Madras pants in seasonal colors….


“A fire eater must eat fire even if he has to kindle it himself.”

~~ Salvor Hardin ~~

~~ from Foundation, by Isaac Asimov ~~

Alaska taxi

Alaskan Taxicab

Hajime…. As I begin today’s post, several, no, many things are running through my head, most of which are unprintable, thanks to the reappearance of Murphy in this process. I’m trying to ignore his usual tricks, including the bloody mess in the water closet, so, that’s the last we’ll speak of it. It’s just depressing, anyway. Instead, I’ll jump right into some light housekeeping, in a manner of speaking, so we can get on with the rest of today’s mess, such as it may be.

I’ve been home from Texas for three full days now, but, still haven’t fully recovered from either the jet lag, or the near-complete exhaustion into which I drove myself, in order to do what I had promised to do. I completed my vow, but, with a slightly reduced degree of my usual excellence, due to a number of factors, led by the difficulties presented by my own reduced physical abilities, which tended to complicate all the rest. That, of course, is an obscure reference to getting old, a wall against which I am still banging my head too often. But, it got done, and done to a turn, so, all is well, with a good time had by all.

I have managed to put together a Pearl, complete with a fresh rant-like discussion. A new poem is leaking out, but, hasn’t quite gelled enough to finish, so, we’ll outsource there today. In some ways, I’d call what we have today a standard Pearl, not too shabby, but, not blindingly bright. So be it. It’s going to take some time, I think, to get back to our normal (hah!) routine, but, with Leelu’s help, we can do it. Perhaps my decision to return to Facebook will complicate matters, but, it’s good, I think, to take ourselves out of our comfort zone now and again, and, it certainly won’t hurt me to socialize a bit more….

All that said, to our usual lack of purpose, and, the obligatory lack of clarity, I’ll get this slow on the toad, so we can all get on to something more productive, if less fun. I suppose I should issue one or more of our usual warning/disclaimers, but, I’ve decided, from now on, y’all are on your own in that respect. If y’all don’t have a clue by now how it goes around here, well, you’ll just have to deal with it as it is, for, we have done all we can do to prepare you sufficiently to protect yourselves…. In short, welcome to reality…..

Shall we Pearl?….

“The stupid are deaf to the truth;
they hear, but think that the wisdom applies to someone else.”

~~ Heraclitus ~~



It’s been a while since posting at all, so, naturally, Murphy has stepped in with his usual precise timing, to throw a spanner in the works. First day back, & I find myself late, and rushed to get it done…. Hence, our default musical choice, again chosen for the picture which drew my eye…. Enjoy, ffolkes….


Classical Music





Dont keep calm

“In the arena of human life
the honors and rewards
fall to those who show their good qualities in action.”

~~ Aristotle, Nicomachen Ethics (4th c. BC) ~~

Though he lived more than 2500 years ago, Aristotle is still regarded as one of humanity’s greatest minds. There are points in his writings which indicate certain fallacies, but, most, if not all, may be attributed to the time in which he lived, for no man, or woman is free from the prejudices or assumed facts with which he is raised, and lives his life. Given that caveat, his thoughts on ethics, morality, and philosophy remain one of the standards by which excellence in thinking is judged.

If we can assume the validity of this aphorism, it clearly indicates how our modern world, so full of conflict and strife, has reached such a dangerous point in our journey toward developing a mature culture, able to survive into the unknown future. If we may define ‘human life’ as those parts of culture which best describe humanity’s hope for that future, then the culture we have been manipulated into accepting has nothing to do with being truly human, for all the honors and rewards go to those who display our most destructive characteristics, such as lack of compassion for others, the ability to deny their own responsibility to the species at large in favor of personal gain, and the use of their imagination for self-service, rather than for humanity at large.

Thus it is clear to me, because we have denied the ethical, human side of our nature, we have become a culture which is slowly, but, inevitably, heading for self-destruction. Moreover, thanks to the part of our modern culture which encourages dependency and mental laziness, almost all of those who will die in the imminent chaos are completely unaware of the danger, or their own part in bringing it to their own lives. As long as those who control the media, especially television, most of the world will go to their deaths without ever knowing of their peril at all…..

“It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.”

~~ Arthur C. Clarke ~~

I’ve written on this subject previously, as you know; some might say I’ve beaten this poor horse to death. But, given the absolute cluelessness of the general public on this planet, I would think some repetition might be necessary. In fact, given that same reluctance to use their minimal powers of reasoning, some serious pounding with a two-by-four piece of pine might also help it sink in, thought that remains a question. The need for the masses of humanity to WAKE THE FUCK UP is greater now than ever, I think; it’s also completely unlikely to happen….

When I returned to my online haunts, I checked in at chuq’s blog, where a lot of the discussion revolves around politics, and foreign policy, with a bunch of our current election news thrown in for discussion. I’m going to let y’all off easy today, by ending today’s rantish piece with my comment from the first post I saw…. It’s a good summary of how I’m feeling, politically, these days, so, we’ll go with it, and leave it at that for now…. As y’all know, I’ll probably come back to this again, because it’s all I can do….

“SIGH…. After seven days of completely ignoring politics, I can only say how ‘odd’ it all seems with a bit of perspective. I am reminded of the old joke about, “but, if you do, it only encourages them!”

The only way left to defeat the corporations, who are the real enemy (governments are merely the tool with which they distract us), is a complete boycott of their systems, returning to barter as our form of economics, which places value on human effort, not on illusions, ideas which do not exist in the physical world. If we didn’t pay our taxes, they wouldn’t have anything with which to threaten us, would they? How would they pay their myrmidons to arrest us all?

Capitalism must go, so must governments, and religion. Together, they have been used, as tools of manipulation, to direct the entire world for the benefit of just a few, disregarding any moral considerations in favor of their narcissist, sociopathic selfishness. It’s time for them to go away, and leave the rest of us be…. That includes all the Democrats, all the Republicans, all the Popes, and Imams, and Prophets, and ALL the bankers…. along with all the other assholes who sell their souls to the corporations, so they can be part of the elite….

…. may they rot in their own version of hell, instead of giving it to everyone else…. & you can tell ’em I said so.”

So be it.

gigoid has spoken….



A Book

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~



Naked Pearls

Instructions for Life


“Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in the dust.”

~~ James Shirley — Contention of Ajax and Ulysses, Sc. 3 ~~


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.”

~~ Gandhi ~~


“The closing of a door can bring blessed privacy and comfort
— the opening, terror.
Conversely, the closing of a door can be a sad and final thing —
the opening a wonderfully joyous moment.”

~~ Andy Rooney ~~


“As threshing separates the wheat from the chaff,
so does affliction purify virtue.”

~~ Richard E. Burton ~~


True wealth is measured not by what you accumulate,
but by what you pass on to others.

~~ Larry Wall ~~


“I leapt headlong into the sea,
and thereby have become better acquainted with
the soundings, the quicksands, and the rocks,
than if I had stayed upon the green shore,
and piped a silly song, and took tea and comfortable advice.”

~~ John Keats ~~


“Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth,
so virtue appears from good deeds,
and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind.
To walk safely through the maze of human life,
one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.”

~~ Buddha ~~



It’s late, but, it’s done, as well as I can do it, given the current status of reality. So be it. As noted, peripherally, above, all we can do is all we can do. Since it is patently clear we’ve done all we can do, I’ll quit pounding on the poor wee beastie, & allow it to expire of its own accord. As is my habit, I’ll try again tomorrow, with, presumably, fewer issues with which to deal. Hope springs eternal, as they say. See y’ll tomorrow, ffolkes; that’s the only warning you’ll receive…..

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.

“Do unto your data that which you can undo.”


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 2780

À bientôt, mon cherí….

25 thoughts on “Madras pants in seasonal colors….

    • Thanks, amigo; glad you enjoyed it. I’m okay, just age related BS due to being exhausted; it’ll pass. At least I got one posted; I feel better now….

      Have a good one


          • No can do…my state it is still illegal and pain doctors will drop you if you use…..I need my pain meds to keep walking…chuq

          • I get that; just joking. Since I do use it, legally, they took away my pain meds, cuz they’re assholes. Now, Phoenix Tears is all I have that will touch it at all… If I couldn’t get it, I’d still be on opioids; I’m glad I’m not, but, I think your pain is worse, and could use both. They DO help each other when used together; the latest studies have proved that…..

            Feel as well as you can, bro….it’s just pain, right?….


        • A common affliction…..’sigh’
          As for your remedy gigoid the dubious it does the complete opposite for me…I canna sleep…the mind is off on a journey that will not stop…these days I suffer from the odd hour arousal….4am awakening….drat….still, I gets me work done…I read before nodding off…but War & Peace does not help! Still, I have nearly finished the two ‘tome’ volume…..something I had promised myself to do a few years ago…
          Taking time off… digging out the ‘weeds’
          Disciplining the mind requires focus…on the breath.

          ” at first,the mind tumbles
          like a waterfall

          in mid-course, it becomes calm
          like a river flowing slowly

          in the end,it is an ocean
          where two halves merge in one”

          That is the ‘pearl’ for today….

          • My sleep patterns vary from 1 hour to 2 and half….the most I get at any one time is about 4 hours….that is seldom…..I keep a note pad by the bed and as my brain starts something I make notes for the coming day….works well for me….

          • Sorry to hear ’bout your sleep; it’s not a good thing to have lost in life…. Nice pearl….. definitely.


  1. SMiLes.. with due respect
    to EMiLy D..the best stuff
    in life is free.. oh but so much
    farther out of a book.. iF one
    can find WinGs of SeeD
    born in Happy Feat..
    SMiLes aGaiN..
    ImaGiNation iS mY
    playgRound.. reaDinG
    iS mY insPiRaTioN..
    DancE iS thE
    energy that
    SinGS the
    aLL SeeinG
    eYe as pArt
    oF i.. And then
    the Lord said make
    iT aLL sacred and
    Holy jUst like Dance
    and poEtry and aLL WiLL
    be YoUr FriEnD from head to
    toe to grains of sand of mountains
    hOld above.. Valleys green.. and even
    black hole rain of sOuL as boost to UP..
    when one finds every Number as UniVersE
    and every letter as natural poeTry.. duSt as
    US in liFE as sAMe.. tHeRe iS no wHeRe but
    uP and Up iN MindFuLL awareness oF NoW..
    tHe only reaLiST pLace oF aLL in heAven’s
    piLLoW i cloUds sKeYes AzuRe gOld
    iN i..
    paths never
    stop branching
    out and the journey
    iS aLwaYs noW.. BooGiE
    Wonderland iSRaeL and this
    place ain’t HeLL for mE anymore..
    as even though New Jerusalem can
    kinda suck when ya feel the stress of the
    helLions all around ya.. jUSt Dance juSt dAnce
    as GoD WiLL SmiLe iN leGs oF Happy Feet uP
    WiTh Gloria
    breatHe oF
    i iS So flY aS GOlden
    SpiRAls WiLL bE NOW..
    and the fAct iS giVen aLL
    possibilities i AM aWarE oF
    iN UniVerse noW i would be
    no wHere and no one different
    than i iF given the opportunity
    to do iT aLL oVer aGain.. and
    i woULd do iT aGain.. aS now
    the ultimate achievement
    iS moving from
    heLL to
    iN juSt
    but the greAtest
    luxurY iS NoWinG
    i could die noW
    and that
    taste that much
    better noW mY
    FriEnd.. when iT
    aLL makes FucKinG
    sense as deep and hiGh
    as soUl can go aliVenoW..
    And iS iT noW nO WoNder
    that folks who enslave others now
    have hidden the tRuth that Heaven
    requires no money at all.. no iT iS noT
    as iF “THEY” kNew theRe would no reason
    to buy anything but food.. water.. and shelter
    And of course
    DancE And SinG
    Naked and free hOlding
    thE hand of God in each
    otHeR FReED.. anyWay2..
    i’M gonna keep doin’ Heaven
    ’cause i JuSt can.. bottom line..
    and if no one wants to join me..
    i WiLL not make them as they
    can continue to live in prison
    as sure it’S tHeir freedom..
    theiRs of choice
    as not so
    @ALL. AH..
    Dead.. Ashes to
    dUsT..DuSt to Fire
    i RisE aGain from
    FLumes oF lies..
    And as side note here.. PRoLoNG..
    you kNow.. liFe is so FucKinG noW
    strange gigoid.. at the start THEN
    of Sjogren’s syndrome before
    my eYes quit making tears
    back in the summer of
    2007.. wondering
    why when i touched
    anything with my
    feet it felt
    like needles
    in the bottom bones
    of my feet.. where anything
    i touched with feet was beyond
    belief of pain.. funny how the
    Trigeminal Neuralgia kind of
    made me forget about
    that pain and
    about the
    too.. and sure the
    arthritis in my spine..
    Carpal tunnel syndrome..
    etc.. etc.. but watching that
    Movie back then.. yes.. Happy
    Feet.. it was the strangest dam thing..
    somehow someway i knew then i would
    become that Penguin even though i could
    not touch the floor underneath the seats
    in the movie theater with my feet.. Jesus..
    i aM that PenguiN NoW
    and by
    beyond BELIEF
    and now i kNow wHat the purpose of the
    Tree of LiFe iS noW to gRow deepest roots
    oF aLL
    Ocean noW..:)

  2. Smiling at your ‘rant’, Ned… Like you, I too believe we cannot go forward with the same mentality and not expect to crash… Though, like you, I too cannot change who I am, and do not wish to!
    I am the eternal optimist (you know of that which I speak). Chin up, buttercup; it’ll all work out in the end. If not, it ‘will’ be the end…. Just kidding, Ned.. 😉
    Sorry to read you are in pain; but, happy that you made it through your ‘vow’.
    I’m enjoying the music… peaceful..!

    • Glad you enjoyed today’s mess, Carolyn…. Someday soon, I’ll be caught up, I hope, & get by some of the blogs I’ve missed getting to, of which yours is near the top of the list….


  3. ps..
    Pain is
    Fear exiting
    The body.. Also
    kNown as Kundalini
    riSen and hA! Funny
    How physicians and
    Yogis can reduce that
    Inner UniVerse experience
    To jUst 7 or so pArts in LaBeL
    ReAcTioN WeLL poeTry iS every
    gOdAm goDsubAtomicString RAng iN pAint and NoW SinGs and DanCes iN BList And HeLL
    YeS tHiS morE tHan A FuCKinG
    HeaD and BreAtHinG GamE..
    THiS IS A FKinG tHinG
    PerioD oR A
    a DoGod

  4. Reblogged this on gigoid and commented:


    I distracted myself yesterday, enough so there is no fresh Pearl for today. As sublimation, here is one first posted in 2016; & didn’t come out too bad at all…. Hope y’all enjoy it, & I’ll be back tomorrow….

    gigoid, the lazy….

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