Sharp fears of poignancy….


” Do you know that disease and death must needs overtake us,
no matter what we are doing?
What do you wish to be doing when it overtakes you?
If you have anything better to be doing when you are so overtaken,
get to work on that.”

~~ Epictetus ~~


Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, British Columbia

Hajime…. While I’ve managed to put together a Pearl for today, I’m fairly certain it will fall short of our ‘normal’ offering, at least in terms of sustainability, (whatever that particular piece of neo-slang means…). This, of course, is par for this course, since we haven’t made any attempt at ‘normal’ in more decades than I care to remember. Moreover, any such foolish attempt would never get past the alarm system we have set up, to let us know when we are approaching the golden mean, where we aren’t welcome, anyway….

We don’t worry about it much, except on those long, slow, cold winter nights, when we also mourn the loss of our good manners, and other such noisome behaviors for which we have no tolerance, or use. In the final analysis, which is, no doubt, coming soon to a reality near you, we don’t give a tiny shit, especially when we can’t figure out how to stop using the royal ‘we’ as our default mode of expression. In spite of its advantages, it also carries a strong feeling of, well, let’s just call it ‘loser-ism’, difficult to shake off with any dispatch. Plus, you wouldn’t believe how grungy one gets….

Very well, I’ll stop. Or, perhaps, it would be better to say, I’ll start now. Making sense, that is. That makes the patently ridiculous assumption we are capable of making sense, which, as this little outburst makes clear, may not be so easy to accomplish. But, I’ll persist, if only long enough to wrap up yet another intro section filled with dross and drivel. If I don’t wrap it up, the mess tends to spread down the page. In the interests of doing just that, before it’s too late, I hereby declare this section closed. Move along, now, nothing more to see here….

Shall we Pearl?….

“The flesh surrenders itself.
Eternity takes back its own.
Our bodies stirred these waters briefly,
danced with a certain intoxication before the love of life and self,
dealt with a few strange ideas,
then submitted to the instruments of Time.
What can we say of this?
I occurred.
I am not… yet I occurred.”

~~ Frank Herbert, Dune Messiah ~~



The Doobie Brothers

Image from via Google Images

When I thought about music for today, I tried to think of music that gave me a happy feeling. These guys were the first group that came to mind, with a specific song playing in my head, to wit, “Listen to the Music”…. I didn’t check this concert out ahead of time, but, like most musicians of the era, I imagine they just keep getting better over time…. Enjoy!….


The Doobie Brothers





Funny Bones

Dreaming the way home, lost, unseen,
from the dance, where
he felt so free, and clean.
Sorrow couldn’t find him there.

Waiting, filling up the hours, hoping,
some connection can be found
keeping busy as bees, coping.
Love creeps in, without a sound.

Fat days, skinny nights, passionate
visions of semi-conscious entities,
cannot seem to fully illuminate
or hide our innermost frailties.

Resolute, find the perfect sense, codify
simple rules with every breath
never waiting, anxious to modify.
fear nothing in life, not even Death.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

Notes on Process and Program….


“If you understand, or if you don’t.
If you believe, or if you doubt.
There is a universal justice
and the eyes of truth are always watching.”

~~ Enigma ~~


“A heart is not judged
by how much you love
but by how much you are loved by others.”

~~ The Wizard of Oz ~~


“Everything flows and nothing abides;
everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.”

~~ Heraclitus ~~


“One must be partially insane to remain sane.”

~~ J. Bothwell Avison ~~


“A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears:”

~~ Montaigne ~~


“We’re not talking about the same thing,” he said.
“For you the world is weird
because if you’re not bored with it you’re at odds with it.
For me the world is weird
because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable;
my interest has been to convince you
that you must accept responsibility for being here,
in this marvelous world, in this marvelous desert, in this marvelous time.
I wanted to convince you
that you must learn to make every act count,
since you are going to be here for only a short while,
in fact, too short for witnessing all the marvels of it.”

~~ Don Juan ~~


“My skin,
my bones,
my heretic heart
are my authority.”

~~ Catherine Madsen ~~



Well, there you go. It’s a Pearl. I can’t tell just now whether it’s worth the name, but, it’s done, and that’s what counts right now. I suppose, if it doesn’t make the grade, y’all will be happy to let me know….. In the meantime, I’ll make another attempt, & be back tomorrow to subject y’all to it…. Perhaps I should say, I’ll be back to share it with y’all…. Either way, I’ll be here…. Take that as you will…. See ya, ffolkes….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 2780

À bientôt, mon cherí….

3 thoughts on “Sharp fears of poignancy….

  1. First.. a note on ‘poignancy’..
    For me a greaTest regret
    would be to kill oneself
    when loved
    more than
    one could
    to ever
    be loved
    and with
    no loving
    giving force
    as that abiLiTy
    has disappeared
    as well as the ability/capacity
    to feel love.. and the saddest
    part oF all.. it is/are someone else(s)
    who will/would feel that
    poignancy and
    not the
    the one who
    was/is successful
    in escaping whatever
    is no longer tolerable it seems..
    i’m glad.. i had A strength to ovoid
    that feeling of poignancy for someone else(s)
    but there are places.. there are places.. A human can go
    the one
    in those
    human shoes
    of misery and
    suffering and the
    worst torture imaginable
    can understand but those alone..
    Catch 22 of Poignancy.. my FriEnd..
    been there done that fresh hell ever in a second of alWays now.

    ” Do you know that disease and death must needs overtake us,
    no matter what we are doing?
    What do you wish to be doing when it overtakes you?
    If you have anything better to be doing when you are so overtaken,
    get to work on that.”

    ~~ Epictetus ~~

    StArt writing
    a book
    no beginning
    and no end no matter
    pen or step or art of liFe…:)

    “The flesh surrenders itself.
    Eternity takes back its own.
    Our bodies stirred these waters briefly,
    danced with a certain intoxication before the love of life and self,
    dealt with a few strange ideas,
    then submitted to the instruments of Time.
    What can we say of this?
    I occurred.
    I am not… yet I occurred.”

    ~~ Frank Herbert, Dune Messiah ~~

    Life IS A Miracle
    in itself.. to fully realize
    and live this life as such
    IS A taste
    of death
    And fear IS A
    illusory devil..
    A main
    iN all of thaT
    from first
    to last
    breathe in Heaven
    oF Free and Bliss..
    or hell
    and pain…
    i’LL take the first
    door to the right
    or left
    Free.. courAge
    and kiNd wiTh
    smARt lOvE sAMe uNconditionAlly
    AnD alWays diFFeRent change for more..:)

    “If you understand, or if you don’t.
    If you believe, or if you doubt.
    There is a universal justice
    and the eyes of truth are always watching.”

    ~~ Enigma ~~

    eYes oF TrUth
    anD liGht
    aS BaLanCinG
    FoRcE alWays noW..:)

    “A heart is not judged
    by how much you love
    but by how much you are loved by others.”

    ~~ The Wizard of Oz ~~

    Except for
    moments headlining this…

    Everything flows and nothing abides;
    everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.”

    ~~ Heraclitus ~~

    Time IS
    A river
    and alWays Changing..

    (PS.. i have a theme song now2..;)

    “One must be partially insane to remain sane.”

    ~~ J. Bothwell Avison ~~

    In thaT case
    ain’t crazy..
    says.. i’M unusual
    in a cool way.. NoW
    i guess..
    for DancE
    and SinG for no reaSon
    but FucKinG LiVinG A dreAm iSREaL oF JoY..;)

    “A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears:”

    ~~ Montaigne ~~

    To come to Love
    A dARk most
    is to liVe A liGht isREaL..:)

    We’re not talking about the same thing,” he said.
    “For you the world is weird
    because if you’re not bored with it you’re at odds with it.
    For me the world is weird
    because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable;
    my interest has been to convince you
    that you must accept responsibility for being here,
    in this marvelous world, in this marvelous desert, in this marvelous time.
    I wanted to convince you
    that you must learn to make every act count,
    since you are going to be here for only a short while,
    in fact, too short for witnessing all the marvels of it.”

    ~~ Don Juan ~~

    It’s true.. i’m religious
    but NOT iN a sense of A church
    iN A FEEL oF A existence NOW..
    stream.. pain..
    digestive discomfort
    it’s aLL A hoLy and sacRed gAMe oF
    noW ever changing sAMe isREaL noW..:)

    “My skin,
    my bones,
    my heretic heart
    are my authority.”

    ~~ Catherine Madsen ~~


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