Come, now, Malcolm….. budgies?…..


“Fear: False Expectations About Reality.”

~~ Smart Bee ~~

blowing-soap-bubbles-in-cold-weather-by-cheryl-johnson-2Image by Cheryl Johnson

    “Don’t lie to me, Billy.”
“Honest, Boss, I’d never do that! It’s what I saw!”
“You’re positive?”
“Yessir. I saw them, just like I told you!”
“Hmm. This could be serious. Send in my secretary on your way out.” As Billy turned to leave, a light lit up on one of the three telephones. The Boss snatched it up, barking into the mouthpiece, “What!”. As he listened, all the color drained from his face, with sweat appearing on his bald head. His secretary, entering with a steno pad, stopped to stare; the Boss was scared! She’d never seen such stark terror on a human face. As she paused, confused, he spoke again into the phone, in a voice dripping with fear, “Call my lawyer, and send a car around!” He turned to the secretary, with a face frozen in terror, to say, “Miss Freestone, bring me my monkey….”

Well, I think that will be quite enough of that…. I thought at first it might get somewhere, but, it sort of petered out there in the middle, not to mention the odd left turn at the end…. Oh well, it’s as good a way as any to test my typing, and, hell, it’s not totally useless; it got us started, right? Well, if one has no particular standards, it works, so, it’ll do just fine for this blog. We are justifiably proud of our amorphous nature, and wouldn’t have it any other way…..

Unless, of course, it would give me a method of introducing each day’s post, without straining what little creativity is lodged in my grey matter. It’s (my creativity) hard enough to find, much less persuade it to actually function normally, or even abnormally, a which is, at least, minimally possible. Asking it to do so on a daily basis would, no doubt, send it right into therapy, or a coma, whichever came first…. I’ve seen it happen, and, though it’s not actually painless, it’s not something I like to experience often….

Now I’ve slipped into the mire, in a manner of speaking, we’ll take our leave of the initial section, gladly, as always. I don’t know why, but, this section seems to give me more trouble than any other…. Even the video section doesn’t hassle me like this…. Ah well, such is life, and we’re trying to live up to our resolution to whine less often…. Let’s just take the opening now coming into view ahead, and be done with it. If y’all would kindly put down your beverages, buckle up, and smile into the camera, we’ll ease through the rather narrow opening, and be ready for our dive….. One, two, jump!….

Shall we Pearl?

“Reality is a sandwich I did not order.” — Zippy the Pinhead


The condition of the world today calls for a bit of light entertainment today, as contrast to the huge load of CRAP we are being subjected to in the daily news…. Here is another blast from our cultural past, with a cartoon that shaped the minds of millions of American children…. I give you, season 1 of our old companions, who taught us so well how to be Americans…. in a manner of speaking….

Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends


“A multitude of laws in a country is like a great number of physicians, a sign of weakness and malady.”

~~ Voltaire ~~


“Whether you have an abortion, what you put in your own body, with whom you have sex – these are not the affairs of the state.  A government does not exist to control the citizens.  When it does, it is a tyranny, and must be fought.  The tree of liberty, Jefferson warned us, must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots.” — Gore Vidal

Personally, I think it’s time to clean house: I think Tom would agree, don’t you? Else, the Tree, which we have been entrusted to nourish, by rote of legacy, is under continual attack by tyrants, who would have us believe they are patriots. Those who inhabit the top echelons of our country’s government, the 555 people who get elected to be the responsible parties for our liberties, are completely out of touch with the average citizen, who has not the slightest clue they are being lied to at every turn.

“Ninety-eight percent of the adults in this country are decent,  hard-working, honest Americans.  It’s the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity.  But then–we elected them.” — Lily Tomlin

Consider this well: more than 525 of the above mentioned government officials have a yearly income exceeding a million dollars. The average American’s yearly income is well under one hundred thousand dollars, with the greatest majority making less than 25 thousand a year. Anyone who believes that a group of old, rich, white men (98% of the 555 mentioned…) can possibly have the same agenda as that of the average American is living in a fantasy world, probably without the proper medication…. Or, they have been brainwashed to believe they are SUPPOSED to believe any lies told to them…. I don’t see a lot of middle ground here, ffolkes, it’s a pretty clear situation…. How else to explain 55 MILLION votes for Mitt Romney in 2012, when it was common knowledge, even in his own camp, more than 50% of what he claimed during the campaign was completely false, proven to be a lie….

“For “ignorance is the mother of devotion,” as all the world knows.” — Robert Burton (1577-1640) — The Anatomy of Melancholy, Part iii, Sect. 4, Memb. 1, Subsect. 2

Yet, he came pretty close to being elected; only a few million popular votes separated the winner from the loser…. But, then, it has also been proven that Barry isn’t a slacker when it comes to “shading the truth”, aka, lying…. I would point out his staunch defense of the NSA, wherein numerous statements he’s made re: their activities have been shown to be false. He promised to have the most transparent administration in history; in matter of fact, the only historical record he’s broken in that respect is to have prosecuted more journalists for publishing leaked information than any other administration in history, reportedly by a factor of ten…. His administration has created a fear of publishing the truth among journalists that is frightening to consider….

“Amazing how mad some people get when someone makes them think.” — Smart Bee

Yet when any of the above is pointed out to the average voter, they become righteously offended, not wishing to admit, to themselves, or anyone else, the depths of their own foolish gullibility; so, they remain silent, thus giving their tacit approval, while perpetuating the covert mind control applied so skillfully by those who manipulate the media even more than they do the public….. It is hard to make coherent, competent decisions when one cannot trust ANY of the sources of information one is supposed to trust…. The natural result? People simply don’t question any of it very often; it’s much too hard to think about the humiliation of being a slave, when one is busy BEING a slave…. just the way the rich old assholes want them to be….

“The history of most countries has been that of majorities – mounted majorities, clad in iron, armed with death, treading down the tenfold more numerous minorities.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes poet, novelist, physician 1809-1894

In today’s world, the “majorities” of whom Dr. Holmes speaks wear badges, or camouflage clothing, can be identified easily, marked as they are by a martial attitude of aggression in place of compassion, or even diplomacy, adopting the role of prison guard in lieu of that of a public servant. The military is used as an arm of the business interests of the elite, sent around the world wherever money needs protection, under the guise of “spreading democracy to the unenlightened”, or, “fighting injustice and terror at its roots, protecting those at home”. There is no mention of the terror and injustice our troops are consistently guilty of bringing with them, or any acknowledgment of our government’s habit of bombing the crap out of innocent bystanders to enforce its political ends, is one of the worst examples of terrorism the world has ever seen…

At home, the police, armed with the excess military armor and weaponry so conveniently “over-stocked” by their comrades in the military, seemingly prepares for revolution among the masses, with draconian legislatures passing laws making protest a crime, (specifically prohibited in the Constitution, but, apparently, there are ways around that silly old document…. the Homeland Security Act being one of them….), enjoying immunity for violations of the rights of citizens, protected by the laws passed by their masters, the legislators and monied classes, whose property they are sworn to protect from the depredations of vandals, er, unpropertied citizens. Is it any wonder the monied elite are showing their teeth more? I have a feeling they’re getting a bit worried they might have gone too far….

I hope so, because a revolution, which, after all, merely means “change”, is WAY overdue in this country…. Tom Jefferson stated on more than one occasion his belief no nation should be long without one, lest it become complacent, which he knew to be a sure path to the loss of those freedoms he and his compatriots fought so hard to secure…. We, as American citizens, owe it to Tom, and George, (both of them, Washington and Mason), Tom Paine, Patrick Henry, and all the others who gave their all for you, and me, to educate ourselves, to know our rights, to fight for them….

It is the duty of every American citizen, to speak out against those who would in any way try to harm the Tree of Liberty, whether by direct attack, or, the way it has been done, slyly, patiently, cowardly, from within, using lies and money to corrupt…. until today, when virtually every one of those freedoms listed in the original Bill of Rights has been “amended”, or “suspended”, “for the good of the nation”…. It is time to stand up for this country, & take it back from the bankers, the pundits, the preachers, the gangsters, and the myrmidons, none of whom have any interest at all in anything but securing their own power over others, no matter who gets in their way….

gigoid has spoken…..

“What experience and history teach is this – that nations and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have drawn from it.” — Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, “Philosophy and History”


Some might think I am an egotist, for using my own poetry so often…. Nope, though I will admit to having an ego; I’ll also admit it’s not tiny. But, most of the time, I put one of mine here just because I’m A) lazy, B) late, or C) trying to be polite, by not bringing any one else’s name and reputation into play where there is a chance of a poor reception… In short, to save them from being blamed for any of what goes on here, by association….. This one is also one I’m proud of, if only for the last line…. Besides, how many writers do you know who can cram the word “stentorian” into a poem, eh?….

Dreaming of Calliope

La belle dame sans merci speaks aloud through endless night,
torturing dreams, with powerful words and stentorian phrases.
Manifest visions bathed in unbearable grace and light,
destroying all direction, standing lost, in unfathomable mazes.

Fate plays a part, one that will never face denial,
as fear and courage eternally vie for ascendancy.
Conflict becomes valid, gifting strength in open trial,
but honest emotion wears no costume so fancy.

Blood, sweat, and tears stroll on avenues of gold,
unlikely heroines heralding as in ancient lore;
Sharp, competent knives cut through tales untold,
eternally shifting reality past the naked shore.

Drifting toward origin, bereft of mandate or cause,
finished, nay, abandoned, tied with a figurative bow.
No simple gift from muses to give comfort or pause,
save that all we need to know, we already know…..

~~ gigoid ~~


My sleep pattern is once again on the fritz, so, we’re going to the archives for today’s old school pearl…. I don’t often do so, but, today, we’re settling, inasmuch as it is the most expedient method of achieving our ends…. truly, an American thing to do, wouldn’t you agree?….

From 10/28/2013:

Without even having to look, I know this is already nearing the point of the largest Pearl ever created on this blog; I must have buried more material in my brain while I was off cruising than I had imagined, because it’s all spilling out now,,, Ah well, it’s all been quite cathartic, so I’ll just make a last, quick, old-school group of pearls to make up the last pearl for today…. Enjoy, as we see what comes up on the Wheel of Philosophy, as interpreted by gigoid’s complex set of non-rules….

“No man is happy who does not think himself so.” — Publius Syrus (42 BC) — Maxim 584

“Humans hardly ever learn from the experience of others. They learn – when they do, which isn’t often – on their own, the hard way.” — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

“Heisenberg may have slept here.” — Smart Bee

“War loves to seek its victims in the young.” — Sophocles (496-406 BC) — Scyrii, Frag. 507

“Beginnings and endings are, for the most part, artificial constructs. You say you begin when you are born, but what of those months spent growing in the womb? Endings are hazier still, for further things may occur that extend and enlarge the earlier story. And that is my final sentence on the subject. Or perhaps this one is the final sentence. No, most assuredly what I write now is the final word on the matter. But now that I think upon it, perhaps this….” — The Teachings of Ebenezum, Vol. LVII (Abridged)

20. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. — Instructions for life

“I know things about TROY DONAHUE that can’t even be PRINTED!!” — Zippy the Pinhead


Well, that’s that. I don’t even have the time, or the inclination, to do much proofing, so, if there are errors, so be it. I’ll see y’all tomorrow, ffolkes, provided my mood improves…. feeling a bit curmudgeonly today….. Ta, then….

Y’all take care out there,
and May the Metaphorse be with you;
Blessed Be, dearest Carole, Mark,Theresa, & Richy
and everyone else, too…

When I works, I works hard.
When I sits, I sits loose.
When I thinks, I falls asleep.

Which is Why….

Sometimes I sits and thinks,
   and sometimes,
I just sits.

gigoid, the dubious


“SCRAM!!!!!!!!!!”- Oscar the Grouch


À bientôt, mon cherí….