Can you spell ‘balderdash’ boys & girls?….


“Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued.”

~~ Socrates ~~

beagle-2-lander-artist-interpretationEuro-Union Mars Science Lab, Artist’s rendition of post-landing configuration.– from

I’m wondering, if the folks over at Kaiser are feeling a little premonition, a small niggling at the back of the neck, or a vague feeling of uneasiness. If not, they probably should, because I guarantee, they are about to become engulfed in a shit storm. Having reached the end of my patience with the issue they’ve forced upon me, I have consulted the proper authority (Sun Tzu, The Art of War), determined a plan of battle and engaged the first scouts to gather intelligence. Small events have been set in motion, which, combined with the other facets of the plan, will come down on their heads in an avalanche of legal and marginally legal manipulations and court appointments to keep their wolf-pack full of lawyers busy for years to come.

They poked into the wrong beehive this time, picking on a target well able to protect himself from their feeble attempts to control my life, to force me to live according to their perverted version of reality. They will find that to be a decision they will come to regret. I have previously stated my reluctance to suffer the machinations of fools; this is no exception. My father would be disappointed in me if I allowed a soulless corporation to dictate to me how I should live; I have no intention of allowing that to continue, to their everlasting regret.

That being said, perhaps y’all will understand why I am so FUCKING TIRED, of pain, of side effects that bring nothing but misery, of the unending stress; most of all, I’m tired of not sleeping…. go figure. Since Kaiser, along with a group of brainwashed, cowardly physicians, who have surrendered their dignity, and their souls, to keep their jobs, afraid to buck the insane demands of the corporation, lest they lose their place in the insane race to achieve the American Dream, long proven to be an illusion, fostered by the elitists who control the world to maintain the status quo, which favors only them, have decided to fuck with me….. Well, let me just say, I am the wrong choice for them to pull this on….

Whoops…. I’ve done it again, haven’t I? Oh well, chalk it up to being preoccupied with pain, and the cause of the pain. My anger is so large, the universe is full; it’s got to go somewhere, or I will explode, at which time a large number of assholes will begin to disappear from the face of the Earth, continuing to do so as long as I can evade their clutches. I’ve taken all I intend to take, of being treated like a slave, who has no rights, and no power…. I may not have the resources of a world behind me, but, I think they’ll find I am quite able to gather the necessary elements to create more trouble than they’ve ever encountered, and, I am quite familiar with the arts of warfare, having been born a warrior….

I hope against hope it won’t come to pass; unfortunately, it may already be too late. We’ll see how the next day or two goes, then decide, Meanwhile, I’ve completely screwed the pooch with this intro, so, I’ll just use the ever-popular emergency method #4, to ease us down into the next section…. That one goes like this….

Shall we Pearl?

“I’ve learned to accept birth and death… but sometimes I still worry about what lies between.” — Smart Bee


Over the past two days, I’ve been reliving my youth, with cartoons from the Saturday morning lineup I was fond of watching every week. Here is another old friend, Yogi Bear, with his old friends, Boo Boo, and the Park Ranger…. Enjoy!

The New Yogi Bear Show – Grin & Bear It


We the People...

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks.” — Johann L. Uhland (1787-1862) — Speech, May 27, 1836

Zowie! Eureka! I knew I’d heard this somewhere before, but, couldn’t remember the author’s name. In stating this observation, made not long after the US government was formed, the author takes the hand of Thomas Jefferson, who expressed his fear of exactly this happenstance, in numerous letters to friends before, and after, the signing of the Constitution. He recognized the overpowering ambition and thirst for power so obvious in those who embrace it, attempting to warn his fellow citizens, many times….

As is plain to see, nobody paid the slightest attention, whereupon the bankers, in close conjunction with their myrmidons, i.e., the pundits and lawyers, continued to pursue their evil intent, to secure their hold over government, and, thus, society…. They’ve been so successful, we see in today’s world, they control every level of the national scene; witness the number of Republican presidential candidates who have been sucking up to the Koch brothers, and the Citizens United PAC, with their unlimited pile of money, in use in today’s world buying the loyalty of every single politician they can pervert to their insane desire to make the world over in their own image…. It doesn’t seem to matter at all to them that image is a clear, crisp photograph of the worst HELL imaginable, or that it would entail oppressing 99% of the human race….

Why are many scientists using lawyers for medical experiments instead of rats?

 a)  There are more lawyers than rats.

 b)  The scientist’s don’t become as emotionally attached to them.

 c)  There are some things that even rats won’t do for money.

~~ Smart Bee ~~   

Gee, do ya think I’ve lost some of my respect for lawyers, and their second-slimiest clients, the bankers? (First place in my hell is reserved for pimps, and those who abuse women, children, or  animals…. which, of course, lawyers and bankers do by proxy, with their usual complete indifference to the suffering of others….) Why no, of course not. I’ve lost ALL of it, with what I consider damn good reason, based on 64 years of observing the human drama, along with my own personal experience with both categories of asshole…. The only respect for any of them I have, is for those who actually HELP people, without considering what they can get out of it, other than their own satisfaction for helping people find justice, and a reasonable fee for that help, whether the fee is taken in pies & chickens, eternal gratitude, or simply cash….

In keeping with today’s theme of picking on lawyers and bankers, and, to save energy for my upcoming battle, I decided to pick out an old school pearl, aimed at the former, as they’re an easier target, all in all…. They’re just SO…… weaselly! Well, there are some are exceptions, sure, but, the others infest the world so prominently, the good ones are hard to find…. Ah well, here are some observations about them, from Smart Bee, and a number of other people who feel the same as most everybody else, about those lawyers who use their skills to benefit themselves, showing complete indifference as to whether it benefits anyone else….

Liar, n.: A lawyer with a roving commission. — Ambrose Bierce, “The Devil’s Dictionary”

“A group of white South Africans recently killed a black lawyer because he was black. That was wrong. They should have killed him because he was a lawyer.” — A. Whitney Brown

“Always take a lawyer with you, and bring another lawyer to watch him.” — Bo Diddly’s Observation on the Law

“Fleas can be taught nearly everything a lawyer can.” — Smart Bee

“Here’s an amazing story. A man in Orlando, Florida, was hit by eight cars in a row and only one stopped. The first seven drivers thought he was a  lawyer. The eighth was a lawyer.” — Jay Leno

“If a lawyer and an IRS agent were both drowning, and you could only save one of them, would you go to lunch or read the paper?” — Smart Bee

“In a man’s world…simian aptitudes are rated high, and so not too many women get in. To succeed as a lawyer, for example, a woman would have to throttle two of her chief attributes: her disdain for the petty accumulations of useless knowledge, and her sharp feeling for the truth. What men in their imbecility consistently mistake for a deficiency of intelligence in women is merely an incapacity for mastering small and trivial tricks.” — H. L. Mencken, Chicago _Sunday Tribune_, January 8, 1928

“In the Norse mythology Loki originally was on the side of the rest of the gods, helping them once or twice using particularly nasty forms of trickery. He was a cunning negotiator with a talent for technicalities. He was sort of the Norse equivalent of a lawyer, no doubt the reason they tied him down in a pit dripping acidic venom on him.” — Martin Terman

“How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb? You won’t find a lawyer who can change a light bulb. Now, if you’re looking for a lawyer to screw a light bulb… ” — Smart Bee

LAWYER: A professional advocate hired to bend the law on behalf of a paying client; for this reason considered the most suitable background for entry into politics. — Definition from “THE CYNIC’S DICTIONARY”

Needless to say, I could do this forever, no sweat, or guilt; there are already nine pearls, and I’ve only used three of the ten pages of quotes I’ve collected on the subject. But, I suppose there ARE more productive things we could all be doing. This is pretty cool, but, as with all good things, it can’t last forever…. Onward, into the day….

Oh, hell…. Naturally, AFTER I’ve finished, I find the PERFECT pearl for this group. Since we’ve already completed it, I’ll just tack it here on the end, where it will enjoy its highlighted position; I call it perfect because it takes a shot at two categories at once, both of which are current players in my personal drama…. This one tells it like it is, for sure and for certain….

“Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too.” — Anton Chekhov

gigoid has spoken…. So be it.


“But groundless hope, like unconditional love, is the only kind worth having.” — EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow, “Cynthia Horner’s Eulogy”, Apr. 1994

Unsolicited Gratitude

Fear becomes familiar when reality bodes us ill
pain assumes first position, no matter our will.
Powerless, we founder, no strength to prevail
anguished and afraid, against unwanted Fate we rail.

Still, a grain of hope deep inside, hidden well against need
gives us reason to survive, our starving souls to feed.
Failure of courage burdens time, of being bested,
until our souls, in submission, become foully infested.

Bitter tears wash through us each day, with little care,
no thought, no feeling, no wish, or need to be fair.
Rendered clueless, confusion falls upon us, as prey,
we surrender a piece of our soul, little as we may.

Yet, always, a bright beam of hope is seen from afar,
no matter how dreary, or dark, it may seem where we are.
None knows, nor would consent to tell, it seems
from whence it hails, or why it so brightly gleams.

Saving our sanity, absolving our unwanted fears,
dispelling the myths and lies that come with the years.
Each man has known the precious gift that hope may give
And gives glad thanks, as long as he may live.

~~ gigoid ~~


I managed to get a bit more sleep than usual last night; no idea why, as I was mostly uncomfortable all day, & didn’t expect to sleep much at all. Ah well, gift horses, and all that….. I’ll see now if Smart Bee is awake and aware enough to cough up a few pearls; if not, I’ll find a good one in the archives to take up the slack. Let’s see what happens if I give SB a set of weird parameters, eh? See if you can figure out what they were, why don’t you? If naught else, it will get us down the page to the closing section…..

” Never use your thumb for a rule. You’ll either hit it with a hammer or get a splinter in it.” — Uncle Ed’s Rule of Thumb

“It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry.” — Nikolai Gogol  _The Inspector-General_ [1836]

“The laugh of a child will make the holiest day more sacred still.” — Robert G. Ingersoll (American lawyer and orator 1833-1899)

“I exist as I am, that is enough.” — Walt Whitman

“One can endure sorrow alone, but it takes two to be glad.” — Elbert Hubbard

“All men are created unequal.” — Lazarus Long

“Awright, which one of you hid my PENIS ENVY?” — Zippy the Pinhead

Well. Hmm. I think, perhaps, I’ll not comment at all on this one…. We’re done, ffolkes; looking at this pearl tells me, we’re just in time, too….


I did it, against all odds…. not that anyone would have put any money down, anyway. Hell, I wouldn’t have bet on me this morning, and it’s my blog. Oh well, I suppose they can’t all be perfectly okay; with this one, I think I’ll avoid any attempts to categorize or label it, all for the better, I think. In fact, I think I should go now, before I lose it any further….. I’ll see y’all tomorrow, ffolkes, given a rising tide and a bit of luck…..

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
   and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….


Oh, no, not the exotics! What a mess!….


“Between the vision and the act lies the shadow.”

 ~~ T. S. Eliot ~~

flying ferret
From the London Daily Telegraph Animal Pictures of the Year Feature,2014

Thanks to Reality’s insistence on being real, I’m up, but, have started late, having first dealt with one aspect of that Reality which has been a burr under my saddle blanket for weeks. It’s not fixed, but, I’ve fired a warning shot over the bow of my adversary’s ship, so, the real battle should begin sometime later today, when I expect a phone call stimulated by what I’ve written elsewhere. There…. is that obscure enough for you?

I hope so, cuz I’m done with that for now. I am duty-bound to complete this Pearl, so, I have no other choice, according to my own adopted beliefs, than to get on it. How I mean to rescue this intro from the doldrums of real-time BS is unclear just yet, but, no worries, something should occur to me momentarily, as the back burners have been cooking that stew all morning; it may not be delicious, but it will be thoroughly cooked….

Picking a small, yellow flower from a bush, Mirandella absently placed it in her hair, wandering slowly through the forest’s shadow-dappled path, thinking of the night’s dream, which had awakened her, breathless, only to send her flying out of the castle, into the forest, to escape the power of the dream, and how it had made her feel. Her heart, now beating its normal slow, strong rhythm, filled again at the memory of that vision in the night, while she pondered its meaning, so unclear, yet so compelling…. At a sound to her left, she turned…..

What should we add now, eh? Should the noise interrupting Mirandella’s disturbed thoughts be a friend, a lover, a monster? A frog? Or, the Doctor? Any of those might work…. Ah, hell, it’s probably too late, anyway…. I’m already off in another direction in my head, so, we’ll leave Mirandella to her own fate, while we go see what we can find over in this corner of my mind…. In looking again at that first sentence, I might just send this one off to the committee who decides on the yearly Bulwer-Lytton Literary Contest, to see who can write the WORST opening line for a book or story…. It might just have a chance….

Oooh! What’s this? Why, look! It’s a pearl! Pretty shiny, too…. Here, I’ll show it to you….

“It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”

~~ New Testament — Acts ix, 5 ~~

Hmm…. Now, I wonder what SB means by leaving that one out to be found? It’s perfectly cute, of course, but, what the hell does it mean? I mean, it’s a great little summary of my ongoing battle with a soulless corporate entity, (easily recognized as the ‘pricks’ in this statement…), but, Smart Be KNOWS I don’t use the Bible much; it’s so damn ambiguous. I usually find it best to leave it out, as most, if not all of it, was written under the influence of, and ABOUT, the world’s most persistent delusion…. But, since it shines so nicely, even considering the source, we’ll let it stay….

Especially since it used up enough room to call this a legal document…. We’ll take the next available exit to the pearl beds, and consider ourselves lucky, on a day when I don’t have a lot of chutzpah…. Hang on for moment, ffolkes, it could get bumpy….

Shall we Pearl?

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars…” — Jack Kerouac, “On the Road”


It’s tough on a day like today, when vertigo, tardive dyskinesia, and pain are competing for attention all at once; it’s a tough battle, which nobody wins, least of all, me…. But, that’s neither here nor there; it just is. It has complicated this process, however, as I’m having a tough time figuring out what would be fun…. You see, right now, nothing much I can think of fits that description, at least, not for me…. But, I  know…. I’ll retreat into the past, with a bit of indulgence for my hebephrenic urges…. If the word is unfamiliar, well, look it up, and you’ll understand…. I hope. If not, well, look at it again, then it will hit you….

The summer of 1967, for me, was one of budding independence. I left my parents home to go stay at my sister’s house, in the Los Angeles suburbs, where I got a summer job, driving an ice cream truck. I grew my first whiskers, in the only place I could, my chin, a nice little fuzzy rug I called a goatee, and, with my surfer-boy’s haircut, I looked much like a current TV character, Maynard G. Krebs, from the show you will see today…. Maynard was a beatnik, the precursor and role model for all future hippies, and I loved that summer, if for no other reason than acquiring the nickname of “Maynard” to all the young ladies on my ice cream route…. SIGH…. good memories… Enjoy, ffolkes, these two characters, Dobie, and Maynard, formed a large part of the cultural influence which molded my own persona….. Deep stuff for a fluff TV show, eh?….

Dobie Gillis: Maynard Joins the Army


“Either CONFESS now or we go to “PEOPLE’S COURT”!!”

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

Goerring sez

    Ukraine. France. Saudi Arabia. Syria. India. Iraq. Afghanistan. Pakistan. China. Turkey. United Kingdom. USA. Several African nations, including Egypt, Uganda, Zaire, the Congo, South Africa, and others.

In the past month or so, certainly in the past year, we have heard of some sort of terrorist event, whether a suicide bomb, mass shooting, abduction, plot of genocidal poisoning, threats of harm to both innocents and those in the public eye, or computer hacking, taking place in all of the listed countries. I am sure, there are, no doubt, others we either did not hear of, or I missed in my recollection, as these are all the ones I remember from the mainstream news…. Head over to one of the alternative news sites, and there are even more examples of the insanity of hatred and violence taking place in the world today….

In the last three years, I’ve ranted about various aspects of this issue, identifying the part played by government pundits, as identified above so arrogantly by Herr Goerring…..

I’ve ranted about religion, as epitomized by the violence displayed by the fundamentalists of every organized religion of the world, not merely those of Islam. The slavish encouragement of the Christians, and all other organized scams of their ilk, to obey temporal authority, in return for the illusory promise of immortality in another life, as well as the brainwashing of the public to accept clerical authority, while encouraging elitism, divisiveness, ignorance and bigotry among the various sects of the followers of the various gods, are primary factors in our species’ inability to ever achieve any real stability…. For example, here is another graphic aid to highlight one of the ways churches, and religion in general, have oppressed half of mankind for millennia….

jimmy sez

    In addition, and in truth, religions also are responsible for molding the mindset of the young, to believe completely false information, encouraging them to use it as the basis for their entire philosophy of social behavior, thus ensuring the different ideologies will forever remain separate, believing the lie that they are all ‘different’ from each other in some fundamental way, rather than merely differing in the size, shape, and spelling of the name of their own particular supernatural best friend…. Perhaps, this will make clear how such organizations work, by using the very structure of our family to create bigotry; it exposes the dark metaphoric meaning behind a great many childhood rhymes, which teach people to hate before they can think for themselves….

“Father, Mother, and Me,
Sister and Auntie say
All the people like us are We,
And every one else is They.”

~~ Rudyard Kipling, “We and They” ~~

Most tellingly, I believe, I have ranted in recognition of the basic flaw in human nature shared by all of us, acknowledging the part we all have played in allowing things to get this point…. What do I mean by that? Well, this should make it plain, just as it has every time I’ve posted it….

Albert E & true sin

    The world, it seems to me, has reached this point simply because virtue is gone; few people today can even tell you what a virtue might be, for the common man is not encouraged to think in those ways. Children are not taught how to live, or to learn; they are taught how to survive, in a world that cares nothing for them, by the simple expedient of allowing them to grow up without ever learning how to use the native intelligence they possess, learning rather to allow others to tell them what they should believe, and how they should act, without ever examining what they are told for truth, or for any benefit to their own life; learning to help others isn’t even considered…. They are taught to lie, to cheat, to take care of number one, thus disconnecting them from their own humanity, which can only achieve its potential in relation to the rest of the species…. In short, they never even understand they live their entire lives as slaves….

I have witnessed this for all of my life. I grew up in hope, of a world where what I believed to be the American Dream not only had a chance of becoming reality, but, could be achieved by virtuous intent, and right action. Little did I know the “Dream” was merely a public relations term, used as a sop to those who want to believe it is possible, when, in reality, it has had no real chance of existence since soon after the ink dried on the US Constitution…. The powerful people behind the political scenes, the bankers, and oligarchs who have always influenced the rest of society to their own ends, began immediately to usurp the democratic process, right from the start, culminating in the Federal Court decision in the mid-nineteenth century which laid the legal basis for defining corporations as “people” according to the law, giving them rights even flesh and blood people do not possess…

Funny thing about people, though. When they do figure out what is going on, they have a tendency to act, and quickly, without apparent thought, though it may have been present during the stimulation toward action…. What’s more, the people who oppress others never seem to realize that all creatures have a limit to what they will endure without resistance; those who endure the most will act the quickest, and the most violently, to remove the source of that which has given them reason to remember their own honor…. I’m not the first to say this, by the way; other patriots before me saw what is happening, and were in a position to voice their opinions for posterity, to wit:

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those of us who profess to favor freedom yet depreciate agitation are men who want the crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…This struggle may be a moral one or a physical one, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without demand. It never has and never will. Show me the exact amount of wrong and injustices that are visited upon a person and I will show you the exact amount of words endured by these people. These wrongs and injustices may be fought with words or with blows or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppose.” — Frederick Douglass (1817-1895), Letter to Gerrit Smith [March 30, 1849]

I’ve been, essentially, a historian for most of my life, patiently observing the antics of my fellow humans, as we all make our way through this confusing universe, while also reading, a lot, of how previous versions of our culture, and those of the entire world, have had their records passed to us, to aid us in our journey, by giving us the details of what has gone before, in all of its glorious, yet venal reality….

I’ve seen how mankind has evolved, both physically, mentally, and culturally, throughout the millennia for which we have written records, as well as the records of those who have investigated the universe, and our world, regarding the nature of things in the time before our species reached the point of self-awareness, sufficiently to have created a means of passing information from one generation to the next.

The most generous comment I can think to make regarding today’s culture, and the danger of extinction to which we have allowed ourselves to be led, is a line from a song of my youth, by a musical group who were the very incarnation of the cultural mood of that time, the Grateful Dead… In one of the iconic statements of the period of history in this country which, to those with the wit to see, heralded the state of the world today, they sang, aptly enough, in slightly off-key four-part harmony:

“What a long, strange trip it’s been!”

~~ Hunter, Garcia, Lesh, and Weir ~~

All of my years of study of the human condition can find no more cogent statement to try to make any difference in what I see taking place today. Since it’s just depressing to think about, let’s go on, shall we? Better than moping here, where we can do no good, though we do no more harm than is ever done by inaction…. Considering how inaction, due to either deliberate ignorance, or worse, indifference, seems to be the underlying factor which has brought us to this point, that will be quite sufficient….


I’ve felt so much….. everything, I must let some of it out…. I am still unsure how this turned out; having just allowed it to leak from the vein I opened, it’s still pretty raw…. In the future, you may see a different, improved version; for now, this will do, as it let off a bunch of pressure, at least for the moment…. I hope you enjoy it…

gigoid’s lament

Not a bit of all the pain I feel
is worse than all I see;
all worldly truth, solid and real,
has faded away, never to be free.

Honor stripped of all regard,
while compassion simply fails;
 Ignorance , powerful, hard,
crows as reason wails.

Crushing resistance, mandating the vote,
selling illusion, smiling all the while.
Pundits, speaking purely by rote,
arrange all the lies in a tidy pile.

Stupidity ’tis said, is a risky choice;
the price is always the same.
Reality has no pity, no warning ever voiced,
only a gravestone, carved with, our name.
~~ gigoid ~~


I cannot say for certain what parameters were used to pick out this pearl; I forgot to check beforehand, and, Smart Bee jumped out with them so quickly, I didn’t have time to write it down…. I don’t believe, after looking it over, there will be any problem, anyway; this one pretty much speaks for itself, though one must, I think, be able to be fairly subtle to find the way to the correct conclusion…. That’s not a problem, either, because, we all know these pearls are designed, and constructed with that very ambivalence in mind, such that any conclusion you come to can be the right one…. This one definitely makes that grade…. They’re all so short, this won’t take long, unless you go off on a side trip, into each one’s implications ….

“Time is breath – try to understand this.” — Gurdjieff

“Few people have the imagination for reality.” — Goethe

“The brooks sing carols and glees to the spring.” — Thoreau

“Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse.” — Lily Tomlin

“Hope is very dangerous….” — Servalan

“Never hold a grudge.” — Noah Moore, (1994-2011)

“A mind content both crown and kingdom is.” — Greene


It may just be me, but, from what I can tell, this process seems to be working fairly well…. Of course, that is probably wishful thinking on my part, but, hey, nothing new there, right? Right. On that note, and in appreciation for your kind attention once more, I will take my leave. See y’all tomorrow, ffolkes, if the men in the white coats, with the leather restraints, have been successfully beaten back…. Ta, then….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
   and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….