Wait a second! Is that a connecting bolt in your pocket?…


Yep…. I’m definitely losing it…. and not just it, either, but, almost all of it…..Pretty sweeping statement so early, but, for me, it isn’t….. early, that is. It’s well after 5 AM, & I’m just now getting up…. The coffee isn’t ready, so I had to make it, and wait for it…. As you might guess, this does very little, if not nothing, to improve my mood, or my condition, of which I am afraid to even speak…. I’m coffee-free as yet, so there’s really no telling what might come out of my head, or my mouth, both of which tend to end up on screen…. Oh, man…. I hear the coffee machine finishing…. Hang on, I’ll be back, hopefully before I’ve murdered anyone….

I made it through the ordeal of procuring coffee, but, I’m still not sure about the rest of today…. To say I’m in a curmudgeonly mood would be far short of the actual degree of grumpiness I’m currently experiencing; homicidal, or perhaps, genocidal, might be more accurate…. Of course, being the moral/ethical creature I am, if I went for genocide today, you could at least trust me to confine my targeted group of intended victims to the BRC and the monied elite….

I wouldn’t go after any normal ffolkes, only those who make a habit of preying on the rest of humanity…. Hmm, I suppose, if one were wishing to be entirely accurate, picking on the people on this planet who deserve to die for their treatment of others, that would be more like a pest control guy, right? So, I’m committing insecticide on them, rather than genocide…. I can live with that….

Gosh, ffolkes, it seems that my anger, which is mostly directed at my own physical condition, wants to get directed into ranting…. I suppose that’s a natural outlet for me, one I’ve been allowing myself to use for about three years now, ever since starting this blog, and making the decision to discontinue my lifelong habit of silence on public issues…. Ranting comes pretty naturally to a curmudgeon, and I was already considered that BEFORE I retired, and actually joined the organization to receive the training…. So, letting out my angst on the appropriate targets has been my habit, and my pleasure, for that time….

Of late, I’ve been trying to rant less, as I was concerned it was driving readers away; I’m fully aware that my subject matter is controversial, and my opinions somewhat radical, but, I try to keep my writing in such a state that it won’t alienate people…. unless, of course, they identify too closely with the folks of which I’m making fun, or antagonizing, by pulling the cover on their lies.

Then, of course, they become offended, which is fine with me; I have no problem with people being offended by what I say, as long as they do so with politeness…. You can curse someone out thoroughly without ever becoming rude, though it takes a bit of effort…. Me, I tend to forget the polite part at times, so, I try to allow a bit of leeway for commenters, as well…

But, I don’t get a lot of argument with my issues…. I figure there are two reasons for that…. First, most of the people who read this are what I’d call members of the choir, in that they agree, if not wholeheartedly, at least in principle, with what I’ve said about the ruling classes, or the priestly hierarchies, or the faceless myrmidons who do their bidding…. This makes for not a lot of commenting, on what we all know to be true….

On the other hand, I also try to present arguments with the evidence, which I have used to make my conclusions, included in the argument, or, at minimum, easily accessed by anyone wishing to examine it….. Once anyone has viewed the argument, with evidence, then disagreement becomes somewhat out of place, since what I’ve stated is generally so obviously correct…. in essence, there’s nothing on which they can hang any disagreement….

As you can see by this example, I tend to ramble and blather when I’m in pain, and don’t have anything specific about which to rant…. which is exactly today’s position…. I’ve now semi-ranted for the entire intro section, without ever getting anywhere significant, or worthy of follow-up…. Ah well, at least it got us far enough down the page to call this a legal entry, so, I suppose that’s something positive…. To maintain that positive feeling, I’ll end this here, using method #4, as it is the quickest, most efficient method, if the most risky in terms of possible injury…. We’ve been lucky in that respect, so, for now, we’ll trust our luck…

Shall we Pearl?….

“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.” — Akiro Kurosawa


Since I am so late today, and my pain level is not cooperating very well (I even made the requisition for this day off from major pain two days ago…. I can show you the paperwork!….), we’re going old school… I’ve been picking from the archives too much lately, so, we’ll go fresh, but with the kind of pearl that takes the least amount of time to produce…. Here is a random grouping, set with parameters to find pearls that take a poke at lawyers, politicians, preachers, pundits, or police myrmidons. those wonderful folks who enforce the will of the corporate assholes who own everything…

“There is no better way to exercise the imagination than the study of the law.  No artist ever interpreted nature as freely as a lawyer interprets the truth.” — Jean Giraudoux

“Commonly we say a judgment falls upon a man for something in him we cannot abide.” — John Selden (1584-1654) — Judgments

“Anything labeled “NEW” and/or “IMPROVED” isn’t. The label means the price went up. The label “ALL NEW”, “COMPLETELY NEW”, or “GREAT NEW” means the price went way up.” — Hershiser’s Rules

“The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.” — Quentin Crisp

“Agesilaus being invited once to hear a man who admirably imitated the nightingale, he declined, saying he had heard the nightingale itself.” — Plutarch (46-120 AD) — Life of Agesilaus II

“Do you call yourself free?  I want to hear your ruling idea, and not that you  have escaped from a yoke.” — Nietzsche, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”

“All educational organizations worthy of the name have always recognized what be the ultimate and significant principle of pedagogy: namely the absolute mandate, the iron bond, discipline, sacrifice, the renunciation of the ego, the curbing of the personality.” –Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain

A bit scattered, but, fairy pointed in spots…. it will do….


Again, to avoid spreading blame for today’s Pearl, here is an older poem of my own, from early last year…. Enjoy, please….

Notes of process and program…

Poems, alas, don’t chase through my head,
bumping and pushing each other like brothers at dinner.
They’re more ripped out of my innards, instead.
Time and circumstance reveal no ultimate winner.

Simmering and bubbling near my unconscious mind
these maddening rhymes blind me sans glimmer.
Building until bursting as if to be dined and wined,
the remaining denizens appear much slimmer.

Fiery visions retain such glorious fatal dimension,
in retrospect, yet fail to leave a permanent scar,
until blessed, or cursed, with focused attention,
singing, crying, bleeding, fast as a movie star.

Pretty soon can’t be soon enough, she said
to a chameleon colored thief bathed in moonlight.
Fancy candles in stripes of blue, gold, and red
foster honest dreams in shades of white.

Passage to daylight is problematic, at best:
beastly ghosts of insomniacs cast no shadow.
Even judges with robes can pass the wrong test
while the rest of us go with what we know.

~~ gigoid ~~

“A poet is a kind of liar who always speaks the truth.” — Jean Cocteau


witzelsucht (vit’sel-zoocht) [Ger.] “A mental condition characteristic of frontal lobe lesions and marked by the making of poor jokes and puns and the telling of pointless stories, at which the patient himself is intensely amused.” — Standard Dictionary

Having been accused in the past of exhibiting the perfect set of symptoms for this disorder, I can relate to how it feels…. which is mostly lonely, as the rest of humanity has a hard time sitting still for puns, OR for pointless stories…. Nonetheless, I like the idea that this condition is one that MAY be treatable…. it gives me hope for the remainder of my life as a blogger…. or maybe that’s just my fantasy gene kicking in…. who knows? Let’s find some more pearls, shall we?….

“Everybody is going somewhere!!  It’s probably a garage sale  or a disaster Movie!!” — Zippy the Pinhead

“The way I see it, it doesn’t matter what you believe just so you’re sincere.” — Charles Schulz

“It is not a fish until it is on the bank.” — Irish Proverb

“In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all – security, comfort and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.” — Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 29

“When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him.” — Thomas Szasz, The Second Sin, 1973

“The only act of revolution left in a collective world is thinking for yourself.” — Bob Geldof, “Is That It?”

“One can imagine a sane, healthy, cheerful human society based on no more than the principles of common sense, as validated each day by work, play, and living experience. But this remains the most Utopian and fantastic of ideals.” — Edward Abbey

Now, THAT’s what I’m talkin’ about!…..


It’s a Pearl, ffolkes…. of that, there is NO doubt…. Fresh, too, or, as much so as I could make it…. The fact that I was able to complete it, fresh as it is, is, to me, rather impressive, in re: will power…. but, that’s all done now…. I’m going to go whimper now, and wait for the drugs to hit me…. See ya….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid the dubious


Surveys are calling for juicier burgers….


It’s entirely possible that I’m drying up….. I’ve written so much in the last two years, it’s all starting to sound the same; if there is one thing I refuse to consider, it is repeating my self to no purpose. I’ve repeated myself here, of course, many times, as I have continued my campaign to show as many ffolkes as I can just how badly they are being disrespected by the BRC, the PH’s, their CM’s, and the blind, vicious masses of myrmidons who loyally, if immorally, support them all, hoping beyond hope enough people would hear the truths I’m shouting out, and begin to work toward stopping them from killing us all….

In that campaign, and to pursue the stated end,I HAVE repeated my assertions, any number of times, which is why I think I may not have much left. It all is beginning to seem futile, at the least, and completely pointless, at the worst; I cannot see much evidence that all I’ve been saying is getting us very far toward salvation as a society. Oh, don’t worry, I’m not a complete idiot (presumably); I don’t believe that I am the world’s savior, or that I have the only message worth hearing, and I certainly don’t claim to be the world’s most compelling writer, even if I do use a lot of big words…. 7 billion people who have NOT ever read what I write can’t be ALL wrong, can they?….

No, I can’t claim to be the most important, or the best, or even the most committed writer of what could be called “calls to action” (though, perhaps, the most prolific in word-count); a lot of people, who are (maybe) better writers, and who certainly have more readers, also write about this stuff, every day, in a lot of news outlets. There are organizations with web sites who have been formed solely for the purpose of counting all the lies that politicians tell us (fact checkers, they call themselves….), checking the claims made in their speeches against reality, to ascertain the level of truth being told….. At last check, the claims I’ve made, about ALL of them, that they are ALL lying, have been proven, beyond a doubt, to be absolutely correct…..

However, truthful as I may be, I’m getting a bit tired of continually promoting a message that, even though annoyingly and humiliatingly true, as well as bitterly ugly, does not seem to outrage others as much as it does me…. I don’t understand how the press can constantly print the crap they do, allowing the lies that are put out to be distributed beyond all hope of counteraction…. It is as if the entire society has accepted the lies as their only truth; even the media will breathlessly repeat anything said by a major politician, without ever checking the statements for truth, in full awareness that what they are repeating may not be the truth…. They know what they’re doing, but, because it makes a profit, or in some other way meets their need for expediency, they refuse to stop reporting what they KNOW, or, at least, suspect, to be false….

Actually, I don’t know if profit is the ONLY motive of those who report the news…. I do know it is the sole motive of those who own and control the media; their primary concern has always been one of control of information, not the undisciplined spread of it. But, it really doesn’t matter what their motive may be, as the end result is the same; a society controlled by shadowy masters who have no compunction about lying, cheating, or stealing their way into power, then using that power to consolidate their positions, making it damn near impossible to either remove them…. most of the time, they don’t allow the media, or anyone, to even identify them….

Those who have the real power in this world tend to stick to the shadows and back alleys, (which, oddly enough, look strangely like penthouses and country mansions….), never showing their faces to a public that would revolt and tear them limb from limb, had they any clue as to their real part in how reality is ordered….. They don’t like to be photographed, and they never walk in public venues without security at close hand, to protect them from the “mean streets”, filled with the mostly ignorant inhabitants, of the world they have created to suit themselves.

I would imagine that even the most powerful politicians in the world haven’t a clue that they are really puppets, controlled by people who will never give up their clandestine power. If the world’s political leaders were ever made aware of the degree to which they are no more than marionettes for their invisible masters, just like the unwashed masses they lord it over, it could conceivably cause problems for those who have the real power, which they aren’t going to allow…. The real rulers of this planet have had many thousands of years of practice at directing human culture into the channels they desire, wherein the great mass of humanity believes their leaders are good people, trying to make their lives better, when in reality, we are all headed straight to a Dante-esque version of Hell, of our own making….

On that positive note, I think I should go on to the rest of today’s outburst, before I rant myself into a coma…. As pleasant as that prospect may sound to some, I’ll pass, thank you….. Shall we Pearl?…..

“Sex! Lies! Drugs! Money! Power! Corruption! Man, I love Congress!” — Smart Bee

I’ve waited a long time, and spent a lot of time very diligently searching the Net for an article such as this one…. It is a very even-handed, and more importantly, realistic take on all the stuff that the politicians use to whip the public into a frenzy of fear, whenever there is a new mass shooting, or another terrorist attack somewhere. Such reports of terrorist activity doesn’t even have to be happening here, in this country, for some of the media pundits and politicians to use it as a method of creating panic and outrage in the public arena.

The author acknowledges a little known, and certainly under-appreciated fact, which can be stated thus: when the number of shootings are actually COUNTED, there are actually no more of them happening now than at any other time since statistics on the matter have been collected. In fact, several earlier periods of our history, especially in the last century, experienced significantly more terrorist bombings, and more mass shootings, than have occurred in the first 13 years of this century. These are numerical FACTS, ffolkes, not speculation, or guesses…. The pundits WANT the people in fear, so they promote that agenda, with no shame at all…

Because the political pundits would rather keep the public in a state of suppressed panic than tell them the truth, they flood the media with emotional diatribes against unseen, sometimes even non-existent dangers, in order to manipulate the great unwashed masses into accepting new limits on their freedom, in the form of “temporary” laws they tell us are only there to protect us, but, in reality, will be used to spy on their own people, operate clandestine prisons and courts with no oversight, and arrest even law-abiding citizens who fit their profiles of a possible terrorist….

Did you know that the right to publicly assemble to address the government with grievances has been done away with?…. Yep, look it up, ffolkes, the Patriot Act makes it a crime to gather a certain number of people without a permit…. which they are NOT giving out…. They — “They” being police authorities and/or military troops, or even agents of government bureaus, such as Homeland Security, the FBI, or the NSA, or ‘special agents’ of some other acronym we haven’t even been made aware of, acting blindly, but with full cooperation and agreement, under the orders of politicians — they no longer need to give it out, anyway, as it is now legal for them to arrest anyone at such an event, under suspicion of terrorist actions, and they don’t have to explain it to ANYONE!…. Truth, y’all…. Capisce?

Read the article ffolkes, it’s an eye-opener, and gives a good take on a subject most are afraid to even discuss….


“Although a wise man might urge that one should suffer fools gladly, this should not be construed as license for any fool to demand that one do so.” — Frederic William Kantor

Today’s Pearl has, so far, come from within the confines of my own mind, such as it is, and, as far as it goes, so, for the poetry selection, we’ll go with one of mine, as well, to maintain balance, and to ensure that no one else can be blamed for any of what has transpired here today….

Unheralded Sagacity…

To many, who will not see beyond their nose
the world becomes a dangerous place,
a bullet in every gun, a thorn with every rose,
no magic comes to save us, reality leaves no trace.

Minds closed, wrapped tight in manufactured fears,
men become clay, easily molded into complacent form.
No chains needed, held in thrall for years,
lies become gospel, when dishonesty is the norm.

Shed the chains you wear in durance, in kind;
Oh, ye of little faith, and much doubt
Strength is found in an unfettered mind,
Cry “freedom” with a great shout.

No help from any gods can hinder so much
as our own lack of confidence;
finding the light within, knowing it as such
confirms us, becoming consequence.


~~ gigoid ~~


Thus far today, I’ve ranted, twice, if one cares to be technical, and used one of my own poems as ballast; that order of events dictates that this section will be an old-school pearl, and who am I to fuck with tradition, eh?….. I have no idea what direction it will take, but, I’m hoping for a good grouping, to finish off what feels like a good effort…. Let’s see what we can persuade Smart Bee to let loose….

— Bother! said Pooh, as the Borg assimilated him.

“There are many who consider as an injury to themselves any conduct which they have a distaste for, and resent it as an outrage to their feelings; as a religious bigot, when charged with disregarding the religious feelings of others, has been known to retort that they disregard his feelings, by persisting in their abominable worship or creed. But there is no parity between the feeling of a person for his own opinion, and the feeling of another who is offended at his holding it; no more than between the desire of a thief to take a purse, and the desire of the right owner to keep it.  And a person’s taste is as much his own peculiar concern as his opinion or his purse. It is easy for any one to imagine an ideal public, which leaves the freedom and choice of individuals in all uncertain matters undisturbed, and only requires them to abstain from modes of conduct which universal experience has condemned. But where has there been seen a public which set any such limit to its censorship? or when does the public trouble itself about universal experience? In its interferences with personal conduct it is seldom thinking of anything but the enormity of acting or feeling differently from itself; and this standard of judgment, thinly disguised, is held up to mankind as the dictate of religion and philosophy, by nine-tenths of all moralists and speculative writers.” — John Stuart Mill, _On Liberty_, Chapter IV

“A time to mourn, and a time to dance.” — Ecclesiastes 3:4

“Of course I lie to people. But I lie altruistically–for our mutual good. The lie is the basic building block of good manners. That may seem mildly shocking to a moralist–but then what isn’t?” — Quentin Crisp, 1984

“I’m going to live forever, or die trying!” — Spider Robinson

“All generalizations are dangerous, perhaps even this one. There are exceptions to the rule, but this does not appear to be one of them.” — Smart Bee

— You may be redneck… If the Borg refuse to assimilate you.

Okay, well, hmm….. I am speechless…. moreover, I’m in awe, of SB’s sheer genius at what Dorothy L. Sayers called piffle, what the world-at-large calls insane nonsense, and what I call damn fine irony…. I hope you enjoy this one…. I did…..

“Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves?” — Friedrich Nietzsche

Yes! Yes! Now, THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about!!! Of course, once I read it through from start to finish, it could fall apart, but, for now, it feels like a good one…. Let’s go see….

For once, I was right, even though I’m a man, and I’m standing in a forest, by myself, talking…. I have it on good authority that in such cases, I am always wrong… Nonetheless, this is a good one, and I’m not going to listen to anything to the contrary… Well, wrong, I’ll listen, but, I won’t agree…. Not only that, but, it’s done! So, see ya…..

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.



Arguably, the door is unlocked, said the Archbishop….


I had forgotten the Rule of Relative Value Over Time, which isn’t surprising, since I just made it up. The Rule states that, when one has not experienced good feelings for some time, their renewed presence can cause actual giddiness, or an alteration of the perceptions of reality to which you, or I, may have been accustomed. Maybe…. If that isn’t clear, well, sorry, but it’s the best I can do mere moments after arising….. Perhaps it might be best to begin again….

Hello. It seems that hearing good news can have surprising effects on us, especially if it is both long-awaited, and greatly advantageous. (I know, both are highly personal values, unique to each individual…. hush, now, you’re distracting me….) It reminds me of an old rule my Dad used to say to me when I was a kid, the Rule of Relative Value Over Time, which covers instances such as this one. The rule tells us: Good news can make you feel lightheaded….. Hmm…. That’s not particularly clear either, is it? Okay one more try….

Nah, the hell with it….. Last night, I got some very good news…. Within 10 days, I will be hooked up with internet service here at home, after having been without what I now classify as a necessary luxury since July 1 of last year. I am unable, as indicated by two failed paragraphs above, to describe just how excellent that makes me feel. I had not realized the effort to get posted every day was so much of a bother to my psyche, but the sense of relief it engenders is immense, much more than I had realized, or expected. I was trying to show how much by the Rule of Relative Value, etc., but just couldn’t make it work in my semi-asleep state…. What do you expect at 0611 in the morning?…. Rather more appropriately, what did I expect? Poetry?…..

Well, whatever I expected, it didn’t work, so this chopped up intro section will have to do….. The best part of the news is that, once I’m set for service here, I’ll finally have the time to get back fully into the blog scene. I’ll be able to go spend time actually reading other people’s blogs, rather than just cruising through them quickly via the WordPress Reader. I know, by perusing the Reader, what ffolkes have been up to, but I’m not getting the full effect of their sites, and I miss that. I also miss making comments on what they’ve written, as I find that almost as fulfilling as hearing the comments others make on my work…..

Knowing there is a finite number of days left until I no longer have to go out in search of the wild Wi-Fi is a great comfort. I hope Murphy, whose presence, and influence in this transaction has already been acknowledged, discussed in depth, and, hopefully, prepared for adequately, keeps his nose in his own business for once. I’m certain he’ll show up, but, I’m hoping to distract him with…. well, that’s for me to know, and him to find out…. In the meantime, I’ve got about 10 Pearls to create before it becomes an issue, so, I’d best get on with it….. Shall we Pearl?…..

“Of course I lie to people. But I lie altruistically–for our mutual good. The lie is the basic building block of good manners. That may seem mildly shocking to a moralist — but then what isn’t?” — Quentin Crisp, 1984

An interesting statement, certainly more honest than most people would dare to express. I like it, if only for that honesty. As well, if one stops to actually consider the question, it really is the truth, isn’t it? At least, the part about lying being a basic part of good manners. I don’t think it is the only basic stone in that edifice, but I certainly appreciate its presence when I ask someone how they are, and they say “Fine!”, rather than treating me to even the short version of their latest bout in the bathroom, worshiping the porcelain god. In such cases, give me a simple, clean lie, any day….

Of course, it goes further, too. One should always be careful about being completely truthful when confronted with the new baby of a young friend, and the question is voiced, “Isn’t she/he adorable?”  I have found, in general, new babies actually have the general appearance of a large, noisy, odoriferous raisin, at least until they start moving about, trying to talk and drooling on everything. I’ve noted over the years that some young mothers and fathers to object to such observations….. so I’ve learned to lie, shamelessly, on such occasions….

If one really cares about others, and their feelings, then lying in this manner becomes one of our most frequently used skills, if not our most morally defensible. For example, it’s hard to justify telling the truth about the food one has just been served by one’s 10 year-old daughter, the first time she tries to please you by making your breakfast. I don’t know about y’all, but my French Toast was perfectly cooked, my eggs were not too runny, and the bacon was just the right crispness…. as far as she was told. I also ate every bite in front of her, with a big smile…..  It didn’t, and doesn’t, bother me at all that, in reality, the French Toast was soggy and cold, the eggs were so runny they broke the record for the 100 yard dash, and the bacon was so crispy, the only chemical left in it was carbon…. And if anyone says so in front of my daughter, they’re dead….

Life also presents us with more public events that can cause us to lower our usual standards about speaking only the truth. I know I didn’t hesitate at all in telling a small, white lie to that officer who pulled me over for speeding when I was in my twenties. It didn’t hurt him, or put the public in danger, when I managed to convince him that I was only speeding because I was on my way to a friend’s house who was feeling suicidal, and I didn’t want to get there too late. I must have sounded sincere, because he didn’t even follow me to check my story, he just told me to drive carefully…. And I, as a result, was able to get to my girlfriend’s house before she got miffed because I was late… A small victory for me in the ongoing battle with Murphy, is how I look at it….

There is some danger involved in using this manner of manipulation of the truth, however, and one should always be clear about that danger. It becomes far too easy to never tell the truth, to try to make oneself look better than they are by shading the truth with lies in different colors. At this point, it stops being a moral act, one designed and intended to benefit others, and becomes selfish, meant only to benefit the individual who lies.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of folks who get the two types of behavior confused, or feel, for their own weak or foolish reasons, that they have to continue lying, rather than dealing with the reality of the truth. These are sad people, who have lost their way, and have a hard time getting others to relate to them, because what they say cannot be trusted….. It is sad because, mostly, they don’t even realize what they do, and cannot understand why the world is so hostile….

Then, of course, there is another face to the issue of truth vs. lies. That is the face of the beloved ruling class, who lies as a matter of course, not for anyone else’s benefit, but solely for their own, just because they can. (Don’t act so surprised…. you should have known that somehow, some time, you’d be treated to another rant about the beloved ruling class, as I so fondly refer to those at the top of the scrap heap we call society….. It’s what we do here, remember?…..) 

The morality of what they do with their lies has already been clearly established, I think, and does not need me to belabor the point here and now. Let it suffice for today to say that altruism doesn’t enter into any of the lies told by those in power; their lies are not intended to be mutually beneficial, but are, quite simply, another way to screw everyone else out of everything they can steal for themselves. Period.

I don’t want to spoil any of the lightheartedness that may have been engendered by the more humorous paragraphs above, so I’ll not carry on any further about the BRC (Beloved Ruling Classes). I will confine my accusations to merely identifying the culprits to whom I refer by the initials, BRC…. Politicians, (whether elected officials of a democracy, or royals in a monarchy, or despots in a tyrannical dictatorship…. anyone who feels, and acts on, the urge to acquire power over others in society), preachers/priests/imams/sadhu/ministers, or any other proponent of supernatural delusional systems (churches, to the uninitiated….), bankers, lawyers, doctors, and other members of the cultural elite, who believe their money, and power over others, is more important than life itself. All of these people lie to us, on a very regular basis, for their own benefit, and don’t suffer a moment’s qualm about doing so…..

Now I’ve done it, for sure…. I don’t know now how to finish this one. That’s what I get for starting a rant with too much (attempted) humor, I suppose. It takes the edge off the indictment that comes afterward, and weakens the argument, sort of casting it adrift from its roots, or moorings, if we are to stay with the correct metaphorical stream. I’ll have to resort to a default……

“Did I say I was a sardine?  Or a bus???” — Zippy the Pinhead

Here is a poem from the Romantic era, a paean to the nature of dogs, known for their love and loyalty, even in Ulysses’s day…


When wise Ulysses, from his native coast
Long kept by wars, and long by tempests toss’d,
Arrived at last, poor, old, disguised, alone,
To all his friends, and ev’n his Queen unknown,
Changed as he was, with age, and toils, and cares,
Furrow’d his rev’rend face, and white his hairs,
In his own palace forc’d to ask his bread,
Scorn’d by those slaves his former bounty fed,
Forgot of all his own domestic crew,
The faithful Dog alone his rightful master knew!

Unfed, unhous’d, neglected, on the clay
Like an old servant now cashier’d, he lay;
Touch’d with resentment of ungrateful man,
And longing to behold his ancient lord again.
Him when he saw he rose, and crawl’d to meet,
(‘Twas all he could) and fawn’d and kiss’d his feet,
Seiz’d with dumb joy; then falling by his side,
Own’d his returning lord, look’d up, and died!

Alexander Pope

“Has a dog a Buddha-nature? This is the most serious question of all. If you say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ you lose your own Buddha-nature.” — Gautama Smart Bee

This looks like a trap. It smells like a trap. I suspect, given my sensitivity to both irony and bullshit, this IS a trap, philosophically speaking. If not, it claims to know something the rest of us do not, and could conceivably warrant a serious discussion. On the other hand, if it is a trap, then spending any time at all in contemplation of its implications is a severe waste of time…. unless one factors in the calories used. In that sense, one might lose an ounce or two off their collection of trans-fat cells; otherwise it would seem to me to be a wash….

I’m going to perform a dangerous act, in order to make a final determination as to the dangerousness of this thought, and its suitability for our dissection, er, discussion. I’m going to meditate upon this, and try to follow it’s directions to whatever final concept it implies, over and above the simple truth of what it attempts to assert. I have a feeling it may lead to ideas that, if nothing else, could cause irremovable stains on my character….. so, wish me luck. I’ll be back, as that Austrian movie-bozo said, far too often…..

There, that didn’t take long, did it? I am back, having spent the last two weeks in the Himalayas, in both Tibet and India, consulting with a number of Buddhist sages, and a couple of New Delhi’s most experienced and knowledgeable reincarnation experts. You may ask yourself, and me, “How did he do that?” Simple…. I am partnered with one of the Dragons of Pern, who are capable of traveling, via a modified form of teleportation, through both Space and Time, to whatever time and place one can visualize, in the space of a few breaths. It’s quite handy, actually….

(Many thanks to Anne McCaffrey, for the gift of the invitation to the Hatching at Benden Weyr in 2004, when I was fortunate to be chosen by, and bonded to, my dragon, Moordath, a compact, but solid, Bronze dragon with a wicked sense of humor, and the best flier in the sky. We get to a lot of places that most ffolkes never see, and I consider myself very fortunate….)

Any who, after thinking about it, long and hard, and consulting with some experts in the field under question, the consensus on the above meditation koan is this: It’s bullshit. Oh, there was a moment or two it seemed to be valid, when Ms. Marindalini pointed out the consistency in the logic, but, one of the nameless sadhu’s reminded her of the inadvisability of basing decisions on logic, when one KNOWS that Murphy truly exists. Besides, everyone agreed, to even ask the first question implies that one knows more than both a dog, and the Buddha. Perhaps, in an obscure way, that is what the final assertion means, that to acknowledge the question, one must enter a state where the grace of the Buddha does NOT extend, because it is, in the final analysis, a really, really stupid bunch of stuff to think about…..

So, in this particular case, our prospective koan is NOT one that should be recommended, especially to anyone new to the philosophy game. Impressionable newbies will easily fall prey to such enticing, attractive, seemingly wise little aphorisms such as this one purports to be, duping themselves into believing that such nonsense is Truth, when in Reality, Murphy is just having them on, as the Brits would say…..

If I pull this SWITCH I’ll be RITA HAYWORTH!!  Or a SCIENTOLOGIST! — Zippy the Pinhead

I hesitate to sound enthusiastic so early in the year, but I’m content, if naught else, with the flow so far. If nothing else, I’ve apparently, in an unconscious decision, adopted a new policy this year, to start the day at 0611 in the AM, when the coffee machine is set to brew the first pot of the day; today is the third consecutive day I’ve popped awake at that same time. I can’t say it is extremely comfortable, but it is, as always, efficient to get up this early. It is now only 0856, and the Pearl is done for today, minus a poem, which Google will provide in a flash, once it is engaged.

So efficient have I been, I’m going to take a chance, and go catch a bus…. I’ll be back…. Ouch, sorry, didn’t mean to use it again…..

Not too shabby…. 1115, still in the AM, and I’m done with my chore, having done battle with buses and pharmacy, and emerged victorious. We must take our wins where and when we find them, c’est vrai? As far as I’m concerned, it’s a done deal, and good on me….. All that remains is to hie off to the library, and post…..  Y’all take care out there, and May the Metaphorse be with you…..

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.

