Trundling about the piazza…


“If you can’t deliver the pie in the sky you promised, you’d better redefine the pie.”

~~ Paul A. Samuelson ~~

urban art

Urban Art

Today’s short Pearl is merely a notice of intent to vacate. Not permanently, but, for a time, the length of which is still undetermined, I won’t be posting, or writing much. I have injured myself, severely enough it is hard to type, or sit at all. Needless to say, this precludes time at the computer. So, in the infamous words of an unknown, yet now immortal, screenwriter, I’ll be back.

Until then, y’all be well, and happy as you may…

“Don’t embarrass us.”
“Have I ever?”

~~ Buckaroo Banzai and Perfect Tommy ~~

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….

5 thoughts on “Trundling about the piazza…

  1. WeLL.. mY FriEnd gigoid.. hope you find healing in your
    own now and or time.. as i surely know wHere pain
    and injury can take
    one away from life..
    and the greatest pain
    i’Ve kNow as i’Ve often stated
    before.. beYond the scientifically
    assessed worst pain known to humankind
    that i endured from wake to sleep named as
    type two trigeminal neuralgia along with 19 other
    disorders was the loss oF all affect of emotional
    feelings.. to the point i no longer even felt
    fear of anything at all.. not even life..
    or pain and i suppose that was
    for 66 long months..
    pARt of a very
    ill circle
    for survival
    as the snake
    WiLL do what
    iT takes to go on..
    as reptiles do with
    reptilian brain alone..
    but human dead is no life
    after living with emotions full
    as the elixir of life that keeps us
    moving without fight or flight adrenaline
    that fuels those with little FAITH.. which IS A
    real moving EmoTioN for those who feel the
    actual literal EmoTioN oF Faith that can and noW
    WiLL move uS forward iN action of JuST doing more..
    along with hope and belief as pArt of thAT liVing piE for
    greater liGhts of not just survive but A thrive in liFE.. so.. yes..
    pain can take that away.. and when pain takes that away.. pain
    can be more desirable than a lack of human affect as emoTioNs
    experienced as simple as what lies behind a smile or a tear the sAMe..
    So.. as long as my EmoTioNs and otHeR associated senses that moVe
    mE as EmoTioNs are intact..noW.. no matter if this writing goes away that was
    simply an escape from hell then.. and a way noW to spread emoTioNal energy
    for those who are receptive to it now.. as sure.. not all are.. for either nature or
    nurture reaSons too.. it is the way i go.. as the Winds and Breezes Free of
    organically produced words fly in alignment of the EmoTioNal energy
    thAt can be Storm oF liGht in words.. my FriEnd.. so.. anyWays..
    hope you find some joy in thE liVinG liGht of EmoTioNs
    and SenSEs with or without the writing my friEnd..
    as liFE is not liVinG aT aLL to mE.. wiThout
    a UniVerse within.. inside.. outside..
    so above.. below and
    all around
    oF EmoTioNs
    S E N S E S..
    TrUE and fULLy
    experienced from a sMiLe
    to a tEar to the EmoTions oF Beauty
    FeLt as Love for aLL of NaTuRe in MoVinG
    ConnEcTing CreAtinG way as a smile on
    a baby WiLL bRinG
    to an adult
    no words
    At ALL mY FriEnd
    BuT unconditional
    Fearless Love… sAdly
    theRe are many people wHeRe thAt
    sMiLe on a Baby”s Face does nothing..
    in fAct.. they have no desire to help..
    not even to
    Without Love
    of the fearless variety
    mY fRiend aLL tHere iS iS
    heARtLess poliitics.. no matter
    culture or religion.. liFE without
    touching Love iN Fearless way
    it sucks
    it sucks
    it sucks
    and sucks
    some more..
    up to head hunter
    and nuclear ways
    of lone of lone
    away from
    as liFe
    WiLL bE whEN
    hUmans FeeL more
    than Green BlAck BiLLs oF LiFE
    and sure Hillary and Trumps too..
    as every story needs a punch
    line of
    mY FriEnd..
    as i continue
    to edit and redefine
    the pie in as layman
    terms as someone like
    me is capable of in mutant way(s)..
    of different of different in new way(s)..;)

Thanks for visiting! Please feel free to comment, and, please, play nicely....