Tawdry, not maudlin…


“Arouse the mind without resting it on anything.”

~~ Diamond Sutra ~~

faded rose

Aging beauty….

Hajime…. Today, I have a complete Pearl, composed in pieces over the last day, as is my wont. The poem I’ve been working on is as done as it will ever be, so, it’s here for your perusal; you can tell me if you think it’s worth the time to read. I won’t take any criticism lightly; I also won’t pay it much mind at all, for the most important part for me is that it isn’t wandering around my head any more, bugging me to write it down. Besides, the average loss of blood that takes place whenever I write a new poem is a bit problematic, requiring a longer recovery time each time it occurs. Oh, well, he said, with resignation….

In order to hasten said recovery, I’ll truncate today’s introductory section, in the interests of moving things along on their prescribed path toward some sort of resolution. We’ll even skip any discussion of WHAT we are attempting to resolve, in favor of the aforementioned truncation; it seems like the only decent thing to do. What’s more, we’ll use one of our oldest, most efficient methods for the process. Yep, it’s old #4, and it works like this….

Shall we Pearl?

“Some mistakes we must carry with us.”

~~ Speaker-to-Animals “Ringworld” ~~



Image from Bedwyn.com on Flickr.com via Google Images

I’ve meant to include this artist’s work as our musical selection for some time now, but, hadn’t done so. To remedy that obvious mistake, here she is. Considered by many to have one of the finest voices in her chosen field of music, she has achieved a large fan base; if I am any judge, it is well-deserved. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do….


Loreena McKennit





Obscure Empathy

Twisting the tail of reality, again, unrepentant,
as a pale moon rises in the west, unnoticed.
Sensing imminence, evicting the remaining tenant;
dispensing false empathy, well-practiced.

Metaphor becomes allegory, critically sane,
as humanity wells up, conflicted, bedeviling time;
experience assumes an old cut, with virgin pain,
a solitary ambient poet dies, in shame, sans rhyme.

Patterns form inside an intricate space, forlorn,
abiding, with reluctant patience, only to learn
of dispassion’s inelegant cost, basely shopworn;
forgotten verses, delicately done to a turn.

Previously spoken standards shall not apply;
forsworn, soaked in cruel imagination,
questing egos neglect to ask, why?
Purely natural law demands speculation.

Twice-told tales assume mythical profundity
casting shadows into night’s bower.
Artful, enticing, a lure for serendipity
passing time in a lonely tower.

~~ gigoid ~~



Naked Pearls

Five points worth a ponder….


“The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth.”

~~ Chinese proverb~~


“How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else.”

~~ R. Buckminster Fuller ~~


“Your body cannot heal without play.
Your mind cannot heal without laughter.
Your soul cannot heal without joy.”

~~ Catherine Rippenger Fenwick ~~


“It is not necessary to change.
Survival is not mandatory.”

~~ W. Edwards Deming” ~~


“Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.”

~~ Kahlil Gibran in Essay on Death in The Prophet ~~



Well, it’s done. It took a little longer than I’d planned, thanks to a relatively short interruption to cuddle a cat in hammock mode/mood. Such is life with a familiar…. Without further silliness, or sobriety, I take my leave, with the standard caveat, to wit: I’ll try again soon to get it right…. Until then, enjoy the diem as you seize it, & stay alert. It’s our best defense against our own kind, you betcha…. See ya, ffolkes….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious

The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon.


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch

Featured Image -- 2780

À bientôt, mon cherí….