Overt displays of curmudgeonry….


“Let life happen to you.
Believe me: life is in the right, always.”

~~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~~

alley to adventure

Just another path to adventure….

Hajime…. As promised, I do have a relatively fresh Pearl ready to go; it’s not quite as fresh as I’d like, but, I did get interrupted right when I had hoped a new poem was about to leak out. At 0430 this morning, the phone rang, never a good thing to hear in the middle of the night. After finding the phone, which had fallen under the bed, I spoke with my son, who, along with his family, had been awakened at 0330 by the authorities in Sonoma county, to evacuate their house due to the danger of nearby wildfires that sprang up last night in several places in Napa and Sonoma counties…. They were not even able to come to my home, as the roads between were closed…..

So, now I’m up, worried somewhat, though I know my son is well able to handle such events & take care of his people; it’s still worrisome to think of them in distress, even if not in danger. So, I’m distracting myself by posting today’s Pearl; what I’ll do after that’s done remains to be seen, but, will probably involve some further worry, though I know it isn’t necessarily a constructive response. Even wise old farts can’t always keep from needless worry when family is involved. I know they’ll be okay; it’s just worrisome….

To keep from becoming either maudlin, or manic, I’ll go ahead & finish this off, get it posted, & then try to figure out how to keep from thinking about it, long enough for them to get settled somewhere for a time, until they can return to normalcy, or as nearly as is possible…. In fact, I’ll do that now, as it gives me something to think about that isn’t too complicated, or close to home…. I’ll see y’all at the closing section; for now, it’d be best if you hang on to the nearest stanchion, or, resume your seats, as our pilot showed up a little tipsy….

Shall we Pearl?….

“Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves.
Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you’ve got an audience.”

~~ Diogenes ~~


celtic design

Today’s music is a compilation of a number of epic Celtic music compositions. I’ve included it today for two reasons; first, I’m too distracted to make a search for anything else, & second, I need the soothing elements to provide some relief from the stress of having family in distress, from being evacuated from their homes due to fires raging nearby…. Hopefully, it will relax us all…. Enjoy…..


Celtic Music





I am up early, not because the poem I’m percolating was ready to come out, but, because I received a phone call at 0430 or so, when my son called to tell me they were being evacuated from their home due to the massive fires threatening Sonoma Valley, where he lives with his family. To sublimate, here is an older poem, with nothing to do with fires, or danger from natural events…. Since I haven’t even picked one yet, you’ll be getting Hobson’s choice….


Ah Ain’t Sho, but Mebbe So….

Fried eggs got nuthin’ on me
Ah’m not even sure of mah name,
or how Ah come to be;
no idea from where Ah came.

Ah does like a mystery tho’,
puzzlin’ things out so’s Ah knows,
good from bad fo sho,
Ah sho don’t want no rock pillows.

If’n Ah cain’t figure out what’s best,
Ah just falls back on mah Daddy’s words,
seems he knowed just whut’d stand the test,
‘n how to gentle the scaredest birds.

‘Course, he’d lived a good long time,
‘n had lots of stuff go on by;
Went to a war, n’ lost a piece or two,
never once used it fer an alibi.

He tol’ me once Ah’d best learn to learn,
school’s only cool if ya ain’t already a fool.
Yer own good measure you can earn,
by startin’ yer learnin’ with the Golden Rule.

Always seemed to me as Ah growed up,
he mostly only spoke if it wuz true,
‘n by doin’ that clued me to what’s up,
kept me from stuff that’d a made me blue.

Without ever sayin’ the word itself,
Ah learned ’bout honor, ‘n helpin’ others
not some fake stuff from some shelf,
but, knowin’ whut’s right, ‘n that we’re all brothers.

Ah’ve been around long enough now, Ah think
to get around the block at least two times.
I s’pose long as my head don’t shrink
Ah’ll keep on doin’ right, ‘n makin’ these rhymes…..

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls



“I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you- Nobody- Too?
Then there’s a pair of us?
Don’t tell! they’d advertise-you know!
How dreary-to be- Somebody!
How public-like a Frog-
To tell one’s name-the livelong June-
To an admiring Bog!”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~


“It is pleasant to have been to a place the way a river went.”

~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~


“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”

~~ Lucius Anneaus Seneca ~~


“The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world
is to be in reality what we would appear to be;
all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves
by the practice and experience of them.”

~~ Socrates ~~


“Men become civilized,
not in proportion to their willingness to believe,
but in their readiness to doubt.”

~~ H. L. Mencken ~~


“A person never so beautifully shows his own strength,
as when he respects another’s weakness.”

~~Douglas Jerrold ~~ ~~


“Make no judgements where you have no compassion.”

~~ Anne Mc Caffrey ~~


“Death is the doorway into a locked room with an open window.
Jump out the window, and take your own chances.”

~~ Tim Robinson ~~


“This mind intentionally left blank.”

~~ Subtle Bee ~~



I made it this far, without spilling anything on me, or anyone else…. at least, as far as I can tell. To keep from doing so inadvertently, I’ll close this quickly, without the usual folderol. That, in case you were wondering, looks exactly like this…. See y’all soon….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….


Just when it seemed safe….


“Let us treat men and women well;
Treat them as if they were real;
Perhaps they are.”

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~


Creativity is tiring….

Hajime…. Having had a great time yesterday with my two-year-old granddaughter, I awake today, very late, and, not at all stressed about being so. I decided to just mosey for a while, putting together all the elements for today’s post, without the usual attendant self-induced stress over the deadline, which exists only in my own head, anyway. This may not have contributed to the quality of this one, but, it sure made me easier in my own mind about when it got done. Which it is. Done, that is….

Since that is the case, I’m going to ruthlessly end this intro, right here, right now, to avoid any further delay, or possible build-up of unwanted angst as a result. How’s this for ruthless efficiency?…..

Shall we Pearl?

“As a man can drink water from any side of a full tank,
so the skilled theologian can wrest from any scripture
that which will serve his purpose.”

~~ Bhagavad Gita ~~



I’m late, & in a hurry; guess what that means? Yep…. Today’s selection is the collection of choices made by You Tube, itself…. Try to enjoy it, anyway….


Classical Music





When life calls, ready or not….

Memories are all we have sometimes
to keep our sanity intact,
with learned phrases and subtle rhymes
lessening life’s vicious, vibrant impact.

Presently all seems composed and intent
in stark contrast to hollow day,
forlorn patchwork emotions of unheralded bent,
fill up night’s bower, leaving hell to pay.

Such vigorous and elevated temper
brings us rare moments to ponder,
filled with lessons all need to remember
lest base perception lose valued wonder.

Laugh loud when entropy sticks fast
leaving shameless anger in its wake.
Let bygones pass quietly into the past
reaping only what is left to take.

Final words of wise imagination
tell us living well’s the best revenge, it appears
ever eluding choirs and congregations
finally finding home, never buried in tears.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

Graphing the curve….


“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret;
it is only with the heart that one can see rightly,
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

~~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~~


“Forget the past and live the present hour.”

~~ Sarah Knowles Bolton ~~


“With two hearts do people live;
a small one of deep softness, the other of steel.
And kindness is too often a shield, generosity too often a sword.”

~~ Kahlil Gibran ~~


“The wise person questions the wisdom of others
because they question their own;
the foolish one, because it is different from their own.”

~~ Leo Stein ~~


“What is done with joy is always better done.”

~~ H. L. Mencken ~~


“I always have fun because I’m out of my mind!!!”

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~


“Don’t ask me where I’m going,
Just listen when I’m gone
And far away you’ll hear me singing softly to the dawn”

~~ Pippin ~~



There; that ought to do for now. Having displayed a completely unlikely efficiency in the intro, it behooves me to continue the policy here at the end. Plus, it balances it all quite nicely, for what it is, or, for what it could be. To do so means I have to be a little rude, but, hey, nothing new, right? Okay, now we’ve settled that, I’m outta here. I’ll try again, ffolkes, in the relatively near future. That’s both a promise, and a threat, in case you weren’t sure. For now, let it be, and, don’t ask. Then I won’t have to tell…. See ya, ffolkes….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 12787

À bientôt, mon cherí….

A minimalist sponge, for luck….


“Do every act of your life as if it were your last.”

~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~

solitary splendor

Solitary splendor….


“I love mankind; it’s people I can’t stand.”

~~ Charles Schulz, aka Charlie Brown ~~

It’s unusual around here (if anything I say or do can be said to be anything but….) to begin the introduction with a second pearl. Today, (or, yesterday, if you prefer, as I’m writing this then… Time Lord business, pay no mind….), besides going completely overboard with the parenthetical remarks, I’ll be coming as close to ranting as I have in some time… I suppose I should find another descriptive word to indicate the sort of discussion in which I plan to engage, sotto voce, as it were; ’tisn’t really a rant. Perhaps a word I already utilize each day will give the proper ‘look & feel’ character; that word is ‘Exploring’, as used in the official blog title, at the top of the page.

Yes, that will do quite well, I should say; I’m going exploring, in my mind and heart, for the words to express what I find there, and how Life at Large, which we can also call consensual reality, has affected me in the recent past, which, as I type, I realize means, also, the distant past. What we know is always aware of what we have been through before, if only for its lingering effects on our attitudes & habits. Modern pop psychology would call those our ‘tapes’, that which we received before we were even self-aware, picked up in our relatively long immediately-post-natal learning period. Part of why I explore is to identify these ‘tapes’, to examine them for current relevance, or, mark them for deletion.

So, ready or not, here we go. We’ll begin with some thoughts on a subject I find to be part of the core of what I wish to explore, from a man I respect highly, dead or not. George was a thinker; more, he was a man who loved humanity, which allowed him to see all their foibles & idiosyncracies with a ruthlessly honest eye, and the genius to make them listen & laugh with him at their own bozoid natures….

georges manifesto

Without ever using the word, George identifies the single most critical element, to my mind; that word is ‘fear’. He alludes to how it is exploited as cruelty, and, it is, for it spreads the fear it fans to others, sans any purpose but self-interest. Humans, though one plays hell getting them to admit it, are not all that different than our ancient cousins, who lived huddled in temporary safe havens, such as caves, or convenient groves of trees, afraid of everything in their environment they did not understand, other to know its danger…. To believe what religion claims to be true brings comfort to those who cannot learn to face, & control their fears, promising to them what they already possess.

Learning to control fear is, then, a human’s most critical lesson to learn; without such control over our own emotional state, we are susceptible to manipulation by those who serve only themselves. People learn to ‘believe’ instead of learning to ‘learn’, thus developing the habit of NOT thinking, but, making decisions based on beliefs, which were motivated by their fear…. As can be observed throughout history, this results in a pretty miserable time for most humans, a life much harder than it needs to be.

Some days ago, when I began this exploration, I had a specific purpose in mind; that has since eroded into a number of possible arenas to explore, ultimately leading me to the conclusion I’ve again bitten off too big a bite to chew. To continue would be counter-productive at this point, with the most likely result nobody would finish reading, simply because it has become too complex to be a cogent lesson. As an attempt to regain control of our destination, I will abandon any hope of completing my treatise, & end it with some pearls which can give some direction to your thoughts, leaving it there with some reluctance, and some relief….

I’ll probably take up this gauntlet again, when I am able to focus again on the path to where I wish to go…. For now, here are three thoughts to provide some food for your own processing appetite….. Then, we’ll go finish the rest of today’s mess, so we may all get on with our day…. I think that’s the way to go, so, off we go….

The evidence of the emotions, save in cases where it has strong objective support, is really no evidence at all, for every recognizable emotion has its opposite, and if one points one way then another points the other way. Thus the familiar argument that there is an instinctive desire for immortality, and that this desire proves it to be a fact, becomes puerile when it is recalled that there is also a powerful and widespread fear of annihilation, and that this fear, on the same principle proves that there is nothing beyond the grave. Such childish proofs are typically theological, and they remain theological even when they are adduced by men who like to flatter themselves by believing that they are scientific gents…” — H. L. Mencken

“I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleges, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.” — Tolstoy

“The spirit is fascinated by the future, wants to know the meaning of everything, and would like to stretch, if not break altogether, the laws of nature through technology or prayer. It is full of ideals and ambition, and is a necessary, rewarding, and inspiring aspect of human life. The soul is… embedded in the details of ordinary,everyday experience. In the spirit we try to transcend our humanity; in the soul, we try to enter our humanity fully and realize it completely.” — Thomas Moore

Whew! Made it. Okay, ffolkes, that’s enough blather from me for one day, I should think. Let’s see what else we can find to mess with….

Shall we Pearl?

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”

~~ Plato ~~



Naturally, spouting off for so long in the intro has made me late. That means, as you know, we go with default music, which, in this case, means a collection of classical pieces to read by…. Three hours worth ought to do it, I think….. Enjoy!….


Classical Music





Intelligent Crimes

The value of wit is often said to cause harm,
for those who think, such is its greatest charm.
The new and the bold cannot be fulfilled
if innovation and change is left unwilled.

Society behaves at its base as a mob
conformity and submission its primary job.
Any sign of rebellion against the mob’s rule
is met with resentment, naming such rebel the fool.

Intellect and talent are looked at askance,
expressing artistry stands nary a chance.
To stand out from the rest of mankind
is fraught with danger, for body and mind.

Often I stand to watch in solemn dismay
as beauty and joy are left by the way,
ignored and reviled by the unwashed masses
who prefer darkness, and acting like asses.

With shouts of derision the normals make known
their fear of intelligence, greater than their own.
They hope to stop all semblance of progress;
for thoughts and ideas, they couldn’t care less.

The world struggles on in spite of all opposition,
managing to maintain its advanced position.
Pulling the foolish along in spite of reluctance,
helping each to learn the survival dance.

Hard though it may be to keep up with the future
genius manages its plans to develop and nurture.
In the final analysis, those who live by reason
enjoy life the most, season to season.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

It’s a puzzle, isn’t it?….


“Birth is the beginning of death.”

~~ Realist Bee ~~


“A fiery soul, which, working out its way,
Fretted the pygmy-body to decay,
And o’er-inform’d the tenement of clay.
A daring pilot in extremity;
Pleas’d with the danger, when the waves went high
He sought the storms.”

~~ John Dryden — Absalom and Achitophel, Part i, Line 156 ~~


“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

~~ Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729) ~~


“An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine,
but because people refuse to see it.”

~~ James Michener, “Space” ~~


“He does not seem to me to be a free man
who does not sometimes do nothing.”

~~ Cicero ~~


“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

~~ Philip K. Dick ~~


“Around existence twine,
(Oh, bridge that hangs across the gorge!)
ropes of twisted vine.”

~~ Basho ~~



Y’all may consider this Pearl somewhat overdone. It’s what happens when I get too focused, & try to pack too much into one place. But, it’s done, and, all things considered, it will do. If nothing else, anyone who finishes it all can give themselves a hearty heigh-ho, just for wading all the way through to the end. I’d award prizes, but, the budget just won’t stretch that far this month. I guess all that’s really left to do is to say fare thee well, & add in the usual caveat, to wit: I’ll be back, eventually, to post more (non)sense for your perusal. Until then, be well, be safe, and for goodness’ sake, keep those thinking caps on…. It’s your best defense, and, quite frankly, your only hope….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 12738

À bientôt, mon cherí….

Delectable morsels of sustainable illusion….


“Do not look for all the answers at once.
A path is formed by placing stones one in front of the other.”

~~ The Giant from Twin Peaks ~~

river corrib

Galway City Museum on River Corrib, from the Wolfe Tone Bridge

Hajime…. Generally, the opening pearl, which sits just above the opening picture, has little, if anything, to do with what comes after. Today, it is a perfect beginning, for it, as well as all that follows, is a stone on the path I am, in my own inimitable, if odd, fashion, creating in this, my life, or, as Joseph Campbell would call it, my hero’s journey…. I know, it’s a little early for grandiosity, but, try not to fall for connotations, okay? By ‘hero’, we’re not talking Superman, or Spiderman, (although they are, and do fit the word’s definition….), but, rather, the hero of every man’s life, himself (or, herself; let’s also not get too hung up on gender specificity, ‘kay? It’ll just slow things down, & I can’t sit that long.).

I would suppose most people will find it odd to philosophize so early on in a post, but, then, by now, y’all should realize, I am far from being ‘most’ people, and, in fact, find such a term to be rather insulting when applied to my own case. Not that I’m a rogue human, but, I’m definitely NOT part of the herd of, as my friend chuq would call them, ‘Ignorati’, that mass of humanity that surges from water closet to water closet, seeking comfort and joy in the process of living a life of delusion. And, thank goodness for that, I say!

Perhaps it seems elitist, but, it really is not, as I also know I am one of the world’s great Bozos, as deserving of Fate’s ill attention as much as any Fool. If there is any doubt of that, I am not the one holding on to it, even though dubiousity is my nature…. Of the mere fact of being a great Fool, I have no doubt it is a club in which I hold long-standing membership.

Hmm…. Well, it started well, but, took a bit of a random turn there, didn’t it? I’d hoped to dazzle y’all with the excellence, sharp wit, and coherence on display in the above passages, but, I now see I’ve missed the mark by an inch or three. Oh, well; it got us this far. I’ll ignore it all, as any good human is trained to do, & just get on with the rest of today’s insanity. Yes, insanity; it isn’t sane to expect one’s views to bear the force of realism, or even reality; only our human ego, drenched as it is in our own consciousness, (which may only be a local phenomenon, like E=MC²) can lead us to believe it does. I prefer honest idiocy to false wit; hence Pearls of Virtual Wisdom, eh?

I think, on that note, it’s time to get to the rest of the mess I’ve created today, before I lose what nerve I have left. Today’s version of illegitimacy is brought to you through the auspices of insomnia, bordered with a bit of smarm, and a lot of doubtful cogitation. So be it. Moreover, let’s just, as Nike says, do it….

Shall we Pearl?

“There’s a great power in words,
it you don’t hitch too many of them together.”

~~ Josh Billings ~~



Since this Pearl, like many before it, is being cobbled together in a relative rush, we’re going with our default selection. I never know ahead of time whether the selection is a good one, or just a one. But, hey, it’s classical, and that genre is mostly comprised of what has lasted over the centuries, so, it’s hard not to find parts of it that are good…. Enjoy it, regardless, if you will…..


Classical Music





Dreaming, I wait….

In the most patient moments of rationality
kindness flows smoothly in a special milieu,
fallow thoughts speed first from equality
to give no anxious fever, anger to eschew.

Indignant mothers and step-sons in-law
shall fade simply from brilliant to grey,
intoning ritual dogma, fresh, avid, and raw,
falling, falling, in massive pastoral disarray.

Safety lives not, save brightly in ignorant bliss,
it follows us all, silent and infinitely frail,
foremost too often, soft as a virgin kiss,
alive, always eager, willing, and pale.

Intimate knowledge finds only the bold few
with courage and virtue to gift, unbidden.
No solemn royal version may pass in review,
true love for man, never to remain unhidden.

Sweet feathers of Emily’s hope uplift,
calm, drowsy episodes bursting with light,
With final glad cries we set ourselves adrift,
swimming in the oceans of natural delight.

When sorrow is banished, in ages yet to come,
roots solidly anchored, cold and remote,
Ample supplies of kindness sit silent and dumb,
and the old stranger shrugs on his faded coat.

Dreaming, then, I wait with shadows in the night
aspiring to inspire, a message from the muse’s heart
Never forgotten images, framed in color bright,
tempt me only, grieving, steeped in serenity’s arcane art….

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

Random thoughts on Life at Large….


“In the long run, we get no more than we have been willing to risk giving.”

~~ Sheldon Kopp ~~


“Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt.”

~~ Clarence Darrow ~~


“Human progress is furthered, not by conformity, but by aberration.”

~~ H.L. Mencken~~


“In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge.
The young they keep out of mischief;
to the old they are a comfort
and aid in their weakness,
and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds.”

~~ Aristotle ~~


“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”

~~ J.R.R. Tolkein, Lord of the Rings ~~


“He that feareth is a slave,
were he never so rich, were he never so powerful.
But he that is without fear
is king of all the world.”

~~ E. R. Eddison, The Worm Ouroboros ~~


“Dying is a wild night and a new road.”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~



Today, it’s rather satisfying to reach the end; three days of cobbling can be tiresome, even if it provides welcome distraction from the issues which preclude comfortable writing, i.e., being capable of sitting for more than five minutes without having to get up, having reached the tolerable limit. But, to dwell on that would be inconclusive, unproductive, and, whiny, so, we’ll not go there any further. Instead, I’ll just take my leave, with the latest caveat, to wit: I’ll be back, though ‘when’ is still a question. For now, I’ll just say, be well, and happy as you may, and stay alert. Not only does the world need more ‘lerts, it’s pretty iffy out there…. Ta, then, luvs….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 12382

À bientôt, mon cherí….

Lofty goals, impudent desires….


“…life is long enough if it is well-spent.”

~~ Erasmus ~~

Magic 004

How to relax….

Hajime…. Today, along with the rest of this week, (and, the rest of the month, the way it is developing), is busy, with events taking place out in the BBR. It will take up most of the day, so, I have worked hard to complete this Pearl, as I am unsure when I’ll be able to get another fresh one done. The good news, for me, is, I finished the discussion/rant on which I’ve spent a week or more. It isn’t quite as planned, but, it’s definitely a feast for the mind, so, it will do. The rest is pretty much a throw-together, with another of my old poems, and an archived pearl of pearls for the last section. Since it all flowed together smoothly, I’ll take it, and be content. So, then, must you…. I mean, that’s what blogging is, right? Right….

All that being said, to our regular lack of defined purpose, I’ll make this intro a short one; they seem to work best for days such as the one in which we currently find ourselves. I shan’t apologize; I shall, however, issue a warning. To make it through this one, you’ll need to put on your thinking caps, if you have one; the following is NOT for the weak-minded, or, anyone who is afraid to challenge their own beliefs. It’s all about doubt, which remains our most relevant tool for finding our way in life…. a statement we’ll defend another time, if necessary. Today, we’re going elsewhere, with gusto….

That’ enough; we/I have a lot to do today. Let’s begin, while we are still fresh….

Shall we Pearl?

There is nothing like death. To it, everything is a metaphor.

~~ Subtle Bee ~~


“You’re not ready for what I think.”

~~ Fox Mulder ~~


“History does not record anywhere at any time
a religion that has any rational basis.
Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough
to stand up to the unknown without help.
But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion
and spend time and money on it
and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.”

~~ Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1972) ~~

The above passage from Mr. Heinlein happens to be one of my favorites, in all I have read, in more than 60 years of pursuing the truth in books. In that sixty years, I’ve read an average of a book every other day; I no longer claim one per day, though I managed that average for the first 45 years or so; I’ve slowed some, trading quality for quantity in these latter years. In all that time, I have found this to be the most tactful, sardonic, and accurate statement summarizing my own thoughts, and my own opinion on the matter of religion.

I know such a statement meets with knitted brow, (I can hear the needles clacking together…), showing obvious disapproval from the majority of humankind; I noticed that at age four, the first time I asked my Sunday School teacher to explain the nonsense I was hearing there. I have noted no lesser degree of disbelief from almost everyone in the ensuing years, though not so frequently as if I had not learned to avoid discussions of religion, at least without some observable indications of an open mind. Since turning 60, or so, I’ve given up caring if people get offended, as I simply no longer care what they think about it, and am prepared to discuss it with anyone who cares to risk it.

Moreover, I’m not alone in my distrust of religions, especially the one in which I was made the subject of attempted indoctrination, almost from birth. Quite a number of the men who led the struggle to formulate this country, whom we were raised to call our “Founding Fathers”, also shared this mistrust. For example, here are some of their thoughts on the matter, followed by a closing thought from a modern poet….

“But a short time elapsed after the death
of the great reformer of the Jewish religion,
before his principles were departed
from by those who professed to be his special servants,
and perverted into an engine for enslaving mankind,
and aggrandizing t heir oppressors in Church and State.”

~~ Thomas Jefferson, [letter?] To S. Kercheval, 1810 ~~


“What is it the Bible teaches us? – rapine, cruelty, and murder.
What is it the Testament teaches us?
– to believe that the Almighty committed debauchery
with a woman engaged to be married,
and the belief of this debauchery is called faith.”

~~ Thomas Paine — The Age of Reason ~~


“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish,
appear to me no other than human inventions,
set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”

~~ Thomas Paine ~~


“The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.
Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept
for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines,
and whole carloads of other foolish trumpery
that we find in Christianity.”

~~ John Adams ~~


“…this would be the best of all possible worlds,
if there were no religion in it.”

~~ John Adams, Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1816 ~~


For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered.
But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula,
the big answers don’t remain stone-written.
We adjust to new conditions and discoveries.
We are pliable.
Love need not be a command or faith a dictum.
I am my own God.
We are here to unlearn the teachings
of the church, state, and our educational system.
We are here to drink beer.
We are here to kill war.
We are here to laugh at the odds
and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”

~~ Charles Bukowski ~~

Let’s finish this part…. For just a moment, wrap your head around the following statement, without attaching any emotional or even intellectual importance to whether it is true, or, not: “There is no God, or gods. No Allah, no Jehovah/Yahweh, no Jesus, no Krishna, nor any supernatural force which created/controls the universe.”

Got that idea? Is it comprehensible, simply as a statement of alternative possibility? I contend this statement is the Truth of Reality; in fact, I contend there is no rational reason to suspect otherwise.

Further, the belief there is such an entity has caused more harm to our species than any other single idea. It has caused people to be divided from each other, over something that merely plays upon their fears of the unknown to manipulate them into serving purposes that have no benefit for them, beyond an ignoble death, at the hands of another person suffering from the same manipulation, by another name.

Even worse, this ‘belief’ predisposes humans to then transfer their ‘belief’ to other ideas that are not in their self-interest, such as believing one is better, or worse than any other human, simply because of where they were born, or the amount of pigment in their skin, or that money implies worth. Humans are not naturally hierarchal; we all die, so what is to make one ‘better’ than another? Yet we find it easy to believe in such hierarchal fantasies, to the point of offering up our lives for an idea we never thought ourselves, but, had planted in our head before we knew enough to be able to tell for ourselves….

You see, the idea that humans NEED a government to solve their issues between each other is yet another silly notion, not supported by reality. The concept of money as a part of reality necessary to our success is also a false idea; there is nothing hierarchal about Nature, of which money is NOT a part. Yet, because humans are easily convinced, by their training to believe ideas are real, people set themselves up to fail, to be manipulated to expend their efforts and their attention on matters which serve no useful (to them) purpose….

“Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.”

~~ Bertrand Russell ~~


“Some writers have so confounded society with government,
as to leave little or no distinction between them;
whereas they are not only different, but have different origins.
Society is produced by our wants,
and government by our wickedness;
the former promotes our happiness *positively*,
by uniting our affections,
the latter *negatively*, by restraining our vices.
The one encourages intercourse,
the other creates distinctions.
The first is a patron, the last is a punisher.
Society in every state is a blessing,
but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil;
in its worst state an intolerable one….”

~~ Thomas Paine, opening lines of _Common Sense_ 1776 ~

~~ *asterisks denote Paine’s use of italics* ~~


“Money made a vow to itself, that no one who didn’t love it, would ever have it.”

Irish Proverb

As can be easily seen, merely by reading the history of our species, this trio of delusions, i.e., religion, government, and money, has caused more strife, conflict, and needless death, than any other single idea, for all the time since we began to gather in cities. It has been shown that humans lose their ability to function as a truly human animal when there are more than 200 or so sets of eyes; as we gather in towns, & cities, this number grows beyond our personal need for community, and the rules of engagement between people begin to fray, and those who have the need to control others, due to their own inner fears & perversions of spirit, begin manipulating the weak minded, and we see the development of rules and hierarchies to manipulate people into losing their own self-control of what serves their interests, in the mistaken belief it is necessary, when, in truth, what is necessary is increased personal responsibility, and self-reliance.

“The races of the Galaxy look towards mankind as the essential lunatic element.”

~~ Terry Pratchett, “Strata”, pg. 60 ~~

In sixty years of observing and studying human history, and humanity itself, both individually, and, as a species, I’ve come to two conclusions. First, our most compelling talent, as proven by any historical tome anyone has written, or read, is the ability to think of endless, inventive ways to kill each other, or anything else we come across in our wandering about the face of the earth. Second, almost everything we have invented, as weapons, is simply a more complicated method of throwing rocks, both sharp, and dull; most everything we have created as tools & systems/skills for use as non-weapons, is a response to this talent, in that it is designed to keep ourselves, in one way or another, from getting killed, mostly by each other….

Both sides of this talent, of course, stem from our imagination, which, in the most pure analysis, has been shown to be little more than an anomaly of our consciousness; neither can be quantified, or touched, or in any way seen to be a part of the reality we perceive through our physical senses. In short, it may be, as some speculate, merely a local phenomenon, in this small corner of the universe we perceive elsewhere, all around us, but too far to reach physically. This paradoxical sense, I think, is what gives most humans the tendency to ‘imagine’ themselves to be more than they actually are, denying completely the simple truth of reality as it exists, to assume that reality is what we imagine it to be. In short, we are able to deny our own nature….

Perhaps this is why so many are willing to believe in the lies and untruths on which our entire culture has been based for so long. In truth, we may never know; I probably won’t; if I haven’t been able to figure it out by now, I don’t think I have enough time left on this particular plane of existence to do so. Perhaps, after I have gone on to the next great adventure, the answers will be made clear; then again, anything, at all, can be no more than speculation, thus, exercising again that imagination… I’ve figured out enough to not believe anything that comes from that source; it tends to be less than real, at least as often as it is more so….

Enough, he cried, enough…. ‘Tis a feast, no more is needed.



Finishing the rant/discussion above took up all the spare time I had, so, we go with default, as is our wont. This is the original video, which started the whole idea of the organization. All of it is great music, by street musicians, along with the occasional music star to add their talent to the mix. I hope you enjoy it, and take the time to support the organization, which spreads love, and joy, and human kindness in all its branches, now located around the world at their music schools… Check our their website, it’s worth the time….


Playing For Change





In case it isn’t clear, this poem, written over four years ago, is a rather complex version of the rant/discussion above, though, at the time, I didn’t know that…. *grin*…. I hope you enjoy it anyway….

Fatal Supplication

But what becomes of our deepest dangerous dreams?
Does fantasy rescue any part of life’s imperiled favor?
Reality becomes but silvery pairs of mismatched teams,
Dining with affable elegance, such diffident waste to savor.

Who decides what sorrows to carry bravely to term?
Will fragrant moments of sanity make hasty manifestation?
Only Time’s patient mutability sends messages so firm,
Yet salient impersonal vexation lends credence to ripe imagination.

Can folly bring out sadness and rampant visions of beauty?
What kindness can be found in distant open relations?
With countless faces the dead disturb with dire impunity,
From separate caches of wisdom come simple stylish privations.

Shall shallow emotion serve to provide such explanations?
When does avaricious intensity assume primary focus?
Plain answers slide softly through with multiple mitigations,
While conceptually indignant concepts engage a fatally personal locus.

~~ gigoid ~~




I’m in a bit of a hurry, for reasons I explained above, so, we’re filling in the final section with a group of pearls from an archived Pearl, which, oddly enough, fits right in with today’s post…. Go figure, eh? At any rate, it’s a good way to finish this off with some aplomb, if not complete dignity…. Enjoy!….

From 9/7/2012:

Having just spent three hours (okay, I exaggerated…. only two….) searching in vain for a pearl to finish with, I became incensed with frustration, and rather than scare my new neighbors with a verbal outburst, I calmly set a parameter, and collected the following pearls on one subject, to wit: human nature…. As far as I can tell, all of them rate a solid 10 on the truth scale….. As always, just follow the bouncing thought as it explores your own inner self….

“The world always makes the assumption that the exposure of an error is identical with the discovery of truth–that the error and truth are simply opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the world turns to, when it is cured on one error, is usually simply another error, and maybe one worse than the first one.” — H. L. Mencken

“The ultimate evil is the weakness, cowardice, that is one of the constituents of so much human nature. When, rarely, unalloyed nobility does occur, its chances of prevailing are slim. Yet it exists, and its mere existence is reason enough for not wiping the name of mankind off the slate.” — John Simon

“We are all terrible little creatures.” — Martin Amis

“The tragedy and the magnificence of Homo sapiens together rise from the same smoky truth that we alone among the animal species refuse to acknowledge natural law.” — Robert Ardrey, _The Social Contract_

“Man, were he not corrupted by Governments, is naturally the friend of Man, and that human nature is not of itself vicious.” — Thomas Paine

“I think we’re all Bozos on this Bus!” — Firesign Theater

Now I feel better….. and I hope you do, as well….


Okay!…. That went well, for a change. This is one I put a lot into; in a certain sense, it might be considered an iconic Pearl, a representative of all Pearls, with an example of all of what I do. Of course, I don’t see it addressing any of the ‘why’ I do it, but, hey, we can’t have everything. At least, not all at once; that’s a bit much to expect…. At this point, you may expect your day to continue, and, in that, you’d be right. You see, this one is at an end; at least, as far as I can make it so. Since I can feel it slipping away from me, I’ll just say this…. See ya, ffolkes. I’ll be back, in a day, or possibly two, depending on how efficiently I can deal with the demands upon me set by what is happening out in the Big Blue Room. Should be an interesting week; lets get started on it, ‘kay? ‘Kay! Be cool, be strange, be alert, and most of all, keep those thinking caps close at hand….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 12021

À bientôt, mon cherí….

Unreasonable degrees of irony….


“A man is a very small thing, and the night is very large and full of wonders.”

~~ Lord Dunsany, The Laughter of the Gods ~~


Morning glorious….

Hajime…. For more than six years now, I have used the creation of this blog as a means of finding my inner balance. The process I developed over that time has furnished me with a routine upon which I could depend to produce a product I considered worthy of publishing for peer review, while simultaneously providing me with a means to organize my thoughts into the mold it most favors, in order to maintain the balance so essential to the peace sought so diligently by our inner self.

Since the real world, which I call consensual reality, seldom provides any of these for us, ( in truth, it often works in the opposite direction, making it hard to find any such means….), it has worked pretty well, such as it is. Of course, I am the sole judge of how well it works, & I am, deliberately, inconsistent in judging its efficacy, thus, most probably, detracting from its efficiency to some degree. But, as the closing introductory quote from Ralphie notes, consistency is just as well left out of the issue. By my standards, writing has worked well to keep me relatively sane, by public standards, if not my own, or, those of others less familiar with my personality); as proof, I offer a simple statistic, to wit: I have yet to kill anyone. Given the almost hourly occurrence of homicidal urges that come to me as I perceive the world, that’s not bad.

In truth, it occurs to me, much of my life has been a long struggle to keep myself from killing people; there are just so many of them who deserve killing, by almost any standard! Oligarchs, politicians, priests, pimps, corrupt cops, the list, to me, seems endless. Each of those categories of humans, on a consistent basis, exhibit the worst traits of humanity…. Fear, cowardice, the ability to lie, or deny reality, without guilt, shame, or the slightest degree of compassion; most of my fellow humans, to my mind, seem to abrogate their very humanity at every turn, refusing to use the intelligence they have been imbued with by nature, and denying their own connection to the rest of creation, insisting they are so special, the rules of the universe do not apply to them.

Moreover, the most basic flaw our species demonstrates regularly, seems to not even enter their perception. This flaw, as I see it, is the ability to deny their own nature, such that their entire approach to reality becomes their own worst enemy. We humans seem to have the unfortunate ability to make the assumption we have the power to alter reality at our whim, a belief not shared by that reality. Moreover, we are so convinced of this false power, we make the automatic assumption we are thus better than the rest of reality. This sense of entitlement, false as it may be, will, in the long run, prove to be a fatal flaw, for it is leading us inexorably to an ignoble end…. which is another simple deduction people refuse to make….

I have wandered around in my mind now for some time today, trying to find a way to succinctly state my feelings & thoughts, trying to explain, to myself as much as y’all, why I haven’t been writing much. I suppose I should take a shot at summarizing, so we can get on with the rest of this mess….

I don’t see much hope for humanity. The flaws in our nature, which we refuse to acknowledge, or attempt to abrogate, are killing us. If we cannot change the paradigm with which we now live, we are ALL going to die, and not comfortably. I suppose the angst and lack of balance I have been experiencing for the past year or so, since regaining a bit of clear-mindedness I had misplaced is a direct result of my sorrow at such an outcome. As a species, we show a lot of promise; it’s unfortunate our own nature prevents us from reaching out to grasp that promise, and make it our own. Instead, we fuss, we fight, we act as if the lies and delusions, upon which our entire culture is based, are real, and will help us live, when, in fact, all we can ever expect, if we don’t change, is ongoing conflict, and misery for the major portion of humanity.

My angst thus, is a persistent sense of sorrow, and anger at those humans who refuse to acknowledge the problems our own nature creates for us…. Since I, too, am human, my feelings cause me to want to strike out, hard, at those who will not see the truth of reality, and how our choices, to live in fear and delusion, have brought us to the brink of extinction. I’ve managed thus far to control those urges, human as they are; I’m having a hard time doing so these days, as there just doesn’t seem to be much reason NOT to follow the injunction of nature, so aptly described by H. L. Mencken, when he said, “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

I have to admit, the temptation is great. However, I see I have, without realizing it, ranted in the intro again. So much so, I’ve made the rant I had started superfluous, & will proceed to delete it, in favor of finishing the rest of this now overlong mess. I can’t say I’m sorry for having done so; if naught else, it was rather cathartic for me, so, we’ll let it go, as is, & trust the chips to fall in convenient places. Since I can’t think of any easy, comfortable method for getting us out of the intro, I’ll just stop here, & hope for the best. I hope you enjoy today’s interlude….

Shall we Pearl?

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,
adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.”

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays: First Series (1841) “Self-Reliance” ~~


fare thee well aldotcom

Today, I feel like listening to the Dead (go figure). Here is the second set (over two hours long) from their 50th Anniversary/Farewell Tour in 2015. Though Jerry, Robert Hunter, & Pigpen are long gone, the music and culture lives on…. Enjoy!….


Fare Thee Well
Grateful Dead, 7/5/2015
Second Set





I can feel poems percolating, but, none are ready to leak. Here is one from last year, written during the time I was attempting to regain some balance after more than a year of fighting the symptoms of opioid withdrawal, so kindly foisted upon me by the ignorance & cowardice of the medical industry in this country. Needless to say, it’s a bit more intense than my usual fare, & I hope you enjoy it….

Augmentation: Inner Aye

Distant, peals of thunder, vividly.
Closer, a patter of rain, falling gravidly.
Between the light and the darkness of fear
find merely the remnants of one lonely tear.

Do not hate us, though we have not sinned;
eager for courage, upon whom all hope is pinned.
Tales of insolence, hatred, or fallen virtue
fill us up, not down, in such pristine foreign venue.

Capable hands severed, able hands tied;
the future is angry, all but now denied.
Multiple times, warnings sounded across the pale
nobody heard, nobody came to tell the tale.

Gifted by time, salience fails in epic rhyme;
watchmakers watching, each a separate crime.
Logical solutions refuse to emulsify
forever pretending to cruelly crucify.

Blood will fly alongside pertinent composure,
never seeking, never finding tea, or closure.
Falsely laid trails on mountains of gold
imply no happy endings, no fortunes told.

Ages past have no time for repetition;
further chances only lead to perdition.
Destiny feels a shameful portion of guilt,
for a thousand sand castles, never built.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls



“A person needs a little madness,
or else they never dare cut the rope and be free.”

~~ Nikos Kazantzakis ~~


“Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do.”

~~ Voltaire ~~


True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written;
in writing what deserves to be read;
and in so living as to make the world
happier and better for our living in it.

~~ Pliny the Elder ~~


It is something to be able to paint a particular picture,
or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful;
but it is far more glorious to carve and paint
the very atmosphere and medium through which we look,
which morally we can do.
To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”

~~ Henry David Thoreau, “Where I Live” ~~


“The world is full of cactus, but we don’t have to sit on it.”

~~ Will Foley ~~


“He knows not how to know who knows not also how to unknow.”

~~ Richard Burton ~~


“The only thing I know for sure is that I know nothing at all, for sure.”

~~ Socrates ~~



Although today’s missive is extensive, it feels a bit underdone, if obese. But, so be it; I’m done, & not willing to either start over, or edit. Instead, I’ll trust the process, as I’ve learned to do so well, & let it go without further ado. In fact, I’ll even go so far as to end it swiftly, rather than drawing it out to resemble the intro. I’ll be back as soon as I have enough to say; it won’t be long, I’m sure, as I’m a naturally voluble study in contradictions and subtle notes of irony. Go figure, eh? See ya, ffolkes; that’s a promise I hope to live long enough to fulfill….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

À bientôt, mon cherí….

Bittersweet are the memories of youth….


” If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention
of doing you good, you should run for your life.”

~~ Thoreau’s Law ~~


Sharing Tiki secrets….

Hajime…. Having spent more than five years using this blog process as a means of retaining what sanity I may claim, it seems Reality, in its most significant manifestations, is demanding I give it up, in favor of survival, in a very real sense. The condition in which current Reality has been configured by human culture is beginning to resemble our nature, which is somewhat unstable, a generous description, at best. The population has grown, and continues to grow, beyond the planet’s ability to sustain us in any degree of comfort, showing no signs of establishing any rational limits to its growth.

This, of course, is a self-regulating issue; the problem is, the regulatory process will, in its most basic permutation, kill most of us in its manifestation. We are rapidly approaching the possibility of more than one sort of catastrophic adjustment in Nature, and making no preparations to deal with whatever may occur to bring the population down to a manageable size, or, eliminate us altogether…. Hell, you couldn’t get more than a single percent of that population to admit there may be a problem; they’re too busy creating it to notice…. Homo suicidus, indeed….

Knowing this, I am finding the creation of these Pearls to be, not tiresome, or tedious, but, difficult to justify, in terms of how it may help me to survive. For the time I’ve been writing, it has served me well, as a balm to my injured soul, and, a means of striking back at the demons who live in my head, as a result of my experiences with the violent side of human nature for so long. Now, my sense of danger from the death throes of human culture has reached a critical point, where I must decide whether to continue this process, or, let it go, & do what can be done to prepare for the upcoming disturbances, so clearly imminent in my understanding. A hard rain’s a gonna fall, ffolkes, and I need to replace my umbrella with one a bit more sturdy….

This means, in the near future, I may decide to disappear, as far off-grid as I can safely get to; there are still assessments to be completed, and preparations to be planned & carried out. But, be sure, at some point, I will be ready, and will just go, probably without much of a ripple in the waters of reality. For now, I guess I’ll see if Smart Bee is in a mood to share. If so, we’ll finish up this mess, & post what I’ve got. If not, well, I guess I’ll see what happens then…. For now, let’s do this, & go see what there is to find….

Shall we Pearl?

“Only the half-mad are wholly alive.”

~~ Edward Abbey ~~



Naturally, since I’m cutting things short today, we’ll go with the first, best classical collection I can find… I hope you enjoy it; if not…. Oh, well. Can’t say I’m not trying….


Classical Music





Measures of Intent

Hell is never far away; it slips in, then out,
like a ninja, bent on stealth and death.
Living metamorphoses, in the space of a breath,
sordid entropy fills us, within, and without.

Tide turns again; back and forth it tumbles,
like those little wind up toys, yet never stays.
All our efforts, all our silly little ways,
disappear like seaweed, as sanity crumbles.

The duality of reality in which we are firmly caught,
seems to inhabit every part of our natural selves.
Nothing is ever still, nor can it be placed on shelves;
we are dark, and light; balance must be taught.

Life is lived only one moment at a time,
past and future have no power to alter this at all.
We can choose to fly, or choose to fall;
finding truth, and beauty, can never be a crime.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

Notes on Process and Program….


“Civilization is fun! Anyway, it keeps me busy!!”

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~


“Fate is a river; free will is a paddle.”

~~ Subtle Bee ~~


“I don’t believe that life is supposed to make you feel good,
or make you feel miserable either.
Life is just supposed to make you feel.”

~~ Gloria Naylor ~~


“Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.”

~~ Cicero ~~


“Joy is wealth and love is the legal tender of the soul.”

~~ Robert Green Ingersoll ~~


“I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie.
I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave.
And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant.”

~~ H. L. Mencken ~~


“Death is not the greatest loss in life.
The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”

~~ Norman Cousins~~



Well, I pushed it, shoved it, patted it, and lied to it (no, just kidding…), and, well, it’s done. I won’t deny I did it, but, I’m pretty sure I won’t be sending it to the Pulitzer Committee, either. Since it IS done, I’m going to go find other stuff to do. I will also say, I’ll probably be back tomorrow; still too much to be done before I can get away as I wish, so, I may as well use the process to blow off any built up insanity that may accrue. Or, not; time will tell, won’t it? It usually does. Me, I’m outta here…. See ya, ffolkes, if I don’t explode first….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….

If only they knew, or even suspected….


“Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~


Sidewalk Show….

Hajime…. Although we are always good to go when it comes to doubtful challenges to our purpose, there is no profit for anyone in being coy. Also, let it never be said we have been anything but obscure, lest, for good reason, we end up in court. Nobody likes going to court. Therefore, in the interests of fair play, and good whiskey, I am hereby declaring this Pearl open, with the concomitant, and irregular, degree of nonsense, as well as a complete, full helping of blather. Not bad for 0600, eh?

Now I’ve got that out of my system, I’ll tell you a bit about this Pearl. It’s done. There isn’t much of it, and what there is, is a bit strange, even for us/me. There’s no point in fretting over it; Reality is what it is. I’ve included one of my older poems, just because I can, and it seemed to fit the mood. There’s an old-school pearl, with a decent, if obscure message to decipher, for those inclined to make a foray into my less than normal cogitative processes. Just don’t take any of it too seriously, and all will be well.

I’m also going to be nice, since the day began otherwise, as a sort of attempt at balancing the scales. By that, I mean we are leaving now, to make our way down the page, manually or on auto-scroll, your choice. Or, you can do it the simple way, just reading and using the down arrow on your keyboard. It makes no never mind to me; remember, I’ll never know which one you choose, so, your privacy is intact. More than you can say in most cases today, right? Right…. Let’s do this, before I lose my chutzpah….

Shall we pearl?….

“We must respect the other fellow’s religion,
but only in the sense and to the extent
that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.”

~~ H. L. Mencken ~~



A Dubiously Soft Morning

Idiosyncratic images, clamoring for regard,
fill up the white, white screen on which I view
my life, never seeing, nor invited to sup
ambrosial remnants of anything new.

Still, yet almost in motion, allegory sails away
bobbing gently, quick and easy to find,
signs of one happy child, seriously at play,
blissfully immersed, focused joy in mind.

Formidable cries of outraged simple justice
echo plaintive relevance, in half the time.
Maladaptive infants, destined for hospice
salvage an only child, daring to sing in rhyme.

Creativity equals unquestioning farce,
often reaching for absurdity, brazenly afire.
Instead, a blow is felt no joy will ever soften,
accepting the price, added to the cost of desire.

~~ gigoid ~~




Naked Pearls

Notes on Process and Program….


“An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.”

~~ Oscar Wilde ~~


“Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker.
Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy.
Speak your mind
and fear less the label of “crackpot”
than the stigma of conformity.”

~ Thomas J. Watson, Sr. ~~


“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

~~ E. E. Cummings ~~


“A process which led from amoeba to man
appeared to the philosophers to be obviously progress
– though whether the amoeba would agree with this opinion is not known.”

~~ Bertrand Russell ~~


“The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears,
for there’s no risk of accident for someone who’s dead.”

~~ Albert Einstein ~~


“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, –that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

~~ John Keats — Ode on a Grecian Urn ~~


“Let us endeavour to live that when we come to die
even the undertaker will be sorry.”

~~ Mark Twain, Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar (1894) ~~



Once again, chutzpah or no, we’ve made it to the end of another Pearl. Yippee…. Before we are undone by such enthusiasm, allow me to get the hell out of here. I will, in spite of all advice to the contrary, do this again tomorrow. Take warning, take heed, take a chill pill, & I’ll see you next time…. Hasta la bye-bye, amigos….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 10055

À bientôt, mon cherí….

Needless worry over inadmissible enchiladas….


Dharma: “What is the greatest mystery of all?”
Yudishthira: “That each day, death walks the earth,
and we continue to live as though we were immortal.”

~~ The Bhagvad Gita ~~


You said you had a deadline….

Hajime…. In my recent explorations of Reality, there seems to have arisen within me a large fog of apathy, regarding the state of the world….. My angst seems to have resolved itself into a big package of “I don’t give a shit”. This seems to have destroyed my outrage, and just in time, too. It was killin’ me….

But, I digress. Today, I have very little accomplished in the way of putting together a Pearl. There is a short, five-star necklace below, with a message I am not really sure of; it’s there, but, it’s a bit murky. Oh, well, such is Life in the big city, ffolkes; we’ll all have to deal with it, one way or another. I can’t say I’m particularly enthusiastic for our chances of a Pulitzer, or even making the WP front page (my use of expletives as ammunition keeps that off the table…. something about the word ‘fuck’ they don’t like….), but, at least there will be a post. So be it.

That’s all I’ve got. I’m trying to finish a task for a friend, so, tomorrow may again be a throw-together-if-not-throw-away version; we’ll see how efficiently I can multitask. I used to be pretty good at it, so, we’ll see. In the meantime, I’ll also take this moment to apologize to my usual blog visits; I have been unable to find any angst with which to comment, and have been unusually silent. It’s no doubt the same falling angst levels previously mentioned, so, I’m not sure when I’ll be back in touch on that level. I haven’t forgotten anyone; the funk in which I’ve been mentally mired for weeks is starting to clear, and all will eventually be as well as it may be….

That’s my story, and, I’m sticking to it. For now, let’s get this slow on the toad…..

Shall we pearl?….

“Time…do you really believe the past arranges itself
for our convenience into those paltry little squares they print on calendars?”

~~ Subtle Bee ~~



Naked Pearls

Affordable wisdom….


“Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.”

~~ Aristotle (384-322BC) ~~


“What you see is from outside yourself,
and may come, or not, but is beyond your control.
But your fear is yours, and yours alone,
like your voice, or your fingers, or your memory,
and therefore yours to control.
If you feel powerless over your fear,
you have not yet admitted that it is yours,
to do with as you will.”

~~ Marion Zimmer Bradley, “Stormqueen” ~~


“Sure, understanding today’s complex world of the future is a little
like having bees live in your head.
But there they are . . .”

~~ Firesign Theater, “I think we’re all Bozos on this Bus!” ~~


First you need 4 GALLONS of JELL-O and a BIG WRENCH!!…
I think you drop th’WRENCH in the JELL-O
as if it was a FLAVOR, or an INGREDIENT…

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~


“What the meaning of human life may be I don’t know;
I incline to suspect that it has none.”

~~ H. L. Mencken ~~



Well, there you go. That’s what we’ve got, ffolkes. I know, pretty pathetic, right? Oh, well. The good part is, I can try again, maybe even tomorrow. One way or another, I’ll be back, to make some more noise…..

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….

Can we see the blank menu, please?….


“Beware the Jubjub bird”

~~ Lewis Carroll ~~


Cork, Ireland

Hajime…. While the funk in which my mind has spent the last days dwelling is lessened, I’m still not in the best of moods. There are signs I’m on a productive path, so, patience is the order of the day. Yesterday’s Pearl proved, once again, how critical the completion of this chosen duty has become to my state of mind; it literally saved me from a full day of bullshit. Since today’s Pearl will serve the same purpose, I’d best get started putting it together, before I lose either my impetus, or my fragile hold on reality….

My introspection seems finally to be approaching a degree of resolution, in the sense I am now convinced of where I’ve been going wrong in my agenda, and how to proceed. If one wishes to get somewhere, it’s a good thing to know where one wishes to go; what I’ve discovered in myself the last few days (hours) will help me keep that in focus. I cannot say, at this point, whether my chances are good, or not so much, but, at this point, I don’t care, & it won’t matter anyway. Saying isn’t doing, is it? Nope. At this point, all I’m doing is typing….

I’m getting a bit silly, as well as losing the thread, so, we’ll just give up trying to bring any real coherence into this intro, & get on with the rest of what needs to be done. I’m pretty sure coherence isn’t in the picture, anyway, so there’s no point going overboard trying to find any; I don’t feel like swimming. Instead, we’ll just go on, as if we actually had a plan, and were working on the list to get it done. Go figure, eh? Let’s pretend we are, and do this…

Shall we pearl?….

“When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago,
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow?”

~~ Rush, A Farewell to Kings ~~


hot tuna

Aged Hot Tuna

Image from www.bobyehling.wordpress.com via Google Images

I’m in the mood for some old style rock & roll, so here’s a classic rock band, whose members still perform together, and whose music helped define rock and roll. Enjoy, ffolkes; these guys keep getting better….


Hot Tuna
Live in 2015




Dont keep calm

Naked Pearls

Thoughts on modern living….


“Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.”

~~ Martin Luther King, Jr. ~~


“God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent-
it says so right here on the label.
If you have a mind capable of believing
all three of these divine attributes simultaneously,
I have a wonderful bargain for you.
No checks, please. Cash, and in small bills.”

~~ Lazarus Long ~~


“No people do so much harm as those who go about doing good.”

~~ Mandell Creighton (1843-1901) ~~


“The truth is that Christian theology, like every other theology,
is not only opposed to the scientific spirit;
it is also opposed to all other attempts at rational thinking.
Not by accident does Genesis 3 make the father of knowledge a serpent
– slimy, sneaking and abominable.
Since the earliest days the church as an organization
has thrown itself violently against every effort
to liberate the body and mind of man.
It has been, at all times and everywhere,
the habitual and incorrigible defender of bad governments,
bad laws, bad social theories, bad institutions.
It was, for centuries, an apologist for slavery,
as it was the apologist for the divine right of kings.”

~~ H. L. Mencken ~~


“In our society, sometimes you have to penalize (innocent) people
for the good of everybody else.”

~~ A Pittsburgh Cop 10/16/93 ~~


“Anybody who wants religion is welcome to it, as far as I’m concerned
— I support your right to enjoy it.
However, I would appreciate it if you exhibited more respect
for the rights of those people who do not wish to share
your dogma, rapture or necrodestination.

~~ Frank Zappa, “The Real Frank Zappa Book” ~~


“Every man’s life, liberty, and property are in danger
when the Legislature is in session.”

~~ Gideon J. Tucker ~~




Dreaming of Calliope

La belle dame sans merci speaks aloud through endless night,
torturing dreams, with powerful words and stentorian phrases.
Manifest visions bathed in unbearable grace and light,
destroying all direction, standing lost, in unfathomable mazes.

Fate plays a part, one that will never face denial,
as fear and courage eternally vie for ascendancy.
Conflict becomes valid, gifting strength in open trial,
but honest emotion wears no costume so fancy.

Blood, sweat, and tears stroll on avenues of gold,
unlikely heroines heralding as in ancient lore;
Sharp, competent knives cut through tales untold,
eternally shifting reality past the naked shore.

Drifting toward origin, bereft of mandate or cause,
finished, nay, abandoned, tied with a figurative bow.
No simple gift from muses to give comfort or pause,
save that all we need to know, we already know…..

~~ gigoid ~~




Five Naked Pearls

The Path taken is irrelevant…


“Before enlightenment, one carries water and chops wood.
After enlightenment, one carries water and chops wood.”

~~ Zen Proverb ~~


“A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears:”

~~ Montaigne ~~


“And though the course may change sometimes,
Rivers always reach the sea.”

~~ Led Zeppelin, Ten Years Gone ~~


“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra ~~


“May you live all the days of your life.”

Jonathan Swift — Polite Conversation, Dialogue ii ~~



Damn! That was rather a surprisingly difficult Pearl to create. SB decided to go on strike when I was nearly finished, which added a lot of time; so much so, I ended up with a five-star pearl at the end, rather than our customary seven to nine stars…. Oh, well. It’s done, so, regardless of anything else, we’ll take it, and run. I hear the starting/stopping gun now, so, let’s do that. See y’all tomorrow, ffolkes; on that you may depend….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….