Insidious pleasures….


“He who knows best knows how little he knows.”

~~ Thomas Jefferson ~~

profuse life

Life, breaking free….

I always find it interesting to note how our society/culture observes the various events of community, i.e. holidays, festivals, & celebration of important dates. The passing of the old year, & celebration of the New Year (why is one capitalized & the other not?…. I don’t know, but, that’s how I’ve always seen it done….) is one of those holidays, one whose origins are lost in ancient times, subject only to speculation as to why the event came to be an important day. Much of what I’ve noticed is how the various religions prevalent in each part of the world determines what is important, as well as what version of time, and calendar, is used to mark those days to be celebrated. Since I subscribe to none of them, it’s all a fascinating example for me of how little humans really understand themselves, and their own motivation for much of what they find themselves doing….

Fascinating to me, yet also frustrating, for it is our human lack of understanding which leads us into most of the trouble we encounter in society; we believe we know what is real, but, lacking mindfulness of the moment in which we exist tends to cause many of the issues that arise to torment each other, and create problems for all of society…. In modern slang terms, we think we’re all that, but, we ain’t. We’re mostly a large number of silly monkeys, pretending to be cultivated, but, still reacting to the real world as if we still lived in caves, or in trees….

Now, some folks, & even some ffolkes, may call me negative, or curmudgeonly for such an analysis, but, I just calls ’em as I sees ’em. Since most of the society in which I find myself believes in greeting the New Year with positivity, I will forgo any further curmudgeonry in favor of merely getting posted with the little bit of entertaining fluff I’ve cobbled together for your edification/elucidation. I shall also approach that with a higher degree of efficiency than thus far exhibited, by the simplest method, to wit:

Shall we Pearl?

“I am always doing that which I cannot do,
in order that I may learn how to do it.”

~~ Pablo Picasso ~~



For today’s musical interlude, I’ve chosen a set of six concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach, for several reasons, which are, most simply put, not particularly relevant. Suffice to say these are some of my favorites, since first hearing them years ago. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do…. Abondanza!….









Measures of Intent

Hell is never far away; it slips in, then out,
like a ninja, bent on stealth and death.
Living metamorphoses, in the space of a breath,
sordid entropy fills us, within, and without.

Tide turns again; back and forth it tumbles,
like those little wind up toys, yet never stays.
All our efforts, all our silly little ways,
disappear like seaweed, as sanity crumbles.

The duality of reality in which we are firmly caught,
seems to inhabit every part of our natural selves.
Nothing is ever still, nor can it be placed on shelves;
we are dark, and light; balance must be taught.

Life is lived only one moment at a time,
past and future have no power to alter this at all.
We can choose to fly, or choose to fall;
finding truth, and beauty, can never be a crime.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

What did you say?….


“If you are beginning to doubt what I am saying,
you are probably hallucinating.”

~~ The Firesign Theatre, “Everything you know is Wrong” ~~


“Imagine there’s no heaven… it’s easy if you try.”

~~ John Lennon, “Imagine” ~~


“”Curioser and Curioser!” cried Alice.”

~~ from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll ~~


“Nature is not human-hearted.”

~~ Lao Tzu ~~


“Whatever occurs from love is always beyond good and evil.”

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~


“As great scientists have said and as all children know,
it is above all by the imagination
that we achieve perception, and compassion, and hope.”

~~ Ursula K. LeGuin ~~


“Prais’d be the fathomless universe,
for life and joy,
and for objects and knowledge curious.”

~~ Walt Whitman ~~



Well, there you have it, such as it is…. I’ll continue my stated intention to be efficient, in hopes such will continue to guide my writing in the coming year; that, you may be certain, is as much of a resolution you’ll get from me, as it’s one I can keep as well as I ever do. Rather than belabor such a delicate point, (too much potential for sarcasm & curmudgeonry… ), I’ll leave y’all with the usual caveat, to wit: be well, be happy as you may be, & stay strange. It’s worked so far, so, why fuss with it? See you soon, ffolkes….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 8118

À bientôt, mon cherí….

5 thoughts on “Insidious pleasures….

  1. So HaPPY iApe oF THiS iGRanD iNaTuRE i(GoD)
    iPoLiTiCS iDaNCinG iSinGinG iLoVE
    No iFaMe
    iTRuE iFReEDoM…
    iLoVE…So MucH TY iNaTURE iGOD too…

    Happy New Years 2019 to Ya gigoid And as i quote you HeAR as
    You So Eloquently Speak About the Overall Human Condition
    As Related these Days from the So-called Top of the Free
    World to the Most Mundane of Minions Same We ARE
    “silly monkeys, pretending to be cultivated, but,
    still reacting to the real world as if we still lived in caves, or in trees….”
    And yes the Real Key is Getting off the Sidewalks Continuing to Move out
    of the Caves but never ever never ever Always DoinG NeverLand ALWayS NoW
    iClimbing iNew iTrees…
    And by
    F iN
    LoViNG iT
    All the way
    From First to Last
    BLiNK And Breath of LiFE
    With an Exhale of F Yes i Really Lived
    And let the Feather and Wind that are the
    SaME God Take Care of the Rest of the iGamE….

    “He who knows best knows how little he knows.”

    ~~ Thomas Jefferson ~~

    I FeeL and iSense and OH iGod That’s Almost too MUCH..;)

    I am always doing that which I cannot do,
    in order that I may learn how to do it.”

    ~~ Pablo Picasso ~~

    True if ‘You’ Do Not Do Something New You Never
    Really Move Connect And Co-Create ReNeWinG
    And Next
    Thing You
    YouR KinG iS oRaNGE..;)

    “If you are beginning to doubt what I am saying,
    you are probably hallucinating.”

    ~~ The Firesign Theatre, “Everything you know is Wrong” ~~

    As NeuroScience Most Definitely Shows Now Humans Basically
    Hallucinate THeiR Reality Based on Emotional Expectations of the Past
    And the Best Thing about the Symbols We Co-Create
    Through Reason of Art is We Actually
    Pre-Sent Our Realities
    And Live
    out as
    Let it
    be SinGinG
    NoW Let it Be
    DaNCiNG with
    Relative Free Will
    as the Feather and Wind BecoMe one….

    “Imagine there’s no heaven… it’s easy if you try.”

    ~~ John Lennon, “Imagine” ~~

    OH iGod iHope i Never Ever Never iGo Back tHere
    AGaiN FoR Now No Way to Not iMaGiNE HeavEN NoW
    For True
    i Trained
    mY SouL
    Through Art
    And Reason
    in a Real Mind and
    Body BaLanCinG SoUL IN SPiRiT
    MasTeRinG in Regulating Emotions
    aLonG With Integrating Senses
    but Yes i am
    Still Human
    (A. P. E.)
    And if
    i Do
    not Ride
    the Surfboard
    With Enough Constructs
    in Symbols of Reason sure
    i will Fall off like any other SiLLY MoNKeY Surfer Dude WiLL.. hEhe..;)

    “”Curioser and Curioser!” cried Alice.”

    ~~ from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll ~~

    Still Trying to Fit in ‘that’ ‘this’ Rabbit WHole..;)

    “Nature is not human-hearted.”

    ~~ Lao Tzu ~~

    Human Hearted is another Phrase for the Oxytocin NeuroHormone that All
    Mammary Gland Bearing Mammals who are Born that/this Way come to Be
    to Love Each other through Nurturing Attachments in Huggy Touchy Feely
    As Dogs
    And Even
    Cats come to do
    to Hug Each Other too..
    Square Root one Cultural Problem
    When Boys are Raised together away from
    Girls in Stuff like Military Schools and Some Countries
    that i have read about and Heard about too.. the Love Bug #53
    Dies a
    and at
    least there
    are Cat Photos
    to Look at if it is
    not already too late for Love to Live
    As Sadly Gardened Away from the
    Fairer Touch of Love More often Generated
    By Mammary Gland Bearing Animals so True this
    Makes Females basically the Progenitor of Love so this makes
    Women God too like the Feather And Wind and it’s true i Worship
    All Women this way and in some instances one and or two Steal
    all of
    i am Away
    from me as
    hey.. i will not
    Lie i am Just A SonG of A Man
    Who Loves to Live on Venus As A DancE of A Mother…
    y’all Can have Mars all to YoursELF iN ORange PlanET Way..;)

    “Whatever occurs from love is always beyond good and evil.”

    ~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

    YeS oN Venus…

    “As great scientists have said and as all children know,
    it is above all by the imagination
    that we achieve perception, and compassion, and hope.”

    ~~ Ursula K. LeGuin ~~

    Oxytocin Most Definitely Helps These Human Propensities
    Attaching to all of Nature other wise Felt and Sensed
    As By God Even for the Oxytocin Receptors that Attach to
    Mother Earth Sands From Our Bare Feet Yes By God
    Get Naked
    Touch God….
    i suggest
    A very
    And Sensory Expressing
    Dance and Song too but if
    You Can’t Do That by God Just
    Get Naked anyone should be able to do that
    if You are Lucky Enough not to Live in a Sardine
    Can and Find a Living Tree.. heHe.. Sand And Sun Definitely too..
    And if You are
    Like Forrest Gump
    And You have to go
    You Really Have to Go
    Just Go Behind A Tree not
    to offend anyone hehe or Use a ‘Password’..;)

    “Prais’d be the fathomless universe,
    for life and joy,
    and for objects and knowledge curious.”

    ~~ Walt Whitman ~~

    By George i am that Curious iMonKey Still
    ATTempTiNG to iDetermine iF ‘they’ iBased
    my iLife on “Peter Pan” or i did
    But it
    Matter for the
    Wind and the Feather
    Are thE SamE God and SpeaKinG
    of that Tinker Feather Wants me in
    the other Room and i Hear Windy Wendy
    Calling me from aFar iN IWiNTeR iNoW iTRuE
    See You
    Later FriEnd..
    Never Land Feels
    Senses So Free So Good
    So iNatural iApe i be iTrees i Continue to o’Climb.. By iGod EVeN iMoRE
    And the iSunset is Always iGorgeous even iF all i Do is iMaGiNE iT
    For iReal
    As NeuroScience
    Shows there really is
    No Difference iN iReaLiTY
    NoW Make it E-Pic or Make
    iT Nothing i’ve Gotta ANoTHeR *SELfie to take..:)

    *No one Noticed “He” is Here for no one
    THOught “He” Is Supposed to Have Fun And Be Happy Happyx2!!
    Is it Any Wonder “He” Comes Back As A ‘Bonobo’ This Go ARounD..;)

    See Ya


  2. Safe to say I’m definitely reacting to the world in general like I’m still living in a cave! Terrible behaviour! Wishing you a wonderful and magical New Year (I always use capitals too 😉 ) 2019! Have a good one Dubious One!! 😉

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