I’ve never seen a poltergeist retch before…..

Having thus far lived, in many respects, a relatively uneventful life, it was a bit of a surprise to find myself, upon first arising today, gazing at a large, green, rather handsome alien, all seven or eight feet of him, sitting quietly in my easy chair, reading a Nora Roberts novel obviously plucked from my bookcase. He kept reading as I stared at him, obviously unaware of my regard, breathing, apparently, through his legs, which inflated and deflated in a regular pattern every few seconds. As he sat there reading, (I say ‘he’ for lack of any proper definition of his gender, or whether he has one at all… gotta call him something….) he gave the impression of infinite patience, and serenity, idly perusing the paperback novel he had chosen…..

Then, of course, I blinked my eyes, and he was gone, back to dreamland, from where he had escaped, apparently just to provide me with a compelling opening paragraph to grab your attention….. which, hopefully, worked well…. It would have grabbed me, I’ll give it that…. It leaves me without anywhere to go from here, but, I’ve been there a lot, and know I can just wander around in my head long enough to reach the legal requirement for an intro. It’s not as if there is any lack of nonsense on hand, it’s merely a matter of shoveling it into the correct venue…. a statement which will, I’m sure, cause as much confusion for you as it does for me….

Let’s face it, ffolkes, I’m lost already…. I suppose that isn’t a very unusual happenstance, but I’m not generally forced to admit it so early. It must have something to do with getting up so late; I actually slept in until 0610, and woke up in a panic, thinking I’d missed an appointment or something…. then spent a few minutes recovering from my alien visitation before successfully arousing myself to get coffee…. Once I’d had a sip or two, of course, all was well with the world, and I could turn my mind to composition….

Which brings us to here….. I’m going to NOT push my luck today, I think. I’ve got two days to get through before getting on a boat bound for Alaska, and I’m not taking ANY chances of fate intervening in any negative fashion. The lists I’ve made are getting checked off, item by item, and it’s down to the last few; my excitement level goes up with each item I gleefully check off….. Before I can turn to any of what is needed for today’s list, though, I have to complete this little chore that I’ve set for myself, so…..   Shall we Pearl?…..

“Is something VIOLENT going to happen to a GARBAGE CAN?” — Zippy the Pinhead

Having come to this so late in the day (time is relative, you know….), I’m feeling a bit pressed for time. So, I’ve dipped into my massive archives of material, and come up with this old style pearl, from August of 2011…. It’s a pretty good pearl, quite stimulating in a cogitative sense, not lacking in irony, and possessing a small degree of style… Well, I think so…. Enjoy!…..


As I was diving this morning in search of some fine, lustrous Pearls to start the day, it struck me that the decision making process in humans seems to have a definable limit. Not a limit of content, but rather a limit of use. No matter what it is that we are doing that requires a decision, there comes a point in the process where we say, “enough!” and end the process of gathering information by the decision to act upon it. Now in a cosmic sense this is not a particularly profound discovery, nor, I think, particularly useful. But then most things we discover don’t have a lot of practical use; we just file them away somewhere in the back of our memory where we seldom look for what we need now, but may find a use for later.

There may be moments in the future where such knowledge may become of use, perhaps even critical. But for the most part, a great deal of memory is crowded with stuff we’ve figured out on our own, but which has little relevance to our life at that time. I’m not sure if this trait is an important evolutionary development, or just something that stays with us because it does no immediate harm to our ability to deal with reality.

Little snippets of fact or conclusions we’ve come to, of a personal or general nature, seem to be destined to clutter up our memories, and I suppose that the mere fact of their existence my prove to be their evolutionary purpose; something to keep us from getting anywhere too fast for our mind to keep up. Who knows? Certainly not me, but hey, it was useful to me today, if only because I was able to finesse an entire paragraph while saying absolutely nothing important for you, or me, to know……useful after all……    🙂

“ICONOCLAST, n.  A breaker of idols, the worshipers whereof are imperfectly gratified by the performance, and most strenuously protest that he unbuildeth but doth not reedify, that he pulleth down but pileth not up.  For the poor things would have other idols in place of those he thwacketh upon the mazzard and dispelleth.  But the iconoclast saith:  “Ye shall have none at all, for ye need them not; and if the rebuilder fooleth round hereabout, behold I will depress the head of him and sit thereon till he squawk it.” — Ambrose Bierce, “The Devil’s Dictionary”
(So THAT’S what I’ve been doing all these years! Nice to know there is a word for it…..)

“Power is an illusion; only stupidity is real.” — Smart Bee

“Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.” — Oscar Wilde

“If we can put the names of our faiths aside for the moment and look at principles, we fill find a common thread running through all the
great religious expressions.” — Louis Farrakhan, 1993

“It may be bad manners to talk with your mouth full, but it isn’t too good either if you speak when your head is empty.” — Smart Bee

“Objective evidence and certitude are doubtless very fine ideals to play with, but where on this moonlit and dream-visited planet are they found?” — William James

Okay, “enough!”……. I guess it does have a purpose after all…..the prevention of terminal boredom…… Y’all take care out there…..

At this point in time, I am uncertain as to what style of poem will appeal today, so, I’m leaving this section for last…. I’ll be back…. Okay, I’m back…. and I brought with me one of my all time favorites…..

The Little Boy and the Old Man

Said the little boy, “Sometimes I drop my spoon.”
Said the old man, “I do that too.”
The little boy whispered, “I wet my pants.”
“I do that too,” laughed the little old man.
Said the little boy, “I often cry.”
The old man nodded, “So do I.”
“But worst of all,” said the boy, “it seems
Grown-ups don’t pay attention to me.”
And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
“I know what you mean,” said the little old man.   

~~  Shel Silverstein ~~


The way this has turned out, I should have just reblogged an old Pearl, and been done with it…  Instead, I have three parts of old Pearls that will serve to make up today’s Pearl, and the hell with the consequences…. Here is a fine old religirant I found, from late in 2012…..


Originally this morning, I had intended to write something less controversial here…. but, Smart Bee is being a bit recalcitrant this morning in coming up with suitable stuff…. so, I’m going ahead with this discussion of religious thought, even though I was trying not to be so sober today….SIGH…. “The best laid plans of mice and men, etc….”  Such are the mysterious ways of Smart Bee….

I believe in god, I just don’t like him. — Smart Bee

Now, here is a concept I can get behind…. I am often unsure of how to express my own beliefs about the idea of a God, or god,  capitalization depending, I suppose, on one’s sense of reverence regarding same. All the twaddle I was taught in Sunday School was an obvious pack of lies; even at age 5 I was unconvinced of the stories they told me. None of them seemed any more real, or plausible, than the cartoons I watched on Saturday morning, and there was certainly no bloodshed in the cartoons…. mayhem, yes, bloodshed, no…. But, the story of the crucifixion is enough to give even the most ghoulish of child nightmares, for sure and for certain…. What were they thinking?….

But, the statement above goes along better with what I would like to believe (which is no more, and no less, than any other human…. believing what we’d LIKE to believe is always more attractive than what MIGHT be true…. neither of which necessarily has anything to do with what is actually REAL….), because most of the stories and lessons we heard as children about God make him out to be a petty, narcissistic, vindictive asshole, to be quite frank.

Well, there is that, plus, most of the preachers, to me, seemed to me to be much more interested in other people’s business than their own, with many of the same characteristics of their ignoble so-called creator. None of them were much of a recommendation to me as proper examples of what a good man should be, and none of what I heard about god, or God, put (H)him in that category, either.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” — Jesus Christ (Gnostic Gospel Of Thomas, Saying 70)

Or, better out than in…. so to speak. Which, as you know if you’ve been reading here previously, is something I believe in wholeheartedly….. Jesus, for me, falls into a similar category for me as God, or preachers…. kind of in limbo regarding all the stuff that was, and is, said about him. He was obviously a real historical figure, and not a mythical supernatural being, and as such his words and actions were recorded for posterity. The accuracy of what was written is, to say the least, questionable, if for no other reason that he spoke Aramaic as his primary language…. that is pretty well established.

What many fail to consider is this…. in order for us to hear his words, we have to hear what was translated through at least four or five languages, from the original Aramaic. First, it would have been translated to Latin, or possibly another middle eastern dialect of the time, then into Latin. Then it was translated to probably Italian, French, and Spanish; then into German and, possibly, it underwent its first change into English, back when it was still considered to be Middle English…. I’m pretty sure the first King James version didn’t occur until well after the Renaissance period.

So, my question is this…. how much of the original meaning of his words came through into the English translation? It’s funny, but when, as a teen, I asked this of my pastor, all I could get from him was that, because the words were inspired by God, then the meaning would have been accurately translated by all those different people, as they were doing God’s work…. which, even then, made me go, “Hmmm? Could you explain that again, in English, with something, anything, that approaches an answer?” (This was before I spoke Spanish, or German, or anything else but English….)

That seems to be a problem with preachers/priests… they tend to lump everything into the same mold, and expect us to believe that what they say is true, even though there is no direct evidence to support any such twaddle. “The Bible says God said it, I believe it, and that’s the end of it!” seems to be their logical train of deduction, even though there is no logic, or deduction, to it.

I wasn’t born in Missouri, but, you’ve got to SHOW ME the evidence before I’ll waste my time trying to place any belief into such grandiose ideas. When one of the church minions asks me, sarcastically, if I expect God to send me a telegram, I usually reply, “Well, that WOULD be more persuasive than expecting me to take it on your word, now, wouldn’t it?”  Idiots….

“God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos; He will set them above their betters.” — H.L. Mencken

This attitude, the elitist idea that those who believe are somehow superior to those who do not, is one of the root causes of most of the trouble our species is having today. The insane attitude that this planet, and all the other creatures on it, were placed here specifically for our benefit and use, is responsible for all of the pollution that continues to pump into the ecosystem, for all the abuse and chauvinism against the other life forms who live here, and for a great number of the social issues, such as poverty, racism, misogyny, and violence, that plague us as a culture. 

We are not only NOT the masters of creation, we are not even qualified to be our own masters; we cause ourselves as much trouble as we do the rest of creation, if not more, all because religionists insist that those who believe them are good, and everyone else is bad…. a stupid idea at best.

“God made Man to his image and likeness, and Man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment.” — Voltaire

Hence, my lack of faith in the nonsensical claptrap that the various religions attempt to pass off as truth. Reality, to me, is scary enough, without the idea of some insane supernatural creature, sitting up in some fanciful Utopia, looking down and giving a rat’s ass about what I’m doing with my life. It just doesn’t make any sense to me to try to visualize a god…. by the very definition of the beast, they cannot be imagined by a creature of lesser scope…. and telling me that you have a direct line to God, and know what he wants me to do with my life, only makes me wish I could order your new medications personally…. Oh, didn’t I mention it? We now have medications that will keep people from believing delusional material, or at least keep them from acting on those beliefs before thinking about them at least a bit….. but, who’s going to give it to a priest, when the doctor believes the same bilge?

Now that I’ve alienated any number of true believers out there, I guess I’ll let this discussion die a natural death. I could obviously continue indefinitely, but, the rest of the day calls, and I should get to it…. If you have any thoughts on these conclusions of mine, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below…. and remember, please, the rules of engagement prohibit outright flaming on this site…. Confine name-calling to short, impersonal epithets, and please, include some logical thought in your responses, as neglecting to do so wastes my time, and everyone else’s…. I don’t mind being called a fool, but, as I said, let’s see your evidence….

“I find your lack of faith in the Force disturbing….” — Darth Vader (Star Wars)

Well, it’s clear that I’ve done some decent work in the past, though this may or may not fall into that category. Regardless,  I like it, so it stays…. Plus, this way, I can be done, and get on with what is important, like staring at the clock to make it go faster….. Where did I put those time distortion pills, anyway?….  Y’all take care out there, and May the Metaphorse be with you…..

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.



2 thoughts on “I’ve never seen a poltergeist retch before…..

  1. Reblogged this on gigoid and commented:


    Out in the BBR, where I’ve been preoccupied for a few days now, there yet remains things I must accomplish, all of which have conspired to keep me away from the computer for long enough to get a Pearl done. Hence, another re-blog, so I can complete my outside duties without any feelings of abrogating such duty elsewhere. A small conundrum, easily dismissed by this visit to the archives. So be it. I should be able to get one done fresh for tomorrow, but, since we gave up doing what we SHOULD do many years ago, we’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, enjoy this blast from a few years ago….


  2. “I’ve never seen a poltergeist retch before…..”

    Hmm.. i just came from discussing this
    elsewhere.. should be interesting
    here too..
    as synchronicity
    continues to flow
    like a
    no dams
    in siGht.. hehe..
    anyWay.. i often find
    a special synchronisitic
    a causal connecting principle
    of hidden psychological meaning
    that is only applicable to me.. hehe..
    as that’s how/why/does/way
    the human
    mind works..
    it feels and fills
    in the blanks of life
    experience.. all naturale
    per se.. with or without help
    from the so-called conscious mind
    in imaginary division of separation..
    as modern word worshippers tend to
    naturally do as that has become the focus
    over sensing and feeling life moreover as
    systemizing science of
    over thinking
    it with
    yes.. like the
    fAct that humans..
    many of them can read
    entire pages of books smoothly
    as such.. with words of only the first
    and last letter enclosed with gibberish
    in the middle.. hehe.. haha.. more.. overall..
    perhaps tHeRe is hope this way that at leASt
    THOSE folks will understand what i am feverishly
    saying as such as the stream continues to come
    spRead now..
    overcoming any
    dam that dares
    stand a flood of words like this..
    it’s magic
    what can
    i say..
    isreal MaGiC
    iN Both dARk
    and liGht way..
    now back to poltergeist
    as you free flow here.. for
    whatever comes what may for
    now.. my FriEnd gigoid.. who i hope
    is enjoying his flesh and blood vacation of
    of the flesh
    and blood
    human race too..
    as that can be so much
    fun too.. coming from two decades
    of working as both helping out handing
    out shoes and Manager of a Bowling Center
    in Military style with over 100K folks then in flesh
    and blood reciprocal social communication.. Ted
    Danson i was literally compared to then.. too.. by
    a base
    Walker.. oh..
    the photographic
    movie making Cheers
    like memory of fun too..
    where no time.. space.. or distance
    exists in the movies of mind that never age..
    funny.. for so long.. i didn’t realize that every one
    cannot make High Definition full color movies of
    their life experience true
    to form
    of what
    came before..
    hmm.. i can block
    them out now.. they

    “Is something VIOLENT going to happen to a GARBAGE CAN?”

    — Zippy the Pinhead

    Yes.. when human
    garbage cans
    view other
    cans this happens
    and i can even provide
    recent Facebook links that
    provide empirical evidence
    of this same age phenomena…
    some folks call it MiNion humans
    following the most deplorable and
    despicable leaders currently known
    to the world at hand.. by tHeir recorded
    words and actions
    of course
    as modern
    technology tends to do..
    the dirty laundry is all out for
    fair and balanced perusal now..
    and it is gonna take a mighty powerful
    pressure washer to get that shit clean..;)

    All i got is
    A anotHeR water
    drip of letters.. words..
    photos.. songs.. other
    videos.. symbolS and such
    as that.. but if enough rain drops
    get togEther sooner or later there could be a Hurricane of Love..;)

    “ICONOCLAST, n. A breaker of idols, the worshipers whereof are imperfectly gratified by the performance, and most strenuously protest that he unbuildeth but doth not reedify, that he pulleth down but pileth not up. For the poor things would have other idols in place of those he thwacketh upon the mazzard and dispelleth. But the iconoclast saith: “Ye shall have none at all, for ye need them not; and if the rebuilder fooleth round hereabout, behold I will depress the head of him and sit thereon till he squawk it.”

    — Ambrose Bierce, “The Devil’s Dictionary”

    Is tHeir
    a mirror in here..;)

    “Power is an illusion; only stupidity is real.”

    — Smart Bee

    Oh Lord..
    Oh Jesus..
    Oh Jesus..
    Jesus Trump..
    the reaLiTy sHow God of
    the Christian Church comes
    as Emperor and God same..
    juST iN time for diSgrace..;)

    “Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend,
    but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize
    with a friend’s success.”

    — Oscar Wilde

    of confidence..
    clapping louder
    for the success of others..:)

    In fact..
    humanity.. my friEnd..:)

    “If we can put the names of our faiths aside
    for the moment and look at principles,
    we fill find a common thread
    running through all the
    great religious expressions.”

    — Louis Farrakhan, 1993

    Faith is Love..

    Three words is enough for me..
    as trinity
    yeah.. the dArk side
    exists too.. like we can’t see that.. huh.. clear now2..;)

    “It may be bad manners to talk with your mouth full,
    but it isn’t too good either if you speak when your head is empty.”

    — Smart Bee

    FucK all that shit..
    dance and sing free verse inStead..;)

    “Objective evidence and certitude are doubtless
    very fine ideals to play with, but where on this
    moonlit and dream-visited planet are they found?”

    — William James

    You can’t have
    any desert until
    you eat

    The Little Boy and the Old Man
    Said the little boy, “Sometimes I drop my spoon.”
    Said the old man, “I do that too.”
    The little boy whispered, “I wet my pants.”
    “I do that too,” laughed the little old man.
    Said the little boy, “I often cry.”
    The old man nodded, “So do I.”
    “But worst of all,” said the boy, “it seems
    Grown-ups don’t pay attention to me.”
    And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
    “I know what you mean,” said the little old man.

    ~~ Shel Silverstein ~~

    is ageless
    when Loved..:)

    I believe in god, I just don’t like him.

    — Smart Bee

    Love the
    DArk as much
    as liGht.. not easy
    by any means
    but it
    to Love iT aLL..
    something about
    going to hell and getting
    out makes that easy looKing
    at the
    dArk end oF HeLL..
    beFore what made liGht
    greater than ever dARk LiGht now..;)

    “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
    If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

    — Jesus Christ (Gnostic Gospel Of Thomas, Saying 70)

    Wow.. a rather rudimentary and metaphorical.. expression
    of what science shows is the real power of neuroplasticity…
    epigenetics.. and the placebo effect now as the power of
    positive thought in words of song and steps of dance in
    just reflecting those positive thoughts/steps now..
    yes.. cognitive behavioral
    therapy mixed in with
    movement therapy
    to regulate emotions
    and integrate senses same..
    for greater focus and short term
    working memory for much greater
    will in cognitive executive functioning
    in what Freud termed as human ego in
    driving Executive Force.. managing that
    ID of emotions and senses including sensuality
    too.. with culture at hand as Super Ego.. in collective
    ways of culture.. and what lives much deeper within as
    genetic memory too.. as science is even starting to prove
    that this IS A real deal of even rat potential behavior of looking
    within.. all innately.. instinctually and intuitively too.. to exercise
    the lessons lEarned by ancestors far far left behind in dust of death
    as such..
    did a real dude
    named Yeshua or Jesus
    actually say this before 40 years
    of Oral Tradition in round table discussion
    of middle east patch desert wandering and after
    that when the literate Greeks picked out the parts of
    Christian Sects ranging from beliefs of 1 to 12 Gods
    and scribed it down.. and then.. it was copied by hands
    in what modern biblical scholars suggest results now
    in 3 to 4 hundred thousand mistakes both unintentional
    and intentional by those who decide something deep
    within says this is right instead of that so i’ll scribe
    this for change to make this shit better than
    before.. hmm.. well.. the fact is it is
    what it is at this point
    and that’s for sure..
    if it makes sense
    and feel for better go with
    it the same way the folks who
    scribed and copied and changed it
    did in the first place then.. folks who
    go to accredited divinity schools learn
    this shit.. they just hide it from the
    congregation as a real complicated
    God who is harder to understand
    in all ways dARk and liGht ‘tween
    sHades of grey beYond rain
    bow colors too now more..
    in fuller comprehension
    is much more
    to under
    as such..
    real work for
    epigenetic positive
    unpacking potential iN
    DNA effect as environmental
    struggle for positive change
    along with same neuroplastic
    impact of rewiring the brain and
    body from neurons to trillions of peptide
    connections in all cells of the body in neuro
    chemistry way.. for positive liGht of sensations
    and emotions same.. IS A lifelong process as sentient
    star dust plus can even evolve in one life now toward liGht..
    yeah.. with real life power of suggestion of prayer also kNoWn
    and fELt
    in effect
    and affect
    as the Placebo
    power of overall
    power of suggestion
    with words as tools as
    guide posts as association
    with positive emotions and
    senses from head to toe..
    yeah.. my friend
    it’s a little
    to explain
    but the bottom
    line is SinG and DancE
    in positive liGht and liFe gets
    better than worse most of the time now..
    yep.. kinda like what the new Guardians
    of the Galaxy of the Summer of ’17 iS
    sTill gonna SinG/DancE.. in artful way.. hmm.. mixing
    this shit in poetry/prose/free verse words/dance.. is juSt
    aNoTheR Fredenstein way.. to gET soMe STuFF aCross..;)

    SinG and DancE in Positive LiGht
    Rock on noW iN Love..;)

    Can we just say and do that
    and ceremoniously ‘burn
    all the evil books’..
    on Easter..
    to get reborn
    and Baptized iN liGht of SonG and Dance..;)

    or shall we just follow JTrump and his
    minions into darker fear and hate..

    *Darren calls back from
    his man cave and
    asks Samantha
    who just
    if that
    WiLL work..
    and just says.. FucK
    Larry.. i’LL go my own way now..
    with a little help of beWitching Katrina too..
    in the
    as such..;)

    “God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent,
    the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary
    in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their
    macerated egos; He will set them above their betters.”

    — H.L. Mencken

    This is the most
    ignorant thing
    i’Ve ever hEard
    IF one sees God as NatUre..;)


    “God made Man to his image and likeness,
    and Man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment.”

    — Voltaire

    Square one root
    one problems
    see God as
    less or separate
    from Nature/SELF
    FUCK UP..

    So.. in other words
    if you see that quote
    in this liGht it makes perfect
    worKing and FeeLinG senSe..
    or not..
    who am
    i to say
    or will for
    another pARt
    of God Free..;)

    “I find your lack of faith in the Force disturbing….”

    — Darth Vader (Star Wars)

    And this is true..
    i find living in hell..
    then.. believing in the dARk..
    is better than believing in no Force aT aLL..
    and that my
    IS A lesson
    that the Serpent
    Sith Brain can surely
    teach us for
    what works
    for the next
    now to survive..
    bottom line of existence now..:)

    And that my friend.. explains
    the rest of the shit world wide
    less and
    more covered
    uP anD stiNKinG noW eXposed..;)

Thanks for visiting! Please feel free to comment, and, please, play nicely....