Socially unacceptable in SO many ways….


Finding just the right words for an opening statement, after repeated attempts to do just that, for what is now getting close to 3 years, can frequently become, not merely a conundrum, but a chronic pain in the ass, at least until Reality steps in to lend a hand…. which it did today….

Just as I sat down to begin, I noted a light playing on the wall of the house across the street, a spot-light moving along, until it found and highlighted a tall, hooded figure skulking on the porch…. The light, which was coming from a police squad car at the corner, pinned the hooded figure, and apparently issued instructions I couldn’t hear, as the figure froze, put up its hands, and walked slowly out to the street, where two police officers met him, frisked, him, handcuffed him, and took him away in their car….

The entire scenario took about one and a half minutes to take place, start to finish, though, afterward, they sat in the car for quite a while, probably running the Unsub for priors, and starting the paperwork for whatever charges they were arresting him, obviously to include trespassing…. It wasn’t overly dramatic, or a particularly gripping scene, but, it isn’t every morning I get to witness crime being fought, and defeated, right here on my street…. It almost makes me feel safe….. Well, that would probably be stretching the truth farther than is good for it, so, I’ll take it back, and just say it was interesting to watch….

At least it didn’t turn into another Rodney King episode…. I’m not sure I can figure out yet how to work the video capture on my new smart phone, so, that’s probably a good thing, as I didn’t have the expertise to be able to film it, whereupon it would have become another in a long series of acts of egregious violence from police upon relatively undeserving victims that DIDN’T slide through the public’s awareness….

Oh yes, it happens…. In fact, NOT hearing about bad things happens, I would wager, far many more times than ever get reported, or captured on film, or digitally, on somebody’s phone, in the modern world….. It has always been so, it’s just not something people like to talk about, or admit…

That, by the way, is something I’ve never understood…. the reluctance of many people to report unethical actions by public servants like police, or firemen…. It’s as if people accept the sense of entitlement that often goes with such service, and automatically, and unquestioningly, give the privileges and perks that so many officers take as their due, without any real justification, other than their own power of authority…. which, in my mind, should produce the exact opposite effect…. It should make the person who holds any such position humble, and grateful, not make them feel powerful, and special, and deserving of all honor, merely for holding a certain kind of job….

However, if I start going into all that, I’ll get all worked up, as I already am, and begin to rant….. Since we’re just getting to the end of the intro, it wouldn’t be appropriate to start one now, so I’ll let that go, for discussion at another time…. or not, who cares? There’s always a new example to pick from, with the police…. The institution, as it exists now in our society, attracts the very worst sort of asshole to its ranks, men, and women, who are only there because it gives them the wherewithal, and the excuse, to be bullies, to assert their authority over others at every opportunity…. THAT type of personality is drawn irresistibly to police work, as it offers them the perfect outlet for their aggressive natures….

Ah well, I guess it’s only natural, but, that doesn’t make it right, or acceptable, in my book…. It does, however, make it enough material written to form the nucleus of an intro, which, after all, is what we were up to….. In fact, I’m going to go ahead, and just drop you here, so I can get on with stuff…. I think you can find the next section without my help…. I’m gonna go dive…..

Shall we Pearl?…..

“I share the belief of many of my contemporaries that the spiritual crisis pervading all spheres of Western industrial society can be remedied only by a change in our world view. We shall have to shift from the materialistic, dualistic belief that people and their environment are separate, toward a new consciousness of an all-encompassing reality, which embraces the experiencing ego, a reality in which people feel their oneness with animate nature and all of creation.” — Dr. Albert Hoffman

(I am forced to comment on this:  While I am in complete agreement with the good Doctor on this matter, I fail to see how his uplifting, accurate, totally cool expression of what is needed for us to survive will convince a single person to take it up as truth, or how it will get people to make the necessary changes in human nature…. Telling people that they need to “feel their oneness with animate nature and all of creation.” is going to lose everyone who hears it…. In fact, it is such an off-putting, airhead kind of statement, I’d wager that, in spite of the fact that this is absolute truth, and will help people to save themselves from a certain death, nobody is going to hear it, because they automatically turned off their ears as soon as they heard the words “spiritual crisis”, followed by “spheres of Western industrial society”, and “world view”…. That kind of New Age babble-speak will shut off most folk’s heads in a New York minute….. Too bad, ‘cuz its’ totally true….)

“FUN is never having to say you’re SUSHI!!” — Zippy the Pinhead

My urge to rant today is blunted, for some reason, which I’m not at all willing to try to find…. Life’s like that sometimes; we don’t feel like doing what we know we SHOULD be doing, and don’t care that we don’t…. But, y’know what? It’s okay, for a couple reasons…. One, to me, the word “should” is one I try very hard to avoid either using, or allowing to have any influence over my decisions…. When we use that word, it is virtually ALWAYS something I was told  by someone else, and is something that follows the limits of its own rules, or internal structure…. not mine. In short, it’s something somebody else told me to do, not something I decided for myself….

Two, it’s okay because I’m positive that y’all are as tired of my rants as I am…. Let’s have fun instead, and still soothe the outrage when we can, with some arrows tipped with irony, or even vituperation….

Since I don’t/won’t do what people think I SHOULD, I’ll go ahead and do what I wish, which, 99% of the time, makes much more sense, to me, and to the world at large…. In the case with which we are confronted today, this means new formats for pearls, and maybe other changes, as well…. who knows? I’m in an odd frame of mind today, feeling somewhat crusty and perverse, so just about ANYTHING COULD happen…. we’ll see how it goes….

In the meantime, below, I have put a small group of links, to various articles at news outlets around the web…. I’ve gathered them from a wider array of sources today, with three world-class news organizations represented…. Presenting their versions of the day’s news, crazy as it may be, we find articles from SFGATE (part of the SF Chronicle organization), from the New York Times, and from the British tabloid, the Daily Telegraph…. Each article shows us another side of society’s insanity, in short vignettes of human misery, corporate theft, bigotry foiled, government corruption in conjunction with corruption in the courts, and the mad, mad, world of insane dictators…. I’ll make a comment or two, but, these stories show just how crazy things are, without much help needed….

“A professional politician is a professionally dishonorable man.  In order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes indistinguishable from a streetwalker.” — H.L. Mencken

(My first question is, why do they get tax breaks in the first place? Hardship? People don’t get them, especially not if they’re under hardship… Why should they?…. This bank paid less of a percentage of taxes than I did last year, and I’m a disabled retiree, on a fixed income…. What the fuck is up with THAT?…..)

(A narrow escape from reverting to the mid-eighteenth century, back into modern reality, for Arizona….. I guess now they can remain in the 21st century with the rest of us….)

(A politician, even though not one of ours, being tried for corruption? Wow. What a surprise….)

(There isn’t much left to say about Kim Jong Un (if I’ve gotten his name right, it’s a miracle, because I can never remember which of them is which…. I care so little, I’m not even going to check…. ) that hasn’t already been said…. My only question here is, why do the North Koreans allow him to continue to exist?…. Are they ALL that stupid and cowardly? Even the generals, who keep the county under control for him? For goodness sake, it’s as if all the stupidest, most egregiously cowardly people in the world all gathered together, found the absolute dumbest of them, and set him up as their leader….. I swear, if Reality doesn’t step in to rid the world of this idiot soon, I’m going to lose all respect for its judgment….)

(Is it even necessary for me to comment? Obviously, the son got his (nonexistent) sense of compassion, and his minuscule IQ, from his mother….)

Poetry is what it is, and, says what it says; that’s all one needs to know….. because it will teach you the rest…..

Death Alone

There are lone cemeteries,
tombs full of soundless bones,
the heart threading a tunnel,
a dark, dark tunnel :
like a wreck we die to the very core,
as if drowning at the heart
or collapsing inwards from skin to soul.

There are corpses,
clammy slabs for feet,
there is death in the bones,
like a pure sound,
a bark without its dog,
out of certain bells, certain tombs
swelling in this humidity like lament or rain.

I see, when alone at times,
coffins under sail
setting out with the pale dead, women in their dead braids,
bakers as white as angels,
thoughtful girls married to notaries,
coffins ascending the vertical river of the dead,
the wine-dark river to its source,
with their sails swollen with the sound of death,
filled with the silent noise of death.

Death is drawn to sound
like a slipper without a foot, a suit without its wearer,
comes to knock with a ring, stoneless and fingerless,
comes to shout without a mouth, a tongue, without a throat.
Nevertheless its footsteps sound
and its clothes echo, hushed like a tree.

I do not know, I am ignorant, I hardly see
but it seems to me that its song has the colour of wet violets,
violets well used to the earth,
since the face of death is green,
and the gaze of death green
with the etched moisture of a violet’s leaf
and its grave colour of exasperated winter.

But death goes about the earth also, riding a broom
lapping the ground in search of the dead –
death is in the broom,
it is the tongue of death looking for the dead,
the needle of death looking for the thread.

Death lies in our beds :
in the lazy mattresses, the black blankets,
lives a full stretch and then suddenly blows,
blows sound unknown filling out the sheets
and there are beds sailing into a harbour
where death is waiting, dressed as an admiral.

~~ Pablo Neruda ~~


Thus far today, I’ve composed very little real material…. most of what has been written has been commenting on the work of others, or filling in space that looks empty to me. I am not going to rant, and I don’t have a poem currently threatening to bleed out,…. So…. the only choice left for me, as is patently obvious, is an old-school pearl, with a point yet to be determined, probably at the whim of Smart Bee, as my own reserves of creativity seem to be a bit low, if not yet bone dry…. Since we are sans other choices, shall we go for a dive?….. No, please, after you…. No, really, go ahead…. No, I don’t mind at all, go ahead…. Get down there and dive, dammit!….

“Actions lie louder than words.” — Carolyn Wells

“These are the days when men of all social disciplines and all political faiths seek the comfortable and the accepted; when the man of controversy is looked upon as a disturbing influence; when originality is taken to be a mark of instability; and when, in minor modification of the scriptural parable, the bland lead the bland.” — John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 – )

“Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference, which is an elegant name for ignorance.” — G. K. Chesterton, The Speaker, 12/15/00

“We’re marketeers, so truth is kind of a nebulous concept to us.” — Ray Scott, DEC field marketing rep

(Sorry, have to comment here…. This attitude about the truth is one that I believe has permeated just about every level of the society in which we exist today…. which makes it really hard to trust ANYONE…. But, most especially, it makes me VERY CAREFUL about trusting anyone who is trying to either sell me something, or get me to believe something, because this concept of “I, and what I want, come first, before truth, before compassion, before virtue of any kind, before anything else….” is one that just about everyone in the world has adopted, even if only to a small degree…. It is an example of how a certain behavior is made to be acceptable because the leaders of society engage in it….. not because it is virtuous, or right, but, only because it is expedient, and convenient to them….. My uncle used to call it “Me Firsterism”, which described it pretty well, I thought ….)

“A soldier told Pelopidas, “We are fallen among the enemies.” Said he, “How are we fallen among them more than they among us?” — Plutarch (46-120 AD) — Pelopidas

“Don’t believe them, don’t believe them, question everything you’re told.” — Smart Bee

“Do I have a lifestyle yet?” — Zippy the Pinhead

Sorry about the little mini-rant in the middle there…. sometimes it just comes out before I can stop my fingers on the keyboard, y’know?…..

If the last line from Zippy made the point too broad for y’all, me apologia…. and, too bad, because, hey! Look! It’s done…. and we KNOW what that means around here, don’t we?…. Well, I do….. See y’all tomorrow, ffolkes….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest  Carole, Mark, and Theresa…
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid the dubious


Sparky was filing his teeth when he exploded….

Once again, fear strikes deep into my soul, faced as I am with a blank sheet of paper and an empty mind. That’s figuratively speaking, of course, as we’ve progressed beyond the paper stage, so it’s actually a blank white screen I’m looking at…. The mind remains empty, alas, and the fear grows….. Well, literal or figurative, we’ve got some issues to deal with, so, I’d likely do well to follow my usual policy in such cases, and go take a break now…. I’ll be right back….

In the usual state of affairs around here in the morning, such a break would solve any difficulties I am encountering in getting started, but today seems to be resisting normality a bit more than is standard. Of course, ‘normality’ is rather scarce here anyway….. The paper/screen is now a bit less blank, thanks to my gift for producing something from nothing, but still with no indications of anywhere brilliant to head off to…. I’m going to have to figure something out here pretty quick, as we’re now two paragraphs in, and still not a single clean idea, or literary device, to be seen…. The brain cops are going to want me to move along soon, so let’s try this….

Howdy, ffolkes! How are y’all this fine morning? It’s 0458 here in Northern California, and I’m once again up, eyes wide open, and rarin’ to get going on today’s Pearl, having already had coffee and a session of worship at the porcelain throne! Why I am up at this hour remains a mystery, but, since I’ve been arising at 0400-0500 now for the last six days or so, I suppose I have to accept that arising at this insane hour is becoming a new routine, that my brain has decided upon without any input from my conscious mind. I’ve tentatively come to terms with it, as I don’t seem to be able to sleep past those hours, no matter when I crash….

But, that’s okay! I’m fine! I’m happy! I’m absolutely fucking crazy!…… Well, maybe not quite that far yet, but, if this keeps up, it won’t be long before that latter statement becomes reality….. Come to think of it, though, maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing….. If nothing else, it might give me a whole new set of ideas for intro sections, coming at the issue from a totally new, and unpredictable direction every day! Hmm…. well, for now, I’ll keep total insanity in reserve, as a backup procedure, such as I had to use yesterday, when it was necessary to break down and use Emergency Procedure #4….. I think I’ll call this one the Bell Jar Procedure, in honor of Sylvia Plath….

And, see, it works….. or, rather, it worked today…. Without having to actually go totally batshit crazy, and without actually having to write anything particularly coherent, or sensible, I’ve completed a five-paragraph-intro….. without you ever noticing what I was doing! Amazing, eh? And so creative! And, if I keep on with the exclamations, and the back-patting, I’m going to hurt myself, so, maybe we’d best get on with the rest of today’s effort….. Shall we Pearl?…..

“I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.” — Steven Wright

“How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but it takes a really long time and the light bulb has to want to change.” — Smart Bee

Boy, if it wasn’t for the power of metaphor, I would be lost!….. This statement, though presented in a manner that makes it obviously a joke, is actually quite serious in its relevance to sanity, psychiatry, and how the mind works, in general. I worked for many years in the field of mental health care, as a therapist, and I can tell you quite honestly, that this is absolutely true, in many cases of what the rest of society terms insanity….. a word, and a concept, that most of society avoids at all costs, and completely misunderstands, for the most part…. You see, every person who lives in this society on Earth today is just a little insane, with some of them reaching higher levels through their own efforts to excel…… 🙂   Society itself is insane, you see, and one needs to be the same in order to effectively cope….

It may surprise some ffolkes to know that they are insane; I know it surprised me when I first became aware of this fact. We all go through our lives with a certain image of ourselves, and very rarely does that image in our minds look insane. But, let me assure you, there really isn’t any visible way to be able to tell if a person is insane, as it is completely invisible, under most circumstances, as long as the person isn’t speaking, or acting in some way that provides a clue as to their inner state of mind. Even for those of us trained in recognizing its presence, through the use of observation of other defining characteristics, there is no guaranteed method for spotting someone with a mental condition, unless they give it to you up front by acting out in some overt fashion.

Sure, there are tells, as a gambler would say…. When one eye is happily spinning in the opposite direction as the other, it’s a pretty good sign of some inner turmoil…. Pacing and mumbling to oneself, back and forth in a small area, while ignoring all around them, can be another dead giveaway of someone who is experiencing a few extra perceptions in comparison to the rest of us. Sometimes, really bad grooming can be a sign that the person’s mind isn’t focused on how they affect others, and staring at a wall, holding what appears to be a conversation with oneself, can be another indication that not all is well in that person’s world….

But, without some overt signs such as these, you just can’t spot mental illness, and it is extra hard to see it in one’s own image, since we tend to clean that up before we look at it, or try to share it. And, since EVERYONE ELSE is also insane, at least a little, it can be hard to spot, for the same reason one cow in a herd is hard to pick out. You may have heard the old saw about “one in four people are insane, so if you have three sane friends, it’s you”….. What would be more accurate to say is, “all of you are insane, but three of you are coping well with it in an effective manner, and one isn’t…. ”

It’s helpful to know that the overt signs one may see are indicative of the severity of the condition, i.e., the more acting out one observes, the more severe the break in the mental state. But, that isn’t always accurate, as normally sane folks, acting in the grip of strong emotion, can show the same kind of acting out, with the difference of not having it occur all the time, but only when provoked. Thus, it can be seen, it can be very difficult to judge whether a person is insane, or merely temporarily out of control…..

This is where I bring it all together, by referring back to the original pearl…. Coping with life can drive anyone crazy, and does, every day….. Some  cope with it better than others, and those are the people who are considered to be sane, as they can deal with reality without resorting to outlandish ways of dealing with their fears. Those who cannot find ways of coping with their fears, which arise from what reality gives us to deal with, end up acting in ways that are strange and uncomfortable for the rest of us, and are often dangerous, in a physical sense, for them, and for those around them…..

In all my experience, with every kind of mental illness I saw in almost 30 years working in mental hospitals, the primary characteristic of those who got better, was that they made up their own minds to do so…. That’s it…. Simple as it may seem, deciding to give up the methods they used, and make a change, was always based on a personal decision on their part, and was THE key ingredient in the regime of ideas, medicines, therapies, and treatments used to combat their illness. In other words, it took a long time, and they first had to want to change….. Without that, nothing worked…. It is a well known aphorism among mental health therapists that, “they get better IN SPITE of what we do, not because of it….”

So, if you’re getting worried about your own coping skills, just keep in mind that to remain sane, it means you have to want to do so…. But, that’s all it takes, if your are sincere, for you will do whatever else is needed, once your will power has been engaged…. That’s what people do….

“Great minds think alike, apparently so do we.” — D. Bennett

“Falsely luxurious, will not man awake?” — James Thomson (1700-1748) — The Seasons, Summer, Line 67

In keeping with the tradition established for today, and in honor of yesterday’s romantic events, here is a brilliant poem by someone very familiar with the idea of insanity, as it was her lifelong companion….. Maybe that’s why I feel so connected to her?…..

Mad Girl’s Love Song

“I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

God topples from the sky, hell’s fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan’s men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I fancied you’d return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)”

~~ Sylvia Plath

Brilliant! Absolutely, insanely brilliant!   🙂

“The media are now the tool of tyrants and despots. Tyrants and despots encourage fear, because fearful people will accept extreme political solutions, will demand extreme political solutions.” — Jon Carroll, S. F. Chronicle, January 8, 1997

Jon Carroll, on the political scale, would be considered to be just a bit left of the center, maybe a foot or two, as he tends to side with liberal ideas more than conservative. Over the years, I’ve found his take on life and society to be, most of all, even-handed, and reasonable. He avoids the trap of becoming overly critical of conservative ideas, while at the same time showing absolute fearlessness in addressing difficult questions and issues. As a media member, for him to make this statement was most likely painful, in that he had to admit his own culpability to do so. He does that, quite well, without becoming overly pedantic or shrill about it…. while still nailing the controversial point he is shooting at….

The recent hullabaloo over gun control is a perfect example of the process he describes, in action. Whenever a madman grabs a gun and starts shooting people randomly, or even targeting one group or another, the media immediately descends in hordes on the location of the shooting, giving out endless bulletins with the latest news on the events, interviewing police, victims, bystanders, and pundits to provide “balanced coverage” of events the public “has the right to know”…. regardless of how degrading, or painful, or ignorant, or insane, or stupid it may sound, or how much pain it may cause the victims. No stone is left unturned to examine and evaluate every emotional nuance for the viewing public, without any regard for morality, or justice, and definitely without any regard for compassion, or empathy….

After the event has ended, the media then turns to the “discussion” of the meaning of the events, which means it gives the Beloved Ruling Class a free source of advertisement for its agenda, which, allow me to reassure you, has nothing to do with what may be good for YOU. All the talk you hear from politicians after these shootings is aimed at increasing the fear of the public, to make them believe they are powerless in the face of a madman with a gun, and only if the people will allow ONLY the police and government to have guns, why, everything will be fine, and there would never be any more shootings at public schools…

I’m sorry, but, I’m afraid I can’t buy that…. There are over seven billion people on this planet, and there is nothing at all that is going to prevent some of them from going crazy, getting a gun, (or knife, or poison, or grenade, or dynamite, or…….) and using it on other folks. Believing such nonsense is, I’m sorry, just stupid….. It won’t stop, and there is nothing that will stop it, unless we figure out a way to change human nature…. a quest that, so far, has been completely unsuccessful, and isn’t likely to ever be otherwise….. People have violence in their nature, and thinking that the government, or any other entity, can change that is, well, not too bright….

But, fear is strong in most of society, and those folks have no clue, in general, that they are so easily manipulated. They tend to allow anyone who promises them to stop the fear to tell them what to do, just so they don’t have to think about it, or face it themselves. Governments have known this for centuries; look up Hermann Goering, the Nazi general under Hitler, some time, and see what he had to say about the people, and how their leaders could, and did, make them do whatever they wished, just by fanning their fears….. It’s a practice by no means uncommon among governments throughout history, up to and including the present day version….

Yep, ffolkes, that is indeed what it means…. most people are cowards, plain and simple…. When it comes to their own fears, they won’t do much of anything in the way of conquering those fears themselves…. They would much rather let the politicians promise them to keep the streets safe, if only they will give up the right to defend themselves, or allow a preacher to tell them to submit to earthly authority in order to receive eternal life (Or, in other words, “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today…..” — Wimpy, Popeye’s friend, and metaphorical common man….). The media, whether out of ignorance, or out of deliberate dispassion, will continue to give them a public platform from which to perform their manipulations, and never blink an eye in guilt….

Me? I’ll pass on the hamburger, thanks, and go make sure my powder is dry…..

“I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.” — Ronald W. Reagan

Okay, that will do…. It is barely after 0700, and I’ve proofed once, and buffed a few scuffs so they shine a little…. It will have to do, as I’m not going back and doing it again…. not unless I suffer a power surge that deletes it all, an unlikely event in the face of the precautions I have in place to deal with that possibility….. 🙂  

Nevertheless, precautionary techniques notwithstanding, it’s done…. So be it…. It’s probably a good thing, as I’m getting tired of pretending to be sane, and need to go let it out somewhere…. Oh, wait, that’s what THIS is supposed to do…. Oops…. Well, we’ll just have to hope for the best, I suppose…..  Y’all take care out there, and May the Metaphorse be with you…..

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.



We’ll pick one of the lesser valued artichokes, please….


“All statements contained herein may be accurate, but might also be carefully designed lies intended to induce an angry response.” — Mike Chapman,

I thought you should see this, just so you are aware, it applies here…. There IS a slight problem that is associated with that, which lies in my own  tendency to forget which one is true, or for that matter, which one isn’t true, for both are both true and false, and both are designed to create a response, though anger isn’t always my targeted emotional response…. Just sayin’….. I didn’t wish to make things more muddled than they already are in the natural state for gigoid-ECR, but, it appears that I did, anyway…. Oh well…. Onward….

I find myself at odds this morning, a most complicated affair, given the even nature of the issue. Wait, issue? I didn’t mean to say issue, I meant tissue. Wait, no I didn’t…. Well, this has gone completely to shit, before I even got very far into it. Common sense would dictate just tossing it, applying the delete button, and get on with something new; I’m not a common kind of guy, I guess, because I’m going to try to salvage this paragraph, or at least save the wear and tear on my poor laptop buttons. They’re looking a bit bedraggled, after the 750,000 words I put out last year in Pearls…. the ‘A’ key is now completely blanked out, as are the ‘E’ key, most of the ‘S’ key, and several others showing signs of wear…. not too shabby for an amateur, eh what?

There, saved it….. or saved it from the trash pile, anyway. I won’t comment on the level of expertise it shows, as that would be blowing my own horn. Yeah, yeah, I know, when has that ever stopped me before? Hush, you’re bothering me…. be still, and keep reading, or I’ll report this to the blog police….. Well, I would, if there were any….. It was worth a try, maybe…. It got y’all to quiet down for a moment, didn’t it? Works for me…..

This is rapidly deteriorating, and I don’t seem to have much control over what it is doing, so I’m going to stop trying to amuse myself, and you, any further, and get on with the program. I know there are some delightful pearls out there, just waiting for me to polish them up and set them before swine, er, Gentle Readers….. sorry, no puns intended….. Or implications, either, for that matter…. hey, it’s a JOKE!…. Ah, hell with it…. Shall we Pearl?…..

“Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an art.” — Charles McCabe, San Francisco Chronicle

In one sense, one could say that this is what this blog is all about; the search for artistic value in my expression of opinions on Life, and Reality. I figure it is somewhat like Homer Simpson reportedly said one time, “Facts, schmacts…. you can use them to prove almost anything that is remotely true.” In the case of this being so, what I do here can easily be termed artistic…. as much so as can The Simpsons, that is certain….. I never did watch very much of the show; it reminded me too much of All in the Family, that old sitcom with Archie Bunker, and his poor wife Edith, who week after week consistently made Archie look like the world’s worst actor, by the mere example of grace and dignity in her performances as his oh-so-much more intelligent spouse…..

The character of Archie was, in my opinion (see how that works?….  🙂   ), probably one of two things, each of which could be considered to be the ultimate in their category. Either he was the single most ignorant, bigoted American asshole to ever walk the streets of Laredo, or he was a gruffly compassionate, steadfastly loyal American neighborhood hero, with a hard exterior covering a soft heart. Since I don’t consider Mr. O’Connor, the man who played Archie, to be an actor worthy of the title of thespian, much less hack, I’d say the former comes closer to the truth of the matter.

As such, IMHO, the character enters the arena of national tragedy, and can be seen to be actively toxic mental conditioning by the BRC.  For the entire run of the show, I was appalled at the number of people who expressed not just approval of his character, but applauded its victories over the other actors and the situations they created, no matter how egregiously inhuman…. The whole concept CELEBRATED this man’s consistent stupidity and ignorance, making him into an icon, and never even paying any attention to the real acting going on in the show, by his character’s wife…. I’d say the best acting she did was when she said she enjoyed working with her costar….. If one turns off the sound when she says that, her expression doesn’t match the words…. Her face tells a different story about Archie, and the idiot who played him….

Ah well, such is the public’s taste in such matters, I suppose. The entire phenomenon of that show, and others like it (Sherman Blakesly? Helmsley? something like that, got a chance to play the black Archie on the show, “Movin’ Uptown”, a spinoff of All in the Family), just goes to demonstrate how easy it is to fool the American public. I guess, in looking back on it, it makes the phenomenon we saw in the recent election more understandable, to some degree.

Since seeing the results of the election, I’ve had a hard time with the fact that close to 50 million adult Americans voted for the Republican ticket. When one lists the positions they took on the issues, and compares them with what can be easily seen as the public’s opinions on those issues, the contrast is stark and clear. The GOP had NO areas of concern in their platform that matched what the general public believes; their contact with, and understanding of, the Average American, is so completely out of date, one wonders how they still can find their way around town, as they are using maps of the world that have been out of date for a LONG time….

Yet, 50,000,000….. Fifty. Million. That is a lot of ignorance, or just plain weak spirited complacency, to pile up in one spot, and I’m surprised that the voting machines were able to deal with all of the wishful thinking that attached itself to the ballots. How can there be THAT many people out there who refuse to look at the truth? How can that many people make a decision to ignore the blatant lies, the flip-flopping positions, the outright immoral and unethical views on women, and people of color? How can there be that many STUPID people out there, in MY country, breathing MY air, and spreading their miasma of ignorance and bigotry?

It is appalling to me, to think that there are so many people in this country who can not only be fooled into believing lies, but will willingly join in the persecution and discrimination against others because they are different in some way….. To me, THAT is un-American, and worthy of being labeled as traitorous…..

“Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.” — Smart Bee

I considered for a moment going with Zippy as a closing remark for this subject, but my outrage at the cupidity of the massive number of folks who voted GOP is too strong to ignore. Even though all of the above is probably the equivalent of teaching a pig to sing, I figure it can’t hurt to get it off my chest, at least. It’s as appropriate as the other one I planned to use, which had to do with a comment about that fine day in the future we all know will come, when the Great White Hope will save us from the heathens, and darkies, and gays, and all those scary folks in the world… you know, when pigs fly?….

From, a classic….

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

The free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hill for the caged bird
sings of freedom

The free bird thinks of another breeze
an the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

Maya Angelou

Finding, and creating, pearls as a part of the process for composing Pearls can be a challenging pastime, which is a big part of why I continue to do so after all this time. It is an odd procedure at times, as there is no set of instructions, or rules to go by. As far as possible, I use as little volitional direction as I can get away with, which, I’ve learned, is the best way to keep things fresh. This pearl is a perfect example of that process, though the full concept is a bit nebulous, and a fine way to end today’s effort.

These pearls were collected over the last three days, one at a time, but for the last two, which came together as the ‘coup de grace’ of the whole shebang. Bonus points if you can figure out which two those are, as they are not in the same order as they were found…. Sheesh, that wouldn’t make any sense, would it? No, they’re just as they should be, and should provide, if nothing else, a mild chuckle at life’s little jokes…..

“No one is fit to be trusted with power. … No one. … Any man who has lived at all knows the follies and wickedness he’s capable of. … And if he does know it, he knows also that neither he nor any man ought to be allowed to decide a single human fate.” — C. P. Snow, The Light and the Dark

“For how much longer can I howl into this wind?” — The Cure “A Thousand Hours”

“I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don’t need.” — Francois-Auguste Rodin, — when asked how he managed to make his remarkable statues

“You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” — Jeannette Rankin (1880-1973)

“It is not a bad little planet, if you know the right people.” — Smart Bee

There you have it, another in a long series of obscure jokes from the mind of gigoid, deep within the confines of his maximally labyrinthine patterns of thought, for what the experience is worth….. Abondanza!

Well, it’s another fine mess I’ve created here, Ollie…. I’m thinking I’ll make my getaway while the iron is hot, or something like that….. not to mix my cliches with my metaphors but, a man’s gotta do what he’s gotta do, right? Anything less would be dishonest…. and I’d rather not go there, thanks all the same…..  I’m off into the Big Blue Room…..  Y’all take care out there, and May the Metaphorse be with you…..

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.

