things We Can Learn From Dogs ~~

    UnLeSS OnE WorKS For The ‘Other Mr. T.” On The F TeaM..;)

    “How could the drops of water know themselves to be a river?
    Yet the river flows on.”

    ~~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~~

    Leave OuT Know Be One Worries Be Gone..:)

    “Sacred cows make the best hamburger.”

    ~~ Mark Twain ~~

    Holy And Sacred Full Of Meaning And Purpose
    Nothing Stopping An Individual From Creating Heaven
    NoW oN EaRTH
    Hamburgers Now FReED..;)

    “Never be boastful; someone may come along who knew you as a child.”

    ~~ Chinese Proverb ~~

    StaY A Child And You’ll NeVeR KNoW..;)

    “It’s not only what we do,
    but also what we do not do for which we are accountable.”

    ~~ Moliere ~~

    True.. Baby Elephant Tied to Tree
    Other Wise Up-Root Tree And Free
    As Full Grown Elephant WoKE NoW..;)

    “Pain exists to measure pleasure by.”

    ~~ Tibetan Proverb ~~

    PaiN Protects PleaSure
    DArK Protects Light
    So oN And
    So Forth
    Ride A Wave Low
    From: High to: SKeYes TRuE..;)

    “The game isn’t over till it’s over.”

    ~~ Yogi Berra ~~

    UnLeSS Our PLaY STaRTS NoW..:)

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