Big bites hold more flavor….


“Do not be too moral.
You may cheat yourself out of much of life.
So aim above morality.
Be not simply good;
be good for something.”

~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~


Aging beauty….

Hajime…. Things just got odder again. I’ve started, & stopped, & started this Pearl several times, until now, when I decided to go ahead & post what has been cobbled together in the dark hours of this morning, as my own inner journey continues to distract me from completing the process. Later, I intend to lock myself into the house, & complete a chosen task upon which I’ve bestowed my most excellent procrastination skills for too long. Until it’s done, I won’t be able to think of, or do anything else, so, there’s no point in even getting started, any more than I’ve already done.

For more than five years now, the process of creating these Pearls has kept me from the worst parts of dealing with my demons; self-therapy is always the most effective, for, who knows the patient better? But, of late, it seems more productive, and more therapeutic, to keep focused on Reality, or, as we like to call it, the Big Blue Room outside the room where the computer lives. Events there have assumed their more proper alignment, and relevance to my own life, than has been the case for a long time. Without going into details, I will just say, it’s about damn time….

I could be even more obscure, but, that’s probably good enough for what we intended; at any rate, it’s sufficient unto the day, for, my sense of deadline is rapidly gaining a strong grasp on my throat, & I’ll need to go soon to soothe its demands. To facilitate that, I’ll quit trying to seem as if I know what I’m doing, & get on with the rest of this mess, so I can go away, long enough to come back….

There. That should both confuse, and titillate; if not, I’m doing it wrong, & it’s way too late to start again. Rather than attempt any ill-advised repairs, I’ll just get on with the process of getting this posted. Perhaps, it’s for the best, for, we are all aware of the old adage, ‘begin as you mean to go on’…. No? Never heard that one, eh? Oh, well, I have, so, that’s what we’re gonna do. Moreover, we’re going to do it, now….

Shall we Pearl?

“Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o’ lang syne?”

~~ Robert Burns, “Auld Lang Syne” ~~



Naturally, since I’m cobbling, today is a default day…. Enjoy, ffolkes; this is some great music…


Playing For Change
Song Around The World





Made from broken bricks and spit….

I could dodge a bullet train, easy,
if I could find one to dodge.
They aren’t so easy to find, you know
in so unloaded a station as this.

It isn’t like I don’t appreciate the effort;
it isn’t much of a goal anyway.
I only made it up that way to see
if anyone was listening to me.

I never know, you see,
behind all these electrons.
I can only wish for magic to exist;
it’s the only wish I have left.

Wishes make me think of horses.
Funny, huh?
Maybe by the end of this stanza
I’ll find a poem.

But I don’t care anymore.
If I did,
it would sing
like the moon in November

Mightier than the sword
I take up my pen.
Sword bought a gun.

Try NOT to laugh.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

Notes on process and program….


“All good things are wild, and free.”

~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~


“Belief in the supernatural reflects a failure of the imagination.”

~~ Edward Abbey ~~


“How wonderful that we have met with a paradox.
Now we have some hope of making progress.”

~~ Niels Bohr ~~


“Men build too many walls and not enough bridges.”

~~ Sir Isaac Newton ~~


“Everyone who becomes conscious
of even a fraction of his unconscious
gets outside his own time and social stratum
into a kind of solitude.”

~~ Carl Jung ~~


“Progress is
The law of life: man is not Man as yet.”

~~ Robert Browning — Paracelsus, Part v ~~


“And never think about the past. No regrets, ever.”

~~ Robert Heinlein ~~



Well, there you go. That, ffolkes, is not only all you get, it’s as good as it’s gonna get. I know, it’s foolish to make generalized statements so blithely, but, hey, it’s time to go, & it’s the best I’ve got. Go figure, eh? I’ll be back, ffolkes; maybe tomorrow, maybe not. But, back I will be, eventually. Until then, remain at peace, as much as you may….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….

1 thought on “Big bites hold more flavor….

  1. Good evening gigoid.. as i come
    to pLay with Wisdom heAR.. afTer
    spending a long day Forest Bathing
    and Super Walmart Dancing and what
    is left to do but Sing a wRitE of More with
    Dance and a note to self NoW to take more
    Breaks off this seat as
    the Doctor’s
    the Cholesterol
    is RiSinG as it
    can with number
    of words put out..
    hehe.. alWAys good
    to remember the flesh
    and blood more than sit alone..
    even iF sit alone FeeLs allone too..
    as a DanceSinG of Transcendence as
    Ecstatic SonG wHeRE within Flows
    Sitting STiLL still.. more as a flow
    of Flesh and Blood MoVinG
    DancE.. hey.. at least
    the fingers Dance
    butt not enough
    for my genetics
    at least as i must
    move off this chair
    to keep my optimum health..
    anyWay.. that leaves a score of
    ~10 thousand words tonight to get
    this current MacroVerse now named
    “BigGer BRitCHes WORlD SiZe PlEAse”
    as number 101 poTenTiaLLy Published
    by the end of the niGht.. anYway words run on2..;)

    “Do not be too moral.
    You may cheat yourself out of much of life.
    So aim above morality.
    Be not simply good;
    be good for something.”

    ~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~

    True.. make life
    more than a word job2..;)

    “Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
    And never brought to mind?
    Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
    And days o’ lang syne?”

    ~~ Robert Burns, “Auld Lang Syne” ~~

    A Song ReMembered as nice
    Butt A Dance Doing is Divine

    “All good things are wild, and free.”

    ~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~


    “Belief in the supernatural reflects a failure of the imagination.”

    ~~ Edward Abbey ~~

    For all practical intents
    and purposes for those
    who do not dance.. dance
    iS Super
    nOw liKe
    CreaTinG NoW..;)

    “How wonderful that we have met with a paradox.
    Now we have some hope of making progress.”

    ~~ Niels Bohr ~~

    Now that so-called Christians
    Have Elected the DeviL and
    continue to support him..
    not self-
    fulfill the
    Blowing up
    of Humans to
    make tHeir progress
    to self fulfill the other second
    handed Dear John dream from 2K years ago..
    Ugh.. Foot Loose Christians Foot Lose Christians..;)

    “Men build too many walls and not enough bridges.”

    ~~ Sir Isaac Newton ~~

    GreaTest Modern
    WaLLs stARt at
    MiNd and BoDy..:)

    “Everyone who becomes conscious
    of even a fraction of his unconscious
    gets outside his own time and social stratum
    into a kind of solitude.”

    ~~ Carl Jung ~~

    a much better
    metaphor i FeeL
    foR A EcsTasy NoW
    oF Transcendence
    When Astrocytes
    Wave Ocean
    Root problem
    one though.. don’t
    forget the pARt below
    the Head Temple.. as MiNd
    from Head to toe.. SinGS DancE2..:)

    “Progress is
    The law of life: man is not Man as yet.”

    ~~ Robert Browning — Paracelsus, Part v ~~

    For me aT LeASt.. progress iS WalKinG doWn uP
    the Beach.. ’till remnants of human cultures disappear
    beyond thAT
    as BeinG FReED..;)

    “And never think about
    the past. No regrets, ever.”

    ~~ Robert Heinlein ~~


    mY friEnd..
    witH A Hand
    alWays reacHinG out2..;)

Thanks for visiting! Please feel free to comment, and, please, play nicely....