Lofty goals, impudent desires….


“…life is long enough if it is well-spent.”

~~ Erasmus ~~

Magic 004

How to relax….

Hajime…. Today, along with the rest of this week, (and, the rest of the month, the way it is developing), is busy, with events taking place out in the BBR. It will take up most of the day, so, I have worked hard to complete this Pearl, as I am unsure when I’ll be able to get another fresh one done. The good news, for me, is, I finished the discussion/rant on which I’ve spent a week or more. It isn’t quite as planned, but, it’s definitely a feast for the mind, so, it will do. The rest is pretty much a throw-together, with another of my old poems, and an archived pearl of pearls for the last section. Since it all flowed together smoothly, I’ll take it, and be content. So, then, must you…. I mean, that’s what blogging is, right? Right….

All that being said, to our regular lack of defined purpose, I’ll make this intro a short one; they seem to work best for days such as the one in which we currently find ourselves. I shan’t apologize; I shall, however, issue a warning. To make it through this one, you’ll need to put on your thinking caps, if you have one; the following is NOT for the weak-minded, or, anyone who is afraid to challenge their own beliefs. It’s all about doubt, which remains our most relevant tool for finding our way in life…. a statement we’ll defend another time, if necessary. Today, we’re going elsewhere, with gusto….

That’ enough; we/I have a lot to do today. Let’s begin, while we are still fresh….

Shall we Pearl?

There is nothing like death. To it, everything is a metaphor.

~~ Subtle Bee ~~


“You’re not ready for what I think.”

~~ Fox Mulder ~~


“History does not record anywhere at any time
a religion that has any rational basis.
Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough
to stand up to the unknown without help.
But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion
and spend time and money on it
and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.”

~~ Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1972) ~~

The above passage from Mr. Heinlein happens to be one of my favorites, in all I have read, in more than 60 years of pursuing the truth in books. In that sixty years, I’ve read an average of a book every other day; I no longer claim one per day, though I managed that average for the first 45 years or so; I’ve slowed some, trading quality for quantity in these latter years. In all that time, I have found this to be the most tactful, sardonic, and accurate statement summarizing my own thoughts, and my own opinion on the matter of religion.

I know such a statement meets with knitted brow, (I can hear the needles clacking together…), showing obvious disapproval from the majority of humankind; I noticed that at age four, the first time I asked my Sunday School teacher to explain the nonsense I was hearing there. I have noted no lesser degree of disbelief from almost everyone in the ensuing years, though not so frequently as if I had not learned to avoid discussions of religion, at least without some observable indications of an open mind. Since turning 60, or so, I’ve given up caring if people get offended, as I simply no longer care what they think about it, and am prepared to discuss it with anyone who cares to risk it.

Moreover, I’m not alone in my distrust of religions, especially the one in which I was made the subject of attempted indoctrination, almost from birth. Quite a number of the men who led the struggle to formulate this country, whom we were raised to call our “Founding Fathers”, also shared this mistrust. For example, here are some of their thoughts on the matter, followed by a closing thought from a modern poet….

“But a short time elapsed after the death
of the great reformer of the Jewish religion,
before his principles were departed
from by those who professed to be his special servants,
and perverted into an engine for enslaving mankind,
and aggrandizing t heir oppressors in Church and State.”

~~ Thomas Jefferson, [letter?] To S. Kercheval, 1810 ~~


“What is it the Bible teaches us? – rapine, cruelty, and murder.
What is it the Testament teaches us?
– to believe that the Almighty committed debauchery
with a woman engaged to be married,
and the belief of this debauchery is called faith.”

~~ Thomas Paine — The Age of Reason ~~


“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish,
appear to me no other than human inventions,
set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”

~~ Thomas Paine ~~


“The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.
Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept
for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines,
and whole carloads of other foolish trumpery
that we find in Christianity.”

~~ John Adams ~~


“…this would be the best of all possible worlds,
if there were no religion in it.”

~~ John Adams, Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1816 ~~


For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered.
But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula,
the big answers don’t remain stone-written.
We adjust to new conditions and discoveries.
We are pliable.
Love need not be a command or faith a dictum.
I am my own God.
We are here to unlearn the teachings
of the church, state, and our educational system.
We are here to drink beer.
We are here to kill war.
We are here to laugh at the odds
and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”

~~ Charles Bukowski ~~

Let’s finish this part…. For just a moment, wrap your head around the following statement, without attaching any emotional or even intellectual importance to whether it is true, or, not: “There is no God, or gods. No Allah, no Jehovah/Yahweh, no Jesus, no Krishna, nor any supernatural force which created/controls the universe.”

Got that idea? Is it comprehensible, simply as a statement of alternative possibility? I contend this statement is the Truth of Reality; in fact, I contend there is no rational reason to suspect otherwise.

Further, the belief there is such an entity has caused more harm to our species than any other single idea. It has caused people to be divided from each other, over something that merely plays upon their fears of the unknown to manipulate them into serving purposes that have no benefit for them, beyond an ignoble death, at the hands of another person suffering from the same manipulation, by another name.

Even worse, this ‘belief’ predisposes humans to then transfer their ‘belief’ to other ideas that are not in their self-interest, such as believing one is better, or worse than any other human, simply because of where they were born, or the amount of pigment in their skin, or that money implies worth. Humans are not naturally hierarchal; we all die, so what is to make one ‘better’ than another? Yet we find it easy to believe in such hierarchal fantasies, to the point of offering up our lives for an idea we never thought ourselves, but, had planted in our head before we knew enough to be able to tell for ourselves….

You see, the idea that humans NEED a government to solve their issues between each other is yet another silly notion, not supported by reality. The concept of money as a part of reality necessary to our success is also a false idea; there is nothing hierarchal about Nature, of which money is NOT a part. Yet, because humans are easily convinced, by their training to believe ideas are real, people set themselves up to fail, to be manipulated to expend their efforts and their attention on matters which serve no useful (to them) purpose….

“Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.”

~~ Bertrand Russell ~~


“Some writers have so confounded society with government,
as to leave little or no distinction between them;
whereas they are not only different, but have different origins.
Society is produced by our wants,
and government by our wickedness;
the former promotes our happiness *positively*,
by uniting our affections,
the latter *negatively*, by restraining our vices.
The one encourages intercourse,
the other creates distinctions.
The first is a patron, the last is a punisher.
Society in every state is a blessing,
but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil;
in its worst state an intolerable one….”

~~ Thomas Paine, opening lines of _Common Sense_ 1776 ~

~~ *asterisks denote Paine’s use of italics* ~~


“Money made a vow to itself, that no one who didn’t love it, would ever have it.”

Irish Proverb

As can be easily seen, merely by reading the history of our species, this trio of delusions, i.e., religion, government, and money, has caused more strife, conflict, and needless death, than any other single idea, for all the time since we began to gather in cities. It has been shown that humans lose their ability to function as a truly human animal when there are more than 200 or so sets of eyes; as we gather in towns, & cities, this number grows beyond our personal need for community, and the rules of engagement between people begin to fray, and those who have the need to control others, due to their own inner fears & perversions of spirit, begin manipulating the weak minded, and we see the development of rules and hierarchies to manipulate people into losing their own self-control of what serves their interests, in the mistaken belief it is necessary, when, in truth, what is necessary is increased personal responsibility, and self-reliance.

“The races of the Galaxy look towards mankind as the essential lunatic element.”

~~ Terry Pratchett, “Strata”, pg. 60 ~~

In sixty years of observing and studying human history, and humanity itself, both individually, and, as a species, I’ve come to two conclusions. First, our most compelling talent, as proven by any historical tome anyone has written, or read, is the ability to think of endless, inventive ways to kill each other, or anything else we come across in our wandering about the face of the earth. Second, almost everything we have invented, as weapons, is simply a more complicated method of throwing rocks, both sharp, and dull; most everything we have created as tools & systems/skills for use as non-weapons, is a response to this talent, in that it is designed to keep ourselves, in one way or another, from getting killed, mostly by each other….

Both sides of this talent, of course, stem from our imagination, which, in the most pure analysis, has been shown to be little more than an anomaly of our consciousness; neither can be quantified, or touched, or in any way seen to be a part of the reality we perceive through our physical senses. In short, it may be, as some speculate, merely a local phenomenon, in this small corner of the universe we perceive elsewhere, all around us, but too far to reach physically. This paradoxical sense, I think, is what gives most humans the tendency to ‘imagine’ themselves to be more than they actually are, denying completely the simple truth of reality as it exists, to assume that reality is what we imagine it to be. In short, we are able to deny our own nature….

Perhaps this is why so many are willing to believe in the lies and untruths on which our entire culture has been based for so long. In truth, we may never know; I probably won’t; if I haven’t been able to figure it out by now, I don’t think I have enough time left on this particular plane of existence to do so. Perhaps, after I have gone on to the next great adventure, the answers will be made clear; then again, anything, at all, can be no more than speculation, thus, exercising again that imagination… I’ve figured out enough to not believe anything that comes from that source; it tends to be less than real, at least as often as it is more so….

Enough, he cried, enough…. ‘Tis a feast, no more is needed.



Finishing the rant/discussion above took up all the spare time I had, so, we go with default, as is our wont. This is the original video, which started the whole idea of the organization. All of it is great music, by street musicians, along with the occasional music star to add their talent to the mix. I hope you enjoy it, and take the time to support the organization, which spreads love, and joy, and human kindness in all its branches, now located around the world at their music schools… Check our their website, it’s worth the time….


Playing For Change





In case it isn’t clear, this poem, written over four years ago, is a rather complex version of the rant/discussion above, though, at the time, I didn’t know that…. *grin*…. I hope you enjoy it anyway….

Fatal Supplication

But what becomes of our deepest dangerous dreams?
Does fantasy rescue any part of life’s imperiled favor?
Reality becomes but silvery pairs of mismatched teams,
Dining with affable elegance, such diffident waste to savor.

Who decides what sorrows to carry bravely to term?
Will fragrant moments of sanity make hasty manifestation?
Only Time’s patient mutability sends messages so firm,
Yet salient impersonal vexation lends credence to ripe imagination.

Can folly bring out sadness and rampant visions of beauty?
What kindness can be found in distant open relations?
With countless faces the dead disturb with dire impunity,
From separate caches of wisdom come simple stylish privations.

Shall shallow emotion serve to provide such explanations?
When does avaricious intensity assume primary focus?
Plain answers slide softly through with multiple mitigations,
While conceptually indignant concepts engage a fatally personal locus.

~~ gigoid ~~




I’m in a bit of a hurry, for reasons I explained above, so, we’re filling in the final section with a group of pearls from an archived Pearl, which, oddly enough, fits right in with today’s post…. Go figure, eh? At any rate, it’s a good way to finish this off with some aplomb, if not complete dignity…. Enjoy!….

From 9/7/2012:

Having just spent three hours (okay, I exaggerated…. only two….) searching in vain for a pearl to finish with, I became incensed with frustration, and rather than scare my new neighbors with a verbal outburst, I calmly set a parameter, and collected the following pearls on one subject, to wit: human nature…. As far as I can tell, all of them rate a solid 10 on the truth scale….. As always, just follow the bouncing thought as it explores your own inner self….

“The world always makes the assumption that the exposure of an error is identical with the discovery of truth–that the error and truth are simply opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the world turns to, when it is cured on one error, is usually simply another error, and maybe one worse than the first one.” — H. L. Mencken

“The ultimate evil is the weakness, cowardice, that is one of the constituents of so much human nature. When, rarely, unalloyed nobility does occur, its chances of prevailing are slim. Yet it exists, and its mere existence is reason enough for not wiping the name of mankind off the slate.” — John Simon

“We are all terrible little creatures.” — Martin Amis

“The tragedy and the magnificence of Homo sapiens together rise from the same smoky truth that we alone among the animal species refuse to acknowledge natural law.” — Robert Ardrey, _The Social Contract_

“Man, were he not corrupted by Governments, is naturally the friend of Man, and that human nature is not of itself vicious.” — Thomas Paine

“I think we’re all Bozos on this Bus!” — Firesign Theater

Now I feel better….. and I hope you do, as well….


Okay!…. That went well, for a change. This is one I put a lot into; in a certain sense, it might be considered an iconic Pearl, a representative of all Pearls, with an example of all of what I do. Of course, I don’t see it addressing any of the ‘why’ I do it, but, hey, we can’t have everything. At least, not all at once; that’s a bit much to expect…. At this point, you may expect your day to continue, and, in that, you’d be right. You see, this one is at an end; at least, as far as I can make it so. Since I can feel it slipping away from me, I’ll just say this…. See ya, ffolkes. I’ll be back, in a day, or possibly two, depending on how efficiently I can deal with the demands upon me set by what is happening out in the Big Blue Room. Should be an interesting week; lets get started on it, ‘kay? ‘Kay! Be cool, be strange, be alert, and most of all, keep those thinking caps close at hand….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 12021

À bientôt, mon cherí….

6 thoughts on “Lofty goals, impudent desires….

    • LOL! I’d forgotten that Shaw quote; it’s a great one, & I wish I had remembered it, as it would have helped the rant a lot… Thanks for the link; I’ve never read it, though I have heard of it. Just wasn’t into exploring alternate versions of delusional thinking, but, I’ll check it out, as Tom had some good thoughts on the subject…

      The cannabis oil I’m taking is fixing almost everything wrong in my body, at a slow but definite pace, so, I’m happy, on that level. Now if I can lose about 15 lbs, & get rid of the remaining 2 vices I have (tobacco & sugar), I’ll live to match Jefferson’s age… he died at 91, or 94, I forget, but, either one seems like a good age to aim for…

      I’ll try to get by; got too late a start yesterday, & only got to one, which you saw…

      Take care, yourself, bro; be well & content as you may….


        • Smokes is my vice of choice….so there!
          Hiya! at this late hour from across the pond…..
          All I have to add is….
          ‘The realisation of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom’
          So there!
          So I know nothing…..nothing.
          good post gigoid now I will go & pray for you . 😉
          In the meantime I have purchased a voodoo doll which will be used for all politicians & the church, not to forget the walking dead!
          In the meantime keep on trucking…
          lady P……
          still alive against all odds 😦

          • Hiya Lady P… Once I regained my breath, (it’s hard work rolling on the floor, laughing…), I could only think how much better I feel to know I’ll be in your prayers….


            Nice to hear, too, how much nothing you know; I, myself have forgotten it all, but for what I can simply perceive now. Save me a pin to poke into the doll, ‘kay?

            You win by beating the odds, but, must remember it’s only a game, right?


            See ya, luv


  1. Hello.. gigoid.. been taking care of business
    with the passing of my mother and
    will be.. for awhile.. but wanted
    to come by
    for your more
    intense effort here
    at least.. to drop a ‘few’ lines..
    Hope you are doing well out there
    in the Big Blue Room of Oxygen as you
    say and hope the
    air out
    there is
    breathable in
    all of human ways…

    “…life is long enough if it is well-spent.”

    ~~ Erasmus ~~

    As science shows now.. life
    is only as long as the depth of the
    emotional and sensory mindful and
    bodiful awareness of the present of the moment..
    and sure..
    words get
    to that reality
    of experience.. helpful
    or not.. as liGht and dARk
    grows or not with all the potential
    sHades of grey attached to the
    complex tool of words
    that humans
    grow to
    be beyond the
    essence of experience
    of emotions more regulated
    and senses more integrated
    and self actualization to highest
    summits of Maslow’s hierarchy as
    Pyramid as well as Fowler’s
    Pyramid of Faith
    from Myth
    to Agape Love
    for all that iS in what
    some folks name God in
    many different languages and
    metaphors through all of history
    and indicated as artifacts of long ago too..
    social animals bind.. togeTheR using all
    tools available as far as humans go as science sHows too..:)

    “There is nothing like death.
    To it, everything is a metaphor.”

    ~~ Subtle Bee ~~

    SMiLes.. my friEnd.. trUe.. unless as you say
    there IS A great adventure after Death and it’s
    worth noting again that about 1 percent of the
    population is born innately evil in terms
    of gaining tHeir only pleasure
    from harming others
    as the brain
    is basically
    FucKeD uP at Birth..
    in this way.. so.. if there is no
    rhyme and reason or true
    meaning and purpose
    to whatever existence
    noW is is beyond
    material reductionism
    and as science shows above
    reflects below at the Sagan level..
    the 800LB Gorilla in the room is the
    still mystery of human consciousness as
    the rider of the Camel and the Elephant
    that we hold dear as the words we say
    to express all of what we sentient sTar
    dust plUs notice about life above
    the camel
    elephant of
    what lies and tales
    the truth below.. scientists are so
    far behind on the inner realities of
    the human experience of conscious awareness
    in repeatable experiment way and so far away from
    measuring even the tiniest paRts of ReaLITy beyond
    subatomic flow.. sure.. wish for a great adventure but
    the reality is.. the energy both in material reductionism
    and what we worship and praise as holy and sacred Rational
    Consciousness above the Camel and the Elephant that science
    now proves are the emotions and the senses that rule all rationality
    at our verbal level of navigating our realities in song over dance as
    priorities come more in recorded intelligence way in written language
    and complex cultures and burial ceremony flowers.. same as 30 thousand
    years ago.. what remains now is what binds us now.. and in terms of original
    Greek etymology.. my friEnd.. in all the ways that comes in material reductionistic
    view or myth and magic and Nocebo Voodo and Placebo Prayer.. what Binds us
    toGeTheR otherwise known as the term religion is what binds us toGether as
    no matter
    what the
    ritual is that
    comes next.. hehe..
    posting every day on blogs
    or twice a week.. come hell or
    high water or whatever comes next..
    in other words.. my friEnd.. once you
    remove all these words.. the essence remains..
    and if Positive energy in the Universe attracts Positive
    energy in the universe and Negative energy in the Universe
    attracts Negative energy in the Universe and as Sagan and ‘others’
    say we are Sentient Star duST plUS aRiSinG from Crucible of Star
    DeAth Burst and Resurrection of those gaseous duSts into
    StAR duST uS sentient plUS now.. i WiLL
    DancE/SinG go for the positive and juST Do
    iT or end up
    in the
    1 percent
    later on and perhaps
    be a politician.. a priest
    of even a philosopher or two
    who don’t understand that rationality
    at most is still a present now ruse..
    and surely.. the muse of essence2..
    is what continues to make the news@6
    as EmoTioNs and SenSEs do continue
    to rule the Science of being human now for
    the little science does KNoW about the bigger picture
    and much bigger picture UniVersaL miNds eYes Views..
    iN other wordS it’s kinda silly not to be joyous about the miracle of liFE
    if one
    can and
    wiLL and jusT
    do iT of course..
    alWays easier sAid
    in words thaN what
    comes in essence neXT..
    and usuAlly thAT paRt of what
    i fiNd is best regulated and integrated
    in that miracle of the present of now
    with a totAlly non-verbal dance oF
    liFE as that present of NoW..
    no confusion
    of words
    all the Joy of Life noW..
    hehe.. @leASt for me
    as i for one inherit
    that present
    Here’s.. A thing.. my friEnd..
    the only adventure for
    me is now..
    don’t need
    no promises
    or fictional myths..
    iN this heaven @least
    for me.. is only now.. i inherited it.. what more could
    i ask for.. from dARker space and empty cold and hot rocks..
    i’ll make
    it all a piece
    of cake now and don’t
    even need no icing.. later on.. my friEnd..
    juST.. ’cause.. i can and will and do it now..
    and if that makes me a chosen
    one and
    ain’t fair..
    perHaps i did make
    this reaLiTy now from
    way way back then by simply thennow
    never ever giving up on the positive now..
    and i’m not stupid enough to say i KNoW anything.. my friEnd..
    but i am smART enough to feeL iT aLL and seNse iT all iN the beauty
    and wisdom
    now.. juST alive now..
    mindfully and bodily aware
    as ‘they’ say in the present of now..:)

    “You’re not ready for what I think.”

    ~~ Fox Mulder ~~

    Here’s another thing.. my friEnd..
    when one kNows nothing and feels
    and senses all now instead.. nothing anyone
    else says.. now.. can get ya down at all.. as one
    realizes beyond words that’s the ruse and the buzz is the heaven within..
    and man..
    it takes a
    lifetime as far
    as i don’t kNow
    to get here my friEnd..
    particularly riding elephants
    and camels like more of what
    underLies me for ONE as trUth..
    aS liGht
    out of dARk..:)

    “History does not record anywhere at any time
    a religion that has any rational basis.
    Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough
    to stand up to the unknown without help.
    But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion
    and spend time and money on it
    and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.”

    ~~ Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1972) ~~

    Hmm.. wiNKs.. reference
    back to the ‘last’ thiNks..;)

    “But a short time elapsed after the death
    of the great reformer of the Jewish religion,
    before his principles were departed
    from by those who professed to be his special servants,
    and perverted into an engine for enslaving mankind,
    and aggrandizing their oppressors in Church and State.”

    ~~ Thomas Jefferson, [letter?] To S. Kercheval, 1810 ~~

    i’ve got a copy of the Jefferson bible that is simply
    a more gnostic re-hash of what remains of
    words attributed
    to just another
    son of man
    in a book where
    all biblical scholars
    now understand the problems
    of the integrity of that.. and nah..
    Jefferson’s version don’t ring totally
    true to me either.. it’s also obvious how
    Washington DC is laid out that our country
    was developed by Free masons.. overall..
    who wanted to escape the monarchy
    of a Supreme Being imagined
    to be one of
    control along
    with the representatives
    thereof.. they decided that
    rights of life.. liberty.. and the pursuit
    of happiness was more like God as
    a Republic instead.. one nation under FREE
    my friEnd.. getting tHERe slowly as maKing that
    happen with a being with strong tribal instincts
    only evolved to live in relatively small groups
    that are heterogeneous as small groups go..
    and do do.. is surEly and verily
    like herding cats where
    the dog of ration
    is a
    hard dog to pet..
    or Trump as that goes with Love for all
    in Fowler and Maslow enlightened and awakened ways..
    the elite
    as they
    say in abundance
    out of scare city rural
    areas and deserts and
    snowy mountains aS Such..
    on a beach.. under the shade
    of a tree..come to be in heaven.. go to a desert and you get a tribal God inSTEAD
    to gain fertile land for subsistence by warrior kill and rape and pillaging too.. in HELL..
    no adventures
    again tHEre.. my friEnd..
    but hey.. what are words after death..
    other than “spiritual’ energy/force/ART
    defeating entropy in recorded KA ways..
    now turn it into senses
    and feelings
    MaGiC liveS on..noW
    that’s enough for me..
    my friEnd.. the adventure now..
    as the ‘rest’ (GOD) will take care of itself after
    death but the trUe liGht MaGiC is we can dreAM nexT now2..
    and only a fool would do something not to feel and sense good..
    but remember..
    of course as for
    some folks only pain is pleasure of someone else’s pain..
    as science most definitely sHows in ‘that’.. “1 percent’ now..
    nah.. don’t
    come back
    as A dEvil daM
    suRe.. not now..:)

    “What is it the Bible teaches us? – rapine, cruelty, and murder.
    What is it the Testament teaches us?
    – to believe that the Almighty committed debauchery
    with a woman engaged to be married,
    and the belief of this debauchery is called faith.”

    ~~ Thomas Paine — The Age of Reason ~~

    Of course..
    ‘that one’
    and one
    one’.. two..
    was/is written
    in a F
    Rocky Desert
    S C A R C I T ie S
    wHere soMe humans
    moved and some reFused
    to move on to greener pastures..
    meanwhile.. the Indians of abundant
    places dance(d) naked with each other..
    smiling in orgies of Love toGeTher like an Adriana
    Grande Song.. was/is God pissed living within those
    people.. sure..
    an orgasm
    every now..
    meanwhile.. ‘other
    people’ enjoy getting pissed on
    as the record continues to sHow..
    A Trump of Love A Trump of Hate..
    just survive
    with heART or snake..:)

    “All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish,
    appear to me no other than human inventions,
    set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”

    ~~ Thomas Paine ~~

    Sure.. the religions
    in places
    a little Anthropology
    goes a long way
    to better
    what even the essence
    of language and humanity is..
    in binding
    way in peace and
    harmony of beach and rain forest
    or anger and hate and violence of desert
    and snowy mountain ways..
    with the
    poverty of aLL
    of the Spirit within
    that never rises close
    to Maslow and Fowler’s
    pyramid of
    like the Founding
    Free Masons said too..
    albeit.. excluding women and
    ‘colored/other folks’ then in
    living then/now too..
    butt sure.. the tribal
    instinct lives on then now for those
    trapped by the Nature of the human beast too..:)

    “All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish,
    appear to me no other than human inventions,
    set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”

    ~~ Thomas Paine ~~

    And it’s true ‘they’
    have those sucKy
    casteS.. even
    India2 with
    Hinduism too..
    with a billion or so folks+..
    square one root problem
    as usual.. insanely large numbers of
    humans living together equals
    scarCities and Chaos
    to keep
    roaches in motels..
    and never veering off of sidewalks too..
    it’s truly ugly for the majority and not worthy of praise and worship
    in some places in the world for sure.. but hey.. it’s Nature at its dARkest
    and yes
    all that is
    out of Balance
    in human form of essence too..
    Karma.. roll the bones.. pay the dues of do
    or no
    do do..;)

    My church is Nature/God sAMe..
    in Balance
    i dare anyone
    to prove it’s not heaven now..
    as no one
    has yet..
    and i for
    one prove it’s real..
    all that is is now..
    and for
    iT’s isREAL..
    does everyone get it..
    no.. of course not.. tHere is dARk too.. rhetorical for all that is..
    no misSinG it.. it lives everywHeRE sTiLL in the World/UniVerse2
    now.. with Karma of all that is for reaLiTy of DARk and liGht now..
    Yin and Yang and Kali and the Cosmic Dancer and such
    as that too..
    hey.. now..
    but at least..
    i feeL and sense
    the other place then2..
    now a little sympathy from
    a devil2
    to live ‘tHeRe’2..:)

    “The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.
    Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept
    for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines,
    and whole carloads of other foolish trumpery
    that we find in Christianity.”

    ~~ John Adams ~~

    A Crux sTiLL
    in all of that…is..
    And John Quincy
    Adams saw into
    the weaknesses of
    so-called secret
    societies then of
    Free Masonary too..
    it’s rather simple to me..
    any organization that refuses
    women in are lacking half a brain
    afraid of divine feminine love and grace now..
    A worst kind of weakness.. sureLY.. VeriLY.. hAlf a bRain
    in metaphor
    of course
    aS iT
    AtoP AtLas
    ShUdder ShoulDers sTiLL..;)

    “…this would be the best of all possible worlds,
    if there were no religion in it.”

    ~~ John Adams, Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1816 ~~

    SMiLes.. John A..
    A little Anthropology
    101 would help to understand
    that it is ‘the bind’
    at core of what
    A social animal
    is and for human
    inherently fixated
    expresSinG and
    labeling emotions
    and senses and
    commonly shared experience
    with abstract symbols from vocal
    now to
    and tribal
    there will always
    be the etymology of
    religion as the essence of binding two or more
    togetHeR as culture/church/politics/sports/science/philosophies/eTc..
    as whatever
    with a similar
    dance of song now..
    toGeThER DanCinG and SinGinG NoW..:)

    The only place religion does
    not exist iS iN the abyss
    of piece of paper
    existence where
    one feels and
    senses no
    connection to
    anything all that is..
    that’s hell.. my friend..
    a place where tHeRE are no binds but escape..
    wHeRe yes.. escape becomes the religion in hell..
    been tHEre done it.. a thousand years in one second
    where all is time and all is hell and if one thinks that burning forever
    is a worst
    think at
    all.. NOT feel and
    sense 0 point piece
    of paper existence
    trapped in A Genie
    bottle of hell forever now
    Lesson lEarned.. bind all
    that is to one.. make every
    step and word and every emotion
    and sense holy and sacred full of meaning
    and purpose in abstract construct way too..
    make all
    of life
    no dARk or liGht
    then Heaven coMes..
    perhaps one has to go to
    hell first to truly get ‘heAR’.. my friEnd..
    to understand that away from bind is hell..
    the essence of all that is good is bind for those who feeL and sense
    of LiVinG
    C O L O R
    all that is now
    binding toGeTher
    forevermorenow.. aS onE..
    the opposite of hell.. my friEnd..
    works for me at lEast as inheriTinG
    the dArk and
    meek and last
    for what all that is now..:)

    “For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered.
    But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula,
    the big answers don’t remain stone-written.
    We adjust to new conditions and discoveries.
    We are pliable.
    Love need not be a command or faith a dictum.
    I am my own God.
    We are here to unlearn the teachings
    of the church, state, and our educational system.
    We are here to drink beer.
    We are here to kill war.
    We are here to laugh at the odds
    and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”

    ~~ Charles Bukowski ~~

    i feel so sorry
    for someone
    who isn’t ‘strong’
    to enjoy
    life to the
    max without
    a frigging beer..
    another benefit
    of hell.. maKing heaven one’S own..
    i have nothing against weak people as i was
    A dEvil as A weakest one oF all too.. in hell2.. wHeRE2
    i would have done anything for a drop of anything to get me out of tHeRE2..
    yes.. the Lazarus story doesn’t do it justice.. either.. thAT’s trUe too..
    thing is..
    in tHeRE..
    nothing.. nah..
    works for.. now…
    For one who is one
    with God/Nature.. no ‘additives’ needed
    in balance.. pre-packaged for fun.. fair.. nah..
    i didn’t do anything to deserve heLL.. AFAIK..
    reAlly.. except for
    now.. the after
    Karma pARTy..
    wHeRE most
    asks me
    soMe of what i’M oN..;)

    “Patriotism is the willingness
    to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.”

    ~~ Bertrand Russell ~~

    Liberty.. is usuAlly only
    trivial for those
    who have
    never trUly
    tasted Free..
    And WiTH A death of
    Patriotism/Tribalism is also
    A Willingness to share that Free
    aCross Borders oF Past Tribalism/Patriotism now..
    is no trUly
    Free without
    forgives and
    gives and shares..
    with Mercy more of Love..
    as FreeLiGht gRows Ocean wHole..
    but aGain.. those who are free.. master A camel and elephant as
    Master/Rider FReED.. odd they are and so far apARt they coMe..
    unplugGinG heAR and THeRE.. dReAMinG oThERs FRee2..
    liKe A pLay oF A
    MaGiC Flute..
    for those
    A DancE and SonG..noW..:)

    “Some writers have so confounded society with government,
    as to leave little or no distinction between them;
    whereas they are not only different, but have different origins.
    Society is produced by our wants,
    and government by our wickedness;
    the former promotes our happiness *positively*,
    by uniting our affections,
    the latter *negatively*, by restraining our vices.
    The one encourages intercourse,
    the other creates distinctions.
    The first is a patron, the last is a punisher.
    Society in every state is a blessing,
    but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil;
    in its worst state an intolerable one….”

    ~~ Thomas Paine, opening lines of _Common Sense_ 1776 ~

    ~~ *asterisks denote Paine’s use of italics* ~~

    Yes.. Government is a
    necessary so-called
    evil for those humans
    who live in insanely large
    populations.. tHere is
    no other
    but rules
    when humans
    no longer connect
    to the entire group as friends..
    and as one agrees later down on
    in this piece.. about 200 or so
    sets of eYes
    is wHere
    some kind
    of Government becomes
    a reality with humans living out of
    so-called Natural Balance.. i have no
    problem with Government as i master
    it for now..
    not to
    say i won’t
    have problems
    again.. but the seagull
    doesn’t worry about asteroids
    coming and other stuff like that..
    Government is slow and psychopaths
    who run it.. won’t kill themselves first..
    as psychology indicates at least.. hehe..
    statistically now.. i have no worries.. so i live on for this great adventure now..
    it’s what one does in mostly empty space and cold and hot rocks now.. life ain’t fair
    and licking
    is great for squirrels..
    ride the wave until it ends..
    change what ya can and enjoy the rest..
    as once again.. a great adventure now.. if one can and will.. now2..:)

    “Money made a vow to itself,
    that no one who didn’t love it,
    would ever have it.”

    Irish Proverb

    i ignore
    for me
    at least
    that’s why i have
    all i need.. i ignore money..
    it naturally grows when one
    don’t need it.. i find at least.. now.. hehe..
    it’s like
    HA hE
    it’s math.. Heha..
    i ignore money.. so much..
    when it comes.. i just ignore
    it more and it continues to grow..
    like a FucKinG Money Tree.. And..
    i juSt hope those who
    inherit that shit..
    don’t bLow it up
    tHeir nose like my
    step-sister did with
    her Mother’s inheritance of hell and
    die way too soon2.. iF only she had
    that gift.. the first Woman my my Father married..
    the one who rather stays at home and raises one’s kids
    with hugs more than go to work and make some big bucks
    for some
    stuff.. a vicious
    cycle.. it is.. when
    money and all its
    vices attempts to FeeL a wHole.. empty of Love..
    ‘Fore.. for A couple hundred thousand years entire villages
    yes.. small.. raised children with touchy feely love.. noW it’s FucKinG
    Barney the Dinosaur through the lonely stare of crib bars now.. then2..
    and plastic
    FucKinG cold nipples..
    that feel and sense no Love aT aLL..
    it is what is is.. Nature Nature.. God sAMe..
    pay the piper all Karma due of do do now..
    HeHe.. i praise single Welfare Food card
    great thanks
    for what is important
    in life.. love over pride..
    love over
    all when love reigns real..
    A best part of Government
    is one that understands what is
    most important.. a home of touchy
    feely love for a child at all costs more without..
    And nah.. no welfare for my mother but my Father
    stayed long enough.. where i would stay rich all my life without
    a green bLack dollar.. required to fill that up until i became its slave too..
    as money
    truly is a root of
    all human suffering now..
    when it becomes empty Love..;)

    “The races of the Galaxy look towards
    mankind as the essential lunatic element.”

    ~~ Terry Pratchett, “Strata”, pg. 60 ~~

    Meh.. Love brought this all to
    a head now.. if we didn’t cooperate
    so much as being human.. the virus
    of cultures/religions would have never become the
    out of control experiment oF all that is now..
    Love IS A
    out too..
    back in for balance..
    but with rationality
    over emotion now..
    nah.. more likely
    a more
    difficult answer
    as solution of emotions/
    senses/ though aS Surely hiStory
    and all news continues to sHow.. as Muse.. Nothing
    ‘normal hUman’.. Trumps human emotion/senses.. dARk or liGht..
    EmotionS and senses win.. liGht or dArk..
    in other words.. my friEnd.. believe
    it or not Ripleys..
    and Horatios
    and other
    folks like that..
    it’s common
    sense now..
    the answers
    will have to be found
    in ‘Religion’ as EmotionS and Senses rule thE
    DancE and SonG for all of whaT iS hUman StiLL now..
    AnD what i do mean is the essence as
    Etymology of ‘Religion’ in what BindS iN
    Unifies uS as Victory
    BindS iN
    Us as Vengeance.. anyWay..
    i’M betting on noW as all that is Love
    at LEast..
    bE tHe Love yA
    wanna be or not for all i can and WiLL DO now..;)

    AnyWay.. my friend.. thanks for putting toGetHer
    all of what this is aS Highly muSinG to me
    in your efforts heAR..
    Life doesn’t
    have to
    And it won’t make sense..
    unless we personally co-
    create it that way..
    to suit our
    sense and
    taste and
    feel for all
    that is and..
    it’s kinda nice
    to be lost
    in a village
    this large.. as no
    one notices me anymore..
    enough.. to try to change me..
    as most everyone under 40
    is strange now.. too.. heHe!..
    A beauty of
    true chaos
    as long as it lasts..
    the strange thrive in
    a world more of strange..
    i’m gonna enjoy this chaos
    as long as it lasts.. no FucKinG
    for me..
    my friEnd..
    i’LL take the tapestry
    as masterpiece of chaos
    on the long way home.. Free
    as subatomic flow swirls around in me
    for what i for one see as
    a beautiful world now.. sTiLL..
    FucKinG Fabulous
    aDvenTure NoW..
    and i’m
    not asKinG
    for anything else..
    now.. but as ‘they’ STiLL
    DancE and SinG.. NoW.. thE REAL
    Money Tree continues to GroW mY FriEnd..
    don’t need
    to kNow thaT..
    i for one
    born this way thaT works..
    forevermore now.. juST now..;)

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