Madras pants in seasonal colors….


“A fire eater must eat fire even if he has to kindle it himself.”

~~ Salvor Hardin ~~

~~ from Foundation, by Isaac Asimov ~~

Alaska taxi

Alaskan Taxicab

Hajime…. As I begin today’s post, several, no, many things are running through my head, most of which are unprintable, thanks to the reappearance of Murphy in this process. I’m trying to ignore his usual tricks, including the bloody mess in the water closet, so, that’s the last we’ll speak of it. It’s just depressing, anyway. Instead, I’ll jump right into some light housekeeping, in a manner of speaking, so we can get on with the rest of today’s mess, such as it may be.

I’ve been home from Texas for three full days now, but, still haven’t fully recovered from either the jet lag, or the near-complete exhaustion into which I drove myself, in order to do what I had promised to do. I completed my vow, but, with a slightly reduced degree of my usual excellence, due to a number of factors, led by the difficulties presented by my own reduced physical abilities, which tended to complicate all the rest. That, of course, is an obscure reference to getting old, a wall against which I am still banging my head too often. But, it got done, and done to a turn, so, all is well, with a good time had by all.

I have managed to put together a Pearl, complete with a fresh rant-like discussion. A new poem is leaking out, but, hasn’t quite gelled enough to finish, so, we’ll outsource there today. In some ways, I’d call what we have today a standard Pearl, not too shabby, but, not blindingly bright. So be it. It’s going to take some time, I think, to get back to our normal (hah!) routine, but, with Leelu’s help, we can do it. Perhaps my decision to return to Facebook will complicate matters, but, it’s good, I think, to take ourselves out of our comfort zone now and again, and, it certainly won’t hurt me to socialize a bit more….

All that said, to our usual lack of purpose, and, the obligatory lack of clarity, I’ll get this slow on the toad, so we can all get on to something more productive, if less fun. I suppose I should issue one or more of our usual warning/disclaimers, but, I’ve decided, from now on, y’all are on your own in that respect. If y’all don’t have a clue by now how it goes around here, well, you’ll just have to deal with it as it is, for, we have done all we can do to prepare you sufficiently to protect yourselves…. In short, welcome to reality…..

Shall we Pearl?….

“The stupid are deaf to the truth;
they hear, but think that the wisdom applies to someone else.”

~~ Heraclitus ~~



It’s been a while since posting at all, so, naturally, Murphy has stepped in with his usual precise timing, to throw a spanner in the works. First day back, & I find myself late, and rushed to get it done…. Hence, our default musical choice, again chosen for the picture which drew my eye…. Enjoy, ffolkes….


Classical Music





Dont keep calm

“In the arena of human life
the honors and rewards
fall to those who show their good qualities in action.”

~~ Aristotle, Nicomachen Ethics (4th c. BC) ~~

Though he lived more than 2500 years ago, Aristotle is still regarded as one of humanity’s greatest minds. There are points in his writings which indicate certain fallacies, but, most, if not all, may be attributed to the time in which he lived, for no man, or woman is free from the prejudices or assumed facts with which he is raised, and lives his life. Given that caveat, his thoughts on ethics, morality, and philosophy remain one of the standards by which excellence in thinking is judged.

If we can assume the validity of this aphorism, it clearly indicates how our modern world, so full of conflict and strife, has reached such a dangerous point in our journey toward developing a mature culture, able to survive into the unknown future. If we may define ‘human life’ as those parts of culture which best describe humanity’s hope for that future, then the culture we have been manipulated into accepting has nothing to do with being truly human, for all the honors and rewards go to those who display our most destructive characteristics, such as lack of compassion for others, the ability to deny their own responsibility to the species at large in favor of personal gain, and the use of their imagination for self-service, rather than for humanity at large.

Thus it is clear to me, because we have denied the ethical, human side of our nature, we have become a culture which is slowly, but, inevitably, heading for self-destruction. Moreover, thanks to the part of our modern culture which encourages dependency and mental laziness, almost all of those who will die in the imminent chaos are completely unaware of the danger, or their own part in bringing it to their own lives. As long as those who control the media, especially television, most of the world will go to their deaths without ever knowing of their peril at all…..

“It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.”

~~ Arthur C. Clarke ~~

I’ve written on this subject previously, as you know; some might say I’ve beaten this poor horse to death. But, given the absolute cluelessness of the general public on this planet, I would think some repetition might be necessary. In fact, given that same reluctance to use their minimal powers of reasoning, some serious pounding with a two-by-four piece of pine might also help it sink in, thought that remains a question. The need for the masses of humanity to WAKE THE FUCK UP is greater now than ever, I think; it’s also completely unlikely to happen….

When I returned to my online haunts, I checked in at chuq’s blog, where a lot of the discussion revolves around politics, and foreign policy, with a bunch of our current election news thrown in for discussion. I’m going to let y’all off easy today, by ending today’s rantish piece with my comment from the first post I saw…. It’s a good summary of how I’m feeling, politically, these days, so, we’ll go with it, and leave it at that for now…. As y’all know, I’ll probably come back to this again, because it’s all I can do….

“SIGH…. After seven days of completely ignoring politics, I can only say how ‘odd’ it all seems with a bit of perspective. I am reminded of the old joke about, “but, if you do, it only encourages them!”

The only way left to defeat the corporations, who are the real enemy (governments are merely the tool with which they distract us), is a complete boycott of their systems, returning to barter as our form of economics, which places value on human effort, not on illusions, ideas which do not exist in the physical world. If we didn’t pay our taxes, they wouldn’t have anything with which to threaten us, would they? How would they pay their myrmidons to arrest us all?

Capitalism must go, so must governments, and religion. Together, they have been used, as tools of manipulation, to direct the entire world for the benefit of just a few, disregarding any moral considerations in favor of their narcissist, sociopathic selfishness. It’s time for them to go away, and leave the rest of us be…. That includes all the Democrats, all the Republicans, all the Popes, and Imams, and Prophets, and ALL the bankers…. along with all the other assholes who sell their souls to the corporations, so they can be part of the elite….

…. may they rot in their own version of hell, instead of giving it to everyone else…. & you can tell ’em I said so.”

So be it.

gigoid has spoken….



A Book

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~



Naked Pearls

Instructions for Life


“Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in the dust.”

~~ James Shirley — Contention of Ajax and Ulysses, Sc. 3 ~~


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.”

~~ Gandhi ~~


“The closing of a door can bring blessed privacy and comfort
— the opening, terror.
Conversely, the closing of a door can be a sad and final thing —
the opening a wonderfully joyous moment.”

~~ Andy Rooney ~~


“As threshing separates the wheat from the chaff,
so does affliction purify virtue.”

~~ Richard E. Burton ~~


True wealth is measured not by what you accumulate,
but by what you pass on to others.

~~ Larry Wall ~~


“I leapt headlong into the sea,
and thereby have become better acquainted with
the soundings, the quicksands, and the rocks,
than if I had stayed upon the green shore,
and piped a silly song, and took tea and comfortable advice.”

~~ John Keats ~~


“Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth,
so virtue appears from good deeds,
and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind.
To walk safely through the maze of human life,
one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.”

~~ Buddha ~~



It’s late, but, it’s done, as well as I can do it, given the current status of reality. So be it. As noted, peripherally, above, all we can do is all we can do. Since it is patently clear we’ve done all we can do, I’ll quit pounding on the poor wee beastie, & allow it to expire of its own accord. As is my habit, I’ll try again tomorrow, with, presumably, fewer issues with which to deal. Hope springs eternal, as they say. See y’ll tomorrow, ffolkes; that’s the only warning you’ll receive…..

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.

“Do unto your data that which you can undo.”


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 2780

À bientôt, mon cherí….

Piled Deeper and Higher, on toast….


“I’m not paranoid – just a student of history.”

~~ gigoid, the dubious, stealing from Smart Bee ~~

2-18-2015 005

    I could rant, right here. ‘Twould be a simple task, given the picture above, taken in mid-winter in Northern California. But, having already been up for an hour, I don’t think I want to start ranting yet, in spite of having good reason. Three a.m. is too early in the day to start that kind of build-up of angst; the process becomes polluted with too much extra emotional force, supplied by anger at myself, for bozoid tendencies allowed to go rogue… The resultant mess takes me hours to clean up, even if it’s only in my head….

This getting old stuff is, well, getting old. Rather than complain about it, which we’ve all heard before, let’s try this…. Wait. No, better not. I remember last time…. Okay, how about this…. Hmm…. looks a little bedraggled. Maybe we’d best let that one rest a bit longer…. Alright, this is absurd. Wait here a minute, I’m going to go get a box from the closet….

Well, that’s a bummer. The box is gone; it must have gotten moved into storage…. Damn. Okay, at this point, rather than continue to wander around, clueless, I’m going to make another executive type decision, and hope nobody gets injured in the process…. We are now going to evacuate this introduction, in good order, single-file, right through the doorway in the rear of the vehicle. Your money won’t be refunded, but, it will be tormented. You won’t require a refund, as we are going directly into the water; you’ll be busy trying to breathe, and won’t have time to worry about it….

Now, if you will please begin filing through the doorway, the proctors will break your fall at the bottom…. Have fun, and tell the chief I’ll be by tomorrow to deliver his cut of the profits for today, would you? Thanks…. Okay, Jim, they’re off-boarded! Let’s get home before they figure out the combination to the chains….

Shall we Pearl?

“I don’t want to panic, but my alphabet soup says, “Forget about me … just try to save yourself.” — Tom Wilson (“Ziggy”)


Addams family

    Today’s video again takes us on a trip into the past, when TV didn’t pretend so much to be what it was not, showing no particular connection to reality beyond the natural drama ensuing when fantasy meets the real world, such as in Episode One, below …. In my mind, nobody ever played Gomez Addams better than John Astin…. Perfectly insane!…. Well, okay, Raul Julia was pretty fantastic in the movie version, playing opposite the best ever Morticia, Anjelica Huston…. Together, she and Raul made sparks fly, darkly, with joy and hilarity…. Enjoy, ffolkes, this be some funny shit….


The Addams Family (60 s TV Series): Season 2, Episode 21





“Hairy fishnuts!?”

~~ Opus ~~

Dont keep calm

    I’ve decided to be generous today, by NOT ranting at y’all…. This doesn’t mean we get the day off; there is still too much out there in the Big Blue Room, of an evil nature, to keep from saying ANYTHING…. But, I’ll let someone more polished, in a modern, television-oriented sort of manner, to bring us our daily dose of crap, served up by Reality, as is its habit, regardless of how any of us feels about it…. Here, then, is another diatribe from John Oliver, from his HBO show, Last Week with J.O….. Enjoy, ffolkes, if you can ignore the message prompting the rant….


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Elected Judges (HBO)




Just to keep the ball rolling, here is an excellent piece from our old friend Lou, at TalesFromTheConspriatum, with another fine article, if a bit snarky, by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger…. Included in Mike’s article is list with a large number of links, to alternative news sites, where you’ll find numerous proofs, with lots of evidence showing how often the mainstream media lies to all of us on TV, radio, the Internet, through every news outlet who will print their lies, just as if they were true….


“They [La Prensa] accused us of suppressing freedom of expression. This was a lie and we could not let them publish it.” — Nelba Blandon, Interior Ministry Director of Censorship, — quoted in The New York Times, 1984

We the People...


“Poetry isn’t obscene, it’s per verse.”

~~ Smart Bee ~~


Dreaming, I wait….

In the most patient moments of rationality
kindness flows smoothly in a special milieu,
fallow thoughts speed first from equality
to give no anxious fever, anger to eschew.

Indignant mothers and step-sons in-law
shall fade simply from brilliant to grey,
intoning ritual dogma, fresh, avid, and raw,
falling, falling, in massive pastoral disarray.

Safety lives not, save brightly in ignorant bliss,
it follows us all, silent and infinitely frail,
foremost too often, soft as a virgin kiss,
alive, always eager, willing, and pale.

Intimate knowledge finds only the bold few
with courage and virtue to gift, unbidden.
No solemn royal version may pass in review,
true love for man, never to remain unhidden.

Sweet feathers of Emily’s hope uplift,
calm, drowsy episodes bursting with light,
With final glad cries we set ourselves adrift,
swimming in the oceans of natural delight.

When sorrow is banished, in ages yet to come,
roots solidly anchored, cold and remote,
Ample supplies of kindness sit silent and dumb,
and the old stranger shrugs on his faded coat.

Dreaming, then, I wait with shadows in the night
aspiring to inspire, a message from the muse’s heart
Never forgotten images, framed in color bright,
tempt me only, grieving, steeped in serenity’s arcane art…..

~~ gigoid ~~


Wowee zowee, ffolkes! Eleven pearls, all connected, collected in two minutes flat, with only five other quotes even offered for review, none of which took more than a nanosecond to dismiss…. I’ll take it, as a nearly perfect statement of how to live Life well, with dignity, honor, and truth as one’s foremost pillars of belief…. Okay, so, that’s a little grandiose… it’s still all good thinking on the part of the ffolkes being quoted; you could do worse than to make these part of your philosophy of life….

“Do not settle for less than the best your own excellence can command.’ — Anne McCaffrey

“It is not honorable to take mere legal advantage, when it happens to be contrary to justice.” — Thomas Jefferson [Third United State President]

“The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life.” — Plato (428-348? B.C.), The Republic

“Man is not disturbed about things, but by his opinion about things.” — Epictetus

“Goodness does not consist in greatness, but greatness in goodness.” — Athenaeus (c. 200 AD) — The Deipnosophists, xiv, 6

“Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do.” — Voltaire

“Fear not, provided you fear; but if you fear not, then fear.” — Blaise Pascal

“The only lifelong, reliable motivations are those that come from within, and one of the strongest of those is the joy and pride that grow from knowing that you’ve just done something as well as you can do it.” — Lloyd Dobens and Clare Crawford-Mason, Thinking About Quality

“It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety.” — Salvor Hardin, in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” — Ambrose Redmoon

“Be honorable with yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people.” — Welsh Proverb

To the programmer/code author(s) of Smart Bee…. I salute you! Thanks, for the quickest, all-around finest-kind pearl ever…. This one is da kine, as they’d say on Molokai…. Probably not on Maui, though; too many McDonald’s….


Today’s Pearl is done. That seems to be all I can focus on just now. The mere fact of its completion is, perhaps, the only task I’ll accomplish today, given the condition in which I’m starting the day. It is now 4 a.m., just, & I’ve been up for almost three hours; not a good beginning, I think. But, we’ll play it as it lies, just like it says in the rule book. Of course, I haven’t been able to find the rule book for years, but, I like to pretend…. See y’all tomorrow, ffolkes, should the Fates decree a holiday….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
   and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….

No worries! ‘Tis only a phlippin’ phantasy….


“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.”

~~ H. G. Wells ~~

grafitit3D Art by Odeith

Listen up, ffolkes. Here’s the deal. I write, you read. Got it? Good. Let’s get on with it….

I’m very late today, as my body recovers from the release of two months worth of built up stress and anguish, all in a one hour period two days ago. I realized last night, as I wandered the apartment in a daze, after my three hour nap, my body was exhausted, with the kind of bone deep tiredness one can only get by long-term suppression of strong emotions, followed by an almost instant release…. It’s a similar feeling to the evening of the third day of football practice, back in high school, when the severe conditioning required to throw off the lethargy of summer vacation begins to catch up to even the best-conditioned young athlete… I didn’t run or sweat, but, two months of inner raging has the same effect, over time.

All that is probably more detail than necessary, but, we don’t worry about such petty shit here in the intro. If it takes up space, it’s good enough for us. This policy has evolved over the past three plus years of searching for the right opening, a search thus far unsuccessful to any significant degree. I still spend half the morning, it seems, just trying to pull this section together, to the detriment of my advancing arthritis. For example, right now I’m typing with three of the fingers on my left hand actively becoming numb from the circulation obstruction caused by the swelling, arthritic tissue undergoing the stress of movement.

Having again had my overtired, over-stimulated brain keep me up late, then sleeping so hard I missed a pain pill dose, I’m up later than my recent past habit. This makes me nervous, as I bump up against the edge of my self-imposed deadline for posting the daily Pearl. In fact, I’m writing wicked fast, to try to make up some of my lost time. In fact, I’m starting to feel panicked, never a good thing this time of day, hours before the world can supply me with any targets…. they’re all asleep, or getting ready for work….. It’s rude to bite people who haven’t even had their coffee yet….

But, I’ll do my best to get this out in a timely fashion. In keeping with that intent, I’ll even cut this intro short, again, to scoot us down the page into the video section. I think a bit of applied ruthlessness, and our old, familiar emergency method #4, ever useful in these situations, will serve our needs quite nicely. Just in time, too…. my left hand is now fully numb, and typing will be suspended until I can feel it again…. Hang on, we’ll be right back to get us out of here……

There is an old saying among the blogging community, which helps us to realize how important the whole thing is. It’s a grand statement of purpose, in a way, and, if I had any clue what it was, I might feel better. Since I don’t, let’s just remove the packaging from this odd little box, marked with a big 4, & see what happens next…..

Shall we Pearl?

“What a poor appearance the tales of poets make when stripped of the colours which music puts upon them, and recited in simple prose.” — Plato, The Republic. Book X. 601B


When I was a kid, cartoons were big, with me, and in mainstream entertainment at large. One of my favorites, as I remember, was Crusader Rabbit, a cartoon character from the early 1950’s, usually shown on the Sheriff John Show, a local program near Ft. Lewis, Washington, where my dad was stationed for four years leading up to when I was 10.  I was going to include a number of those cartoons, but, after watching a few minutes of them, I realized, they were really bad, not what I remembered, but, not entirely unexpected…. The networks had barely been formed, and the slick, polished programs you see now weren’t yet developed….

Instead, we’ll go with over an hour of cartoons from a pair, or more accurately, a duck and a pair, who always were my Disney faves…. Donald because of his ranting, of course (I must have known even then what I would be when I grew up….); Chip and Dale, just because they were cute, always using teamwork to beat the bad guys, whomever they were…. I didn’t realize they were the first gay couple, but, hey, I was only a kid…. Enjoy, ffolkes, there’s a lot of good cartoons in this one…. Well, ‘good’ is the best word to use, I should say, without going into a lot of detail over why…. Think, progress in social mores, in one direction, anyway….

Donald Duck & Chip and Dale




We the People...

    Regular Gentle Readers will recognize the picture, and may simply skip to the poetry section now, but, the following politirant, from early in 2013, while I was still living in poverty, relatively speaking, is quite good. It’s succinct, though long, presenting good arguments with precision and honesty, along with a fair amount of biting wit, if I do say so myself. (I DID do some minor editing, merely fine tuning and proofing to eliminate stuff I missed before…)

It’s one of the best rants I’ve written, all in all, well worth a second read, even for those who’ve been around a while. For newbies, brace yourselves, you are about to learn some new ways to look at stuff you’ve really always known, if you can persuade yourself to admit your wish to learn…. What is, perhaps, the first new item of note, is the certainty of the simple following fact: the only way to fulfill that wish is to realize how much larger is our ignorance than our knowledge…. Listen well, young paduans, as I tell you a true tale….

From 3/2/2013:

“He who imitates evil always goes beyond the limits of the example, whereas he who imitates what is good, always falls short.” — Confucius

Perfect! If ever a quote could be applied to fit one group of people, this one would; it fits the folks who occupy elected office in this country like the proverbial glove. Ooh! Ooh! Here’s another one…

“Ignorance: When you don’t know something and somebody finds it out.” — Jethro Burns

Okay, that’s a good start…. Now, we all know that politicians lie to us…. Please, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed…. It’s what we’ve all taught them to do, by our calm acceptance, thus, our tacit approval, of all the other lies they’ve told, from the very beginning. We expect them to lie… then, when we catch them at it, there is this huge public outcry, as if it had never happened before.

Sometimes, the behavior of the American public toward the political beast reminds me of a shark…. to wit: no memory of the past to slow down their willingness to rush into dangerous situations….. For millions of years, sharks and dolphins have lived together in the oceans. For just about all that time, whenever a shark attacks a dolphin, it gets killed, unless the dolphin is injured in some way, or, it is a baby inadvertently left alone. Always, if things are even, the shark dies, because the dolphins are smarter, and faster swimmers.

Yet, after millions of years, you would think the sharks might learn to let them alone…. They don’t, which is clear evidence of their lack of ability to learn, to remember the past, and generalize future behavior according to its effect. The American voting public has the same problem…. they never learn to expect to be lied to, always seemingly flabbergasted to learn their elected officials are, shall we say, less than perfectly honest?

Quite frankly, the whole process drives me nuts, absolutely bonkers, having witnessed the self-same reaction by the public, thousands upon  thousands of times in my life…. What is it about people that does that to them? Why are they so unwilling to use the mind that sits between their ears, rather than just carrying it around from toilet to toilet, which is all most folks seem to do with it? (Almost forgot it was a question….) Perhaps, what some random cynic once observed about people really is true, to wit: “Human beings are merely nature’s finest example of portable plumbing”, or something of that sort….  I wish I knew….

“There is one way to find out if a man is honest–ask him. If he says yes, you know he is crooked.” — Groucho Marx

I’m starting to feel a bit of anger, actually, and I have a hard time not letting it out on the voting public, the idiots. But, it really isn’t all their fault, as the people who run for office are the ones who are actively imitating evil, obviously, exceeding the limits of their example. The voting public can’t help never being able to quite reach the good for which they reach, either. This is why I get angry about it…. The folks who run for office tell the public they are going to work for the people when they are elected; we all know they are lying, but we elect them anyway. Now, how stupid is that? Pretty stupid, in my book…..

On the one hand, the stupidity displayed by the politicians is deliberate, in its adherence to principles of theft and prevarication; on the other hand, the stupidity displayed by the voting public is, perhaps, not deliberate, but is still, at minimum, misguided, and, ultimately, just as evil, in placing its trust in evil people. In the dispassionate view held by the universe, stupid is as stupid does; the sentence of death is the same for both types of stupidity, deliberate, or unconscious. Reality doesn’t care about why; only results have relevance….

What can be done about this? Not a damn thing…. Not only do I find most people are unconsciously stupid, they are stubborn about it, to boot, even when it is clear how the act of being stupid is hurting them. Rather than use their minds to find a new way of dealing with these issues, they retreat into platitudes and dogma, running right back out to vote for yet another slick-talking idiot, who promises them manna from heaven, or, more accurately, from Washington D.C. Confronted with clear evidence of their idiocy, they become even more stubborn, as they are unwilling to accept they might be wrong, making it acceptable to refuse to examine any evidence of being wrong, or, more often, simply denying its existence altogether.

Politicians, who choose to live in stupidity, by lying and cheating and stealing from their own people, don’t even WANT to choose otherwise. Why should they? They’ve got it easy, with a ready supply of host bodies on which to practice their symbiotic parasitism, a body that not only accepts all their lies, but, by their silent, tacit approval, encourage even further depredations with their complete acquiescence whatever the politicos want, no matter how outrageous, or harmful to their own interests. All the politicians have to say is, the public is in danger, (Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!….), from this, that, or the other, whereupon the public allows them to do whatever the pundits choose, so long as the public can feel safe, from whatever fictional fantasy was constructed, using a lot of smoke and mirrors, convincing them to panic in fear…..

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift; the rational mind is faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” — Albert Einstein

It’s an interesting spectacle to observe from the sidelines, but it arouses in me a strong feeling of sadness, with anger underlying, as I watch, day after day, as so many millions of foolish people get taken advantage of by a few assholes. It definitely makes me want to buy a gun, even though I would only use it if pressed; I have a feeling I may get pressed some day in the not-too-distant future, if I continue to make noise about all this.

I’m fairly well protected thus far by a lack of notoriety; the BRC and the PTB aren’t going to worry about me until I have an audience a lot larger than a few hundred folks, of which perhaps fifty regularly read my work. If what I am saying began to gain popularity, was being read by millions, I’d be in danger; until then, I’m as safe as I can make myself with the tools at hand… which, if I say so myself, are not entirely inconsequential…. If I said any more, I’d be giving away my precautions, which simply wouldn’t do. Rest assured… I’m perfectly capable of, and, ready to, deal with anything short of assault weapons, with what I have at hand….. After all, I do have one advantage that won’t go away, to wit:

“Many, if not all, of my presidential opponents are certifiable idiots.” — Miriam Defensor Santiago — The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1993

See? I’m not completely alone! Actually, if you pay close attention, you will note this was uttered by a politician, about their peers, so it really doesn’t count as support of what I’m saying here. What, exactly am I saying here? Hmm, okay, since I’ve already written about 1200 words or so on this, it’s a good place to wind it up…. so, here goes…

Ffolkes, you are being lied to, daily, and hourly, by those who were elected, supposedly to look out for your interests. I hate to tell you, but, those folks never intended to do anything of the sort. So, it would be a good thing if everybody in this country would OPEN THEIR FUCKING EYES AND GET A DAMN CLUE!!!!!….. I don’t think I can say it any clearer than that….. That’s all, for now…..

“Ignorance kills daily. “– Smart Bee

Well, maybe it’s not Hemingway-esque, but, it’s certainly gigoidal….

Note from 2015: See? Not bad, eh? Even the final comment, ripped from the closing section the same day as the rant, is perfectly fitting. I think I’ll keep this one….


:Blue Screen of Death: n.  [common] This term is closely related to the older {Black Screen of Death} but much more common (many non-hackers have picked it up).  Due to the extreme fragility and bugginess of Microsoft Windows misbehaving applications can readily crash the OS (and the OS sometimes crashes itself spontaneously). The Blue Screen of Death, sometimes decorated with hex error codes, is what you get when this happens.  (Commonly abbreviated {BSOD}.)

The following entry from the Salon Haiku Contest (, seems to have predated popular use of the term:

      Windows NT crashed. 
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams.

~~ from The on-line Hacker Jargon File V423 ~~

No big message is implied by including the above; I just liked the haiku. I did find a pretty good poem of mine, from a couple of years ago, which I had almost completely forgotten…. Enjoy, please….

Playing by the Rules

All my days I looked for love,
And found it everywhere I looked.
The years were joyous and fully booked
Seemingly by command from Above.

In return for all of the beauty in Life I found
I played life by the Rules that we all know,
It was from my father I learned the how,
Honest love, given freely, hand-fasted, gladly bound.

It seemed a while as if it were all real,
that fulfillment and contentment could be
as real as the children given us to oversee,
to teach them of Life and Love, and how to feel.

Then, storm clouds of grievous change arrived, unbidden
Insidious, deceitful, three steps forward, one back.
Tearing holes in our beautiful cloth, hearts heard to crack,
Gleeful demons eating life’s bounty, fangs dirty, and hidden.

Pain and sorrow grew, in defiance of all I tried,
Sanctuary turned into a reluctant scene of ritual battle,
Love still lives, but is herded like doomed and pitiful cattle,
While the keening of my soul sounds as if I’d cried.

Betrayal in love is, allow me to assure, no small pain to take.
Time has no power to reduce its place in my heart or soul.
My truest love became a stranger, a powerfully sharp toll,
Solitude has become my lot, no killing time for necessity’s sake.

Love yet surrounds me, everywhere; I’m not one of those fools…
Children are forgiving, I’m glad to be able to say,
They show me life’s solid purpose, the old, right way,
I guess  don’t know any other way, than to Play it by the Rules.

~~ gigoid ~~


The pearl below is an odd one, a statement anyone who knows me indicates a truly exceptional occurrence, since ‘odd’ could be used to describe everything happening here. First, all of them came up quickly, in the order you see; second, the message created by their congruent directional characteristics is one of great wisdom. Most telling, the quote supplied by Smart Bee, exactly in the center position, which seems like it is a tongue-in-cheek observation, is much more apt than it might appear at first glance. If you stop to think of it, the event described, i.e. changing over to a new concept of service, IS, or WAS, perhaps, a very telling sign. It was one of the first AUDIBLE shots fired by the 1%, in the ages old war being waged between them, and the rest of humanity.

It was almost as if those who run the world were now sure of their hold over society, no longer needing to hide themselves, or their intentions, from those they have oppressed for so long; I remember having a similar thought when I first saw a gas station advertising the policy, thinking to myself, “Well, so much for the concept of customer service. Somebody noticed they could make more money by making the customers supply their own.” Those elite assholes who necessarily hide from their brethren, for their own protection, notified the world they no longer cared about hiding their intentions, though they continue to hide their location in space…. with good reason…. Any who, it all makes this a very special pearl….

“Few men make themselves masters of the things they write or speak.– John Selden (1584-1654) — Learning

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” — Soren Kierkegaard

“Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.” — Isaac Asimov — Salvor Hardin, “Foundation”

“The real erosion of civilization as we knew it started with the popularity of the self-service gas pump.” — Smart Bee

“It is error alone which needs the support of government.  Truth can stand by itself.” — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), Notes on Virginia

When he was in great prosperity, and courted by many, seeing himself splendidly served at his table, he turned to his children and said: “Children, we had been undone, if we had not been undone.” — Plutarch (46-120 AD) — Life of Themistocles

“A good reputation is more valuable than money.” — Publius Syrus (42 BC) — Maxim 108


Well, it’s done. Since I haven’t the slightest clue how I did it, I’m going to post it, and be done with it. My brain is officially done, as soon as I hit send on the email to the Pearl Drops, which goes out immediately after posting online (gotta have the IP address for the post to put in the email. See? Not completely disorganized…. See y’all tomorrow, ffolkes, as long as I can remember how to type….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
   and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….