Bits & pieces of a broken whole….


“Ignorance is the soil in which belief in miracles grows.”

~~ Robert Green Ingersoll ~~


How magicats can see in the dark….

Hajime…. Fortunately, I don’t think it will explode. That’s a good thing, right? If it had, neither of us would be here, reading this, just as if we had some purpose for doing so. Now, since the universe doesn’t care, one way, or the other, (neither do I, but, that’s another story…), I’ve made the only logical decision, which is, most simply, to keep on keepin’ on, no matter what anyone says. So, there…

Some of our Gentle Readers may already recognize what is happening here. You see, they’ve seen me in this state before; pale, sweaty, anxious, yet, firmly committed to creating a Pearl worthy of your consideration. They already know what to expect, and, most likely, came prepared for just such an eventuality. The rest of y’all, having no clue as to what might happen, have, no doubt, already found ample reason to bolt; let me caution you against any such reckless reactionism. When you arrived, the defensive shields allowed you to enter; they’re not so sanguine about letting people leave, so don’t. You wouldn’t enjoy the experience, of that you may be sure.

But, don’t worry; as long as you keep reading, & make no sudden moves, you’ll be fine. Besides, they only shoot rubber bullets, which leave a mark, but, theoretically, won’t kill you. That’s handy, isn’t it? It’s also by design; if you’re dead, you can’t read. And, we hate hauling bodies out so early in the day; the trash won’t get picked up until tomorrow, & the smell…. well, let’s not go there, okay?

By this point, you have probably realized, you’ll get no sense out of me today. I’ve come to the same realization, & though it pricks my conscience a bit to give up before actually saying anything, it would be best to get on with the rest of today’s mess, before reality steps in to sink us all. As the blog administrator, I am allowed to do, or say, whatever it takes to get it done, even if it causes environmental, or ergonomic damage. Since I can’t afford any more outlay for damages, without annoying the lawyers no end, I’ll just do this….

Shall we Pearl?

“Learning maketh young men temperate,
is the comfort of old age,
standing for wealth with poverty,
and serving as an ornament to riches.”

~~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) ~~

*grin* Well, one may hope it does; hope is free….



I figured to use classical music today, but, couldn’t decide what type we should choose, to soothe what are. by now, a number of savage breasts. To settle the issue with a bit of elegance, we’ll go with the complete symphonies of Wolfie Mozart, just because we can…. Abondanza!….


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Complete Symphonies





In a place somewhere inside my head, there are new poems being constructed; the process generally takes place without conscious involvement from me; when they’re done, they leak out in their own way. But, none are near ready, & I’m tired of recycling, so, today, I will retreat, without shame, to one of my favorite poets… Enjoy!….

The Blue Jay

No brigadier throughout the year
So civic as the jay.
A neighbor and a warrior too,
With shrill felicity

Pursuing winds that censure us
A February day,
The brother of the universe
Was never blown away.

The snow and he are intimate;
I ‘ve often seen them play
When heaven looked upon us all
With such severity,

I felt apology were due
To an insulted sky,
Whose pompous frown was nutriment
To their temerity.

The pillow of this daring head
Is pungent evergreens;
His larder — terse and militant —
Unknown, refreshing things;

His character a tonic,
His future a dispute;
Unfair an immortality
That leaves this neighbor out.

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~



Naked Pearls

“In uffish thought, he stood….”


“Indeed, what is there that does not appear marvelous
when it comes to our knowledge for the first time?”

~~ Pliny the Elder — Natural History, Book vii, Sect. 6 ~~


“Before you can build a house,
you must first believe
that the bricks are in fact bricks.”

~~ Arthur Schopenhauer ~~


“In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat:
but in the evolution of real knowledge,
it marks the first step in progress toward victory.”

“” Alfred North Whitehead “”


“It is common sense to take a method and try it.
If it fails, admit it frankly and try another.
But above all, try something.”

~~ Franklin D. Roosevelt ~~


“Arouse the mind without resting it on anything.”

~~ Diamond Sutra ~~


“I take a simple view of life: keep your eyes open and get on with it.”

~~ Laurence Olivier ~~


“I don’t have a weird sense of humor.
Your reality is just weird.”

~~ gigoid ~~



Today’s Pearl has been brought to you through the auspices of the human imagination; any failure to acknowledge the rights of Reality are strictly forbidden. You may, however, choose to forget you chose to stop in today, without penalty. Normally, you would suffer the agony of extreme ambiguity, but, we made a special deal with the prosecuting demon, so, all’s well that ends well. Now, all we have to do it end it, if I can ever find the right… Oh, there it is. Okay. See y’all tomorrow, ffolkes, when I’ll try to find a bit of rationality to share. Doesn’t seem to be any to be had, today. Stay strange, ffolkes; it’s getting pretty real out there….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 2780

À bientôt, mon cherí….

1 thought on “Bits & pieces of a broken whole….

  1. “Ignorance is the soil in which belief in miracles grows.”

    ~~ Robert Green Ingersoll ~~

    A Body
    Zen and Will
    FeeL/SenSe better
    than thiNk alone as Trance
    Allone Can and WiLL noW
    Happier than words alone..
    WiNks.. oTheR than thaT
    and SinG
    WiTh no
    LesSons oTher
    than Magic Now
    as miracles oF liFE
    are simply isreal now..
    IT’s.. common sense my
    FriEnd as when i couldn’t
    remember the feeling of a smile
    or laugh or even if i had ever laughed
    before as without emotions that ARE
    memories at core as science shows now
    all is Numb all is Dark all is non-feeling nothingness real..
    and in that place one learns that miracles are truly as simple
    as A
    mY Friend..
    And WiNKs thAT reMinds
    me two weeks ago.. Tuesday..
    somewhat gruff looking couch
    potato aS Such looking paRt time
    hunter with camouflage and wife
    and child in tow catches a glimpse
    of me dancing trancing in the Wal-mART
    Hallmark happy wish aisle.. from
    a distance as the Katrina passes
    by and catches him saying to
    his wife.. dam i see that
    dude dancing every
    where how
    the hell
    he have
    time to do that
    (Jesus F iN Christ thaT Dude
    IS A laziest dude in L.A. now
    Lower Alabama Big Lewboski
    dramatic theatrical effect added iN)..
    shit with kind of A smIrk.. Katrina
    said.. and i say this is the pARt..
    the trUly MaGiC pARt i like as some
    of these folks have no idea Katrina is
    related to me aT all.. so i see him in the distance
    make my forward dedicated approach after floating
    aimlessly every which way and alWays loose with
    a few martial arts strikes In floW iN ZonE aLong
    armed way of long.. and say directly to
    his face.. IT’S BECAUSE I’M RICH,,
    he grows a sudden long face
    like he’s seen the ghost
    of ChristMas near..
    and then i confess
    ha! the wife caught you
    with your ‘compliment’.. haha..
    and then i go on to tale him the entire
    Fred sTory.. in hyper-speed like lightning
    and thunder Fred SPeaK Way.. yeP.. almost
    entirELy iMpossible to get a word in edge when
    lightening moves.. and to make a much longer story
    shorter i say in conclusion after taling him about the
    drought of 66 months with zero point memory of what
    a smile or laugh feels like or dos in real life then.. my friEnd..
    a SMiLe IS A miracle of duSt from Crucible of Star Death BurST
    DuST you and me and your wife and child right here in this Walmart
    Aisle are a SMiLe and God sAMe now.. a trUe miracle oF liGht dUst iN
    thiS flesh and blood now.. and he says.. one thing’s for sure you make
    lots of folks
    you go..
    and i say..
    see my friEnd
    i told you i AM rich
    and this is how i do rich..:)
    Other than that since the miracle
    of getting well after i E-sCaped the
    death of reaSon.. i’Ve coMe to
    eXperience every now oF
    liFE As A blissFul
    reaLITy thAT
    iS aS
    isreal my friEnd
    as a sMile now/then
    thAT never ends iNSide..
    when oTher folks at lEAst
    sMiLE thaT juST adds to aN eXisting Joy..
    Miracle oF mY liFE for surE anD one i trULy
    wish all could experience as World Peace would
    naturAlly come with a bunch of F iN Happy GiVing
    eARTh cAMpers..
    as they miGht esCape
    too like the otHeRs
    from a far
    far distance
    i do
    sure.. there are
    places for folks like
    me far far away from
    tHeir placeS iN miracles
    iSReaL noW my FriEnd..
    HeaVen iS juST Waiting
    for those who comE noW..
    i built it and i’M here and that’s
    allone can’t count on in Fields of Dreams isREaLs..;)

    “Learning maketh young men temperate,
    is the comfort of old age,
    standing for wealth with poverty,
    and serving as an ornament to riches.”

    ~~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) ~~

    LEarning without
    words iS oNly
    riches to
    me and
    that my Friend
    rarely exists as towers trump..;)

    “The Blue Jay

    No brigadier throughout the year
    So civic as the jay.
    A neighbor and a warrior too,
    With shrill felicity

    Pursuing winds that censure us
    A February day,
    The brother of the universe
    Was never blown away.

    The snow and he are intimate;
    I ‘ve often seen them play
    When heaven looked upon us all
    With such severity,

    I felt apology were due
    To an insulted sky,
    Whose pompous frown was nutriment
    To their temerity.

    The pillow of this daring head
    Is pungent evergreens;
    His larder — terse and militant —
    Unknown, refreshing things;

    His character a tonic,
    His future a dispute;
    Unfair an immortality
    That leaves this neighbor out.”

    ~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

    DeliGht oF mosT aLL
    wiLd liFe weaRing
    no millstOnes
    aS SiNk
    whERE Now
    iS aLL tHeir iS
    forever noW counts
    all most when pleasure
    rules over pain all Natural
    And Content after Hunt of day
    and night and ‘tween of thaT..:)

    “Indeed, what is there that does not appear marvelous
    when it comes to our knowledge for the first time?”

    ~~ Pliny the Elder — Natural History, Book vii, Sect. 6 ~~

    Please don’t forget
    A dance beYond
    ‘tween oF
    A SinG aS noW..;)

    “Before you can build a house,
    you must first believe
    that the bricks are in fact bricks.”

    ~~ Arthur Schopenhauer ~~

    i made
    mY house
    out oF clay
    wHo continuAlly
    molds diffeRenTly noW..:)

    “In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat:
    but in the evolution of real knowledge,
    it marks the first step in progress toward victory.”

    “” Alfred North Whitehead “”

    Yes by all
    means make
    misTakes holy
    and sacred for
    paths more
    aS liGht
    oTher than thAT
    make rest oF aLL
    thAT iS HoLY and SacRed
    WiTh PurpoSe and MeaNinG sAMe..
    diFFeREnt too..:)

    “It is common sense to take a method and try it.
    If it fails, admit it frankly and try another.
    But above all, try something.”

    ~~ Franklin D. Roosevelt ~~

    YeS aGaiN..
    iF necessary..
    riGhT iT backWards..

    “Arouse the mind without
    resting it on anything.”

    ~~ Diamond Sutra ~~

    Keep MoVing..
    And CreaTinG
    iN aLL
    DancE LiFE Now..:)

    “I take a simple view of life: keep your eyes open and get on with it.”

    ~~ Laurence Olivier ~~

    Do iT..
    even without
    Nike Shoes..:)

    “I don’t have a weird sense of humor.
    Your reality is just weird.”

    ~~ gigoid ~~

    As2 a wise
    hUman2 juSt

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