Motions worthy of adjournment….


“Poetry is the eloquence of truth.”

~~ Joseph Campbell ~~


Hajime…. How’s it going, you ask? Well, I’ll tell ya…. On second thought, perhaps I won’t, since mostly what I’d have to say would reflect my current inner state, which can only be described as tentatively enraged, and, can only be ascribed to the manifestation of former indiscretions in the latter day. Is that sufficiently obscure to give the idea, without pulling any covers we’d rather not pull? Why, yes. Upon re-reading it, I think it manages that quite well. Since we are now at the closing lines of this paragraph, I believe I’ve saved us from what otherwise may have devolved, into a session of whining and sulking worthy of a two-year old.

That’s a good thing, right? Well, I think so, though this pedantic exploration of indistinct possibilities hardly serves the same purpose. But, though probably less entertaining for y’all, it’s kept me from losing what little credibility I might have counted upon, at least in my own eyes, if not yours. Given the scope of the condition already observed, I’m going to need all the credibility I can muster, if only to provide me with adequate chutzpah to finish what I’ve so inelegantly begun. ‘Twould doubtlessly be a far better thing to forgo any such displays of misspent angst, but, obsession has to count for something, or, what’s the point of doing this at all?

Hmm…. Now, that’s a question I am positive we’ll be better off not to explore too deeply. In fact, it tells me we’d best be on our way down the page, before anything happens to disengage our rationality any further; it’s already sprung several leaks, just getting us to this point in our narrative. To save us all from any embarrassment, I’m going to employ our most efficient tool to get us the hell out of here. It’s so efficient, I probably won’t even get to finish this paragraph befor….

Shall we Pearl?

“Though leaves are many, the root is one;
Through all the lying days of my youth,
I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun.
Now I may wither into the truth.”

~~ W B Yeats ~~



Sheryl Crow

Image from via Google Images

In today’s world, I doubt this young woman needs introduction, so, I’ll just say, enjoy!….


Sheryl Crow Live





Unsolicited Gratitude

Fear becomes familiar when reality bodes us ill
pain assumes first position, no matter our will.
Powerless, we founder, no strength to prevail
anguished and afraid, against unwanted Fate we rail.

Still, a grain of hope deep inside, hidden well against need
gives us reason to survive, our starving souls to feed.
Failure of courage burdens time, of being bested,
until our souls, in submission, become foully infested.

Bitter tears wash through us each day, with little care,
no thought, no feeling, no wish, or need to be fair.
Rendered clueless, confusion falls upon us, as prey,
we surrender a piece of our soul, little as we may.

Yet, always, a bright beam of hope is seen from afar,
no matter how dreary, or dark, it may seem where we are.
None knows, nor would consent to tell, it seems
from whence it hails, or why it so brightly gleams.

Saving our sanity, absolving our unwanted fears,
dispelling the myths and lies that come with the years.
Each man has known the precious gift that hope may give
And gives glad thanks, as long as he may live.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

Subtlety works, beginning to end….


“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants.
The question is: what are we busy about?”

~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~


“Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors.”

~~ Aldous Huxley ~~


“A likely impossibility is always preferable to an unconvincing possibility”

~~ Aristotle ~~


“Oh, come ON! A one-man religion?”
“There is no other kind.”



“Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time.”

~~ Abraham Lincoln ~~


“All perception of truth is the detection of an analogy.”

~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~


“Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.”

~~ Amelia Burr ~~



Oh, look? I’ve made it to the end! If I seem a bit surprised, well, can you blame me? I mean, just look at the intro; we’re lucky to have survived, at all, ffolkes, so, let’s not bust our britches moaning about it, shall we? Instead, I’ll use a similar method as the one we employed in that now infamous intro, which allows me to say, see y’all tomorrow. Consider it your solitary warning….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 2780

À bientôt, mon cherí….

9 thoughts on “Motions worthy of adjournment….

  1. Miss Crow is an excellent choice unlike her choice of boyfriend, Lance…but we all make mistakes, huh?

    “I have a zero tolerance for sanctimonious morons who try to scare people.” Can you believe a twat like Pat Robertson said that?

    The day begins and I want sleep….later my friend…chuq

    • LOL! Well, at that level of celebrity, i don’t suppose the choices are choice…
      Pat R said that? Well, it’s always been clear that the higher mind-functions, such as sarcasm, irony, or discretion/tact are beyond his comprehension…

      So, sleep, if you can; you were in the Army, so, you know that’s rule 1… Take care, feel better; I’ll be by later…


  2. Top of the shorTest day noW Now
    of the year.. my FriEnd gigoid.. to yA..
    hmm.. now that i no longer work and can
    Stand the liGht of Day with eYes and
    ears heaLed to enjoy all of
    Nature Free.. a loss of a
    few hours of sunlight
    and a decade of
    degrees or so
    now and
    then is not
    a big deal with
    wheels re-Tired
    wiTh tread once aGain..
    iT took actUally a total
    of not jusT 66 months but
    actually more like 90 months
    as all my Fresh Hell staRted iN
    the January of 2006 when i first
    could not stand colors on a screen..
    strangest thing.. i could watch black
    and white TV but colors hurt me.. oh so bad..
    no doctor has yet to explain why that happened yet..
    anyWay.. moral of that story.. perHaps you’LL evenTuaLLy
    get your tire tread thicker and more painless back too.. no one
    thought.. not even a doctor.. it could happen for me.. never the less
    it did as
    as actual
    by at
    least one
    of those professionals who experienced
    the same beyond normal expectations
    and limitations for her in later age too..
    anyWay.. the human body is an amazing
    enough machine to make challenge and
    adaptation in epigenetic and neuroplastic
    change a real deal for either positive or negative
    change now too.. with enough rest and work for that..
    in whatever works or does not work in the neXt noW Now..:)

    “Poetry is the eloquence of truth.”

    ~~ Joseph Campbell ~~

    i’Ve coMe to see.. feel.. and sense
    poEtry as anything that can make
    me see feel
    mY FriEnd..
    i like to call
    iT Art and
    SinG too
    all metaphors
    for thaT my friEnd..:)

    “Though leaves are many, the root is one;
    Through all the lying days of my youth,
    I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun.
    Now I may wither into the truth.”

    ~~ W B Yeats ~~

    A Place in the Sun..
    Funny how when one
    iS in the otHeR
    place.. noW
    at least aNow
    for me.. words
    are jusT sHells
    with no jELLy
    oF Fill my
    it’s amazing
    as when i lost the
    oxytocin feeling of
    warm and fuzzy.. and
    oh my God that was way
    way back.. as long as the
    early 2000’s or so.. i had no
    idea what it meant then as i had
    never attached the words to the feeling
    while i still had those oxytocin warm and fuzzies
    before in liFe.. i suppose for so long the only thing
    that gave me that was a pet of a cat and that is always
    why i have been terrified of losing cats as for so long
    even a cat who belonged to someone else down the road
    named Elwood was the string left attached to my heart.. devastating
    when we had to put him down back in the late 90’s about 16 years
    old.. and his twin brother Jake replaced him for about a year until
    he died after that.. and then there was Arthur but it took him
    years to become a warm and fuzzy cat that gave
    those feelings too.. until he got back into
    the house and started laying around
    in warmth away from killing
    fields of cold yards then..
    these seas of emotions
    were so hard for me to
    navigate back then..
    but now i finAlly
    master them
    in words
    saMe.. perHaps
    i call heaven so many
    things because hell was so
    many more things of before my friEnd..
    anyWay.. i appreciate having these feelings
    now.. understanding how to water them..
    feed and grow them and continue
    to keep them alive
    like i do this
    wRite now..
    surely a Tree
    fuLL of Leaves now..:)

    “It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants.
    The question is: what are we busy about?”

    ~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~


    “Irrationally held truths may be
    more harmful than reasoned errors.”

    ~~ Aldous Huxley ~~

    The best thing
    about not
    iS FucKinG

    “A likely impossibility is always preferable
    to an unconvincing possibility”

    ~~ Aristotle ~~

    iF i FeeL iT iF i
    seNse iT iSReal..
    iF not

    “Oh, come ON! A one-man religion?”
    “There is no other kind.”

    ~~ From THE QUESTION ~~

    Every eYe
    a different
    iN MulTi-Verse
    View how many
    gRains of SAnd..
    how many STars
    of sKy.. how many
    Galaxies oF UniVerse
    how many religions
    i… NoW
    oF EYes..:)

    “Nothing valuable can be
    lost by taking time.”

    ~~ Abraham Lincoln ~~

    Now is
    All heAR..;)

    “All perception of truth
    is the detection of an analogy.”

    ~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~

    And Jesus F iN Christ..
    yep.. the FeeLinG
    and SenSinG
    oF A wHOle..:)

    “Because I have loved life,
    I shall have no sorrow to die.”

    ~~ Amelia Burr ~~

    A last
    to first

  3. we survived! we made it!… somehow. 😊

    may or may not see ya tomorrow, but here’s wishing you well regardless. unsolicited gratitude is rather sweet, both the concept and prose! 😀

    peace ✌

    • Thanks, my friend; glad you enjoyed today’s mess. We did make it, didn’t we? Each one’s a gift in itself, regardless of its outcome…

      Have a happy & peaceful winter holiday season; just ignore the mundanes, & all will be well…


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