Boy, that is one sick puppy….


“A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought.”

~~ Lord Peter Wimsey ~~

~~ Dorothy L. Sayers, “Gaudy Night” ~~


Mars Rover Curiosity ~~ May, 2015

Image from, via NASA Images

Good morning….

Today’s opening quote is a jab of irony at myself; quotations are lifeblood to me, and my mind…. For some reason, using quotations seems to make the wisdom they impart more personal, and more understandable to me, and, hopefully, to others…. It’s also damned entertaining, and a memory workout, to come up with the appropriate quote to cover any situation in real life…. In fact. that is where the irony exists…. Socrates, Aristotle, etc., all were noted for proclaiming their own ignorance, in order to deliver the lesson that only then can one be open to learning….

In the book, and in the movie, Gaudy Night, when Lord Peter makes the statement you see re: quotations, he is speaking at dinner, to the Warden and Fellows of Shrewsbury College, a fictional women’s College of Oxford University, during the investigation of a mystery there. The Warden, one Dr. Baring, says in reply to his statement, “I think you are excessively modest, Lord Peter. The apt quotation is no mere intellectual sleight-of-hand. It’s a form of wisdom.”

I like that sentiment, for it confirms my own thoughts, in a way which helps me justify this entire process… if only to myself. Lord Peter, bless him, added another reason, for reason, to wit: “The only kind of wisdom that has any social use, Warden, is the knowledge of one’s own limitations.”, thus paraphrasing Socrates, Aristotle, and other ancient and modern sages.

It also tells me, though I won’t go into it now, WHY doing this helps me stay sane…. which I am quite thankful for, to be sure…. For now, we will leave this little introspective discussion, for two reasons. One, I’ve no doubt bored some of y’all to tears, prompting the second, to get on with the business of the day, i.e., pearling our little hearts out….

Luigi, my good fellow!…. Would you be so kind as to hit it!…. Follow me, ffolkes….

Shall we Pearl?

“A zygote is a gamete’s way of producing more gametes. This may be the purpose of the universe.” — — Lazarus Long, from Robert A. Heinlein’s “Time Enough For Love”



Best Friends Forever

While looking at a story on this blog, , I found the video below, as one of the choices after the video in the article. The picture you see of the BFF’s is one I found several years ago on, but, could never find out anything about the two animals involved in the picture. Finally, I found them, and the story of their friendship is one that can melt the hardest of hearts…. Enjoy, ffolkes, these two show us all what life is all about….


Suria and Roscoe





le penseur-rodin

“Nature does nothing uselessly.”

~~ Aristotle ~~

Today’s idea for discussion seems, at first glance, to be either too vague, or, too simple. However, a bit more consideration provides the meaning a bit more clearly, when one realizes he is speaking only the simplest of truths; everything that happens does so, for, and with, a purpose, whether known to us, or not…. Our own understanding of what that purpose might be doesn’t seem to have any real effect on the ultimate truth of the assertion; when we act as if we believe it, bending our efforts to make it true, or, act as if we don’t believe it, working against it, the end result is the same, to wit:

All nature is but art, unknown to thee;
All chance, direction, which thou canst not see;
All discord, harmony not understood;
All partial evil, universal good;
And spite of pride, in erring reason’s spite,
One truth is clear, Whatever is, is right.

~~ Alexander Pope ~~
~~Essay on Man, Epistle i, Line 289 ~~

Unfortunately, a large number of people can’t deal with such ambiguity; it makes them uncomfortable, as it requires effort, especially in the direction of learning, to use the mind, and to understand as much of what we perceive as we can…. For many, that is as frightening as any other fear they have, for it means they must always be dealing with the unknown. In short, they find using their own mind tedious, difficult, and uncomfortable….

The resultant vulnerability arises from one simple fact; the Universe, and Life at Large, are ambiguous, by their very nature. As you see, a conflict at the most elemental level is generated, compromising their intelligence, and their ability to be anything other than what they are told to be…. Freud, who tended to think in terms of diseases of the mind, identified it this way….

“Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.” — Sigmund Freud

These unfortunates, clueless to understand themselves. or the world around them, thus, without ever realizing it, become vulnerable, to anyone with the boldness to assert their own ability to mitigate those fears, if only the fearful ones will accept what they say as the truth…. This willingness to trust, to believe what is told to them, fearfully driving them to act against their own self-interest, firmly fastens a slave collar on every person alive who gives in to gives in to their fear, without ever realizing they are fully capable of learning to cope with life themselves…

One of the ways those with no ethics, or compassion, who ignore any such niceties as justice, or equality, sublimate their fears into bending all their efforts to control others, to get them to believe in what THEY tell them… To accomplish their ends, they form rigid systems of belief, often offering supernatural protections, or rewards of immortality in exchange for implicit trust, and the surrender of will… These systems reflect the fears of their creators, in their own inability to tolerate ambiguity, i.e, the REAL nature of reality… Another author noted this most succinctly this way….

“Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality.” — Theodor W. Adorno

Then, of course, we may find classic social commentary, cleverly disguised as whimsical fairy tales/children’s stories, such as The Wind in The Willows, a short animated film from the early twentieth century, produced by one Kenneth Grahame, in which one of the story’s characters, quite famous in his own right, observes….

“To the small of brain, Ambiguity is pain.” — Mr. Toad

The only hope many people have of ever breaking their collars, to learn to learn, as it were, to use their own minds to find their own truths, is with the help of a teacher, or, at minimum, some sort of personal epiphany, either of which may convince them they CAN learn, and, more importantly, they CAN control their own lives…. Though hard to find, such teachers still exist, not only in books, but, as hidden gems, often not in schools, though one may find more of them there; at least those in that field are people committed to learning, even if their own beliefs may hinder the complete liberation of their minds…. There are even those who try to teach other teachers how to help, as demonstrated by this:

“Part of teaching is helping students learn how to tolerate ambiguity, consider possibilities, and ask questions that are unanswerable.” — Sara Lawrence Lightfoot, “In a World of Ideas,” 1992

Staying free isn’t as simple as it may sound by our discussion; I’m not implying people can be free just by wishing it, or by suddenly becoming more aware…. A certain degree of courage, and will, is also required, which many people never find within themselves, though it it there, in all of us. Sadly, a great number of people never do find any sort of freedom, not the sort they have never known, as there are a number of people in the world who actively work to prevent the masses from ever realizing their own slavery….

Bankers, preachers, politicians, even many educators, all victims of the same asinine beliefs in supernatural entities who will protect them, all are controlled by a few, insane, sociopathic oligarchs, masters of deceit, who, for millennia, have hidden behind the scenes, manipulating others for the sole purpose of fulfilling their own personal agendas, all of which are based SOLELY on their own wishes and desires, with absolutely no connection to their shared humanity.

Of the wisdom that is the legacy of all mankind, these assholes (no better word to describe their true nature…) pick and choose from the highest sounding, to justify their own selfishness, using their own expertise at psychological manipulation, and lying with a straight face, to achieve their own, perverted ends…. For example…. the following piece of wisdom, though perfectly innocent in its intent (to share knowledge of how to make oneself safer), provides them with the perfect excuse for their behavior, based on lies….

“All warfare is based on deception.” — Sun Tzu (ca. 500 BC)

What is really a shame is that far too many Westerners, especially those of a financial or political persuasion, seem to have read a mistranslated copy of the Art of War, wherein this line was translated as, “All life is based on deception.” It’s the only explanation for how a perfectly good concept, an essential truth, can be perverted and taken to its logical extreme, all for the loss of meaning in one word…. In this case, here on Earth, which we see around us today, nothing seen, heard, or read can be trusted; the truth is considered a weapon of last resort, only to be used as a distraction from the ‘true lies’….

“There are some remedies worse than the disease.” — Publius Syrus (42 BC) — Maxim 301

SIGH…. I’m getting tired, and I need to finish this off before it gets away from me, so, we come to this final idea…. To get rid of the oligarchs who have been oppressing the majority of humanity for centuries, the most obvious, and quickest method, is to become like them, showing no compassion or concern for the rights of anyone but themselves. The numbers would be, patently, on the side of humanity in such a conflict, but, to use their own methods of violence to usurp their power can only mean, ultimately, we will become the same as them, thus, turning any attempts at achieving liberty into a mere transformation of power. from one sociopathic entity to another….

So, what is the solution? Well, at this point, at (unfortunately) 2:23 AM, on an unseasonably cold night in California, after hours of sleepless tossing and turning, I can’t say I have one, other than, possibly, my own, which involves me, a large supply of arrows, and a map to the oligarch’s houses. I’d be willing to sacrifice my own honor, in that way, to save humanity, and wouldn’t even mind dying afterward…. It’s the stain on my soul I don’t think I’d care for….

I’m working on it, though. It’s a tough problem, to figure out how to get rid of the assholes without becoming one…. I guess I could spend my time watching reality TV….. But, since I don’t much care for TV, I guess I’ll figure out something else…. When I’ve got something workable, I’ll get back to you…. Until then, let me leave you with one final thought, one which points up the ultimate solution for our difficulties, provided for us by Reality. It is also one which everyone, masters, slaves, and rebels, must eventually come to know….

There is a reaper whose name is Death,
  And with his sickle keen
He reaps the bearded grain at a breath,
  And the flowers that grow between.

~~ Henry W. Longfellow ~~

~~ The Reaper and the Flowers ~~



What is there left to say in admiration of this man. One of the Great Souls, Walt Whitman was an example of the best of mankind. If a solution to our problems can be found, it could well start by beginning with this man’s views on how to live…. We could do worse….

Dismiss Whatever Insults Your Own Soul

Love the earth and sun and the animals,
Despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks,
Stand up for the stupid and crazy,
Devote your income and labor to others,
Hate tyrants, argue not concerning God,
Have patience and indulgence toward the people.

Take off your hat to nothing known or unknown,
or to any man or number of men,
Go freely with powerful uneducated persons,
And with the young, and with the mothers or families.

Re-examine all you have been told
in school or church or in any book,
Dismiss whatever insults your own soul;
And your very flesh shall be a great poem…

And have the richest fluency, not only in its words,
But in the silent lines of its lips and face,
And between the lashes of your eyes,
and In every motion and joint of your body.

~~ Walt Whitman ~~

~~ Preface to Leaves of Grass, 1855 edition ~~



    Okay, so here’s the deal…. Today’s final old-school pearl is kind of silly, but, it’s still a good pearl…. Moreover, at the end, you’ll find a method whereby you, and only you, can make it the perfect pearl for YOU…. Enjoy, ffolkes, whether it seems so, or not, it’s a pretty good set of ideas about Life at Large to consider, even if they’re without the usual degree of sobriety…..

“There is no opinion so absurd that some philosopher will not express it.” — Cicero

“Half of the people in the world are below average.” — Smart Bee

It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“There is no difference between theory and practice in theory, but there is often a great deal of difference between theory and practice in practice.” — Chuck Rei

“These days, the wages of sin depend on what kind of deal you make with the devil.” — Kara Vichko

“There are worse things than dying.” — Kalas

“Most of all, I’ve learned that a good time to laugh is anytime you can.” — Linda Ellerbee

“Take everything you like seriously, except yourselves.” — Rudyard Kipling

As a bonus, for today’s final pearl, YOU, the Gentle Reader, get to choose the final entry for this section… Choose one of the following; all have been cleared as perfectly appropriate finishing pearls for this pearl…. If you’re so inclined, tell us in the comments why you made the choice you picked…. Choose wisely, young paduans….

Z #1)  “GOOD-NIGHT, everybody..  Now I have to go administer FIRST-AID to my pet LEISURE SUIT!!” — Zippy the Pinhead

Z #2)  “Hold the MAYO & pass the COSMIC AWARENESS…” — Zippy the Pinhead

Z #3)  “I feel better about world problems now!” — Zippy the Pinhead

Et Voilà…. I keep telling you, and telling you, and telling you….  It’s all in the wrist….


It’s hard to tell at this point, but, I’m pretty sure this one turned out pretty well. Or not. Since it’s still shy of 3 AM, and, I’ve been in misery for hours, frankly, I could care less, because it’s done, and, now I can try to get some sleep. Y’all have a good day, I’m gonna be busy sawing logs, I hope. Until tomorrow, then, I bid thee a fond, if somewhat sappy, adieu! Or, as we used to say on the streets…. well, no, I’d better not. I will, however, be back tomorrow to try this again….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
   and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured image

À bientôt, mon cherí….


Suffering slightly from anaerobic syncopation….


I can’t have what I want, so, I’ll take what I can…. There, that marks me as an American, don’t you think? It’s a typically American male attitude, for sure; just go watch freeway traffic for a while, & you’ll see what I mean…. But, I’m not here to rant (not in THIS section, anyway…), so perhaps I should begin today’s Pearl in a slightly different fashion…. that is, if you can call this fashion…. more like the direct opposite of fashionable, I’d say…. But, then, I AM a cynic, mostly, so, that, too, might be suspect to some people….

Well, that was certainly a wash, wasn’t it? Not a single compelling phrase to be found…. Hell, one of those is probably not to be found in the vicinity, though we do like to pretend they can be…. Unfortunately for me, today, that could conceivably have an effect on the content of this Pearl, which is already somewhat uncertain, what with the new format and all…. Why, I find myself to be downright discombobulated over it…. or, was that upleft discombobulated?

(I always wondered about that word, ‘downright’…… How did a piece of directional advice come to mean “absolutely” or even “completely”? Gotta wonder about the English people sometimes…. or, at least, about the meanings of English words….)

Aha! I’ve figured it out! Wait….. Well, maybe not…. I thought for a moment there I actually had a clue, but, it was only a random neuronic twitch in that area of the brain…. No, wait, maybe not…. Okay, now I’m REALLY confused, and haven’t a bloody clue about either how I got to this point, or what the hell I should do to find my way out…. I haven’t been this lost in an intro for, heck, a couple of years…. make that days….

Oh, I admit, I’m often at a loss as to how to start this business each day, but, generally, I can ramble and blather long enough to get it done…. This, though…. I don’t know if it can be salvaged…. I think I’m going to have to use the old #4 method yet again, in order to bring this to anything like a reasonable conclusion…. It is our most heavily used emergency tool, mostly just because it works so well…. How does it do that, when all the other methods are so inconsistent? Well, it goes like this (and, I’d advise you to take a firm grip on the provided handhold…. Jeez, it’s right there on the wall, next to your seat….)…..

Shall we Pearl?…..

“Things which you do not hope happen more frequently than things which you do hope.” — Plautus (254-184 BC) — Mostellaria, Act i, Sc. 3, 40, (197.)


Here is the second exhibition of what someday will be hailed as the saving grace of this blog (Well, I can hope, can’t I?….), a newly constructed photo-pearl, all for y’all…. I rode the ferry from the town where I reside to San Francisco for the morning, to take some pictures around Fisherman’s Wharf, just to practice my picture skills, and enjoy the crowds…. It was a good time, and I think I got some decent shots, even if my choice of subject matter is still a bit odd, compared to any sort of norm…. Please, enjoy, dammit!….

June 1 2014 001“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing -absolutely nothing  — half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” — Mr. Toad in The Wind in the Willows (1908) by Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932)

Although I can’t fully agree with Mr. Toad, at least, not in this instance, I thought it fit quite nicely with this picture, which, as far as I can tell from having watched the harbor for a while, is a picture of a traffic jam on the water here…. Well, it’s as jammed as I’ve ever seen it, anyway; it’s a small town, relatively speaking, and since the naval base closed a couple of decades ago, there just isn’t as much money in town, and, nowhere near as many people who can afford to go boating, a fairly expensive hobby…. It’s fun to sail, but, the actual expense of owning a boat is well beyond the income average around here…. Just another example of the growing income gap in this world, I’d say….

June 1 2014 023“Flowery oratory he despised. He ascribed to the interested views of themselves or their relatives the declarations of pretended patriots, of whom he said, “All those men have their price.”” — Sir Robert Walpole (1676-1745) — Coxe: Memoirs of Walpole, Vol. iv, p. 369

After disembarking the ferry in SF, I walked down a few yards, & took this picture of the entrance to Pier 39, one of the most unabashedly mercenary tourist traps in the City…. I wandered through the labyrinthine winding pathways, designed to highlight each shop’s “unique” piles of absolutely useless, worthless CRAP, such as the “World’s First Magnet Store”, or Bubba Gump’s Shrimp restaurant, or the chocolate shops, or one of the OTHER three magnet shops…. I swear, if you don’t want to eat, or buy crap, there isn’t a whole lot to do there, except watch people…. Since I arrived earlier than most, even that pastime was limited….. Ah well, there WERE pictures to be had, so, I took them….

For example….


June 1 2014 033“For “ignorance is the mother of devotion,” as all the world knows.” — Robert Burton (1577-1640) — The Anatomy of Melancholy, Part iii, Sect. 4, Memb. 1, Subsect. 2

I know…. It takes a “different” sort of mind to come up with such connections…. This is the crab sculpture placed at the entrance to Pier 39… the picture before this was taken while standing just behind this sculpture, looking away from it toward the end of the pier, and the water…. This is right out on the Embarcadero, where the world can see it as they ride by in their Mercedes, or their tour buses…. I thought it was the perfect statement to go in front of such an place, where the gods of economics hold sway over all other considerations…. As long as the money flows, the crab is happy….

June 1 2014 031“Knowledge dwells in heads replete with thoughts of other men; wisdom in minds attentive to their own.” — William Cowper

I was fortunate in finding a place from which to watch the session of Congress that was being held at the pier yesterday…. It was part of my reason for going, to be able to observe the workings of our government in action…. When I took this picture, a debate was going on over a bill on the floor…. By the sound of the different comments by each of the politicians at the meeting, there was NOT going to be a vote on the bill today…. It almost sounded like a filibuster, but, why would anyone do something so stupid, just to express their opposition, when right action prior to that time would mitigate any need for such?

I never could understand Congress very well; it always seemed like a way to get those idiots off the streets, which is fine, but then they had to go and let them vote themselves a key to the treasury….. Ever since, we’ve been headed downhill, toward the stunningly final conclusion we are now practically guaranteed to find waiting for us at the end of the day, while all the while, the sea lions keep barking, to no effect….

June 1 2014 034“You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.” — Charles Bukowski

For the entire three or so hours I wandered around the Wharf area, the fog and mist hung in the air, softening and blurring everything, leaching the color from the very air…. except for the flower bed above, which was the loveliest sight I saw the entire morning…. Just as I took the photo, a blackbird fluttered through the lens, landing in the exact center of the picture, as if trained to be there on command…. He/she is a little hard to see, as it naturally took advantage of the background to blend in, but, still is a perfect example of how the animals that live with us on the planet have a better grip on what is important than our own species….

Well, that’s how it seems to me, anyway…. All the humans there, milling around in huge numbers, drawn together to seek out cultural phenomena to experience, so they can go home and say they have “been there, done that” to all their acquaintances, never once realizing that there is nothing unique, or uplifting, or particularly moral about these cultural experiences…. which were impressed upon them by OTHERS as being something of worth, of being a place they should see and experience….

So, they come to SF, and go to Fisherman’s Wharf, and Pier 39, where all of the WORST examples of Americanism can be found, in tourist shops that sell more of the iconic images that reinforce the cultural importance of the visit…. Souvenirs to take home as proof they were actually here, with the other 10,000 or so individuals from out of town, or country….

The flower bed, to me, was the most REAL part of the whole day’s experience, and well worth riding the ferry for an hour each way….. To me, the experience was an opportunity to assimilate a piece of wisdom that probably no more than one or two ffolkes on the wharf that day were capable of understanding…. the rest of the people were there to either spend money and see stuff they could talk about at home, working in one of the tourist traps, picking pockets or running scams on the tourists, or were jogging through on their way back to their apartment near the beach…. That was fine with me, as it is an endless parade of human folly, all in one spot, so I can sit in the shade or sun, depending on the weather, and observe the panorama of human folly in all its insane glory….

June 1 2014 044“The years teach much which the days never know.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), “Experience”

I took the picture above as the ferry pulled away from its berth at Pier 41, on its way home…. It’s a perfect picture to end my day, even though I took it at about 1130 AM…. I rode the ferry home, & proceeded to collapse for a nap as soon as I got home…. Upon arising, I went through the pix, editing and deleting as needed, then picked out these few for today’s Pearl…. It seems to work out well, now that I’ve got a handle on how to format everything, and to use my tools in the correct order, to be able to fit together picture, pearl, and comments, so they are, at least, comprehensible, or in some approach coherency…. So far, I think I’m doing okay, and I know it will get better with time….

I hope y’all are enjoying the new format; it’s a lot of fun for me, and is giving me a whole new perspective on this daily blog thing…. Some might say that a new view on this is long overdue, but, they’re just jealous, so pay them no mind…. I think, though, this is going to work well, and as soon as I figure out how to use this format to rant, well, ffolkes, then all bets are off, and the world may never be the same….

That said, lets’ move on to poetry, eh?….. Thanks fer listenin’…..

That ‘s the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture.

— Robert Browning (1812-1890) — Home-Thoughts from Abroad, ii


Oddly enough, I have the urge to poem…. stand back, and don’t let any of the splash get on your clothing. It has been known to cause spontaneous combustion, or, as in at least two cases, toxic shock…. I have no idea how this will turn out, so, wish me luck….

Pure Truth: Elsewhen

Everything I say and do, I’m sure,
only comes from what I know.
If what I’ve said or done is good, and pure,
I can say it’s not just for show.

Sometimes people don’t quite get me.
It can be a pain, for sure.
I try not allow it to keep me from being free,
especially when my thoughts may be impure.

In fact, I try quite hard most of the time,
to keep from hurting folks.
If our culture more often approached sublime,
I wouldn’t have to take so many pokes.

Now I’ll make another sacrifice, for y’all,
not for karmic advantage, or, not merely so….
But, to save me from yet another downfall,
I’ll stop here; ensign, make it so….

~~ gigoid ~~

I believe I was right to be nervous about the outcome…. but, it’s not bad…. I have the feeling it may get edited, sometime in the future, but, for now, it will do for our purpose….. I forget who said that all poets are mad, though not all mad men are poets, but, I can relate, for sure and for certain…..


Saved by the old school bell…. It’s getting late; the sun is well up, and I have yet to finish, much less post…. So, this will be a rapid-fire, randomly chosen pearl…. often the best kind….

“I may be crazy, but I’m not stupid.” — Smart Bee, quoting gigoid, the dubious

“I have a feeling that at any time about three million Americans can be had for any militant reaction against law, decency, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, compassion and the rule of reason.” — John Kenneth Galbraith

“All of Finagle’s Rules may be bypassed by learning the simple art of doing without thinking.” — Wingo’s Axiom

Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in,
Bear ‘t that the opposed may beware of thee.
Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice;
Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment.
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,
But not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy;
For the apparel oft proclaims the man.

— William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Hamlet — Act i, Sc. 3

“If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent him.” — Voltaire (1694-1778) — Epitre a l’Auteur du Livre des Trois Imposteurs, cxi

“Of all forces acting on man, change is the most beneficial and the most cruel.” — Smart Bee

“Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.” — Heraclitus


I can see that I will either need to get up earlier, or work on these ahead of time; it takes a significant amount of time to create it all from scratch…. But, then, I don’t always write a fresh poem, either…. It’s good, I think, that I tweaked my back in my sleep again last night; it will keep me from overdoing it today…. and, boy, doesn’t THAT sound old and tired! I’ll have to think about that….. For now, without even checking this over, I’m outta here….. See ya, ffolkes….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid the dubious
